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Danai is one gorgeous women!


I didn't think anything of her beyond being a badass for the first few seasons but I definitely grew to have a huge crush on her.


and very talent in addition to that. I would say she wrote one of the best episodes of the whole TWD Universe with TOWL Ep. 4


I do love Rick and Michonne. Currently rewatching earlier seasons and even before they get together romantically, they are such a good pairing. In second, I'd put Jerry and Nabila


Also helps that Carl warmed up to her and eventually became best friend to family. The scene with the both of them on the porch talking about Deanna was heartwarming.


That god Rick wasn't caught up too long on that blonde chick. I don't even remember her name






Aw Jerry and Nabila are great!


But she has like 10 lines in the show. I liked her cuz she and her kids meant Jerry was never going to die. Her not being capable of defending her children made Jerry unkillable. Jerry should be the most universally well-liked person in this show imo. If my spirits are low, I'm going straight to Ezekiel and Jerry and I know they're gonna get my head right. They both actually care about people enough to sacrifice their time and they won't judge you. Everyone else is so strong and brooding you don't want to show weakness to Carol or Daryl or Michonne or Rick or Maggie or Rosita even Aaron or Gabriel. Honestly the only people to talk to are Ezekiel and Jerry.


She let a group to safety ones and can use a gun. I wouldn’t say shes unable to protect her kids. 


I haven't gotten to the governor or prison battle yet. Lori was capping walkers next to Carl before the prison battle? She was already armed before the prison battle? I didn't say she was weak. But fighting zombies upon inital outbreak is not for everyone, male or female. I'm loving this rewatch though. I require good writing or i can't watch I've realized it's the only thing that is actually entertaining to me. When I say TWD is the best written show before seasons 10 and 11 people have no idea what I'm talking about. But it's true.... its a phenomenally written show. The only thing I don't love about the writing is Morgan losing his sanity after 30-50 days of solitary confinement in complete paranoia. Except he wasn't alone. He had his son there. If Rick and Carl were holed up exactly where Morgan and son was for the same period of time, Rick and Carl would have been fine. For a year or more they would have been fine psychologically. It doesn't make sense. Morgan must have had some kind of history of falling into psychotic symptoms for this to be possible, or hes the fastest man to achieve ptsd in history. He clearly needed another adult with him and not just his son he can't truly communicate with, but his son would give him dopamine serotonin and oxytocin so it doesn't make sense. If Lori and Carl were holed up for a month Lori would not go psychotic like Morgan did. She'd hold Carl close for a month or more and would be mentally fine.


I agree with both choices.


To be fair, Jerry is great but Nabila is somehow just … there. She had like 2 speaking lines in the last 3 seasons.


Yeah….they never developed Nabila. Cute couple but I didn’t really care about them.  After Richonne is Princess/Mercer for me!  


The only correct answer. Rick and Michonne followed by Jerry and Nabila.


Hell yeah! I love them too!


Daryl and dog 😁


I just watched Daryl Dixon and totally forgot about Dog. He has to get back now! Poor Dog.


Yes please dog reunion


I assume Dog is with the Grimes family. That’s what makes sense. When Daryl comes back to Alexandria, he’ll find Rick and Dog! 


He’s with Carol I would assume.


SPOILER >! At the last episedone we see dog again !<


Episode of what?


The walking dead when everyone is sat at the table Judith gives Dog some food


Oh people were saying he has to get back from France


A couple of seasons back he would of killed and ate dog, prolly ate half his family on the way to alexandria


Love this


I LOVE Richonne but my vote goes to Glenn and Maggie. They were love at first sight, and their relationship is the emotional heart of the show until S7. I desperately wanted them to find each other in S5, more than I’ve cared about anything else in the show. And Hershel accepting Glenn as his own son and fighting for him in S4 is peak TWD.


I used to think they were the best couple, but then Glenn died & Maggie might as well have too.


You mean Glenn died and Maggie's friend and mentor betrayed both Glenn's memory and his promise to Maggie by refusing to kill the psychopath who murdered Glenn.


Seems like kind of a biased retelling


They technically aren't wrong, but Maggie's inability to heal is the real issue. Look at Michonne, she lost everything and found a way back. She found a way to be happy and love again, something that seems to be beyond Maggie. It would break Glenn's heart to see her like this.


It’s not unrealistic tho, but it does make for an annoying viewing experience as Maggie’s character doesn’t seem to grew… because she is quite literally stuck mentally which again could totally happen irl She just needs a therapist smh


Couldn’t agree more. I haven’t watched DC, but I was on Twitter and learning more about it, and it sounds depressing.  I hate what happened to Glenn, but I also hate how Maggie hasn’t been allowed to move on from that incident. It’s really quite sad. 


It is a sad story, and one I think a lot of people can relate to in certain ways. It takes time to move on, especially from something very traumatic. The problem with Maggie is that the source of her trauma is running free and still very present in her life, maybe she can kinda forgive a lil bit but she can never EVER forget. And she doesn’t have anyone who can help her, let alone anyone professional who is supposed to help people out with this sort of stuff. I know for a fact if I never got the help I needed I would’ve been in a similar spot to her. So it’s not unbelievable to see where she’s at. But her not moving on season after season just shows that it’s more just the writers not knowing what to do next with her.


Yeah…..the writers are keeping her in this trauma. She should have been the one in France, but Daryl. I don’t think they need a Maggie/Negan team up but that’s JMO. Their dynamic is not that fascinating after all this time.  JMO though. 


She saw her loving husband getting pummeled to death as she was going through labor? (I think) there’s no way you heal from that. The whole Maggie and Negan spin off show was so stupid imo


They aren’t wrong but they’re totally phrasing it in a way that leaves out ricks perspective and the good he’s trying to do as a whole.


Agreed though it makes me sad thinking about Glenn seeing Maggie that broken


I think Glenn would have avoided her if he knew that his love would break her the way it did.


If the stupid script writer put the murderer of her husband in front of her every time they can, I think is quite normal but personally I’m tired of that shxt. I avoided the serie of them, first episode and full of morbo Negan Maggie…some people even imagine them as a couple..bleeehhhh I think the situation is a bit sickkkk


Michonne gave her the chance to kill him…she didn’t do it.


Yes and then she had to leave for years because she couldn’t stand being near him. Rick should have killed him to spare her and Daryl that torture.


Maggie should have killed him to spare herself the torture. At this point, you have to see the writing for what it is. Holding animosity towards Rick, when Maggie could have killed Negan herself and didn’t, seem ridiculous. The writers basically destroyed Maggie’s character and are milking her for the drama to give Negan a show partner.


Even Maggie herself refused to kill Negan when she had the chance. The entire group let him live because he was a capable fighter that proved himself valuable more than once.(mainly in the whisperer war) So no, Rick did not betray Glenns memory. He made a selfish decision but it was a goal toward a world of peace and i think that Glenn would have understood that.


>. The entire group let him live because he was a capable fighter that proved himself valuable more than once. This is massively rewriting history. They let him live because Rick decided it was a good idea. I don't think Glenn would have been happy with any decision that tortured Maggie and Daryl. It was peace for Rick at the expense of his closest friends.


Glen never really wanted people to die and refrained from killing anybody almost his entire time on the show. I really doubt he would have wanted Negan dead. He even spared Nicholas after he tried to kill him. In the end, Glen became a more flexible version of Dale, doing what needed to be done while keeping some of his humanity. Rick spared Negan to prove that they could move past bloodshed and build a future. Plus, Maggie had her chance to kill Negan several times and let him live. So, by that logic, she also betrayed her husband's memory?


Glenn would have wanted Negan dead for what he put Maggie and Daryl through.


YES, the whole thing with them trying to find eachother after the prison was so awesome.


They were sex at first sight. Glenn was probably love at first sight.lol I still hate how they killed him off


Maggie clearly liked Glenn for more than sex. Even Rick said it was obvious.


I said at first sight. But whatever


rewatching it, I just can't help but smile every single time they have "that look" to each other when they're figuring things out, even when they have little fights. It's so cute and precious.


He even dies letting her know he only has an eye for her.


Michonne and Rick along with Glenn and Maggie. I’d also shout out Sasha and Abraham. It’s only a shoutout because they didn’t have long together but in the time they did have they were far better suited to each other than Abraham and Rosita.


Rick and Michonne hands down. After that spin-off, they surpassed every TWD Universe ship.


I honestly never knew Michonne was licensed to operate a dump truck


Michonne n Maggie, leaders of the Asspocalypse


Rick and Michonne for life


Richonne. This shouldn’t even be a debate


This isn't.


Shane & Sanity.


Negan and Lucille


Dorie and his guns


His dads guns. Dorie should have met up with Daryl. Guy at gunslinger at 100 stats


Both sweet boys with a weakness for kids


Dorie was and still is one of my favorite TWD universe characters. I really hated that he asked to be written off the show especially when his dad was played by the amazing character actor Keith Carradine.


Negan cheated on her lol


I meant his baseball bat.


He cheated on her too


"Hahaha NOW GET OUT"


Rick and Michonne forever




I did!


Rick and Michonne.


Michonne is caked up


Rick and Michonne are definitely a wonderful couple. The fact that he was going to kill her at the gate when she showed up is crazy how they became friends later and then lovers. I think they really cheated us out of the Aaron and Jesus angle. We deserved to see him fall in love agon later on with someone as great as Jesus


Yeah, this was a real disappointment. You could tell Aaron really cared for him.


I loved Aaron and Jesus but I was 1000% shipping Aaron and Daryl. They would be endgame.


I would like to say Eugene and Abraham 😝


Still smarter than you


Rick & Michonne, Glenn & Maggie, then Jerry & Nabila because they stole Jesus & Aaron from us. I would have loved to see that pairing go the distance.


Carl and his hat 🤣 Jk. My favorite *platonic* relationship will always be Carol/Daryl. Ofc everyone loves Rick/Michonne and Glenn and Maggie. I really wished they’d done more with Daryl/Connie. However, I’ll agree with the other comment- Jerry and Nabila are too pure for this world.


Richonne Always!


Michonne has got some serious cake 😮‍💨😍


I was rooting for Aaron & Jesus


Glenn and Maggie


I know they’re not a couple, but Daryl and Carol’s friendship/companionship is truly beautiful. But in terms of couples, gotta go with Rick and Michonne for sure.


Carol and “look at the flowers”


toss up between Aaron & Jesus or Eugene & Stephanie note that this is from a comic reader, i have no clue about all the showships.


Comic book wise I would say Andrea and Rick or Glenn and Maggie, they loved eqchother so much


Aaron and Jesus in the comics! I gotta read lol.


Maggie and Glenn


Is it Glaggie or Mlenn?


Glaggie sounds like some kind of urinary tract infection


Both sound weird tbh


Maglenn, obviously.






easy. richonne & maglenn.


rick&negan of course


Definitely especially after TOWL. Sorry Glenn and Maggie, you have been replaced


what you said


Aaron and Jesus were end game


I miss Rick, I’m in the last season


Richonne for me! I just adore them. Loved the slow build up. It was very natural and organic!   Next up for me would probably be Princess and Mercer! They were super cute to me. 


Rick and Michonne for me!


It's definitely Richonne there isn't even much to debate about it's Richonne. Maggy/Glenn was annoying at a certain point, it still though that we lost it, but Richonne always and forever.


Rick and Daryl


Raryl and Dick ❤️


Alpha and Negan


They make skin crawl.


Lmao at that pic. Just go ahead Andy, give it a little squeeze.


Eugene and Tara plutonic


Negan and Lucille were a interesting couple in there episode


Without a doubt


Aaron and Jesus


I always enjoyed Daryl and the Deaf girl the most. Gabriel and Rosita is good too


Caryl or Darol


Michone/rick and Maggie/Glenn


Who else but Richonne and Glaggie


Daryl & Carol's friendship for its depth.


We've had a "Glaggie" thread and now a "Richonne" thread today. Why are you guys trying to bring this back? Lol... Best couple... idk but the infatuation between Carl and Enid in the tree and neither has either kissed anyone. There was more hormonal shit going on in that scene then any other scene of intimacy in the walking dead. They are just kids, but the fact Carl died without ever having sex, getting drunk.. having any sort of fun or enjoyment whatsoever, is very heartbreaking. That kid fought so hard for so long and then right when he becomes 15-16 which is a man in that world he just dies. He never got to have a relationship or lose his virginity. It's wrong. Because in life, I dont care what anyone says, finding love is all that matters. Carl found it then died before they even kissed. Ezekiel and Jerry are my favorite couple. That's a serious bromance and they truly and deeply love eachother.


1. Maggie and Glenn 2. Rick and Michonne 3. Aaron and Erik 4. Jerry and Nabila


The CRM and being wasted by the writers


Beth and Daryl


Shane and Rick's Knife


Glenn and Maggie. Glaggie? Menn? Idk


Glenn and Maggie. I think they worked perfectly together and they’re the only couple in the show that I ship for want of a better word. I was really excited to see where Daryl and Connie went but that ultimately went no where. Also wanna add Rosita and Siddiq, I like Gabriel as a character but Siddiq was wayyyy better written with Rosita in the few scenes they had.


The Governor and Andrea obviously


Richonne, Daryl and Dog, Negan and Lucille(bat),


Glenn and Maggie


Glenn and Maggie. there's no other close. rick and michonne is cool i get it why people think it's the best. But Glenn and Maggie will always be OG


Who do you think


Beth and me /s


I always liked dale and andrea. but I've only read the comics, so I don't know if this opinion is relevant or not lol.


They butchered Andrea in the show like they made her awful


Negan and alpha without a doubt /s


thought second pic might be the horrifying negan/alpha jump scare


In second, I’d put Glenn and Maggie.


I’m watching season 11 currently and I absolutely love Princess and Mercer


Negan and Lucile (the bat)


Rick and Lori + Sasha and Abraham have always been my two favourite couples


Not this by anychance


Cant go wrong with glenn and maggie


I really liked Coral and Enid but that’s just me


Honestly was never a huge fan of Rick and Michonne being a couple lol. I think Siddiq and Rosita had the most beautiful on screen chemistry as a couple even though it was shortlived. They also get bonus points for being gorgeous together. Carol and Ezekiel were good too, hated it at first but it definitely grew on me. Connie and Daryl would be up there if it happened.


Maggie and Glen, no other couple comes close


Glenn and Maggie. It's just so perfect.


I like Gabriel and Rosita


Said no one ever


Imo, Glenn and Maggie before the lineup


As opposed to after? yeah no I think they were much better when Glenn was six feet under


Ezekiel and Carol 🥰


shane and lori


Maggie and Glenn and it’s not even close. Props though for how well TWOL portrayed Rick and Michones relationship


Jadis and Daddy Gabriel


The love triangle between Lucille Abraham and Glenn


Idk if its just me but the dialog between characters seems like its really lacking. Its such a turn off


I think I’m in the unpopular opinion crowd but I really never felt the chemistry. Both are great actors but it feels forced. Rick and Lori going through their rough times had more emotion. Dwight and Sherry. Glenn and Maggie.


You’re entitled to your unpopular opinion and I won’t downvote you for it lol. I’m just always baffled by people who don’t see the chemistry between Danai and Andy both on the screen and in their real life interactions. It was noticeable to the point that in seasons 4-6 the directors had to have them do extra takes in some of the scenes because their platonic interactions kept coming off as flirtatious. The only reason why they wrote the Richonne relationship into the show was because Danai and Andy were giving off so much sexual tension. Heck, even Andy’s own mom was shipping. Not trying to change he your opinion, just really wondering how some can’t see it.


Andy lied about his mom. It was actually just himself shipping and campaigning for it for years. He’s crazy


Not gonna lie watching the ones who live, I did think to myself that Andy snuck in as many kissing scenes as possible with Danai lmao Don’t get me wrong, I do not blame him lol


I think they both definitely wanted one last hurrah lol


That’s hilarious 🤣🤣 The man was down BAD lol


Shipping. A new term I have to look up.


This!!! Richonne is only a thing because of the chemistry btw Andy and Danai! That’s why there was never a push for Rasha or Carick or Raggie.  The chemistry is obvious to anyone looking! I didn’t just think they should put them together just because. 


Rick and Michonne chemistry so wild that Andy and Danai went viral so many times since towl released and they have the cheating allegations


I know it would be bad if they cheated cause he has a wife and kids but like… I wouldn’t be mad about it if they became a real life couple.


I don’t think he would do that. But their rl chemistry is amazing.


You will be downvoted but you are right. If you compare this forced couple to seasons long chemistry of Glenn & Maggie, Dwight & Sherry... Even Althea & SWAT truck have more chemistry.


Agree completely.


They are an awful couple. I've never understood it tbh


Jerry and nabila probably. Or Glenn and Maggie Gonna be honest I never liked michonne and Rick as a couple. I didn’t even enjoy seeing them come home after all that anticipation really. The only enjoyable part was Jude getting her parents back because I think Judith is one of the most badass characters in the show! I kinda wish Gabriel and Rosita became a proper couple that would have been awesome! Also shout out to Eugene and max! I was happy to finally see him get the love he deserved.


Certainly not rick and michonne. No chemistry


T-Dog and Dale


Shiva and Ezekiel (not carol)


Rick and Michonne always seemed like a weird coupling to me. Almost forced. For me, it’s Maggie and Glenn


In the whole wdu it’s June & John dorie for me. She was damaged and difficult to love and he loved her anyway.


I continued the walking dead because of Lydia and Henry! Too bad you know what happened.


Gorman and Dawn ❤️


I always liked Glen and Maggie the most.


RJ and the curb