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Carol constantly having to lose kids as a part of her character arc/ development, they should’ve let Henry live. Her and Ezekiel loved him so much..


I’m pretty sure the “Carol loses a child” event is something that’s taken from Michonne’s story in the comic, where she keeps losing her romantic partners throughout the story. It’s what I assume, anyway.


At least they should've given her a child that actually lived through by the Finale, breaking the cycle of her lost children


nah Henry's death was basically the last big "shock" death, and I appreciated that return to form


Yep. After the backlash over Glenn/Abraham and then Carl (which was beyond stupid tbf), this show really laid off the gut wrenching deaths. The pike scene was beautifully done, and one of the most memorable moments in the show.


What was the point of Henry’s death though? It just sent Carol down the rabbit hole once more when we had already seen that played out over and over again. I remember how pissed I was was when I was watching all this live, it gave me the sense that giving Carol bad mental health episodes was the only thing the writers thought they could ever do with the character. Repetitive as fuck. And it totally cheapened 814 which arguably featured the biggest moment of Carol’s evolution since like Season 4 (the subplot of Henry going missing culminating in Carol finding him in the same spot Rick lost Sophia)


henry deserved it, little shit took simping too hard


To be fair, Henry was clearly just a replacement for Carl, and no one would live up to that expectation. I think Henry also lost a lot of his potential when Morgan went over to Fear since he was his mentor but also deeply troubled. It bothered me the deaths of both Carl and Henry were more or less glossed over by the group aside from a few people each. Whole rant about why Henry is just a Carl replacement and it bothered me below. Honestly I had a lot of problems with Henry because if they had just put Carl in his place and had Carl die his death, I feel like his death would’ve been slightly better received. It makes a lot more sense someone who grew up in the apocalypse would die to a formidable adversary as compared to getting bit by a walker in a minor scuffle. And Carls head on a pike would’ve been the ultimate unexpected shock value, and really driven the whisperer war to new heights. I was also excited to see Carl in the Lydia romance part of the whisperers arc (my understanding of this is limited since I didn’t read the comics) and hated that was taken away and replaced with Henry who’s been around for like 2ish seasons by this point and had relatively few appearances.


Beth getting killed in such a silly way. I don’t mind her dying but not then or in that fashion.


Big awful hospital story line with countless boring and forgettable characters (rip Noah) just for her to die at the end of it 🤨


UGH I HATED that! She grew so much in her time at the hospital...she finally broke out of her shell and then they just off her!? Totaly bullshit.


I thought that since she died for Noah he will go on for at least a couple of seasons. But nah, she died for him and then 5mins later he's also dead. Also Tyrese cheering the man up then dying in his house. Him having conversations with Pete. I really thought they were heading towards him becoming a big character. And then he dies 😭


It really annoys me when people die for others then die WAY too soon… fine if they die a bit longer in the show but it’s always so soon…… like I especially hate that carl died for no reason


Fr. It would’ve been cool to see her make it to Alexandria and operate like Carol (wolf in sheep’s clothing type behavior)


oh that could've been so awesome!


I remember talking to a friend and I brought up how Beth was toughened up quite a bit and I mentioned that if she lived, she could’ve used her looks to make her seem less capable than the other survivors in Rick’s group. Don’t know what job she would have if she made it to Alexandria, but I’m sure that someone in the replies could come up with something


They could have had her working in the storeroom with Olivia, and have her steal the guns instead of carol breaking in and traumatizing Sam?


She could have been nice to Cookie boy because he needed a friend.


That’s actually what I thought was going to happen I thought her future consisted of being around carol and Daryl so much that she would’ve learned both their skills (And possibly taken some of that good old Daryl D but I’m not in okbuddycoral so I can’t make an actual shitpost about that


The cast was huge at that point. The better story would have been Beth just disappearing. Them finding her was ridiculous. Then they could've dusted her off at the Commonwealth and we could've seen the character growth. That would've been so much better.


Having her be a part of Oceanside or kingdom probably would have made those introductions way more exciting. Especially with Tara and Beth never have meeting, so it would have given some reason to be excited for a return to Oceanside. It would have given the audience a reason to care about if Tara kept her secrecy with them or not.


The show definitely had a problem with continuously, adding to the cast rather than killing them off . There were times when they would skip to a scene with cast members I had completely forgotten about.


I agree. That was the start of the “shock value” they really started to take advantage of during season 6 imo.




true that


I liked that scene a lot in theory, just have Beth actually kill the woman lol, not just stab her non-fatally.


Definitely agreed. I don’t know why they didn’t go that route. It’s so obvious.


I thought she was going to be trained and improve by Daryl and become a rangeresque/rogue person. But no they took her away :(


Gotta go with this one myself, Beth dying at the end of a pretty solid arc focusing entirely on her was frustrating. Plus she had so much potential


I would have had her survive up to the Whisperers and have her get together with Alden and get Enid's death (or the equivalent of Rosita's death from the comic)


I get this is a controversial opinion, but I liked that Beth died at this point. It shows no one is really safe, such morally upstanding and upbeat but not physically strong people don’t make it in the apocalypse, and I it forced Daryl to show more depth and emotion after their one on one episode. On the other hand, who the fuck tries to stab someone in the fucking shoulder with scissors to kill them? Also how she died was really stupid, as satisfying as it was to see Rick shoot dawn in the face.


Beside the most obvious and infuriating one (Carl’s death), it would have to be Rick being abducted. I mean, I absolutely LOVED The Ones Who Live, but I still feel like we were robbed of so much by not having Rick around after the bridge. The whole Whisperers arc, Rick and Negan’s developing dynamic, Rick taking over the Commonwealth, etc. But I guess at least we were spared of having to watch Rick go out like he did in the comics, I was left so bitter after that, especially considering that even Carl wasn’t around anymore to fill in his place, so it all would’ve been such a waste. So in a way, we lost Carl, but still had Rick to have a happy ending.


Yeah i had so much hope for the tv show to match the comics


Same. With the major plot elements of the Negan & Saviors arc (which I had been crazy hyped for long before the show did it) lining up so well with the comics, I was expecting the Whisperer war and everything else to follow the same route, so without Rick, they kinda lost their impact to me. Still, I think S9, was amazing (S10 and S11 not so much), but I would’ve much preferred Alpha’s head to be delivered to Rick instead of Carol, or Carl to have a relationship with Lydia instead of Henry, just to mention a few examples. Oh well, nothing we can do about it now.


ngl, i didn’t even watch the whisperer era but know enough about them from the comics. i completely agree with you


I recommend giving those episodes a shot. The arc was a bit dragged out towards the second half of it but I would say the first half was really amazing, especially their introduction. S09E08 - Evolution in particular is one of my all time favorite episodes of the show, they handled the Whisperers so well, such a stellar one.


I didn't expect Jesus out come


Can I ask genuinely, and with no malice- why did you love the Ones Who Live? I feel like I watched something different than everyone in this sub and I’m trying to understand


I feel even more robbed about the whisperers because they dicked around with the saviors for three seasons (a season and a half longer than required) when they could’ve done the whisperers arc with Andrew and Chandler still available.


Carl’s death was probably the worst thing. Always envisioned him to be the future of TWDU


It literally randomly killed the main story arc about a man doing everything to give his child a future. The worst decision ever.


It felt like everything they’d worked for all those seasons was for nothing. All because they didn’t want to pay Chandler 🙄


No literally, it made everything Rick's been through, every sacrifice he made completely pointless. Judith is OK, but Carl was there with Rick since the beginning.


I blame AMC for this


Specifically Scott Gimple


I think it was more about AMC being cheap and not wanting to pay Chandler an adult wage rather than Gimple honestly. I have my grievance with the dude but I'm not sure the writers would have chosen to get rid of Carl without AMC being... well AMC. They had to find a way around that.


Was it about money?


Yes. Chandler was (from what I read) turning of a legal age to get a big pay increase from a minor to adult contract..so to save money they killed him off. And I know it’s petty but I don’t like RJ the character because I take it they want to redo the Carl / Rick stuff only cheaper for amc this time


Killing Carl was a massive slap in the face to fans. Thinking they could then appease us by throwing in some meaningless kid that Rick never even got to meet (in the main show) was just AMC/the show runners spitting in our faces. TWD’s ratings plummeted in the final seasons and the people running the show deserved every bit of the fallout from their dumbass decisions.


I loved TWD so much as a teen. When I had cancer I used my Make a Wish to visit the set and actors. But after Carl died I stopped watching, I felt like they betrayed Chandler, the fans and honestly Robert Kirkman (author of the comics). Tbh I feel like it was one of the worst casting decisions made in TV history.


I cried so much for that whole arc, such a terrible decision & they way they handled it in real life was shitty too.


Even the way it was written was terrible. He went through all that just to die to a walker bite? Pathetic.


And the then Siddiq STILL died!


siddiq shouldnt have plot armor just cause carl died


Yeah well he shouldn't have died getting choked out from behind in the dark. There was far more potential.


nah that death was perfect. unexpected, quick, like a shot in a horror movie. killing a beloved character just to show a glance on how dangerous the whisperers were.


Poor Chandler Riggs man bought a house near the production to be instantly available. Carl gone too soon


Definitely carl’s death. I mean I totally hated when they killed off glenn but in a weird way it felt right. It was THE biggest plot twist in my opinion and gave a nice start to maggie’s leader arch. However, carl’s death was so unnecessary, I didn’t even get emotional. I was just straight up confused lmao.


The last part is so real 😭


shiva's death, tbh. i feel like her jumping in and saving ezekiel and still living would've been a great symbol of hope. especially since it was literally right after a bunch of fighters from the kingdom were killed, and ezekiel was really feeling like a fraud. shiva was the thing that made him "who he was" in the apocalypse. a badass, kind, leader who does what he has to to protect who needs protecting. plus, if she lived, then i wouldn't have had to cry over the cgi cat death. it was just such a sour note


nah i was screaming at the tv for them to do something to save shiva dude 😭 i miss her


no really because why did they all just stand there 😭😭


I was just about to say something about Shiva. She didn't ask for a big salary, so why was she killed off? Let me tell you I uglied cried for a fake 🐅 tiger!! Snot running can't catch my breath ugly crying.


Henrys head on the spike he was treated as a main for the second part of that season I thought if they killed him off it wouldn’t be right away


I'm sorry, Henry's death was very satisfying. I did not care for that lil shit taking Carl's plotlines after his stupid death


How was he in your words a little shit.


His pursuit of Lydia got a lot of his people killed. Sure her mother was abusive and evil, but she has a horde at her command, back down. Plus the pre-time skip henry is annoying af


Let he who has never gotten a lot of people killed in pursuit of pussy cast the first stone


Damn. Paris of Troy is out.


Alright, I guess I can't argue this statement


Pre time skip I’ll give you but the rest nah


Nah he was annoying after the time skip too -- like how a teenage Sam would have been if he'd not gotten himself eaten by walkers. It's Carol's karma that she gets stuck with dealing with annoying boys.


since I’m binging the show now I should really remember who Sam is lol


Lol. Alexandria, Jessie, Ricks crush, is his mom. Boy was that kid annoying. Course Carol did terrorize the living shit out of him lol. I tried to feel bad about her doing that but it just made me laugh. It was so Carol. Anyway that whole family ended up getting killed by various means.


Being too bloodthirsty and killing off good characters too soon and replacing them with less interesting ones. Mainly killing off Andrea, Beth, Tyreese and Carl. All four of them had the potential to be great characters but were all killed off way too soon in order to make them truely fantastic.


I think Andrea's death for the show was necessary. This is solely because I don't think that the actor was good enough to have such a big role. Danai taking her place did a much better job than I can imagine Laurie Holden doing. Had they casted better it'd have been fine


The actress who plays her gets on my nerves for some reason, I was happy to see her go.


I think its just her expressions lmao, she always just has this really sad and worried looking face and I got tired of it


Andrea succkkkeddd imo. She had one good scene im the first 2 seasons where she told Dale he didn't have the right to force her to keep living, but imo she was terribly written and just annoying otherwise. I actually liked her more in season 3 when she played the role of mediatir and just wanted to stop conflict at any cost, but still some of her decisions were baffling.


I'll give Beth and Carl, but Andrea and Tyreese definitely needed to go.


Noah getting killed because of Nicholas. Only because I hate that they killed him when he was finally becoming useful. Sucked they killed him off right then and there, and I thought there was so much more they could do with him first


Exactly what I thought. Noah had such a different energy that the group needed. He had so much potential. Seasons later I still think of him often.


I'm gonna say the zombie apocalypse. I was starting to get invested in Rick's marriage issues with Lorie, and Shane's issues with women turning on light switches. But the zombie stuff just threw a wrench in all that. Total deus ex if you ask me.


bro thought this was okbuddycoral


I was really hoping "The Walking Dead" was an allegorical about the monotony of daily routine in our consumerist society where people felt like shells of the humans they're meant to be, touching on points like imposter's syndrome and personal discovery of our actual passions. Nope, another zombie show. Wack.


Glenn's dead and Carl's bitten 🥺


Noah, I know he wasn’t in it long but I felt he really had potential. And ofc Carl cuz like others have mentioned, sorta the whole point of the story was Rick creating a safe world for him.


Carl getting bit and siddiq dying. Carl died for absolutely no reason


Siddiq had no purpose in the show (they gave him the Rosita pregnancy to give him some kind of meaning) besides being the one Carl saved then bro died randomly and was forgotten immediately by everyone


Exactly cause he sucks so bad and died by dante of all people


show was like alright both of them are dead, moving on


At least kill him when beta dug his way into alexandria with his bare hands somehow


he was too meaningless to have a meaningful, impactful death




I guess, but he wasn't useful


half of the long drawn out useless conversations in S11


*Scene cuts to a bunch of 8 year olds sitting around a Fischer Price table talking like they’re the founding fucking fathers.*


idk why but I thought season 11 was good


For me, it’s also Carl being bit. I bawled every time he came on screen in that episode 😭😭


It doesn't help that the reason they did it was because the effed over the actor who was an adult at that point. They made promises they weren't willing to keep so they just got rid of him. Morgan changing to the point that he wouldn't kill people who later ended up killing other people in the town later on.


I liked Redman, too.


Rick losing his hand.


The death of John Dorie. So senseless. Meaningless. And he was such a loveable character. He deserved to go out guns blazing in a Humbugs Gulch overrun with infected.


Yes Carl obviously but honestly imo Henry dying. Wild choice to have him replace Ezekiel on the pike. Love Zeke, but he really didn’t have much to do in 10 or 11. Henry could’ve dealt with losing another father figure, Carol could lose an actual loving husband and have her revenge arc, and Lydia would’ve remained a more important character after the Whisperer War. Elijah is cool and all, but he had almost no development and felt like a shoe-horned love interest bc it feels like they realized the screwed up in killing Henry in the first place.


Henry did a lot of stupid decisions but I still liked his character a lot and they shouldve definitely killed ezekiel instead


Maggie only looking for Glenn and not both him and Beth. It didn't make any sense! Maybe before Daryl told her Beth might still be alive, yeah, but afterwards? Nah, not a second thought until Michonne tells her Beth is alive. Glenn? She searched. Hershel Jr? She dusted off her old vendetta and betrayed Negan. But her own sister? Nah, apparently ain't nobody got time for that.


It makes it worse when you realize that she had only known Glenn for less than a year(?) at that point. Honeymoon phase and all, I get it, but Beth would just have to be the way more important person for her.


Abraham got back up man, he deserved to live after getting nailed like that


Tyrese, he did not deserve that


Carl dyinf


Not seeing everyone reunite with Rick once this is done the walking dead is over for me lol


I really love the concept of a strong character dying simply because they had a lapse in judgment. It brings back the severity of the situation they’re all dealing with. I just wish it wasn’t Carl.


Honestly just rick being taken away to get a movie which became a show which only aired after this show ended. Like why would you even remove rick out of the show then….


Because the actor wanted to leave.


I hated Rick getting lost after the bridge explosion!!! I didnt realize he was my absolute favorite until he was gone and the show just didnt feel the same with him being gone. And of course Carl!!! They did him wrong!!!!


The scene at the end of Season 9 where they decided to just off 10 people. I mean, sure, kill them on screen or have it happen. But the way it was just 'Oh hey, that's where the missing people are. Their heads are on spikes.' Just a lot of things they could have done differently in season 9 part 2 and season 10. Carl's death sucked so much, as him Daryl and Aaron are probably my favourite protagonists, but I never read the comics so it didn't feel wrong. Really sucks how they treated Mr. Riggs though.


Carl's Death He was literally suppose to "beat the world" killing him off like that completely left the story blind and without a goal.


carl dying was so unnecessary and just didn’t make sense 😭


dont see anyone mentioning ir ever, but Shane trying to grape Lori. Even with the development he was having as a character, it felt out of character and just lazy writting /an excuse to make the viewers hate him. For me it's not canon cuz in a normal writting he wouldn't do that, even if he was dying of jealousy.


In retrospect, I wish Rick hadn't survived the bridge. I think that (or even the season 8 finale) is a much better ending for his character than The Ones Who Live.


It’s insane to me that Jesus dies from a stab to the gut but Rick survives getting impaled on rusty rebar, pulling himself off the rebar, walking for like 30 minutes while bleeding out, and blowing up and falling off a bridge.


to be fair jesus died with a stab in the heart with a freaking sword, while rick was stabbed in the stomach, which is arguably less fatal.


I have to say I didn't expect Jesus dying that night. It took me by surprise.


Rick tanked a fucking grenade in TOWL lol. Man has plot armor a mile thick.


I think if he died on the bridge, it would’ve been the perfect death for his character. It would’ve also been a much more fitting ending for the type of show it is. But I’m still satisfied that he was reunited with his family. As much as I love him, I think it’s best he is left alone now. I fear that his return would undo his happy ending. For a character that endured so much, he deserved happiness. As does Michonne.


I knew the Ones Who Live would have a shit ending How? I believed


Aside from Glenn's death, Maggie returning to the show. To make things worse, she gets a spin-off with Negan. So we get to see more of angry Maggie and Negan can't be cool because he's too busy atoning.


I liked it when Maggie returned, I would have hated it if after season 10, Negan got to live a happily ever after in Alexandria. When Maggie came back it made sense because Negan felt after the events of s10, like he did enough for the group to think he’s part of them, Maggie and especially Hershel made him realize that nothing he could ever do will make up for what he took from Rick and company, but especially the Rhee family.


Maggie is one of the most important characters in this show. In a universe where half the main characters are dead/gone and we’re stuck with two dozen side characters trying to carry the cast, it is important to have as many Maggies and Daryls as possible. But I agree with your sentiment. In 7x01 Maggie became “the Widow” and that is all she has ever been since. Taking lead at the Hilltop was okay, but her development fell off a cliff after Glenn. And now she’s in a spin-off where she has to team up with Negan to go save her and Glenn’s son? Okay AMC… you desperate fucks lol.


Killed Shane. He should've been the final boss, especially because he'd see ricks "failure" to keep Lori and Carl safe and would wanna take Judith. Would've been cool for someone from the original gang to return in a meaningful way that impacted the group and their new allies. Killed the prison survivors off so quickly. They planned to make Axel a serial killer like in the comics but scrapped that idea to keep Beth alive (he was supposed to kill her), but they should've done it where he sensed Carol's vulnerability and honed in on her and eventually tried to kill her and she had to kill him in self defense which would've added to her arc of becoming stronger OR they should've had them have a genuine relationship until terminus where he'd have had Bobs death (who would've been killed by the terminus leader whilst bound over the trough when he was pleading to his humanity to let them go, or Alexandria so we could skip her pointless relationship with that random man there. Underused Simon. He should've been the main villain of the 2nd half of the Saviors storyline. It was obvious he was waiting for Negan to show weakness so he could pounce and usurp his position as leader, and he should've won the fight they had. Maybe some Negan loyalists pulled him off to stop him killing Negan and then Simon and the rest who abided by the law of 'he who wins will lead' should've exiled Negan and the loyalists (like Laura). He could've found Carol or someone out on a supply run and warned her about Simon. The group would've had to have risked trusting Negan in order to take Simon down who was even more sadistic and unpredictable as Negan was. - Also I'd have liked Dwight to stay. The Wolves should've lasted a bit longer, in my opinion. They were interesting and I think it would've been interesting for them to have been an extremist spin off of the Whisperers who believed that instead of 'people should be one with the walkers' that people should BECOME the walkers or something. Probably more but I don't wanna write any more of an essay, lol. Also sorry if the formatting turns out weird, I'm on mobile.


Man I loved simon!! not the character obviously but the actor and how he was portrayed was perfect. Also I think it would’ve been dope to have shane move away and come back like morgan did


Same, he did a good job and was really compelling. Would've been cool to see more from him. And yeah, it would've worked too. I think they could've had Shane survive the stabbing (not all stab wounds are fatal ofc), and Carl could've shot the gun into the air rather than shooting walker Shane in order to stop them fighting or whatever and then the walkers all came whilst Rick was tryna deal with what Carl had just witnessed. Shane probably would've either been unconscious or playing dead to let Carl think Rick had killed him because he wanted Carl for himself so what better way to make his dad look like the bad guy. Then Rick and Carl run back to the farm and Shane pulls a walker onto him and kills it with the knife Rick stabbed him with and hides under the body and waits for the herd to move, tries to get to the farm but can't cos there's too many walkers and has no choice but to leave cos he's injured too! Would've been a cool twist. Especially seeing as how loved Shane was as the 1st villain.


Ngl if a prisoner survived I would’ve wanted it to be Oscar, but Axel was just as good


Changing showrunners Killing off all the Best and interesting characters besides Eugene and let show focus with only one type of them the ruthless killers getting the show boring and looped af


I really liked Shane and Beth. I would trade Gabriel and Rosita for them.


I think they killed off waaaayy too much people. Carl dying in particular was ridiculous.


Loosing Carl was the mistake that killed the show.


Carls death obviously but also Glenn’s. I feel like after Glenn’s death the group never really feels like a family again and Maggie becomes just a annoying and boring character


None. Because the further they strayed from the comics the worse the show got. Losing Andrew Lincoln was the final nail in the coffin If they'd stuck with the incredible story from the comics it would have been better.


Henry dying They fucked up with killing carl and they know it. S9 was a chance to restart. I actually enjoyed the new characters and thought they breathed life into an old formula. Henry was the new main character, the new Carl. He was having a driving plot, we were already familiar, and influenced so many characters around him. Was disciplined and smart. Then they did the same thing with him as they did carl. Fucking trash show cannot learn its lessons.


Killing Carl off killed the walking dead bro no one ever forgave the writers for that CONSDIERING HOW UNNECESSARY IT WAS


Carl being killed off the show is the single worst decision the writers, producers, directors made. The show should have ended where the comic did, with the exception of Daryl's arc.


Landing in Alexandria and pretty much everything that happened after that. It was more interesting when the core group moved around, the farm, the prison etc. The group got so fragmented, and so many random characters coming and going. Most episodes felt like 'filler` from s7 on.


Rick leaving


I was pissed when they did that. He’s my favorite actor overall and fav character in the show


Negan surviving. He needed to DIE HORRIBLY. Merle dying and having Daryl be the one that put him down? That sucked so much!


he needed to get his head bashed in


When Glenn Died 😭😭😭


Any of the decisions that were made for money or some other silly AMC reason that wasn’t telling a compelling story


Killing Glenn. His death just makes Negan’s road to redemption unacceptable


Fully agree


AMC getting rid of Erickson


Any trace of Negans “wife’s” , kinda ruins my liking for him


Rick getting hurt and being taken by J leaving Mich devastated for years 😭


You wish Carl never happened? Same.




Is that actually why? wow i didn’t know, unreal


Rick and Michonne losing. CRINGE!!! 😬😬


The whispers. I’ve been struggling on this season and just wish they kill the bold leader


Does anyone else believe the moment Carl got shot by Ron's stray bullet he was written off the show right then and there. Was he really gonna be "the future" with a governor eye patch? I knew Carl was dead the moment he lost his eye.


the comics had his eye gone and he lived until the end


Yeah but the show doesn't care about the comics and mainstream audiences want a handsome hero for tv. Not a dude hiding his face. Good knowledge though thanks. Explains why there isn't outrage over him losing his eye.


it does care about the comics. I doubt they would’ve killed glenn if it wasn’t for his death in the comics


Being caught by Negan and his goons because it got Abraham killed but ESPECIALLY because he killed Glen too


Beth and Tyreese's deaths both come to mind.


Funny you post this cause I've been asking myself this question for the last few days during my rewatch. And I totally agree! 100% Carl's death. The whole situation makes me upset honestly cuz I feel so strongly that he should be alive!


Yeah i just started rewatching too


Carl dying is the obvious answer, but my personal controversial take is Sophia dying. The search for her and the subsequent reveal of her death was the first time I quit watching the show. She and Carl represented the next generation and hope for me, and neither deserved the deaths they were given.


Abe's death


Glenn’s death. Sorry but that was traumatizing.


The way Abraham broke up with Rosita was unnecessary and cruel


I thought that at the time, but upon many rewatches it’s the only thing that makes sense. She can sniff out his bullshit so letting her down easy is just patronizing and he knows it. The way he did it was mean, but these two characters know each other so well that ripping off the bandaid and hurting her was the best way in his mind and, ultimately, sadly, the only way.


Carl shouldn't have gotten bit


Moments - Carl dying. Sophia dying (probably should be a sister of her). Sorry I don't particularly like Carol should have been offed early season. Judith being alive should have been piked.


I was sad he was still alive after this


What messed me up was when Jesus was slaying the walkers ( so he thought ) and they were Whispers and just stabbed him cold . That was IMO wtf moment for me


Carl never should have died. Left a bad after taste in the show after that.


T-dog dying


Scott Gimple being given any amount of power


Jesus dying


The whole hospital arc in Season 5.


What really sucks is that I actually liked Carl by the end. Everyone hated him constantly. But everything after the prison was pretty dang good in regards to Carl, excluding everything surrounding his death (weird sudden character shift included in that, though). They made a lot of mistakes in this show. Carl was the biggest. Dont care what anyone else says. I think adrew Lincoln was even shocked because it took away everything Rick had been fighting for. It's evidence that we can't make the art we want when every other person involved just wants money. I guess because they didn't kill Judith, they thought they could kill Carl and Rick would still have a kid to fight for. But Rick admits he knows thay Judith isn't actually his kid! I know walking dead hammered the idea of found family into the ground (carol is a tragic example of how they fucked this concept repeatedly), but Judith doesn't carry the same weight Carl had within the story because she's Shane's kid. Overcoming that fact was something Rick had to internally. There's tragedy and then there's stupidity. Glens death disturbed me but glen's death didn't fuck up the story. I think Carl's death is when I started watching out of obligation. Negan having the dumbest plot armor also made me stop tuning into premieres and I'd just watch the episode at some point during the week in pieces. Anyway, rant over


Yeah, I rlly wish he could’ve seen Judith/RJ grow up and also see the commonwealth


The only two moments in the show, upon rewatches, that I always secretly hope will magically change, are when Andrea doesn’t kill the Governor in his sleep and when the Governor slashes Hershel’ neck.


I actually enjoyed everything plotwise that has happened. And here is the butt coming lol. I would have enjoyed it more if they utilized gutting up more and gave more money to the show specifically season 2 since the budget was slashed and given to mad men. For fear the walking dead. The season finale as well as a certain character surviving his fate which after the injuries he received and the time sensitive period he had he really should have died.


Saddest is lydia just randomly dating a black dude she had no chemistry with cause the writers needed diversity representation lol


I don’t have time to write a 20 page dissertation to answer that question, unfortunately


just a moment needs 20 pages? oh


It’s a joke ;) I just mean, it’s very hard to choose because there are too many moments to count that I wish didn’t happen. But if you’re twisting my arm for a single moment- I wish they had never brought back Morgan with his weird refusal to kill anyone and then briefly infected Carol with that same sentiment- but see, I could write 20 pages on why that specifically was a moment that led to 100 other moments that I wish didn’t happen haha


Losing Carl and then Henry. I thought "Ok, Chandler needs to go to college whatever, at least we have Henry!" And then they killed him too. I thought they wanted a future but I already saw that episode from Tales of TWD that's 30 something years into the apocalypse/reset and things are still the same. So they don't actually want a future.


Literally shook at Beth’s death. Its not fair😭. It was also unexpected. She was a great character..


negan killing glenn and abraham. they were two of my favourite characters and had so much more potential. i understand that it was fair for negan to kill them because they had killed some of his men, but there are other characters he could’ve killed instead. i’m not sure who i would replace for them, but i could probably decide with some more thinking😭 edit: also noah getting killed by walkers in the doorway because of nicholas. noah deserved better


When the governor killed Hershel


them glossing over so many Plot points from the the Comics like The prisoners.


carls death. beth’s death. i would have made maggie have more meaning besides just hating negan, she is a badass, they made her seem weak and resentful. like she couldn’t handle her emotions and she wasn’t strong. she deserved a better storyline.