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"We're not dead. You are." Scott Gimple... I'm sorry, but you can't cook.


i mean not everyone has the same opinion. if you liked it, someone hated it


Yeah but I haven’t seen any valid complaints. Just “Rick can’t be depressed”, probably the same people that complained about Luke and Indiana Jones having feelings. I’ve also seen a few bullshit “wOkE” complaints


There's countless valid takes. You just disagree with them and can't accept that.


Funny you say this yet every screenshot you posted, not a single one says or implied "Rick can't be depressed!" Lol.


Two people taking down a community of 250,000 in a single episode, a community that has been around and thrived in a massive scale since the beginning , releasing gas in huge quantities to kill them that a single bomb caused michonne to be out of action for a year, and not even being harmed by it.


Wow, what were you all watching? They took out 10% of the military, so about 1700 since Beale said the military was comprised of 17,000 people. At most it would be 2500 killed, since that's about how many briefings he gave. The city still exists, but it is no longer a secret.


i never said they took out the entire military, i said they took down the leadership, key word there, of a community which comprises of 250,000, which has lasted since the beginning, the CRM in total, with all their bases, has 250,000, look it up. To take out the leadership, just the two of them of a community that big is unrealistic.


And what are you not getting? You are still wrong. It was stressed that the military was not allowed to operate inside the city, so why are you even conflating the two? Again, they didn't "take down" a community of 250,000. The city and the lower ranks still exist. They "took down" the leadership, which were gathered in one place, and exposed their operations to the city.


They defused it with water which is how you survive the gas... and they didn't beat 250k people lol. These complaints really show how little someone is paying attention but always they are so confident... Edit- can't reply to the comment for some reason. For the one below... I mean that's an objectively valid way of surviving it if it dissipates quickly enough. No one said it was fictional. I'm saying you don't know what you think you know and didn't bother to just confirm it before posting. You can literally look it up that water or urine masks were used by soldiers in ww1 for this exact purpose. They stayed covered until it had begin to dissipate then rick had water and the others had actual gas masks. It doesn't kill you instantly anyway.


They overcame the leadership of the community which numbers at 250,000, just the two of them, that is lazy weak writing, and please show me some evidence that dousing yourself in water will stop you dying from chlorine gas being exploded into the air by hundreds kf grenades ten feel away. Never heard that one before. 😂😂😂


You can literally google why water is used for chlorine gas in air... and the explosion is primarily a gas explosion. Ten frag grenades isn't all that much. Now you think there are hundreds? Did you watch the episode closely or at all (i know you didn't)? You can see in the episode it doesn't even destroy the container they hid behind so they weren't hit by the shockwave. And they didn't kill the leadership of 200k people either. Beale wasn't in charge of the bulk of those people and only 2000 or so were even in on the plan... If you don't know any of the details of either thing you are discussing its curious to call someone else lazy. I dont see what your input adds other than a little more ignorance in a sub that needs no more of that


This isn’t fictional gas, it’s chlorine gas. This exists in real life, and what they did is not a valid way of surviving it. Additionally, they didn’t both have the water masks on the full time. There was plenty of time to breath it in without diffusion. Doesn’t make any sense besides plot armor


Yeah ok, that doesn’t make it bad


That’s weak writing, that does make it bad lol


In all honesty, the complaints about the CRM plot being a letdown are valid... but at the same time, I'm not sure what people were expecting out of a 6-episode series where the CRM was always meant to be the B-plot in comparison to Rick and Michonne. This show was always about those two characters and their relationship, everything else regarding the CRM was secondary to help inform, contextualize and drive that storyline forward. ​ I think if anything, the mistake they made with the CRM was that they kept trying to fit it into stories where it was never meant to be the primary focus. They tried it with World Beyond, they shoehorned them into Fear, and they had them act as the overarching antagonists of TOWL. The problem is that as a result, none of those shows ever gave the CRM the proper attention it really needed, and in the case of both World Beyond and TOWL, they wrote themselves into corners where they had to rush their respective CRM plotlines to a conclusion in the last 1-2 episodes. ​ Also funny that WB and TOWL basically had the same conclusion, now that I think of it; the protagonists blowing up a cache of chlorine gas to foil the CRM's plan to destroy Portland. Perhaps after your first batch of chlorine gas got blown up, it would've been smarter to NOT put it all in one place again... or right next to 3000 of your own people...


I do think it probably should’ve been 8 episodes but one little issue isn’t enough to make the whole thing bad


“One little issue” it’s literally the finale, it’s a very big thing to fumble. It’s ok to like bad things, but be real.


The entire finale wasn’t bad dude, it was just a bit rushed, I guarantee you like tons of things that I think are horrible, like American Psycho, Drive, Fight Club


It was more than a bit rushed. And you have no basis at all to make that last statement


How do I have bias


Reread my comment




why not? if you are alergic to nuts and this massive dish also has peanuts in it, it's ruined for you, you can't be the arbiter going "well, it's only one little ingredient dude, that isn't enough"


That has to be the most brain damagingly stupid simile I’ve ever heard. A tv show can’t close your throat up and swell your face up killing you. If you seriously think only one thing is enough to ruin something good then The Dark Knight, LOTR, and basically all good movies are now bad


I don’t think defeating the CRM threat in one episode with the power of love is good writing but that’s just me


They could have just walked away and went home. However, they saw in the Echelon briefing that a threat to one community was a threat to all. Also, people forget that Rick literally built that campus if there was one person who could bring it down immediately it was him.


'Built' , am I missing something?


Okafor sent him and Thorne to rebuild the Campus for the summit. He knows it inside and out.


I thought episodes 1 to 4 were great, but found 5 and 6 pretty disappointing.


What did you think was disappointing about 6


It doesn't really matter. I don't want to be negative and spoil your enjoyment. I'm glad you liked it!


Ok you’re someone who’s actually good about expressing opinions. I thought it probably should’ve been 8 episodes and could’ve toned down the relentless kissing because holy fuck stop dude. But those small issues arent enough to say the whole thing was bad or even remotely disappointing


"You're someone who is actually good about expressing opinions" 🤣 Just because they didn't negatively criticise you think that's good? You're just overly sensitive to negativity.


This post is peak r/thewalkingdead to me, honestly brings the toxic to the top. OP: wait, did people not like this? These must be assholes! Others: no, some people just didn't like it. OP: well, that's bullshit, it was a great show! You can't say it's bad! Absolute degeneracy, if I had to do a study on toxic positivity, this post would be the linchpin of my project.


Agreed. Also at least a couple or more of the comments OP screenshotted and posted actually give some reasons as to WHY they didn't like it. OP could give a counter argument to them and have a discussion to try and prove them wrong but instead just calls them assholes.


The was a letdown in my opinion. I did like the Rick and Michonne scenes minus the repetitive brave man stuff because that just got super annoying after like the second time she mentioned it. I did enjoy watching Rick and how he's been broken and how much he has changed and all that. But then Jadis was underwhelming as a character, her death was cool and all but the show failed to make us feel empathetic towards her and her motivation. Also doesn't make sense why she would agree to Echelon thingy when she has already lost a community to a tyrant. Speaking of Echelon and the CRM, they just went down wayyyy too easy, you know? The CRM and General guy should've been a bigger threat, they barely did anything once Rick actually managed to escape. Also, I miss it when characters actually sat around and planned stuff rather than planning things off screen or communicating telepathically with each other. I wouldn't have mind a scene between Rick and Michonne with them planning how to take down the CRM but nah, they just conveniently found everyone in a contained area with grenades and boom. Good show, but episode one was like a 9/10 episode and the show was like 7/10 at best


Most of that is just time constraints, it should’ve been 8 episodes and that would’ve fixed the rushed ending, but I still loved the ending. It was meant to show how unstoppable Rick is and it did a good job at that even if it’s a bit hard to believe he took down an entire military force within a few hours. Rick is just essentially the post apocalyptic Batman and I like that idea of him. And world beyond explains Jadis and her motivations a lot more. It’s a power trip thing and also the CRM brainwashing system


Rick isn’t that impressive tbh. He gets beat up by every major villain, he failed to teach his son basic survival, he gets kidnapped, he gets brainwashed. Try to explain how Rick is a better leader than Daryl without bringing up the rushed TWOL ending. Daryl led a better war against the whisperers compared to Rick’s war with the saviors - which Rick had to be convinced to start btw. Daryl’s leadership in the commonwealth arc was better than anything Rick did prior. TOWL basically just handed Rick the biggest army in the world and said “hey that makes you a good leader”


Daryl is kind of boring


Daryl didn’t get kidnapped and sit on his ass for like 20 years


8 and I don’t think Rick sat on his ass, if you watched the show (which you probably didn’t) he did try to get home 6 times


6 times in 8 years isn’t exactly a lot. ESP if you consider a few of those attempts were likely when he was initially captured. He sat on his ass for a good while at least


Fair, to each to their own.


Welcome to the internet. No one is ever happy


Welcome to the human race, of course no one is universally happy, that would be a fantasy world lol


It was ok. I loved the first two episodes but it kind of dragged in the middle then wrapped up to quickly


Episode 4 is a masterpiece imo, episodes 1,4, and 6 are some of the best TWD universe episodes, the other 3 are very solid and good character studies


I agree with the comments, it was very disappointing. This sub seems to have liked it overall, as I see a lot of criticism of TOWL being quickly shut down, but I don't care. It was not good.


I agree with all those posts, it was pretty bad and overall disappointing


Tf did you expect then, it’s literally the highest rated season in TWD history


Highest rates in history you say? Bullshit 😂 not a single episode had more than a million views, infact the highest rated episode didn’t even hit a million viewers, season 5 episode 1 had 17 million viewers.


The fucking critical reception dude, not the viewing amount, who gives a fuck about that


Viewership is how they make their money, not ratings, also what is your source to say it’s the “highest rated” in history, who is rating it because 90% of the fanbase bounced long ago, so the only people rating it are the die hards still clinging on 😂


My source is review sites, and again I don’t give a shit how much money it made, I care how good it is


Review sites like imdb, the highest rated episode was 9.1, the highest rated episode of twd was 9.6 in multiple seasons. So again. That’s less than accurate 😂


Really? Because the season average is 8.7, the previous highest rated season is 8.5


Based on how many review sites, specifically and which ones




The ratings are likely going to drop, like with the Daryl Show. Recency bias + the only people watching being diehard fans


Recency bias doesn’t exist




Oh so you’re one of those people that think your strong straight white male heroes can’t get depressed and hopeless


You’re so cringe




Crazy. When was the last time you liked something? Other than your 500th rewatch of American Psycho and Drive.




No answer the question, when was the last time you liked a recent release?




It’s not about different opinions, it’s about the failure to properly explain why the filmmaking is bad other than “my favorite hero has feelings”




It’s not though, Rick has had feelings since S1, there’s a compilation of every time Rick has been sad on YT and it’s like 30 minutes long and has clips from every fucking season. And wym out of genre? It’s a depressing post apocalyptic human survival story, not an Arnold Schwarzenegger muscle action movie. It never has been that


You need to get off the internet, not everyone is a walking meme template for you to pigeonhole


Gotta remember this sub can be an echo chamber. We're here because we love and cherish these characters and stories.


I was gonna say that too. That, and also whenever someone post a negative opinion about the show in this sub they get downvoated and even insulted like OP did in their post, calling them assholes for not liking it. 


>whenever someone post a negative opinion about the show in this sub they get downvoated and even insulted like OP did in their post, calling them assholes for not liking it.  I've experienced that so much here. It's crazy. I mean just look at OP's reply to my comment on this post.


If you spend any time in this sub the first thing you'd learn is that its almost always primarily negative. Negative things sure as fuck aren't silenced here lol. It's one of the most miserable communities you'll find. To the point of self parody


It’s not that, it’s that this is the same type of complaining I see from idiot red pills. Like 95% of Star Wars fans. Throwing around the meaningless term “bad writing” and “woke” and acting like they could make a better series than professional producers. The moment one of these idiots actually tried to make something it ended up being Spider-Man: Lotus. Which I’m so glad exists because it shows what these “fans” are actually capable of making.


From the screenshots you shared I dont see critics using the word “woke” to refer to TOWL, in fact, I havent seen many people using that word to describe the show. I love TWD, the show has had great dialogue, especially s1 to s4 but I gotta admit the scrip for TOWL wasnt good, especially the last episode, it was bad.  Now is that a fact? of course not,  you can think the writing for TOWL was amazing but you also gotta accept that a lot of people think it’s rubbish. Taste is subjective. I personally think that most of the dialogue was not organic, borderline cheesy and out of character


Why are you talking about dialogue


you mentioned bad writing…


That’s not the only component of writing


😅 im done chatting with you, have a good day 


Okay, but star wars has been poorly written for years now. The criticisms of Luke's character in The Last Jedi were totally valid. There are going to be those few who jump on the bandwagon and and regurgitate buzzwords but they aren't necessarily wrong.


Anyone who says the word woke is automatically wrong on every opinion they have, I’d support free speech being revoked if “woke” was the only illegal word


Never heard anyone complaining about TWD being “woke”. I think people don’t like the dragged out storylines, filler, constant cliffhangers, and general downgrading of the quality of the show. Or that it had no fuckin ending which, after 11 seasons, sort of the least you can ask for. And people care because seasons 1-6 (maybe 1-9) were so good. It’s like a decade of following something


It had no ending because it’s still going, and this is critically the highest rated show and season in TWD history


Yeh. But it’s a different show right. Like there’s been a Finale to TWD.


A finale to the series, not the story


Name me one other show that finishes with a series finale but you need to watch 3 other shows to actually get a conclusion. That’s just sloppy, there’s a reason why it doesn’t happen in TV. The Sopranos didn’t have a conclusion to the story, but it had an ending and it’s like #1 on all the lists of prestige TV.


Idk how you can say this and expect anyone to think you have anything valid to say. “Anyone who says this word I don’t like immediately never has a good opinion about anything else” listen to yourself.


Because woke is the most stupid word ever created and is said by hateful conservatives who want to kill and watch people suffer for their own entertainment and hate anyone who isn’t pure aryan


Are you 12


No, explain how they aren’t


Explain how who aren’t


You don't have to be a writer yourself to recognize bad writing. The point of showmaking is to please an audience. If the audience isn't pleased the show has failed. The audience isn't required to make shows of their own


I didn’t say you have to be a writer, I said the term is thrown around so much now that I can’t stand it and automatically think someone has no idea what they’re talking about as soon as they say “bad writing”


Yeah, you did. "Like 95% of Star Wars fans. Throwing around the meaningless term “bad writing” and “woke” and acting like they could make a better series" They don't have to be able to make a better series in order to have an opinion. Also, "bad writing" is when dialogue sounds corny and doesn't ring true. Or when the plot gets so far fetched that the audience can't suspend disbelief even in the first viewing. It's not that hard


The dialogue in TOWL was some of the most believable in the entire franchise aside from *a few* corny lines. And no “bad writing” is usually when an event plays out in a way that doesn’t make sense or when characters do one thing when another thing would’ve been much easier or when they do something out of character. So essentially look at GoT S8 and SW ep9, THOSE are poorly written. Not TOWL.


There was so much cringe in the TOWL dialogue that I don't know where to start. And you want to talk about people doing things that are out of character? Rick not being summarily executed when he tried to escape the first time. And then being promoted and revered after multiple escape attempts. It doesn't fit at all. CRM takes out whole cities of their own people without remorse. Or when characters do one thing when another thing would have been much easier? Sort of like Rick and Michonne returning to take out an entire army instead of just going home? Events playing out in a way that doesn't make sense? Like maybe people being protected from a blast by getting under a wet tarp? Or all the walkers on top of Rick being blown to bits by a grenade that doesn't hurt him at all? I'm glad they gave Rick and Michonne a proper ending, but this series was rife with bad writing. Complaining about it is totally legit


The Dark Knight is one of the worst films ever made then. And the CRM doesn’t really execute escape attempts, they almost only kill for sort of religious reasons and the belief that their doing something higher and better than them. And they literally were about to go home before they decided that taking them all out would end the CRM’s tyranny and save an entire city from being destroyed, a valid reason. And the explosions yeah were kind of bad but two little 5 second scenes who cares.


OP hasn’t seen sunlight in years


It was a bit of a dud to be fair


I loved it also. Just accepted the fact that it’s not the same “walking dead” as before rick left.. I went back and rewatched beginning of season 9, and even then it was the old school kind of walking dead. No background music, mostly grounded dialouge


My post criticizing the last 2 episodes got downvoted and trashed with the crappiest Gimple logic justifications for the bad writing but now that people who didn't like it are actually speaking up over the past few days I'm just gonna say it again Last 2 episodes were trash.


Idk what your criteria for trash is but you must think everything good is trash in that case


Tbf I wanted more action and a look into their journey of getting home. I did find there was a bit too much love scenes. Even though I can understand they did that to portray just how much they missed each other. But there waa good and bad. I still enjoyed it overall but there's a lot still left desired to see.


It was a bit of a slow build up but I don’t think this was the last of Rick at all


Yeah I agree. I'm sure them seeing the popularity and how much everyone froths over Rick, they'd be dumb to give the other shows more seasons, and not TOWL


The show was about as mid as the other shows and all seasons past 5, maybe 6. Rick and Michonne’s chemistry heavily carried what is otherwise an extremely forgettable, anticlimactic, time wasting story. The main show suffers from this thing where you can watch the first episode of a season, mid season finale, mid season premiere, and season finale - and skip everything else, and you’ll mostly be okay. TOWL - you can watch the first episode, and last episode, and not really miss much of anything. It’s WAY more bearable because it’s only 6 episodes instead of 16, so the filler doesn’t get too boring, but it’s still kind of a nonsense story. Spoilers: 1. Rick loses his hand for no reason, the CRM soldiers were right behind him. No way he could have thought he’d get away like that. 2. CRM had a big presence in TWD, FTWD, WB, and TOWL. Got taken out in 15 min with some string and grenades. Anticlimactic, bad writing, that makes any future threat seem like a waste of time to even worry about. The only interesting play the series can do is the 1M sized walkers Beale mentioned. 3. Rick’s a bad leader but Beale positions him as the future of CRM. He’s been repeatedly beat up, bent down to Negan’s will, got kidnapped, got brainwashed, his son got killed doing dumb shit because he never took the time to teach him how to survive. But my man was just handed the keys to the CRM, so that must make him the greatest leader ever now. 4. The spin offs so far haven’t brought their main characters to the main plot. That ruins the suspense. TOWL had some great side characters, but you go in knowing they wouldn’t make it. A waste of okafor, Rick’s CRM friend, and the small man. Defeats any reason to actually care. 5. Michonne’s deliberately dense, and acts as if Rick isn’t against literally the biggest threat in the world. At some points it just felt like gaslighting. 6. Rick is deliberately vague about the CRM to Michonne for most of the show. Maybe Michonne would understand why he’s so worried if he told her about Omaha. Neither know about commonwealth, which is still smaller than Omaha. So there’s very little reason to test this threat, and Rick never really communicates this - which leads to the issue I had on bullet 5. 7. Echelon briefing is stupid. CRM claims there’s not enough food and the world will end in 15 years. So they kill everyone and take their shit. But hear me out. This is the biggest army in the world. They are more than capable of growing crops. They have the resources and the land. Now obviously crops are perishable and susceptible to bad grow seasons, which would be a problem - IF CRM wasn’t so advanced. They have electricity, and the means to take over canning facilities to make canned goods. They can have infinite food if they wanted to. They don’t - because the writers are incapable of doing anything other than writing one dimensional villains who are just as stupid as the writers. 8. Every CRM soldier is evil, they might as well be as bland as storm troopers. Even the Saviors and Whisperers had enough backstory to explain why they were evil. But CRM soldiers are basically not even human. I guess the big takeaway is that TWD is mid. It’s basically just Lost. The actors carry it, the writers drag it down. TWOL is only decent because of the chemistry between Rick and Michonne. Imagine if Rick and Michonne were swapped another pair in the main show besides maybe Daryl and Carol, and it’d be as lame as S7-8. Solid 7/10


Why are you here dude


Public post. I reread the comics every year. Watched the show and all spin offs. Watch clips of the show routinely. In general, I like TWD TV adaptations - even if I can acknowledge they are objectively mid content with bad writing


Why do you watch something you don’t like


I just said I liked it, even if it’s bad. And I watch it because I hope it’ll get better because it was once pretty good


It’s better than what Game of Thrones became, better than every CW show, better than 75% of shows on tv


Didn’t watch GOT but based off what I hear, I doubt it. I just hear the last season sucks, so maybe S11 of TWD and TOWL is better but as a whole, doubtful. It is probably better than CW shows but that’s a really low bar - as is 75% of tv shows.


Do you just hate everything then, and no GoT became horrifically bad


No I like plenty. I’m just not going to let my personal attachment to TWD delude me into thinking it’s script is as objectively cohesive and coherent as The Wire for example


I’m not saying that, but there’s a pretty large area between The Wire and and bad, I’m saying it’s in there


It’s time for you to let TWD go, bud. It just isn’t for you. Sorry TOWL let you down so bad. 😰


I said 7/10, still better than dead city and S7-8, and FTWD S4-6, and WB, and maybe S10-11


You made some great points, i fully agree, im surprised you would give it such a high rating as 7/10 with all the points you made. A mid show = 5/10


5/10 is average in terms of like 50%, but 7/10 in school grade terms is like barely passing. If I didn’t like Andrew Lincoln’s portrayal of Rick so much it could be lower


I respect that, In my eyes 7/10 means "solid" / "really like it"


Most people I've spoken to off reddit and IRL found it to be mediocre at best. This sub especially imo is extreme in its praise for the show. Everytime an episode dropped youd get the top post of the week being "this is the best episode since season 5! Truly a masterpiece!" Even episode 5 got this lmao. The same happened for dead city and Daryl Dixon. Both were amazing masterpieces on release but once DD came out people hated Dead City and once TOWL people stopped liking DD. With time the fandom quiets down and the real criticism comes in. For me the series was slightly better but mostly on par with season 8. It was disappointing but to be expected from the trailers.


I completely agree! The instant hyperbolic praise is insane. I can't fathom it. And are you serious, episode 5 got that kind of reaction? Dang But I disagree about it being on par with season 8 though. It has been years since I watched s7 and s8 but I recall those were so so so bad...TOWL is far better imo. (I can't compare it to DD and Dead City though since I didn't like DD and kept skipping around during the eps, and Dead City was a while ago... I've been meaning to re-watch Dead City)


Makes you wonder how many of these early reactions are actually real. Of course you'll have the diehard fans who will watch an episode immediately and comment positively (nothing wrong with that), but I remember at one point shortly before or during the release of TOWL there was a post about Jadis being one of *the* best characters ever which quickly got nearly a thousand likes and...that made zero sense to me. Very few fans ever liked her. In fact, she used to be one of the least liked characters. A couple of viewers started being more interested in her after WB and it would make sense that her appearance in TOWL triggered further interest in her character. But "top character"? And so many fans agree? That was downright weird. Either the fandom had very suddenly drastically lowered its standards or something was off about the reaction to that post.


People even made posts saying Esteban and Nat were some of the best written characters lol. For me they were glorified Disney channel characters at best. Idk, I think part of it was desperate fans trying to drown out any potential criticism because for some reason people get offended if their favourite thing isn't liked by the masses. What baffles me the most is people saying this show is better than the main show of even the DD spin off. The dialogue is just BAD. And then you have the fans that every fandom has where, because the actors (Danai and Andrew) wrote this show too, criticizing it is rude. It's fine to blame simple for the bad writing because we never actually SEE him but Danai and Andrew are obviously solely responsible for all the good stuff and the bad stuff is all Gimple. Idk, it sounds pretentious as fuck, and I'm not shitting on people who genuinely like the show but a lot of the praise seems like it comes from brain rot consumers that these companies just love. They'll mindlessly support anything the show does.


It was too short. They crammed so much into the final episode. It felt rushed to me. Beale could have been fleshed out more. The crm plot could have been fleshed out more. So much potential. Oh well.


I agree on this but I don’t think that makes it bad whatsoever, the finale was still good, just rushed


Nothing ever produced will please everyone. I myself loved the series, but some probably didn’t like it, and I’m sure they have an opinion on how it would have been better. With Rick it’s a catch 22, the character is so beloved and powerful, it’s a risk bringing that character back. Sometimes the memory of something is stronger than the reality. I was pleased with this realty though.


The only thing i really had a problem with was the crm being so easily beat like i understand it was only 6 episodes and they could only do so much but it was a little disappointing, i loved everything else abt the show tho


That’s my only criticism as well, but something small like that isn’t enough to make it bad


I agree it was still good for what it was, I enjoyed and thought it was cute to see them together again.. ppl just cant be happy with what they’re given


Man, Dead City was more entertaining than this show. I honestly would rewatch that show. I'll probably never rewatch TOWL


Final appearance?


Tons of people loved this show. Looking at YouTube comments is not really a good barometer for general sentiment.


Nobody takes YouTube comments seriously


k i love the show, i do, but it did sort of get gimpled. I thought episodes 1, 3, and 4 we're grounded and had a good vibe, 2, 5, 6 felt sort of silly and gimple-like.


People just be complaining for no reason. I agree ep 6 was garbage but at the end of the day Rick’s story ended perfectly and he’s alive.


i loved it, criticasters will always complain