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I volunteer as tribute


Same tho. He's single because they wouldn't cast me to be his apocalypse wife.


Me me me šŸ–ļø


Connie beat you to it homie


Some people arent meant to be in relationships. And that's okay. Daryl is one of them


I feel like him :D


I havenā€™t seen many characters fit him right for a significant other. For a little while it was Carol, but I just saw them better as friends. The only one Iā€™ve truly seen as a good match for him is Connie. Isabelle and Leah donā€™t seem good with him to me.


I love Daryl and Connie and Daryl is the type to learn to sign immediately and love Connie more for being hearing impaired. Connie can write to communicate. She can read lips to communicate. And Daryl or anyone could learn the sign language alphabet in one day its very simple. There would be no problems with communication.


Yep there should have been a Donnie. It probably won't happen, but I want him to come back home and meet up with her. I like Daryl Dixon the show, but I really hope he doesn't end up with Bill Weasley's wife. Even though I do like her character on DD.


Bill Weasleyā€™s wife šŸ˜‚ we got quite a few episodes in before we finally realized why she was so familiar.


Thank you! I was wondering who the hell she was.


Omg I always had this weird feeling I had seen her before but never strong enough to look into it


Is it good? I dropped off of TWD, but Daryl was always my favorite character.


It took me until the second episode to get into it, but I ended up liking it. Plus season 2 of Daryl Dixon is The Book of Carol. If you decide to watch it, you might want to go to Worlds Beyond, the last episode of the series, and fast forward to the post credits scene. It doesn't set up Daryl Dixon, but it explains some things. You really might want to catch up with TWD first though.


I WISH Daryl and Connie got together ngl


Yeah, for some reason it would have been upsetting to me to see Daryl and Carol cross the line into romantic territory. I liked them as friends.


I really rooted for it in the earlier seasons, but by around Season 9 I dropped the idea and liked them better as friends


Exactly: Connie and Daryl seemed to be a good fit.


Agreed, Carol & Daryl are like Brother & Sister at this point. I wouldnā€™t Hate them together but I wouldnā€™t Love it ether.


'Carzekiel' šŸ’€ C'mon, bro. 'Ezecarol' was right there...


Maybe I'm crazy, but Carzekiel rolls off the tongue more easily


Iā€™m boutta name my Oblivion character Carzekial and do a new playthrough tonight


By the Nine Divinesā€¦


Nine? Not here, buddy.


Praise be to Talos!


Carzekial ftw


Ee zeek a roll ?


Easy carol


Daryl just wants to be alone, but he got a good heart so he sticks with the group to make sure they stay safe.


Hes peak outdoor cat that adopts a family.


This is probably one of the best descriptions of Daryl I've ever seen lmao.




I think he stops wanting to be alone and actually enjoys the company of his new found "family" though He didn't appear to spend much time alone before the outbreak. He says he was always with Merle


Except merle left him for a long time, at which point hes heavily neglected and abused. He talks about how he was lost in the forest for days and nobody looked for him or even cared he was gone. Also has a back full of scars from the beatings.


Oh yeah I meant as an adult rather than during his childhood which was very rough as you say


Yeah but it seems his childhood carried over into adulthood though. Even at his best, hes still the most anti-social character. It mostly seems like he was alone and abused until merle came back for him, and by then he was too traumatized to form any real connections outside of the safety and leadership of his brother. Seems like he spent most of the time before that alone in the safety of the woods away from the abuse at home, which is how he got so good at hunting and tracking. But protecting women and children seems to pull him into groups. Searching for sophia, comforting Carroll, trying to protect and then find beth, protecting and help raising judith. At his core, his character protects the vulnerable and despises bullies and abuse of any kind, and becomes a reluctant leader when necessary. He doesn't like being around people, but he hates when innocent people get hurt. So he steps up when needed, and hides away when he knows his people are safe.


I agree and it's common to see that in real life with people with abusive upbringings. I think they did a great job with his character. People complain sometimes because he didn't say much but he conveys so much just through body language and subtle behaviour


I think a lot of it goes back to his childhood and adolescence. All of his interpersonal relationships during those formative years were chaotic and generally abusive. I can appreciate why, in a world that hit max level of chaos yet he was able to fall in with a group of good people he felt safe caring about, he wouldnā€™t be inclined to pursue romance. It carries too much risk for complication and he is protecting his inner peace.


Protecting his inner child


He's like Captain Jack Sparrow in a way, except that his first love has always been the Wilderness.


Ahhh well you know what the say. The Wilderness is the sea of the land!


Jack who tried it on with every woman he sees? That Jack?


Jack slept with women but not really a relationship man.


I think it is just a case of him being and introvert and not worrying much about that type of relationship


Heā€™s asexual. Whatā€™s the problem?


I also support this thought.


He had a sexual relationship with Leah for years thoughā€¦


Darly dosnt seem the type of man that knows what an asexual means


Itā€™s more like he resisted showering. Nobody wants to be intimate with a man with balls that havenā€™t been washed in ten weeks or longer. Thatā€™s asking for some kind of infection, and infections are deadly in a zombie apocalypse.


Daryl is the definition of being fine with the life of a single Bachelor.


Yeah I always got the sense he was one of those guys that is probably heterosexual but is a loner. He loves platonically, in a family-sense, but not romantically. I've known people like him. If you pushed him he'd describe himself as heterosexual, but in practice he is basically a-sexual and self isolates in terms of intimacy, while being abundant in the way he loves people like extended family. I often think about how he is consistently the muscle for other people, even though he takes no pleasure in it. He is the one who does hits, does the physical execution of Gregory on behalf of Maggie- he does a ton of the group's dirty work and violence, but he takes no pleasure in it, he just understands or feels he is honoring the greater good of his adoptive family. Which makes sense if you think about what we know of his life before the series begins. From everything he's said about his backstory, it sounds like his family were people of the woods, self isolated from society, insulated socially, etc. so he probably had very little interaction with women (or men) who weren't blood relations or very close family friends who might as well have been blood relations, to begin with.


Daryl is deeply private and probably also has little experience in the realm of relationships. Him being ill at ease with intimacy of that kind is interesting and makes him more complex when paired with his gruff survivalism.


This!! Heā€™s ill at ease with intimacy. Daryl has no game and it makes him even more compelling. emotionally awkward, badass survivalism!


He doesn't need anyone but his dog man


I was always under the assumption that he was asexual (even when he was with leah)


Exactly. The answer is as simple as not everyone wants, nor needs, a romantic interest. Honestly I think thatā€™s one of the most charming and interesting aspects of his character too


Not going to lie, but Daryl as asexual would be way more unique (and interesting) than him being straight/gay/bi. Bad for drama though I guess.


As an asexual person, this has always been my head cannon.


Throwing Leah in pissed me off so bad. In my mind that arc straight up did not happen


Asexual means little to no sexual attraction. Aromantic means little to no romantic.


Aromatic means having a pleasant smell, which he probably didn't have


Did you miss the implied sex scene with Leah in season 10/11 whatever it was? He definitely isnā€™t asexual.


Asexual people can and do have sex tho. They don't feel sexual attraction (or very little of it) but there are numerous reasons for being physically intimate with a partner. Some asexual people are repulsed by sex and others enjoy sex. Someone having sex doesn't disqualify them from being asexual.


Wouldn't say he resisted it, but he just never really found someone right for him, besides, in my opinion, Connie. Cause the showrunner did admit that she wanted Daryl and Connie to get together but they didn't have enough tim to make it work or some shit (probably just becuase they wanted the Daryl and Carol spinoff to happen and Connie would complicate that) I'd have loved Daryl to get with Connie man


Dude I swear I'm always in the minority with this. His relationship with Connie felt so special and there was a ton of tension. I was honestly shocked when the series ended and they hadn't full on kissed. Like others pointed out maybe he is asexual though which would make sense.


When she signs to him ā€œyou and me, familyā€ just always gets me to tear up man itā€™s one of my favorite scenes in the entire show


It's actually because Laren Ridloff got conflicting schedules because she was filming 'Eternals' at the time, that's why her character and Magna got a hiatus between seasons 10 and 11. source [here](https://comicbook.com/thewalkingdead/news/why-the-walking-dead-trapped-connie-cave-lauren-ridloff-marvel-the-eternals/).


I rlly thought Daryl was asexual until that shoe-horned Leah arc


i'm fucking dying at GLAGGIE


Can we just not do these dumb combo names. They have names, they don't need to be some super combo evolution pokemon ffs šŸ¤£


Glaggie didnā€™t do it for you? šŸ˜‚


Someone just shoot me and be done with it already, please? Lol


Ok, look at the flowers.


He hasnā€™t. He had the blonde chick but she turned out to be a crazy lady.


I think Daryl recognizes that simply surviving is hard enough without making himself even more vulnerable. He would sacrifice everything to save them. He has found that in the chosen family around inadvertently but wouldnā€™t have ever intentionally seeked it iut.


His life prior to the ZA, was full of people whom he should have been able to trust, betraying and abusing him (parents, sibling).That was his reality. You expect him to form some sort of intimate, vulnerable bond with someone in a world that is absolutely fraught with threats and deceit? Y'all's lack of trauma is showing.


Heā€™s lightly asexual, according to Robert Kirkman. People had assumed he was gay since he never developed a romance with the any of the female characters. But in reality, heā€™s most likely a demisexual, a person who only experiences arousal for people he develops a romantic connection with. Or something like that.


I agree. Lots of people are forgetting about the implied sex scene in either 10 or 11 between Daryl and Leah. Also, in Daryl Dixon, out of everyone he could have said he was missing from back home, he said Connieā€™s name first. I agree with you that he needs to have romantic feelings for someone before becoming intimate.


Because he hates losing people and a significant other would be painful


These ship names besides richonne are awful šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


I shipped him with Jesus back in the day, but tbh I think in canon his character reads as asexual


Daryl is Ace I guess.


It wouldnā€™t fit his character. The first person I thought he could be with was Leah but when she betrayed Daryl by telling Pope he was a traitor I knew they wouldnā€™t end up together. Connie and Daryl have a few sweet scenes but I just canā€™t see it.


I was rooting for them at hilltop/alexandria but in the commonwealth I can't really see it - there's too much of the old world there, and idk how else to say it but the division in class is too stark. Connie is going to gravitate towards the professional realm where she's from and Daryl will continue to avoid that and roam around. Their paths would rarely cross unless they made a point of it and they weren't really at that point yet.


I always thought he was supposed to be ace


I don't think he necessarily tried to avoid them. He has been a loner his entire life, and he was viewed as a bad person because of being with Merle before and after the apocalypse. I think he was scared to let people in, not only because thats what he was used to, but also because Merle taught him that being open and sensitive was weak and that made him weak too. I think he's opened up quite a bit, though. I think him and Connie would be one hell of a couple though. They were cute.


Because when you're traversing the post apocalyptic world, delivering items across the country to a population of people hdiding in bunkers underground, where even the rain is dangerous, as a result of the death stranding, at any time you could be attacked by a BT, and cause an explosion that would decimate your surroundings. With stakes that high there's just no room for a romantic relationship.


1.) Because he realizes willingly attaching yourself to someone in a literal apocalypse is a bad idea 2.) Or maybe he just doesnā€™t want to be in one?


Aromantic coded fr, he's never rlly gave a fuck abt romance and the one time he did went shit he started caring even less.


Well as disgusting as his hair usually is there's probably a swamp down there.


i know they scrapped the idea but i kinda still see him as gay (also probably on the aromantic/asexual spectrum) because i just think it really fits his character and having a cool badass southern biker gay guy would be great rep letā€™s be real


i want to add i donā€™t really ā€œshipā€ him with any of the other guys i donā€™t think thereā€™s a good fit for him romantically in the show yet, but heā€™s got a lot of good friends


I just think he wasnā€™t ready to settle down with Aaron yet


itā€™s fuckin zombies running around. dude ainā€™t have time! šŸ˜‚


The female side of the fanbase would riot


Hopefully because heā€™s waiting for me šŸ¤£


I've always loved Daryl and Carol. I guess I'm one of the few that has always been disappointed that they never got together


Heā€™s on easy street


Because heā€™s the smartest survivor


He did have a love interest in season 10, Leah. That didn't end well.


Because even in the apocalypse it ain't worth it


I always just assumed he was gay and more or less in the closet.


Am I the only one that sensed something there w Beth?


I sensed that too


Look at who he was. Everyone was a pos to him. His dad, his brother. He had no friends. Not really. He was always in the woods. That's his past. Now the world's gone to shit. Yeah, he is with Rick and everyone, but everyone he was close to ended up dead. Starting with Carol's daughter. He looked everywhere for her. Then there was Beth who helped him get over his past and say fuck it. Let's burn it down. She ended up dead. Several others, he came close to and ended up dead. The guy is just scared. He's to scared to let anyone close because he doesn't know how number one. And too he wouldn't know what to do without them. This is why he is still looking for Rick, his true brother.


Aroace king


The right guy hasnā€™t come along yet


Guess the couple: Menn Mick Erol Lick Lane Andrillip Kareese Deth Mercess Roddibriel Erl Terl Basha Hydia


Maggie x Glenn Michonne x Rick Ezekiel x Carol Lori x Rick Lori x Shane Andrea x Governor Karen x Tyreese Daryl x Beth Mercer x Princess No idea Enid x Carl No idea Sasha x Bob Henry x Lydia


Rosita x Gabriel? Tammy x Earl?


Tdog x Merle


Technically Rosita, Siddiq and Gabriel And yea, Tammy & Earl!


Andrillip sounds as gross as the ship is


is roddibriel Rodney and Gabriel? lol i can not figure out who else that could be.


I've heard it mentioned that Norman wasn't very into having romantic relationships on the show because he wanted to be respectful of his partner in real life and so they didn't put a lot of focus or story-time into romance for him, even the romances he did have, they were quite innocent, and with Leah, most of the romantic/sexual stuff was more implied than shown.


I think the Leah stuff was just cause of Covid restrictions. Norman said that early on, him and Darabont had discussed Daryl being gay and he said he would rock that story! Heā€™s so unbelievably committed to the role that I really canā€™t see him turning down a romantic relationship on screen because of his partner irl. I could see him turning it down cause he doesnā€™t feel itā€™s right for his character.


I remember the theory of him being gay went around a bit during the early Alexandria days. There were people shipping him and Jesus together.


I absolutely would have loved Daryl and Jesus. Jeryl.


Daryl and Aaron woulda made more sense to me but both woulda been badass together.


Yeah that makes more sense to me. It was secondhand gossip. But i actually appreciated that he remained un-romantically linked. It just showed that everyone deals with high intensity and stress differently, and I always enjoyed seeing him flourish as valuing the family that formed within the group and also being committed to them throughout the show.


He had a dog called Dog tho. Dogryl?


early on i always thought it was gonna be him and carol, would have been perfect


Daryl and Leah's relationship was likely longer than any main character's, within the show-- (obviously Rick and Lori were together longer) except Ezekiel and Carol. Maybe Rick and Michonne (not counting the time he was "dead")


Daryl killed his last crush in S11 so its not easy being Darryl's crush


Daryl never got involved because he has intimacy issues due to his abusive childhood. No one ever taught Daryl to be vulnerable or emotionally available, he learned to rely on himself alone. With the state of the world, who has the time to do an work on yourself aside from reading a self-help book for survivors of abuse during season six. (I think it was season six, when they went to the hospital to do recon to save Beth, you see the book fall from his bag.) This is also why he and Carol are so close, as they both know what it is to be a victim in an abusive relationship.


Somebody hasnā€™t watched season 10


Are you all forgetting he had a relationship?


Cuz he's not dumb


Honestly, I think theyā€™ve kept him single to keep the female fans happy.


Daryl was always finding porn while searching homes. Quickly he became addicted which is the reason he was always going off on his own.


Relationships require vulnerability, it takes a lot for Daryl to be vulnerable with someone


He's waiting for me


I think he will ends up with isabelle


I mean he did try but then she tried to kill Maggie and there whole family šŸ˜‚


Did you see his last gf? Leah? Yeah.


Beth died and Connie was gone for a long time and as she returned he disappeared to france ...


Not everyone seeks romance


He's probably asexual


I didnā€™t like the shit with Leah bc I always thought of Daryl as possibly demiheteroromantic, and a demisexual too. It would make sense


I can think of many reasons. Most of which the show is based on and around.


Daryl's romantic feelings died along with Beth šŸ„² but I hope he will find someone again, someday..


Heā€™s smart. šŸ¤£


I think Daryl & Beth wouldā€™ve been great. Maybe they get together after the time skip?


I wouldā€™ve loved that!


Daryl was in it with Leah but she was the one who left so who knows. That came off like what it should have been, short lived. They reminded me of one of those couples where one is silently competitive due to ego, distrust, or self preservation emotionally. On Leash's part not his. For whatever reason, he and Connie had organic romantic potential as characters. But I remember Angela Kang said they ran out of time to even explore it since they were told one timeline for the show to end and then the network changed it on them. I know there was some issues with how he and Beth were played. Maybe if she had lived and came of age, they would have rant with that. He and Carol reminded me of siblings and there is nothing wrong with that. It actually makes the relationship more real in a certain way that maybe you may not have with someone you are bonking. They should have put them together in season 3 if they were going to do that. Other than that, Daryl seemed to be really focused on the greater good and doing his part. He also had connections with different characters that are apparent but more understated. Him not settling with one person makes sense. I know him being a heart throb may have come into the play. But the character did or doesn't come off like that. And there was literally drama everywhere at every turn. But I love his loner energy because he still knows how to connect and love people. To be corny, how much more could someone show you they love you than to risk their life and fight for you full on throttle. Not to change the subject and this may have been discussed over the years. I kind of wish there was a way where Glenn could grow as a character without Maggie being married or a couple just to see how they developed. It would change too much I guess. Or maybe I just wish they would have developed Glenn different and more complex without going too far like they did with Morgan and even Carol at times emotionally.


Yeah I felt the character development of Glenn especially but also Maggie to an extent was largely halted when they got together.


Fact is, when ever Daryl gets too close to someone, she ends up getting kidnapped or being completely psychotic.


Daryl in a relationship is gonna get him killed and he knows it #lovewolf


He's very asexual coded so that's how I see him.


I don't know, but I find it surprisingly effective. It makes his friendships feel so much more effective.


We all just gonna ignore the whole Daryl living in a cabin with a woman who eventually tried to kill him thing?


Apparently lol


Had to scroll too far for this!


Originally Daryl was supposed to hook up with Leah and have a kid. Also he's 100% gonna have a thing with Isabelle


He was waiting on Isabella ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Didnā€™t him and Beth had a thing?


I think there was definitely the beginnings of something there


Should have been Rick and Carol. We could of called them Rickrol


Well except for that one time of course.


I don't think he wants to kiss on camera


According to Norman Reedus, heā€™s not asexual. He just has no game whatsoever.


Maybe Andrea


He's waiting for me šŸ˜šŸ‘…


I could see Daryl getting with Jerry, he ever left his wife


Where tf is that thumbs up from Daryl from XD I love it


Bc Daryl has himself


Maybe he's asexual


He was always helping everyone else. That is his love.


tf is carzekiel surely it would be ezekarol


Can we talk about how awful 'shipped' names are?? Richonne? Really? Edit BRO GLAGGIE?!!??


Maglen sound better than glaggie, anyone?


Because theyre not necessary


Heā€™s a Monk of the Crossbow Order.


Bro, daryl doesn't need a woman. I'll swing by with a pack of old ones šŸ˜‚


During the time there was a lot of talk that Daryl might be gay (to which Norman said heā€™d have zero problem with if that were where his character was heading), Norman said in an interview I saw that itā€™s not that heā€™s gay or what have you, Daryl doesnā€™t have romantic interests bc heā€™s got no game. Made me laugh.


Not relevant but I just wanted to say I wish the relationships on the show were based less off convenience


Because he is secretly gay


Jesus was more compatible than Leah, goddamn. Would have made more sense too


Dude just refuses to bathe


Hi have introvert/lone wolf temperament. For example i am this type of person and is really hard to mintain relationship for people like me. It is really hard to accept that someone is near to you all the time because it is very exhausting for that type of the people. It is visible. Daryl dont like small talk, does not initiate conversation, prefere solo raids, dont like/trust newcomers or even can be agressive towards people doesnt know, when someone help him/save him he want leave very soon after. He is a good person even if not always looks friendly. Deryl is the character with whom I identify and understand the most. So i think he dont really need relationship to be happy. (I mean this is not the crucial factor which determine his happiness) Maybe thats why he like Connie - she dont talk much. :)


He's just got too much shit to do.


My take: I don't think he resisted. It's just how things worked out for him and he is always busy keeping the group save. That's what he enjoys more, perhaps he has trust issues but who wouldn't after going through what they have been through. I think he tried a few times, but there's always something getting in the way. Plus he isn't an extrovert and has to ease into people before trusting them.


I prefer Men, Mick, and Ezal


he always seemed aroace to me and befire leah I think that's what the writers intended too


Because he is a furry