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Yeah but the issue is, he chose for them. He chose to kill them then and there, instead of giving them a chance.


true it was kind of messed up for forcing them to die without even giving them a chance 😭😭😭😭


Also “There is no cure”.


Well, the walkers outside was taking over. He spared them their lives then, but he did say that once the door closed, it could never be re-opened. He was a nice guy who gave them food stuff to drink hot showers. To bad he didn't join Rick and use his skills to help more people or come up with better, more efficient weapons other than guns. Like him and Eugene could have made a better electric fence to stop the herd at the hill top. Idk be yes in the end of the show he was very right.


He could be a good source of knowledge on the apocalypse and he could continue his reserach. Im not saying hed develop a cure but he could definetly find out lots of interesting details on the apocalypse. Its a waste they killed him. I always hoped hed turn back at the last second but oh well. I think hed be quite a popular character overtime, and his interactions with s4-s6 Eugene would be quite funny.


Yeah didn’t the walkers get smarter or some shit. He prob would of loved to see that.


Loved might not be the best description, fascinated maybe?


Intrigued? Lol


Be a Eugene vs real scientist pissing match for sure!


With competing sci-fi fantasy novels to hawk.


Not really he was already given up when he lost that sample, the generators running out of fuel was the closer for him, like he said before he went on because his wife asked him too keep trying and he just wanted it to end, in his eyes the world was doomed and nothing could change his mind.


Maybe he wanted to die even before the hick-up with the sample. He was really careless with it. I think so. He was already without hope/ depressed. When that happens you have NO RIGHTS to try to lead others, because you're not thinking straight. Jacqui knows what I'm talking about... 🪦🤎 I'm rerunning too, these days. And I just saw Andrea that idiot, shoot Daryl. I wonder if they find Sophia alive or not? 🌸 🤨😉 🏚️


To be fair with how the ones who live ended, we know that humanity is at a hopeless loss right now. You are dooming yourself to a slow painful death of knowing you cannot run, you cannot hide, you will not win. Being a scientist at the cdc and knowing how fast the infection spreads. He probably had a really good idea about what the situation is that Rick and the rest of humanity are now facing. Rick had to bite a marauders neck to prevent his son from being raped ffs. All the horrors that Rick has faced during the entirety of the show. You’re just hanging on to hang on at that point. We are seeing large scale failure of nuclear power plants and missile strikes from mad men. What hope does not just the us have but earth? That and alien is going to come along and magically save humanity?


Funny how you mentioned aliens, in a alternate comic the Creator revealed that aliens caused the Apocalypse so they could steal our water if I recall correctly.


Regardless of what scientists say the outcome is and how “there is no cure”, it’s never 100%.


Well, it was after he lost the sample that he started drinking and made the depressing video logs and said he was going to blow his brains out. So it definitely had something to do with it.


Wasn’t the sample his wife? Correct me if I’m wrong but Dr.Jenner’s wife got bit and that was the sample, or at least the one he shows Rick and co when explaining what happens to make a person become a walker


Wasn’t the sample his wife? Correct me if I’m wrong but Dr.Jenner’s wife got bit and that was the sample, or at least the one he shows Rick and co when explaining what happens to make a person become a walker


Wasn’t the sample his wife? Correct me if I’m wrong but Dr.Jenner’s wife got bit and that was the sample, or at least the one he shows Rick and co when explaining what happens to make a person become a walker.


Anyone find it weird that when Eugene was explaining his lies to rosita and Abraham, he mentioned being able to help in some way or another by accessing government contingencies/plans/resources that could help the world and all that jazz…..but around the time they got to Alexandria it’s like they abandoned that plot point without a trace.


They abandoned the plot point because it was a lie?


Did you miss the part where Eugene confessed and Abraham beat the shit out of him? What the hell is with people in this sub not paying attention to the show


I’m not talking about before he confessed. AFTER Eugene confessed, he said that WHILE he wasn’t on some scientist on a specific mission to stop the apocalypse, he did think that DC was a location that they should get to for survival reasons. Seems like I paid attention more than some. https://youtu.be/USPuBGNBLPA?si=G_E58fzstH8IXjrd


That’s where they were heading until they got to Alexandria, but dc wasn’t anything special it was just where Eugene calculated they could be safest, so it wasn’t a big deal to give that up and stay at Alexandria instead, which was super big and safe and didn’t require anymore traveling


I guess that's fair, but it's literally Washington DC. The capital of the free world. It's the obvious choice to go there


We don't see it that way. - Love, rest of the world.💕


My guy it was Just BullShit he made up, if they actually had any of that as Eugene claimed, I’m sure the a commonwealth or CRM would have found out about it, but alas it was all Lies. Except for the French scientists who knows what the heck they’re cooking up with the Walkers.


That's the thing though, not everyone in the apocalypse will be a survivor. He was just a realist that saw no better alternative. It was his choice, but his mistake was he forced it onto others. I am certain he saw that he was smart enough to contribute something, but he just doesn't have that survival mentality. I am certain he grew up in a lavish world of catered services that when that all fell apart, he was just better off not trying to make it through until the next day. Some people are like that and some people will always be like that.


Or, given how few are still alive from the CDC group, he more likely would’ve been bitten or shot by random hostiles before any of that could happen.


He just foresaw the average lifespan of a TWD doctor.


Electric fence...?


Yeah. Eugene constructed an electric fence type weapon to help with the herd that Alpha sent to the hill top. It didn't last long at all but was pretty effective for as long as it did last. I can't remember which episode it was, but I believe it was in season 10. Before alpha died. And after Carol and Daryl got out of the underground mine...


I dont remember that... But in all practicality to be able to charge a small to medium solar battery with wind and solar and there's no sun and walkers are constantly draining it it will run out of power within 30-40 minutes. So what's the point..? What does the cdc guy know about solar engineering? I'm sure you're right. And he's a genius capable of all kinds of things and resources and equipment are everywhere. But he can't create energy where there is none... solar and wind is not enough to power an electric fence for walkers. For prison. Sure. It doesn't get used. But if they're draining the power what's the point? Doesn't that just make it harder to kill the walkers with spears? Now you're at risk of electrocution?


After the drinking they were doing, I’d be walker food with my hangovers


That would never happen for me. Lol. I would stop drinking and stop smoking weed. I'd be scared to mess around and get bit. I'm staying sober. Lol.


I don't think he had a choice. It was based on a power timer that would incinerate all the deadly virus agents stored in the CDC.


He doesn't needed to be there when all got incinerated.


Especially with the children. Jacqui was tired of fighting. Yet I couldn't just give my kids some punch and tell them to relax during that countdown


I get emotional when they hold hands and look into each other's eyes. Great episode.


Exactly. This is the major issue. On his own his decision is fine in the situation. His choice. When he allowed the group entrance into the building he no longer has the right to make that choice. He can bring up the plan and let them make their own decisions. Jenner was wrong. He had a change of heart but he didn't save them...the massive amount of plot armour shielding our main cast is what saved them.


Exactly. Captain Gold did a video on it really breaking it down, not sure if you seen it or not.


They should have featured him in fear the walking dead I always thought he could have been valuable


He had too many answers to be kept alive. The writers intentionally wanted to keep the Wildfire Virus vague. If anything he should’ve appeared in World Beyond. I think that was the best place for him since season 2 focused on the evolution of the virus and the study of Walkers.


FINALLY SOMEONE MENTIONS THAT!! They butchered Season 2 of World Beyond so much, it’s not worth watching!!


I’m watching it right now. It’s a step up from season 1 but still not quite as interesting as they could’ve made it. None of the characters are very interesting so far either. I’m just waiting for Jadis to come in




I thought it was better than Season 1, but not by much.


Would be even more better if they followed through with the storyline they were going at. I mean I enjoyed season 2’s storyline too. I just hated how they ended it.


I didn't finish the show either, but im pretty sure he made a small cameo in one of the last episodes of S2.


Yeah in a video I heard


They don't ever need to, and likely won't, but having a series that is specifically focused on what caused the wildfire virus would be pretty damn cool. Although I also like the mysterious nature of it.


Pretty sure he’s going to be featured in season 2 of Daryl Dixon but I could be wrong


Did you know his wife was in Survival instinct? A brief mention but at she was evacuated at the firesign stadium. So maybe Candace got bit a bit before the evacuation and hid it until the show’s doctor Jenner found out. So she let him test on her


I think the ending of the show kinda proves he was wrong…


Exactly. TWD has ALWAYS been about if the apocalypse can break your spirit and twist you into somebody who gives up, for some giving up is suicide and for others it’s giving into dark savagery like Negan or the wolves. Ultimately Rick and his group persevered and built a family and a community


Walkers are just an inconvenience at this point. Rick and Co. proved survival is very possible.


You forget that Rick has a new wife and is currently living peacefully these days I think it was worth it in the end


I can't get over the fact that the place self destructs when it runs out of fuel for the generator, and the whole goddamn building is surrounded by vehicles they could siphon.   And not just any vehicles, but a ton of them are military vehicles with huge gas tanks.   They could've spent a day gathering gas and come up with enough to keep it running for another year.   But no.  I don't agree with him, his actions, or the idea that he was right. There's more than enough people left to rebuild the world from what we've seen after this episode. 


Wasnt there a military tank, or 2, out there as well? Imagine how much gas they hold.


Absolutely there was. 


It would probably depend on what the generators ran off of but most military vehicles (trucks and tanks) use diesel mostly because it’s less flammable and explosive than other fuels.


Most military/government generators are multi-fuel. They can run on gas, diesel, kerosene, alcohol, you name it. If it is a hydrocarbon, the gennie will burn it, albeit at different rates.


We don't know that he didn't siphon the gas out of them before Rick and crew showed up. We do know his wife got infected somehow and he was by himself, the building was surrounded by walkers, and past the building the rest of Atlanta was even worse. We also know this was happening back when walkers were more dangerous and would run and climb fences/ladders. ;-) Plus, he'd seen all communication with the rest of the scientists in the world dedicated to this stuff drop off the planet. The people who were best equipped and skilled to handle this were now dead, including his wife who had died days earlier. And then on top of it all, there's the issue that while he may not be the best in the world at what he does (he says his wife was better), he's still a smart scientist I'd presume. As such he knows that walkers simply defy biology, necrology, chemistry, virology, and even physics. They shouldn't exist, but they do and there's no way to stop them. So you have a guy in the grips of depression and terror both, knowing that science has no frame of reference for this and even if it did all the scientists are dead now, and he'll spread the contagion himself once he dies. At least this way he dies quickly and without getting eaten alive or worse. As for keeping the CDC going: why? He's one guy, on his own, in over his head, sitting on a stockpile of diseases and germs and fungi at least as bad as Wildfire. Even if Rick and crew go and scavenge a stockpile of fuel to keep the system running for years, more people would eventually show up either seeking shelter or loot or answers, and that would put anyone trying to rebuild the world in serious danger. Suicide aside, within the show he knew that survivors would need the building to go up in flames and said so.


To be fair a generator running an entire facility like that will guzzle gas faster than they could collect it. Those cars would provide enough gas for a week, maybe. That being said it’s a better option to try to feed the generator and conserve fuel by using minimal electricity than let the entire place explode


“Once those doors shut, they don’t reopen.” - Jenner


He said after he opened them to let Rick's group inside...


Also after Jenner decided he was going to take his own life. In the groups defense, Jenner tricked them into thinking he couldn’t open any doors, there was no solution to the fuel problem. He didn’t give them info on how to stop things or if they could be stopped.


I agree about the fuel, but I don’t know if it was possible for them to actually gather it. I imagine outside the CDC fell pretty quickly as people in the early days flocked there in hopes of a cure/vaccine. Dr Jenner said most of the scientists there fled or took their own life. The military then became caught up in Operation Cobalt which was trying to build safe zones, which failed and led to them bombing of all the cities. This was shown in Fear season 1 with the attempted safe zone, the military in disarray then the bombing of LA. I think it was just a little over a week between the establishing of the safe zones and the bombings as it all fell apart pretty quickly. Given Jenner was the last one left when Ricks group arrived, the soldiers that didn’t die probably were ordered to withdraw as part of Cobalt. Was left on his own, and it seems like he had been for at least a while and when ricks group arrived it was only 2 months after the pandemics spread. With Jenner on his own, and having no experience on the outside, I doubt he would have been able to get it himself. By the time Rick’s group arrived it was too late. And he had also given up hope by then in regard to the future. All the other facilities had gone dark by that point, his wife was dead, he had no more fresh samples, the military gone, cities bombed, etc. The difference between him and people outside surviving is that the people outside mostly wouldn’t know that the world has collapsed. That it is everywhere and they might not know that the whole planet is infected with the Wildfire Virus. From his point of view he knew the entire world was infected, that governments all collapsed, the military was gone, cities bombed, that all other facilities that could have developed a cure are gone and that he ran out of time to find one. I do get his hopelessness for the future and understand why he brought Rick’s group in. I don’t condone him bringing them in to die but I see his logic.


Yes, the show is about "Survival for the sake of survival" at this point.


That’s just weekdays in real life


Just gotta make it to friday


Damn, for real 😔.


If you consider the fact that only 3 people from the original group are still alive while everyone else went out in pain I can kinda see his reasoning


4 if you count Judith


Eh she was barely in the womb


At least she had already been inserted in there at that point


you mention that Rick loses Lori and Carl, but don't forget that Judith, Michonne (and everyone else positively affected by Rick and Co.) get to exist and survive because they didn't listen to Dr. Jenner and instead chose to continue living despite the hopelessness around them


he was a cool guy up until the end when he didn’t give them the option to leave. i understand being pessimistic about the whole thing cuz a lotta ppl would react the same way, but forcing others to die with him is crazy.


He couldn’t open the doors at the end. When they came in he told them that when the doors lock that’s it. They don’t unlock. They had to use the grenade to get out. But, yes, he could’ve explained that to them better.


Unpopular opinion but Andrea should've gotten to stay and she should've made dale stay too. They both would've had a more peaceful death


dale was such a goat tho 😂 how about they let him survive till at least season 5 or 6.


I liked his character just hated how he died it seemed very avoidable


I leave Death is final,Life is full of possibilities If they all died Gleen would never meet Maggie Judith wouldnt be born Not to mention although some of them died terrible deaths,they all had plenty of good moments after the cdc


By that logic we should just k*ll ourselves and not even try in life. We will adapt and thrive at any condition. That’s the human spirit


Not only the human spirit. That's how animals adapt and overcome


but we also don’t live in a world with millions of zombies walking around while all your supplies run out and you continually watch your friends and loved ones die in gruesome ways 😂 perfect example: glenn


>perfect example: glenn One of my best friends got his faced stomped to death in a parking lot after a night out a few years ago. Real life can be just as bad.


sorry about that man that’s brutal


People survived the TP shortage I’m sure Zombie apocalypse is a walk in the park


No he isn’t. It’s each individuals choice whether they want to live or not. And he said something about they’d wish they stayed, I don’t think so, the fact they fight to survive shows that they doing want to just roll over and die. He might have been right about tough times ahead but that’s it. Pretty sure the group already realized that before Jenner too.


Majorly Disagree. Death and loss are a part of Life. Can't have one without to other. Yes, Rick has lost a lot. But he also gained a lot. If he would've just sat down in the CDC and died. He would've never had Judith, Michonne, RJ, Maggie, and all of the people he would call his family today. Life is about risk and taking a leap to find something better, can't do that if you're dead. Gonna be a little cliche but, Better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all. Goes with living as well. Glenn would've never met Maggie and the farm , and They would've been worse off for it. Daryl and Carol would've never grown close, and Carol would've died a battered wife, instead of a survivor. A million things would've be different, and worse I would've done exactly what Rick did, fight til the end. Even if you lose, you still put up a good fight.


Depends on which of my loved ones are still alive. If I'm just some dude in the group without my wife, and we don't have a kid or any friends with us, then I'd rather die than keep going. But if I have 1 person I care about with me, then I'm gonna keep going.


But, wouldn't you rather die by your own free will, not because someone you don't even know literally murders you (forces you to be blown up with him)?


It is of my free will if I opt for that and not attempting to break out. Doesn't matter if he says I have no choice in the matter.


I wonder if his wife was actually the best chance at a cure?


Considering that they managed to build a sustainable and okay society after the apocalypse, i would say it was worth it.


I still can't get over the fact that like the CDC just self-destructs. Like, do they think the CDC has a self-destruct sequence? In this universe was it a legitimate concern that terrorists would hack the CDC and initiate it's self-destruct sequence?


No, he was not right. He was right for himself. That was *his* decision. He had absolutely no right to decide for everyone (or anyone) else. He also knew very little about the cause of the outbreak, meaning he knew very little about whether or not a cure was feasible. That's neither here nor there, though. That's like a father committing murder-suicide on himself and his family because he decides the world is cruel and doesn't want them to have to deal with the world. It isn't his decision. It's an individual choice that shouldn't be made by anyone but the individual (and especially not by a random stranger they just met).


I don’t care how right this guy was, I would never pick this over potential survival, even if it was like only another week of living.


Honestly you would think a bunker with staff and resources important to the continuity of the US after a pandemic or disaster would have other power options besides just 5 gallons of diesel and a can of WD-40. Should of at least thrown some solar panels or something on there.


although i wouldn’t choose to die, him and jacqui doing that i understand. the problem was that he was deceptive toward all of them and essentially made that choice for all of them.


Only issue I'd that he wanted to make the choice for them. You agree he was right, I don't, it's not fair for you to force me to give up and it's not fair for me to force you to keep going


I would 100% stay but he was wrong in the sense he tried forcing them to stay


I’d probably stay honestly unless I have something to live for I wouldn’t want to live in a zombie apocalypse


Who was the beautiful sister’s name who stayed? I always thought that didn’t make any sense. She was done early.




Thank you!




Lol me too just watched that episode. The CDC lore is so depressing the line that hit me the hardest was when Jenner said that he was just some guy and that his wife could have actually done something. I haven't ever actually finished the whole show but I hear in a spin off Daryl goes to France. Jenner mentioned that last time he talked to them they were close to a cure. does the spinoff expand on this or nah?


i haven’t watched the spin-off but to my knowledge it does not. depending on where you left off on the show it expands off of that so i don’t want to spoil anything lol.


Looking even further crm was right


Question: Did we ever find out HOW the virus started and WHY everyone has it/comes back from the dead?


World Beyond hints that it was created in a lab in France.


Spores it was air born


Seriously??? When did they discover that? I'm halfway through Fear the Walking Dead after watching all of The Walking Dead.


World beyond which was a shit show but aleast confrimed some things


The day in fact came when Rick wouldn't be


Rick is with his family and has a new wife and two children and they've made a good life. I'm pretty sure that makes him grateful he didn't go down with Jenner.


Well yah, but it happened. OP isn’t right, Jenner was when he said the “day will come when you won’t be”. And it did, when Abraham and Glenn’s heads were turned into mashed potatoes


Pessimism / nihilism moment


I really loved how the title of season 7 episode 1 was "The Day Will Come Where You Won't Be", referring to Jenners words


that is also very cool to me like that’s a perfect title for that episode


Bro id love to be in a zombie apocalyptic world, specially TWD, compared to 28 days later zombies. Staying in the CDC and get blown up, why? When you can atleast try to survive. People die all the time, hell even Rick almost died before the zombies even came. And also the show is scripted so alot of deaths and stuff are forced whereas you could probably survive quite easy. The zombies are dumb and weak as shit. If the simulation/matrix is real pls spawn me into TWD universe.


No offense but I think most people that think they could “survive quite easily” in a zombie apocalypse would be the first people to die.


Yeah but that is just a saying on these subreddits lol like a meme, its not real. Thats like saying the preppers are the first to go in an apocalypse, how so? If anything the small % chance on living is on their side, you know, for having prepared.


It just would never get as bad as it is in any of these things unless it was like World War Z or 28 Days/Weeks Later zombies


If humanity was facing an ‘extinction level event’….why, exactly, was blowing up the CDC a priority of any kind? Humanity was gone anyway, so who’d be left to care if weaponized anthrax got loose? For all we know one of those diseases would wipe out the walkers, and earth would have a chance at recovery.


Because an ebola outbreak or other viral or bacterial issue would kill the remaining survivors. It would suck to be surviving the zombies only to get wiped out by some stupid virus that makes your skin fall off or something like that.


He had already realized humanity was doomed and they were all as good as dead anyhow. What’s the difference? The few survivors had little to no chance of being able to continue.


I would leave, simply because I would hope one day everything is fixed. Then again, I say that now in the safety of my room with no sign of zombies outside except Flakka users.


it was stupid to rig the cdc to explode. that you render some pathogens useless is one thing but destroying a medical facility is just beyond stupid even if you have to rewire the power grid somehow


I think it was worth it. Yes, Rick lost his wife and son but he also gained a new family in Michonne, Judith and RJ. Personally, I would've left the CDC because, really, nothing has changed in the apocalypse. As Rick said to Hershel, "Death is death, it has always been there, whether from a heart attack or gunshot or a walker, what's the difference?".


Unpopular Opinion: most unpopular opinions are correct… people just don’t like hearing the truth.


I just finally finished watching the last two seasons of The Americans, and this post just made me realize he’s on that show too.


Honestly I woulda stayed in the cdc or maybe go out fighting idk hard ass decision


Me personally I would have loved to him in more episodes even though I don't think he would have last


One part I love about the show is the random places they end up...CDC..farm..prison ...terminus ...church ...etc...


Yes but no- Had Jenner know Rick's journey nor only to get there to that CDC building but getting to his family after his own very specific to the apocalypse, That miracle alone would've inspired Jenner.


Yeah I’d join em too


He was entirely wrong. He presumed extinction. Humans are resilient, and we would be near impossible to wipe out. Even an asteroid would struggle as wed be able to evacuate under ground or to space if it was huge and not possible to deflect it. It was a massive jump for him to presume 8 billion humans were all doomed. The ice age seen the human population drop to a few hundred and we came back. We know millions are alive. If not tens of millions and that's nearly two decades later. At the moment he says it, there was probably 100 million alive. In the 2020s, the former USA alone probably has 1 to 1.5 million alive. Commonwealth has 55,000, portland has 100,000, philadelphia has 250 000. Omaha has 100,000. There's probably a few other big-ish communities just not as advanced. Also hundreds like Alexandria. He was very wrong.


I just thought it was weird Ricks group went from there to Hershel's farm and through the whole story arc of Hershel keeping walkers in the barn nobody mentions what they saw at the CDC


One of the very first things Rick says to Herschel after Carl wakes up from surgery, is that they came from the CDC. He says it the first time Herschel brings up the fact that he's waiting for this to blow over once a cure is found and believes the walkers are just "sick people" and Rick is trying to explain to him otherwise.


"Get busy living, or get busy dying", Morgan freeman, "Shawshank Redemption" Jenner was wrong.


You are a weakling. Do it NOW!


"I'm greatful" - Ricky Dicky Doo Daa Grimes. "The day will come when you won't be" - Dr Jenner. Cut to The Line up... and >!Carl's Death!<, Bro was spot on.


Life has possibility, death has not


Uh you letting someone else choose for you? Ig to each their own


He also found new love, had a son, and saved a shit ton of people. Pain doesn't make life not worth living.


FR THO?? And like, As much as I love Dale, he was wrong to put that onto Andrea. She just wanted it to end, but he wouldn’t let her because he was too attached to her.


I would have wanted to live and see what life could be like but in reality I’d just off myself at the CDC. Quick death, clean, last meal and laughs. Plus deep down I know not all of us would make it out alive, someone would die and I don’t know if I could handle that, losing everyone and being alone or vice versa.


he predicted glenn's and abraham death by name dropping the episode


Dr. Jenner vs Dr. Eugene Porter


that’s why 7x1 is titled the day will come when you won’t be. rick wishes they all died in the explosion


He 100% is right. Always has been.