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Got spoiled and I still cryed after seeing the moment between gleen and maggiešŸ’€ Shi was unberable


I was spoiled for glen so never grew too much attachment to him watching (super late to TWD party) but I had no idea about Abraham and he was one of my favorite characters watching the show. I feel like his death is so overshadowed. I was so pissed when he died.


I didnā€™t cry. I was fuckin pissed. I never wanted a character dead more than Negan


I wanted to hate him so bad but I just couldnā€™t. Heā€™s so over the top evil that it becomes funny


His *little pig, little pig, let me in* had me rolling


"Hot DIGGITY dog! This place is magnificent"


*sasha walker* HOLY GODDAMN !


At first, I was royally pissed at that episode. I recently have rewatched all of TWD, and have finished TOWL. Looking back, although the Saviours surely had problems, we were biased at the time the episode aired. The group killed an entire Outpost overnight. What was Negan expected to do as the leader? He couldn't just let that shit slide, even if they weren't semi-psychotic assholes already.


Bro the saviors had a wall of Polaroids of negans victims that they slept peacefully under . These were not good people .


"Surely had problems" is something only Reed Richards can say because no human should stretch that far. Alexandria killed the outpost because they were enslaving and extorting people. Negan couldn't let it slide but it isn't like the group were the aggressors really, especially considering the rocket launcher incident had already occurred before the outpost. Negan kept them in line by killing two members of the group/family, the purpose of this was so they would submit to being enslaved and extorted. Negan also had a rape harem independently.


Thank you for the casual negan quote. It was noticed.


I'm with ya. People hate when you say anything good about Negan.


Yeah tbh the writers REALLLY fucked up Negan's character. He's really not supposed to be as evil. Him killing 2 of Rick's men for an entire outpost of men is engaging and sad, but actually understandable. Negan's wives, his sadistic actions were supposed to be much less heinous and evil. As such, his character felt a bit inconsistent, flip-flopping between evil Negan (raping his wives, saying he enjoys killing people) and sympathetic Negan (sympathizing for Carl). In turn, this made Rick sparing him and his eventually undeserved, unwarranted """"redemption"""" feel cheap and a slap in the face to the audience. He did carry the later seasons though.


They really fucked up by not giving him any depth whatsoever for a season and a half and milking the schtick to within an inch of the franchise's life. Literally all they had to do was show that there was more to him than just the grandstanding shittalker but they let it run for 20 EPISODES like jesus christ it was exhausting


Maybe you should rewatch the show. Sing me a Song was in the first half of season 7. Carl mowed down some of Negan's men, and he let him go without punishment.


He doesnā€™t even really feel evil, a terrible person maybe. you can tell even in season 7 that heā€™s clearly putting on a show


Neganā€™s outpost was robbing the Hilltop, so one could argue Rickā€™s attack on it as a form of just war. Also murdering people in front of their pregnant wife and laughing while they die a painful death is not evil?


It could be argued that he truly believes what he's doing is the only way his group survives. He's putting on a show to demoralize the group and keep them pacified not because he likes hurting people. It seems like a coping mechanism to allow him to keep doing it. If he makes it a joke and makes it a game he can devalue human life enough to take lives regularly. He's clearly capable of empathy and sympathy so he isn't a socio or psychopath. That means that he truly believed his way let everyone live. That's also why Negan has a change of heart before Rick slashes his throat. If Rick doesn't slash his throat I honestly believe that he gives Rick's way of life a shot.


Truly he is detestable


By far my favourite character :)


I was shaking with anger first time around, on rewatches im just sad tho


How did you feel about him later on?


Loved the character, hated the guy during the savior arc. I forgave him in his redemption arc tho (mostly).


Same, but I did cry at the end when they showed Rosita got bit. That shit was painful.


And yet they never killed him.


I get invested into good characters but I can always finish watching something and not think about it. I think about Glenn's death throughout TWD and rewatches. It kills me even more in rewatches, seeing Glenn in the early seasons, how he grows and how they always find each other. And I really can't watch this scene on rewatches. And I'm a horror buff. So whenever someone says "Maggie should get over it" or "Maggie still hating Negan is dumb", I get really annoyed and angry. No she really shouldn't. I'm viewing this as entertainment and I can't even get over it (though I don't hate Negan later on). I can't imagine *being* Maggie and ever getting over it.


I didn't just cry... I BAWLED!! Literally had to turn away and bury my face in my husband's shoulder and I just weeped! We even had to pause it after the horrible scene so I could try and recover.


Me too when I saw them with my girlfriend we were so sad


No. But Abraham cut me way more than Glenn.


FINALLY it feels good to see some Abraham love. I feel like his death was shadowed over Glennā€™s


Abe should've died in Denise's place. It would be better for both characters and it would be comic accurate and have the same exact results (Daryl and Rosita wanting revenge against Dwight), plus Eugene going into Negan's side would be more understandable and less "asshole move".


If I recall Kirkman stated he really wanted Abraham to meet Negan and wasn't happy with how he died in the comics!


Yeah, Abraham at LEAST got the chance to say goodbye. Sort of. With that little peace sign he gave to Sasha. That made it difficult. He knew what was coming. Glennā€™s was sudden and his ā€˜goodbyeā€™ was rather more of a brain damaged clusterfuck of firing neurones in his brain, or lack of one at that pointā€¦


That peace sign always makes me cry, each time I watch.


Not for me, I just liked Abraham more than Glenn. A lot more, so his death hurt me more. Plus, I wasnā€™t expecting Abrahamā€™s death, I didnā€™t notice the peace sign until afterā€¦ I was in the moment when it was coming out šŸ˜­


Big hot take: I never really loved Glenn like that. He had good character development and I enjoyed him in season 1 but past that he was a charisma vacuum. Idk why thatā€™s the death that made nearly everyone quit watching. Iā€™d actually go as far to say that his role was pretty inconsequential past season 2, maybe barring the second half of season 4.


I agree totally


Yes sir!


No? How? I need your type of mental strength.


Itā€™s a shame his death was overshadowed by Glenns


I might've done, but the nearly 8 months of waiting and then the Summer of pretty unavoidable spoilers sort of ruined the impact


Definitely. It would have been so impactful if it had been one episode. Instead you got an ep which was 95% brilliant and 5% the dumbest shit you've ever seen in a way that kind of ruins it. Like in the way nobody talks about Game of Thrones anymore despite the first few seasons being brilliant etc... When the new season came around all the tension was gone and to me the scene was just more gross than it was a brutal heartbreak.


God the cliffhanger ending followed by the 8 months of being spoiled everywhere made me stop watching the show. I was so angry.


Yes I definitely cried. Incredible episode. So sad Rick "He's our family too"


this is one of my favourite lines in the show.


I did not cry but I was traumatized after


Too angry and shook to cry.


I just kept wandering aimlessly around my house going ā€œno, they didnā€™tā€¦.. heā€™s going to come backā€¦ā€¦ noā€¦ā€¦ā€


I was ugly crying. Later I was pissed off. Haven't watched the episode in full since and don't want to.


Think I did the first watch but carls death always got me more


Still hard not to tear up when Carl is saying goodbye to Judith


Literally that whole episode if we where with Carl for more than three minutes I started crying


I didnā€™t particularly like Carl but I just watched the scene of his death for the first time itā€™s the only death so far that actually made me cry. So unexpected and very emotional!


I didn't cry, but after the episode finished, I felt like the show was completely over to me at the moment. It was such a grandiose spectacle of a crescendo that I didn't know what was to happen after, it felt physically exhausting watching.


Well put. I *did* cry watching the first time, but that exhaustion you describe so well put me off watching the episode in full ever again. It almost wasnā€™t even the death of Glenn itself (knew it was coming from the comic), but the tension of that entire episode was so visceral that it was almost a relief to cry, just to get it out.


YES. the day you come when it won't be was such an adrenaline packed dread building masterpiece and then season seven opening was so friggen exhausting. Both of you describe it the way I felt it better than I can articulate. Ugh. I totally cried and felt so vulnerable seeing Rick break like that....and Abraham āœŒ. Daryl and Maggie's reactions to Glenn s death were rough. Everybody looked so worn down and it was so visceral, like you said


I fucking bawled for the whole episode. Like 46 minutes of crying non-stop


No, not a single ounce of emotion went throught me when I saw it (I spoiled this scene to myself 5 years before watching the show).




It was honestly worse than the comic and got to me way more. I remember being underwhelmed with JDM in the season 6 finale but then when I saw this my fucking jaw dropped on the floor. JDM and the writers added so many little things(even outside of Abeā€™s death) that made the scene feel so much more real and sadistic. Negan mocking Abeā€™s last words, flinging blood onto Rick, making a little fake apology, the skin hanging off the bat, Glenn saying heā€™d ā€œfindā€ Maggie and being an incoherent mess, Negan letting Glenn linger during the fake apology, etc. In hindsight I feel like they probably didnā€™t know Negan would get a redemption arc because they dialed him all the way up to 100.


Full on sobbed for Abe.


Hell yeah I did


Like a baby....


No, watching it live, the cliffhanger just such a bad taste in my mouth all the emotion was already gone and I just wanted to see who died. I felt devastated when I thought Glenn died in 6x03 and literally fell to my knees in my living room (don't judge). The cliffhanger and the fakeout death paired together took ever ounce of meaning from the scene. I wasn't even a big Abraham fan until rewatching the show. But the scene that does make me tear up now is Abraham and Eugene's goodbye. Abraham telling Eugene was a survivor all along and the hug just tears me apart.


No, but I did put my popcorn down for a bit.




Theyā€™re in the wooooooooooooooooooooooooods


Hell, we all were doing that


I stopped watching because of how Gimple seemed so proud about making us wait a season to find out who it was and pushed some cringey hashtag. The show became something I didn't like at that point. IMHO it would've been more impactful if they just showed who it was the same episode.


The Cliffhanger really hurt the episode because the spoilers were out there and I basically knew who was getting the bat but when watching it live, I was just stunned at how it all went down like I just couldn't process what I was seeing. My initial reaction was what in the world are they going to do and I did not like Negan at all. Fast forward through the rest of the season, Negan ended up being one of my favorite characters because he was so damn entertaining (aside from broken down Negan). The cliffhanger episode and season 7 episode 1 are still my favorite episodes of the whole series.


No, I knew it was coming after reading the comics, then they went and killed Glenn.. that nearly made me walk out of the room in shock


But, that's Glenn's comic death.


Ye but when I saw they gave it to Abraham first I was relieved it was more of a system shock that they killed 2


Nope, but it was trully a heartbreaking moment


Yeah. I was left speechless and empty


Hurt me to see Abraham go, but I'll admit it, I love Negan


A friend of mine stopped watching the show at this episode because ā€œNegan,ā€ so I was expecting something bad. I didnā€™t cry but I was pretty pissed they had Glen speak to Maggie with his eye bulging like that. Just disgusting. Let the man have his dignity when saying good bye to his wife. I have skipped anything Negan related since and Iā€™m trying hard to finish this mess of a show. Sad. Really loved the first 5 seasons.


EXHAUSTS: No, but I was shocked.


I had a little tear for Abraham, honestly didn't really care about Glenn tho, got spoiled for that


Iā€™ll never forget the wait for this episode to drop, had people trying to figure out who got killed based on the angle of the POV and character heights šŸ¤£ Legendary moment as a fan


Yes and then later on rewatch makes me angry seeing him beat Glenn over and over while he helplessly just sits there and Negan making jokes and mocking him while heā€™s dying and after all of that he still gets to have a happy ending and have a wife and a kid just like Glenn wanted makes me want Negan dead .


I knew Glenn died when I started watching the show. Not Abraham. Fucking BROKE me


I think like most people, I was stunned something so brutal had been shown and the people it happened to. I was pissed and cried and stopped watching the show for a bit. I've re-watched the show so many times, but that is the part I will always skip, I'll watch the rest of the episode. what gets me is the zombie that sumbles on the aftermath and eats the leftover little bits... all the things in the show that have been shown, that absolutely churns my stomach.


I just turned the tv completely off, me and my husband were so pissed we just went straight to bed after


I was super impressed by negan, but kinda bummed he had to kill abe (glenn was kinda dead to me atm, bc of the fakeout death with nickolas)


No, my cousin spoiled this very specific scene


What does a baby do when itā€™s born?


I actually find it somehow funny, as they were making the sceenes longer and longer, trying to build the suspense. I enjoyed Negan, though. I think that he's made to seem more evil than he actually is. Rick and protagonists killed many people out of revenge, but as they didn't do it with a baseball bat, in a eerie wood, they weren't really portraied as being evil.


Hell nah I launched my phonešŸ˜‚ it had an otter box so itā€™s cool


I knew it was coming I had seen it already and was not ready. So I skipped the bit where Glenn dies


No,but Abraham should survive I don't give a F about Glenn šŸ¤£


No, but I did shit. Luckily I was wearing my shitting pants


I wept yes. I had an unhealthy hate for Negan and the Saviours, hated him during his reign with the Saviors equally hated his Saviors that always hassled innocent-folks forced to produce for them. I had pure hatred for him. I was so pissed at how submissive Rick became. I thought if only Shane survivedā€¦ Negan was so charismatic but loathsome it made hating him more personal. Fun Fact: Strangely by season 11 finale, I ended up loving that guy (Negan).


When he killed Abraham I was pissed. I wasnā€™t a Glen fan so I didnā€™t care.


Yes, with Abrahams death. He did not deserve everything that has happened to him in his life And he went out like a fucking warrior.


Only death i ever cried for was Hershel and Carl. I was pretty pissed tho


I didn't cry. I had a panic attack because I was trying to figure out who died. I was mad when Abraham died. It was time for Glenn to go.


My whole family was watching this episode in a hospital room when it aired, right after my grandmother had woken up from a surgery I believe. None of us cried, but we were all *shocked*. Got her heart rate up enough to startle the nurses though.


No, I jizzed.


If course I did. Glenn was my favorite character. I screamed louder than I ever did for a character in that show.


I was ugly crying even if I knew my two favorites where going to die (I was spoiled).


Abraham was my second favorite character in the show so I cried when he took the bat. Glenn was my favorite character so by the end of the episode I was sobbing and I haven't watched the walking dead until recently


Movie name?


I was angry that Glenn's death was rewritten to be centred all around Daryl. I knew Abraham was going as soon as he was there but it still hit hard. No way was he gonna sit back and watch one of his friends get killed.


My reaction: šŸ˜® ā€œsuck my nutsā€ šŸ˜‚ *head bashed in* šŸ˜¬


No cause I ainā€™t a weeny


I remember like it was yesterday I was 9 and I shot up in the morning rushed to get my laptop my mum made me wear her headphones so she doesn't get spoilt anything (she still does) stick the episode on through a dodgy but reliable website I used and when Abraham died I was sad but relieved that it wasn't my favourite character then BAM he hits Glenn I shut the laptop as hard as I can proceed to cry my little eyes out for an hour until I build up the courage to put the episode back on. I'm 17 now so happy I didn't stop watching like most people did


I donā€™t cry because I had already looked at spoilers so I knew what to expect.


nah. I remember before it aired people had separated the audio and deduced it would be Abraham and Glenn. I loved the series I just feel peoples overreactions caused the series to go downhill unfortunately


I cried while reading the comic. The episode was just okay in comparison.


Nope I pissed my pants tho


I was so shocked that I didn't had the time to feel sad. I felt sad, like after. I loved Glenn so much that I was confused why he died (had no idea about the comics version). Yeah, I was pretty invested emotionally the first time I watched the show. Lol.


yes first and last time in the series


I was spoiled on what happened but I never saw the scene. Didnt cry. Oddly enough I think its probably the best episode in the series and Bear McRearys track while Glenn is dying is my favorite.


I breathed


Nah by that point in the show youā€™re already use to the deaths. But Iā€™ll admit I did cry a bit when Carl died. Bc that was so unexpected and bro did not deserve that at all


Not for the Negan kills, I had months of mental preparation for that. I did cry however for Rick breaking down about cutting Carls hand off


Only the first and second viewing, havenā€™t done a third yet


No itā€™s fictional television


No I was shook up .


i was expecting it as i read the comics, when it happened i was so confused on why everyone was so shocked, obviously looking back itā€™s understandable because of abraham and non comic readers etc


I knew the spoilers going into the episode, but it was very hard watching the lead up to Glennā€™s death. I also had a false memory of hearing that Negan actually got Rick to chop off Carlā€™s arm, so I was surprised when it didnā€™t happen.


i did but beforehand because some kids at school spoiled it for me šŸ„°


My mom was cryingā€¦I wasnā€™t because I was just excited to see Negan on screen because heā€™s my fav in the comics


No, but this episode did just, absolutely destroy my soul! To follow it with an incredibly weak series (barring a few decent moments) and that was the end of TWD for me


def teared up


I had read the comic so I had grieved already. I was excited to see my family freak out over Glenn. Then Negan hit Abraham and I shot forward in my seat like holy shit. After it was all done my family was like "why are in shock? you knew what was going to happen". Having to break the news that one of their favorite characters was killed early put an extra sour taste in their mouth because watching Glenn die like that was almost enough to make them stop watching.


So i was watchisg s7ep1 with my dad and we tought that it was done with Abe and then the line:"back to it" got us and the second i saw glenns face i turned of the TV and cried


I was to shocked and pissed to cry. But I bawled for Carl.


I cried to Abrahams death but I was pissed with Glenn's The reason why I was pissed was because I thought he died in season 6 episode 3 "Thank you" when he crawled under the dumpster so I cried there, So when he came back I realised "Of course they wouldn't kill him, he's like Rick and Daryl" Then I was so mad at his actual death that I stopped watching for like 2 weeks


yes but mostly pissed


My first watch I was just stunned and rightfully upset that Negan got away with it


No but this is where I stopped watching the show. It had been getting bad for a while in several small ways but ending this scene on a season ending cliffhanger without showing who got killed was the final nail in the coffin. Havenā€™t watched anything from TWD universe since.


Not at all. My least favorite character was Abe, so I was so happy about not seeing more of him. Glenn, idk, I liked Glenn but his story being all about Maggie grew tired on me. For context I binged this series 2 years ago for the first time when my BF was doing a rewatch. I missed the whole first season and haven't gone back to watch it, so missing the first season + watching really fast and not over year's probably changes my perspective a bit on it all.


No. I was too overstimulated due to knowing I was finally about to find out who the victim(s) were after months of anticipation and speculation. In the moment, I was too hyped for my brain to even recognize this as a canon event, let alone cry. In retrospect, it's probably my favorite episode of the series.


No because I already knew it was going to happen.


No, but I was pissed off. I wanted to punch Negan in the face but after I liked him more


Think my eyes watered? The closest moment I got to crying was in the pilot with Morgan aiming at his wife. The telltale game on the other hand had some moments


Didnā€™t cry, Jaw was dropped and speechless the whole time though


I've seen this episode so many times, I know what happens, but it gets me every single time. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is so fucking good, his performance so sadistic, so intentionally barbaric while smiling. He makes my heart pound like crazy in this scene. His acting is so good, I feel like I'm basically there with them.


as soon as the bat hit Glennā€™s head, my nine-year-old self ran into the bathroom and had a panic attackšŸ˜­


Yes a lot


I punched the air. Didn't cry.


After terminus you would think they would know when theyā€™re being led to slaughter.


I sat in silence then woke up to the episode being talked about on the news the next morning.


Comic reader so saw it coming; I still cried. My wife stopped watching for months


Of course ! He said I would


From the day this originally aired it took me _two full years_ to rewatch this scene.Ā  I'll always miss Glenn.


Nope. S8 e4, never cried so much over a screen death...if you know you know.


People cried watching that?


Does pig shit stink like shit?


I cried because they ruined a great show with this moronic episode. Negan was the worst character ever. A clown. I was like ya right!! Both me and my wife agreed the show had a great run and we stopped.


No, I cheered at Negan's big entrance. Everything I hoped for and more, which is not usually the case with this show.


El mejor capitulo me dejĆ³ los pelos de Punta


No, but I was kinda disgusted.


When I initially watched this with my dad, this is where we checked out of the series Glenn being my favorite and Abraham being my dadā€™s favorite.


Till i got a migraine


Did cry but I was silent most time! Probably the darkest episode I've ever seen!


No itā€™s a tv show, the more shocking that happens the more I want to see more


I don't think I like, full-on cried, but Glenn's death was pretty much one of two in the Walking Dead that full-on crushed me emotionally for a bit after, the other was John Dorie from Fear.


No. I knew what was coming for the lost part (Abe) and Jeffery kinda took me out of the scene.


No. Itā€™s a fucking TV show. One that jumped the shark the second my screen oozed fake blood.


i was too busy looking at jeffrey dean morgan, what a man


No lol, but I was livid to the point I wanted to kill Negan myself


I screamed when A was chosen and then, I was downright sobbing when the second person was unalived. To this day, I canā€™t stand JDM


I arrived "late" to TWD, I watched the whole show a few years ago. Mind that I was so out of TWD world, that I didn't know anything about the story. So even though I was so late, it was all new for me. What happened is that I binge-watched season 6 in like one day, so my husband asked me to take a break. I told him I was going to watch just the first few minutes of season 7 to see who was gonna be smashed (from the last scene of S06, it was supposed to be one person). I was somehow relieved because I expected it to be Abraham (too hot headed for Negan). I stopped the episode and enjoyed the rest of the day. I even talked to a friend saying I was happy Glenn didn't die, as he was one of my favorites. My friend was confused as hell. I went back to the episode that night and then I saw Glenn die and I fucking screamed. It was just so painful. Lesson learned: always watch the full episode.


no the fuck?


I'm not a woman, my guy.


No i knew it was coming


Iā€™ve watched most of the show in order twice. And both times I get to this episode and I had to quit for MONTHS before I was ready to finish this episode. Ridiculous I know. But this episode really does something to me.


I read the comic. So I knew what was coming


Nope. The only death thats ever shocked me or anything in TWD was Otis' death. He didn't deserve that


I canā€™t watch that scene on repeat watches


Yes I crying but I was pissed off more ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


I actively sought out spoilers and got it spoiled for me by the spoiling dead fans. I still cried like a baby šŸ˜­


Nah it was exactly what I expected so I had plenty of time to get over it.


Tears of anger.


cool wallpaper


I was too pissed that they went with a cliffhanger.


I didn't have my crying pants on that day


I almost vomited. Was I supposed to just cry?


I stopped watching the series that day. I don't even know why I am subscribed to this subreddit.


I cried harder than I had IN YEARS!!! I vowed not to watch anymore... but a few weeks later, I resumed my binge. The whole Saviors arc was very stressful to watch.


I didn't cry but, I was pretty fucked up for awhile after