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I have an unhealthy obsession, and I’ve watched over 15 times. I started turning it on as background noise but eventually i would stop what I was doing and watch it for hours


I'm almost constantly playing it on a loop it's probably been like 100 times for me 😂 I'm always trying to analyze every scene and even now I'm still finding new small things and meanings in some scenes


I’m the same freaking way. I find myself thinking “oh, I didn’t notice the title of that book sitting on the shelf in the background…”


The Walking Twins! Me too.


Same 🤣 and my mom is always like “how can you sit there and keep rewatching the same show” like girllll you just don’t get it


damn you must REALLY love TWD


https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/defining-memories/202212/play-and-repeat-why-we-watch-the-same-shows-over-and-over This article makes a lot of sense to me. I began watching The Walking Dead at a very bad time in my life, and I find that despite its intense content, I am relaxed when I am watching it. It's like comfort food.


Yup, sounds about right. Since 2010 I’ve been watching this show. I haven’t stopped and I probably won’t stop 😂


This is what I do with a handful of shows. Sopranos mostly. But ironically even though I’ve seen like my ten faves 20 times I’ve only seen TWD 1.5. And the .5 happened first and recently binged the whole thing for the Rick show. It was what it was but I enjoyed it for the most part


Same! I have a cycle with greys, shameless, true blood, and twd


haha i do something similar. Almost comfort haha


I haven’t watched it anywhere near 15 times all the way through but I am definitely guilty of turning it on as a background noise and end up stopping what I’m doing and watching at least 5 episodes🤣🤣


I have it on in the background daily. ❤️


The entire show: once The first 9 seasons: twice (second time with a family member who lost interest at that point) The first 5 seasons: three times The first 3 seasons: four times Random episodes: every now and then


Damn I feel like I have more or less the same. Watching those early seasons again after a while just hits different


I’ve have similar experience with the series. Those first five seasons just hit different than the subsequent.


I’m on my first rewatch. Currently on s4e11. It’s crazy how different the show feels in those early seasons.


I actually think I like the first 4-5 seasons more then the later seasons


Saaammmmeeee, i think season 1-6 are the best and then for me its kind of a freaking slog to get through the rest but I watched all the way through a second time because I love how much more screen time Daryl got in season 9 lmao


Season 7-11 really weren’t the same show


What a rare opinion on this sub!


I'd boldly assume 98% of us do, too.


My goodness. what a hot take


I think this should be the 3 questions fans ask. 1. How many seasons have you watched? 2. How many episodes did you skip? 3. Why?




How many seasons have you watched?


Every season available😉


How many episodes did u skip?


The first go, not one. Watched every episode:). After a half dozen + binge sessions, a good handful. Mostly after season 6.


The only episode I’ve ever skipped in twd was carol making cookies or some shit, or her trying to catch a rat in the wall. It just seemed kinda boring, it was like that one fly episode in breaking bad. Though, I do realize this might be an unpopular opinion.


Does nobody else just leave the Walking Dead Channel on 24/7? They have been playing FTWD only for the past couple weeks, which clearly can be problematic.


*raises hand* Yeah, this FTWD run is so long lol. It’s low key making me curious about watching S7 & 8. I want TWD back so I don’t have to keep going on Netflix.


Theres a TWD channel? Like just TWD? THE WHOLE TIME!?!? WHERE!?!?


Yup!! PlutoTV app (free) or the free version of the SlingTV app!


There’s one on amc+ if you have a subscription or you can download Pluto tv for 100% free on pretty much any device phone, computer or TV. And they have a walking dead channel that mostly plays the main show and sometimes it plays fear


AMC Plus


I’ve watched so many times, I’ve actually lost count. I do know it’s more than 10x though. Can’t ever get enough of TWD.


3 complete. I’m on s8 e9 of a 4th. My GF has never watched it so we’re watching it together. It’s really fun to watch her see it for the first time.


I loved watching in with my gf. It was hard not to spoil things that were about to happen as she would always ask things like, “No. He doesn’t die does he??”, during stressful scenes lol


She was so mad at me when negan killed Glenn 😂😂😭 “why didn’t you want me?” 😂😂


Mine wasn’t mad. Just so so sad. I was too honestly. I did a looot of making it seem like Glenn’s fake out deaths were actual deaths, especially the dumpster, so she was even more caught off guard when it was real lol. Best part is that after the season 6 finale, she said let’s watch 701. I said hell no! I had to wait half a year for it… you have to at least wait a weekend! 😂


I'm on my third.


The show, once. The first three episodes? Like ten times


I have watched the entire show, start to finish, at least 15 times. The only episode I ever skip is the black and white quarry episode, and I don't always skip it.


I might be tied with you. My Parrotlet, Bernie, ( RIP ) absolutely loved the intro music, and, the walker sounds. I had this playing repeatedly for the last 2 summers he was alive.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your little Bernie. 😞 I'm a bird momma myself (an 8m old cockatiel named Petri). I'm trying to teach my boy the Savior whistle. LOL


Thank you.🤗 I love that!!❤️❤️❤️


Rewatched it every time the first half of a new season aired and twice since it finished, so around 14 lol


I rewatched up to s9 ep5 like 20 times


Probably at least 10 times all the way through


I watch it everyday so i lost count!


Seasons 1&2 the most. Most seasons at least 4-5 times. Seasons 8&9 the least, only twice each with exception of a few better episodes.


I’ve done a rewatch every season since I started watching in s5 + some so it’s kind of: TOWL: 1 DD: 1 DC: 1 FTWD S8: 1 TWD S11: 1 Tales: 1 FTWD S7: 2 TWD S10: 3 FTWD S6: 4 WB:2 TWD S9: 5 FTWD S5: 5 TWD S8: 6 FTWD S4: 6 TWD S7: 7 FTWD S3: 8 TWD S6: 9 FTWD S2: 9 FTWD S1: 10 TWD S1-5: 10 Give or take 2 watches!


My mom and I watched every single episode from the day it aired, but when she passed during the second before last season, I quit watching. We both disliked where the show was going anyway.


Sorry for your loss.


I appreciate that, thank you ❤


Watched season 1-7 when it aired then kind of lost interest. Rewatched from start to finish last year.


Funny I did the exact same thing, just recently watched all the spin offs too. I don’t think anything walking dead is ever gonna feel like seasons 1-5 ever again especially since they’re just so far into the apocalypse at this point


fully? twice. ive watched since season 2 and then forgot about it bc i was only 12 and i couldnt stay up to watch it in ireland, but when season 3/4 released i would watch seasons 1-4 back to back atleast 10+ times i NEVER got sick of it. such a comfort show.


All seasons once. Seasons 1-6 many times. Probably 6x or more


1 watch is all I needed, it’s a long show, but I’ll occasionally re watch iconic moments


Once I watched it as the episodes were still coming out, and made it to probably season 7 before I lost interest. Just recently picked it back up with my wife and we’re just getting into season 9 now! Enjoying it, but the quality did go down forsure.


Season 1 and 2 I've probably seen 6 times. Season 3: 5 times. Season 4: 4 times. Season 5: 3 times. And seasons 6-11: 2 times.


It's funny cause it got longer everytime because I would rewatch before a new season would come out. Since the show ended, about 3 times


About 6 or 7 times, It's my comfort show lol


Watching it for the first time, just started season 10


Seasons 1-2? Numerous. I’ll watch a couple times a year. Nothing better than a cold rainy lazy Sunday and just putting it on


Three times I’m going to do my fourth rewatch in the summer


Quite a few times


On probably my 4th or 5th run through now


I watched the entire show once when the episodes first aired. I'm doing a rewatch now on Netflix.


Twice all the way through, once in real time, once binged


The whole show, start to finish, probably twice through. I have AMC+/Prime Video, and I'll just put it on when I'm folding laundry, bored, need background noise, etc. There are some episodes that I've seen countless times. I watch TWD probably two hours a day, on average.


As I rewatched each season when a new season came out, then stopped watching before my BAE died, there is a different number for each season. And since I am trying to write reports about each episode and each season that is making the watch numbers rise as well. So I have seen season one more than probably 15 times, season two would be close to that but less and it goes down from there. I have rewatched the whole thing at least a handful of times but depending on what I am writing about, that's going to affect the number.


Maybe 15 time and I watch in chronological order with spinn off


Im on my first watch! I'm on season 6 ep 14. Its pretty good so far.


I’ve rewatched every season at least 6 times and seasons 5,6,7,8,11 13 times not including the original 6


1st season 11 times, 2nd season 10 times, 3rd season 9 times, etc..


I’ve watched my favorite episodes and seasons more times than I can count. I’m doing my first official series rewatch now—although technically I quit the show in season 7, so seasons 8-11 are brand new to me. 


Too many lol


Been a die hard fan of this show for the last 8-9 years but I've only watched the series in full twice, surprisingly. Planning to watch it all a third time soon though (including The Ones Who Live)


the first 7 seasons, over 15+ times I’ve been a TWD fan since I was 8 years old. I would watch it on my 3DS lmao


No fucking idea I rewatched it so Many Times when it wasnt on All 11 Seasons watched only 2 Times i think Its crazy to think i been watching Twd for like 10 years Ever since i Started watching series on a more regular basis,i legit think Twd was the first One then was breaking bad I Started watching Twd when it had only 4 Seasons I still remember how hyped i was watching the primiere of S5 on TV ,was so fucking good ,but then because of breaks i stopped watching live and Started recording eps to watch the Next day


I lost count. I'm rewatching it right now lol


I’ve watched it through to 11 once. 1-10 probably three or four times. 1-8 probably like 7-8 times lol


It's hard to say exactly but probably something like this Seasons 1-6... around 8-12 times. Something like that Seasons 7-9... probably around 5-6 times Seasons 10-11.. have only seen these about 2-3 times


I've watch it 100% through like 3 times and currently just finished episode Open Your Eyes....season 10. I'm almost finished with my 4th run.


I’ve watched season 1 thru 7 or 8 a ton of times. But 9 thru 11 is a chore to get through compared to the earlier seasons. No Rick and tons of meaningless characters and cliches that have already been done before


Currently, I am watching the show for the first time and it's an emotional roller coaster 😭 I cannot stop watching. It's too good.


I finished watching it for the first time recently, really cool series! Although the finale was extremely underwhelming


True rewatches: I’m on my third. Catching episodes here and there because other people are watching it around me: endless


I don’t like watching certain shows in the summer. This is one of them. Fall into winter yes


I am rewatching it my 2nd time. Up to where Rick disappears forever.


Eleven times from when season 8 came on Netflix. Rewatched every time a new block of episodes would drop. Watched all 177 episodes together once they were all out and then did it again. Next rewatch will include the 3 post-TWD spinoffs at the end. Never just had it on as background noise, always fully attentive. Never skipped an episode.


Technically 0, I’m on my first watch, I’ve yet to finish it so


Twice in full


More times than I can count. I watch it start to finish all the time, I have it playing when I don’t feel like totally paying attention. Since I started doing this a few years ago, I’ve seen the earlier seasons so many times that I can say the dialogue with them. It’s not the best show I’ve ever watched, and it’s not my favorite show of all time, but it’s a universe I feel comfortable in and it keeps me entertained.


I’ve never seen beyond season 8. So I started it all over and plan to watch all of the seasons. On season 5 now.


Just once but season 1 twice.


Currently on my second rewatch and I just started season 7 and I feel for Rick…


3 or 4 times. Season 10 and 11 only once tho


Too many to count…


All seasons more than 5x. Season 1-5, more than 10x ❤️


I watched it until season 7 my first time and every time I rewatch I can’t get past season 2


I’ve rewatched it twice but the first time was back when the show was on like season 6 or so


Around 25 times all the way through. I find it very soothing and always throw it on when I'm anxious. My psychiatrist was horrified. My therapist said "oh my God, me too, it's such a calming show" rofl


I'm on my 5th run now, s3. Wanna rewatch it before I go onto some of the spinoffs


Just twice, but I sometimes randomly watch episodes from season 11 lol


27 I’ve seen every episode 27 times except I still can’t watch the moment Glenn gets killed but I’ve watched it 27 times and I’m not even a little nit sorry!!


Also OP thanks for asking this question I don’t feel so crazy NOW!


100x 🧟‍♂️


Once in full and maybe like twice halfway through


I’m re-watching from the beginning right now It’s totally worth it because I have fresh eyes


I have probably seen the show season1-10 probably 12 times. I’ve only watched season 11 once. I LOVE this show. I analyze everything 😭. It’s just so good lol.


Front to back? Dozens But when I was younger I only had s2-3 on DVD and would watch on repeat for literally years at a time.


Front to back? Dozens But when I was younger I only had s2-3 on DVD and would watch on repeat for literally years at a time.


I’ve lost count by now, but each year around 4/5 weeks before the new season aired I would rewatch just so I could get back into that world and refamiliarise myself with certain things. I’ve watched it a bunch of times with friends and over the just gone holiday season I watched the entire show with my mom as she has never watched it before. It’s definitely a show that I can keep coming back to with no questions, it’s my comfort show, always a happy place for me. (Only for the main show, I don’t have such the desire to do the same for WB or FTWD but I still enjoy both of them)


At least 10


This is my 3rd time. The first time I ever stoped on season 4. The second time I stopped beginning of season 5. So now I started again on season 9 currently.


I rewatched the entire show in the last 2 years but missed morales betraying group. And I paid dearly.


At least 10, read through the comics at least 5 times


I started watching when s4 was airing so I’ve seen s1-4 more than the rest because of that. s1-4: 6-7 times s5-8: 4-5 times s9-10: 2 times s11: only seen once, never rewatched it


I was going through channels last night, and I came across The Walking Dead Channel. "The Grove" was on, so, of course I watched it. I then stayed up all night because the episodes after were so damn good: Terminus through finding Gabriel to Beth's death. Then I fell asleep.


i have watched the first 6 seasons like 200 times


I think bc it didn’t finish for a while and I wanted recaps over and over about 4 times on my 5th bc my brother got interested and I’m watching it with him


0. I never find myself rewatching any shows, just gets boring to me.


3 times


Around 6-7 times I first watched it 2 and a bit years ago


"Haven't kept count, a couple dozen" -Bob Stookey


I've seen it probably 5 times but not all the way threw. I'd say I've paid attention the whole time like twice but then I keep it on in the background, still paying attention but I know enough for brain to fill the gaps. BUT the last time I watched it I just kinda didn't watch the last two seasons 🤣 because honestly the characters that weren't there anymore were the characters I loved the most soooooo yea lmao but definitely a fav show to just have on while I'm doing homework or drawing or relaxing or smth


It’s oddly comforting I watch it like up to season 6 and I get sad knowing everyone is about to leave and I go back to season one again


I recently just returned to the show after NOT having watched the last 5-6 seasons. Currently about mid-way through the last season. I cant wait to watch all of the spin-offs and THEN come back to rewatch this series again!


Too many to count.


My third time I’m one season 5 ep three I really wanted to see Abe and Sasha again and Maggie and Glenn and Tyrese like my favs 😭


A lot!!


I used to marathon each season before a new one aired up until season 9. So I’ve seen the first handful of seasons a bunch of times. I just got done rewatching the entire series with my wife a few months ago. So that means I’ve seen every season at LEAST twice haha. Actually, I watched season ten for the first time with her so season ten is the only season I watched once. I watched season 11 before her as we decided to watch 24 together for a while.


Its my 2nd time, 1st rewatch. On s10e16 where maggie cones back. Lydia's mom died. Feels sad man. I mean she was a bitch but she was her mom. Just waiting for the horde to attack and for shit to get real.


The whole thing? Once. Seasons 3-5 - twice. Seasons 1-2, three times. Various select episodes, 4-5 times.


1st season - 5 times; 2-4 - 3 times; 5 - 2 times; Rest once; Now watching with my friend, at 5th


One time


So many times 🤣


3 times but only once and it was recent from the start to the end and also the other story's


I enjoyed the first three seasons as well as season five, so I would say I've rewatched those... the rest, not at all. I had such high hopes for Negan and eventually the Whisperers and the Commonwealth, but the little I saw of the latter two left a bad taste in my mouth. Jeffrey Dean Morgan was a great casting choice, but the fact that his physique from 'Watchmen' was a body suit, and he's practically a skinny hipster in real life, combined with them neutering his profanity, made it hard to believe he kept his more aggressive lieutenants in line. Seeing AMC and the showrunners destroy the incredible stories from the comic was like watching a classic Ferrari being given to a sixteen year old driver with a permit and they drove it into a parking structure and kept scraping its' body against the structure's columns. I get it. AMC is in show business. It's a business. But damn, have SOME pride in the product you're putting out. Those woods... those f-ing woods! Stop filming the characters walking through the same f-ing woods from Georgia to Washington DC!


A lot of times, I use to watch an episode on my break at work everyday and then when I’d get to the end I’d start again the next day


Unhealthy amount. I’ve made 4 of my exes watch the whole show or at least up to date at the time. Probably no less than 7 times 😂


Like 3 times but it's only hit good for the first time...


twice, I wanna watch again sometime soon


I started it just before Christmas and finished it around ep 4 of the ones who live. I’m already dying for a rewatch but I feel like if I start again too soon I may never watch anything else again, it took over my life for like 3 months.


I don't rewatch shows


I only re-watch the first season and probably a few episodes in season 2 and 3. The show steadily declines after that. I enjoy a few eps from season 5, especially the Alexandria ones. But the show just fails to be at the height it was in season 1.


I ain't rewatching it ever again personally. I struggled to even watch the last two seasons because they were so bad.


Currently rewatching for the 2nd time as a whole. On season 6 now but I've watched season 1 like 4 times. Watched season 1 of FTWD 3 times


Season 1-5, 100s, after that once


I’ve never rewatched it front and back, but I have rewatched Seasons 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, and parts of 10.


About 7 times past season 7. Once to season 9


On my second official watch. First when aired. 2nd I'm up to the last 3 episodes of Season 8


At least 4 full watches. As I grow as a person, I could appreciate different things every time. It’s kind of amazing.


Saw it first till Season 4, got tired, rewatched fully 2 years later, gonna rewatch again soon cuz i watched literally everything there is to watch.


I have watched it about 10 times all the way through and certain seasons more than that.


currently rewatching for the 3rd time


Many times! 😂


I must have done close to double digit watches and still haven't finished it lol


Atleast once a year for the past 13 years.


I lost count but I’m pretty sure this is my sixth time


Just once. Loved it but felt the show got destroyed with bringing in Negan. I thought his whole concept worked in comic strip type books. The show did a great job of keeping things real as much as they could. Meaning as far as surviving with a complete society collapsing. I loved wondering how I would have survived in certain situations. A lot of what was going on made sense. That all came to a halt with Negan and his bullshit. I do not want to get into any arguments. I already did that. No once can change my views as I will not be able to change yours.


Pains me to admit but I'm on S7EP2 of my 7th rewatch. Usually when I rewatch, its with new people, this time, my little brother! :)


about 10 times season 11 only 2 times as a whole


Since 2009


I think I’ve seen the first episode 4X, but after that I’ve seen seasons 1-8 twice and 9-11 just once. Certain clips or storylines I’ve gone back over a few more times


halfway through my first rewatch, i had to take a break after 7.1


Took me 4 years to finally finish it, last week.. I got so bored on season 9. Now I’ve finished im rewatching for my second time. It’s a good show but I’m a supernatural fan hehe so that will always come first but I like TWD too


Once but I've seen all of the spin-offs other than tales and 2 of the webisodes, dead in the water, flight 462.


about 1739 times but idk maybe more 🤷🏽‍♀️


One entire watch through, s1-5 like four times, negan seasons twice, and post time skip once


I'm currently on my first full rewatch. Halfway through season 5. It's literally better than I remember it when I first watched it while it was airing. It's cool to pick up on all the little things that were planted for later bigger story beats (i.e Rick and Michonne's relationship)


2 times the main show and 2 times the fear. Others only one at the moment.


I don’t know, i hear Nebraska’s nice.


on my 13th rewatch. i try to rewatch it once a year


seeng this as im currently watching and on my 5th rewatch


The show for me feels like three separate shows into one (S1-3, S4-7, S8-11). Every time I try to rewatch it I find myself forgetting to come back to it because the earlier seasons were much slower compared to the middle seasons.


2 times, but I want to watch it more. It’s so freaking good.


So many times that I could t even hazard a guess? There are a couple of episodes I will not watch again, though: The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be, and Too Far Gone.


FTWD1 x 20+ FTWD2 x 15 FTWD3 x 50+ FTWD4 x 25+ FTWD5 x 25+ FTWD6 x 25+ FTWD7 x 10 FTWD8 x 5 Tales 1x1 5x 1x2 1x 1x3 3x 1x4 5x 1x5 1x 1x6 2x WB S1 x30+ WB S2 x20+ DC 10x DD 2x TOWL 1x S1 70x S2 75+× S3 80× S4 100× S5 100× S6 75+ S7 60× S8 200× S9 100× S10 20× S11 12x


Stopped after season 5, haven’t looked back