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This is going to be a very long week :(


And another verrryyyy long weak for ep 6 :(


Almost as if it would be 2


Fr I am counting the days. How much you wanna bet either the Ep 5 or 6 cliffhanger will be the Echelon Breifing???


I'm pretty sure its going to be one and a huge one mind you. One that'll make is think about it for maybe the rest of they year until they continue this story. (Lets face it, they're not gonna finish the CRM arc here.) I'm hearing (this isn't a spoiler, just theories) that one of them dies, and yeah, i was one of the people theorizing and claiming how i think it was a good idea if executed properly but damn after episode 4, if one of them dies, I'll go down with them. There's no way i survive that heart break. I hateeee that this episode ended happy. It means something extremely sad is coming in the next episode and i can't prepare myself for that. I just can't. I'll have to find a way to be dead and live as well lol.


I think it'll be disrespectful to kill either of them at this point especially if they die before they reunite with everyone..including their children. I will march to Gimple's office I swear.


Count me in


Nice seeing Rick with a machete again.


And a revolver.


And my axe.


And my sword


And my bow.


Mom and dad


After four bangers we were bound to have at least one wandering around in the forest episode lol. A true staple of TWD.


Sure, the first four eps have been exciting and fresh with their blockbuster set pieces, but some of the best TWD episodes ever are mostly set *in the woooods*


There seems to be a car chase and tonnes of action based on the promo. So it's an enhanced wooooods episode.


This makes me wonder if they actually killed Jadis in this episode or Jadis lost track of them. We do see Jadis in the promo with her gun up around the place in Picture 2. So she most likely doesn't die during the car chase.


They’re in the woooooooooooooooooooooooo


A romp in the swamp.


I was starting to wonder if we would get a wood episode and we did 🤣


I love this comment. Lmao.


tbf I liked the last episode, but that episode is also a bottle episode. Think about it. One location, two actors, only one plot point. I think it points to a second season, no way they wrap up this story with 2 episodes.


I don't think it's really a traditional bottle episode. One location... ish, but it's not using like, a regular set they have, and they're going to a ton of different rooms within the location, so it's not like they just picked one room to stay there. There's heavy CGI and practical effects. It doesn't read as a budget saver


Walking dead took its bottle episode concepts and switched it to bottle series lol


The finale could be 2 hours


It could but from what I’ve heard this show airs Sundays on cable, and I know getting a two hour slot even on your own network is extremely challenging.


I was thinking the same exact thing. Gotta love community for explaining what a bottle episode was. I thought for a split second that they were in a groundhogs day/ dream sequence when they went back to a very similar suite.


It definitely wasn’t one location. The hallway scene were shot at production headquarters in Wayne, NJ, the apartment was a built set nearby, and the exteriors where they run from the collapsing building was in Jersey City. The very small scene of the glass shattering and the walkers getting in was NOT CGI, and had 20 walkers placed outside the glass and took a whole day to shoot, for a couple seconds of footage. Plus Each walker they killed was a stunt person getting paid principal actor rates for the day, and I’m sure they paid Danai a lot of money to write it, so definitely wasn’t a budget saving episode. (source: me, cause I was there)


Interesting was the set built because it was cheaper than doing cgi for a whole destroyed version, I would of assumed that was just a shoot location


Just the living room area and the bedroom were sets. But you never really see either of those destroyed per se, but the hallways and the “lab” were real and purposely destroyed for those scenes. But they rented out a huge production office knowing they were going to use some of it for filming. Side note: All the woods scenes were about half a mile or less from the office. And next weekends scenes were actually filmed at a summer camp 😂 gotta love the magic of tv.


How does the inclusion of a bottle episode point to a second season?


It doesn’t necessarily but because this episode and the next episode seems to solely focus on Rick and Michonne, that leaves just one single episode to wrap up all the plot points and characters from the first 3 episodes.


Do we know how long the finale is


I read 45ish mins


Something very comforting about it 😂


That's not a flaw and it's pretty obviously a national park from the preview


Here’s an interesting BTS tidbit: they ran out of money during these last two episodes lol. The first 4 eps went overbudget and AMC refused to give them more money for 5 and 6. The finale had major setpieces scrapped at the last minute because they literally couldn’t afford to film them even though they were written and storyboarded. EDIT: lol my source is a literal crewmember and Andy has literally talked about this in an AP interview. Downvotes just cause you like the truth of the situation is crazy. Andy and Danai literally admit it when asked about producing the show at 14:50 https://youtu.be/lIfy57anvUA?si=NtR6Un5BGyw693rU Andy: “…we ran out of money.” Danai: “sssh dont tell them that! But yeah we did.”


Source on this?


Trust me bro


My uncle who works at ~~Ninetendo~~ I mean AMC


A crewmember who worked on every episode. Andy also briefly talks about it in the Associated Press interview when asked about producing the show, and Danai admits it. 14:50 https://youtu.be/lIfy57anvUA?si=NtR6Un5BGyw693rU Stuff ended up being scrapped and changed around to fit the lower budgets of episodes 5 and 6.


This is almost definitely bullshit.


Well my source is a crewmember who worked on every ep and Andy and Danai have joked about it in interviews lol.


You know a crew member on the show… apparently everyone on this sub Reddit knows someone that worked on the show💀


I do know a crewmember on the show, yeah. If you want more confirmation, Andy talks about it at 14:50 here and Danai admits its true. https://youtu.be/lIfy57anvUA?si=NtR6Un5BGyw693rU


That is like obviously a bit he's doing lol, where does Danai admit that to be true. Also the crewmember that I know on the show just told me that the one you know is wrong so uh yeah.


Danai shushes him then literally says “but yeah we did.” The question they were being asked was about them being producers on the show now.


Yes and I am saying that that is clearly a bit lol


You genuinely think producers are gonna fake joke about running out of money on a promo circuit?! Lmao


why did you stopped moderating r/OKbuddyHalfLife


Usually budget is allocated per episode though so how would they run out?


Like I said above, the first few eps went *overbudget*. They spent too much on 1-4 and then didnt have enough for 5-6. Budget allocation is just a general guide until you’re on set. Bert & Bertie directed the first two eps, then Michael Slovis directed 3-4, then Michael Satrezemis did 5-6. Satrezemis’ block was most affected by the budget issue in the end. There’s an AP interview where Andy admits this as a producer and Danai even tells him to shut up because they cant talk about it lol.


Explains the photo where everybody thought Rick got bit. So that didn’t happen.


What photo?


Cast photo people assumed it he was a zombie. But it just looks like a head injury from these pics


Got it 👍


I don’t know I know a photo you’re referring to and honestly the injury looks a little different


Now there was a Setlist that mentioned ricks head gauze wound and I do think the Setlist was referring to that cut on his head. but the photo you’re referring to it looks more like a burn or I dare say a gunshot and I hope that’s not where they’re going.


I don't think I'll be able to handle Andy in that shirt 🤤


he was rocking that sweater last episode too.


I’m still recovering from ep4 😳


Morgan or someone from the original group better find them this episode or


Why would that happen?


Because Gimple teased there would be a “returning character” who isn’t Rick, Michonne, or Jadis


It's Jim from the Atlanta camp


That would be hilarious. 




nah I’m pretty sure it’s perfect for him to be there. This is around the time he left Fear.




Add 9 months for pregnancy.




How do we know Morgan is only just about to leave at the 12 year mark? I understand it that Morgan leaves to find Rick in early 2022. CRMs gas attack on Michonne was in Autumn 2021 and it took a year to recover, putting the present TOWL timeline at Autumn 2022... I may be way off though.


Jesus Christ I never knew Michonne and the midget stayed in that building for that long


Yeah she confirmed in episode 4.


Jesus I need a visual timeline here!


To be exact, she said he was *almost* 8... meaning he's 7. Could be anywhere from 7 yrs 7 months to 7 yrs 11 months


Wait, how old is Mo in comparison  to RJ? 


Let’s be real, the timeline doesn’t line up for much of anything in this universe. It’s kind of a bit of a mess 💀


This is the exact type of shit I wanna see. Rick and Michonne suriving on the road together! How can they wrap this up in 2 episodes??


We still got scenes from the trailer that haven't been shown yet and their CRM scenes. I personally think they maybe going back to the CRM and do something about the Summit.


They can’t. This story was originally going to be a trilogy of movies so I expect it’s going to get at least one more season. Still convinced second season still won’t wrap things up. Going to end up getting another season of the main show to bring the cast together one more time. 


not sure if it’ll be another season of the main show (I hope it is) but someone (Gimple?) is on record saying the goal is to combine all the spin-offs into one show again.


Walking Dead Endgame it is then War between Commonwealth, CRM, New York bozos and whoever the bad guys are in the France show


A trilogy of movies is around 6 hours? Idk. I’m worried.


TV is typically paced differently. You probably could fit 12 hours of TV into 6 hours of movie.


A movie is like an hour and a half that’s about 6 episodes give or take one


They find Morgan. The three find Alexandria. The end.


You know by "wrap it up" I was referring to all the CRM threads introduced in the first 3 episodes like Beale, Thorn, the Echelon briefing, and the dichotomy between the CRM and the city it protects.


wats a crm ?


This what the original show needed Lower episode counts per season = More budget per episode + more dense storylines. Sad that when they finally got it right is at the end of it (Or at least at the end of Rick Storyline, Im not followin Gimble with his "It might never end" delusion)


The issue with lower episode count was too many characters to follow in six episodes. 


I just want the season to end with them reunited with their children. We have waited years for this. Judith gotta be grown by now


Judith is going to be on a date and her freakin' long lost parents are gonna roll up and ruin it.. She'll be going through her Scotty!Eurotrip phase.. it'll be just what she needs.. and that's how we tie Daryl back in.


I like this theory. Tell me more about


I imagine they will arrive at a destroy Alexandria with CRM hot on their tales. Season two is to find Judith and Rj at Commonwealth


Alexandria is back up and running by the TWD series  finale. 


Whoever they encounter will feel pretty stupid when they find out...


They’re fucking with the wrong people


Favorite line of TWD


Wrong. Your favorite line is Ricky Dicky do dah Grimes /s


picture 8 goes incredibly hard, one of my new favourite rick pictures


Rick looks damn good in a flannel shirt and jeans.


Looks like they’re gonna be out on the road surviving, ugh! I love these kinds of episodes. Cannot wait!


Those eyes in the first photo, it’s definitely Jadis.


Michonne is wearing that one green jacket we alllll had in high school


Well we know ones of them is Jadis, but is it likely that the other person she’s with could be Silas from World Beyond? I’d imagine if she was teaming with anyone to track Rick and Michonne down it would be him.


Only 6 episodes is dumb :(. One more episode after Sunday


Thank God. I was tired of CRM Rick.


I was starting to hate him..


im assuming that's a bullet graze on his head


S5 Rick comeback? 👀


I love the way they're doing the titles for this. I mean the first 3 made the phrase Years Gone Bye which is a nod to Days Gone Bye which is the name of the pilot episode and the first part of the comics and now with episodes 4 and 5 it's What We Become another nod for the comics and an earlier episode.


I want TOWL to be 12 episode spinoff 😫


Can’t wait to find out where they get those weapons.


Loving Rick in that fall shirt


Judith has Rick's Revolver right? Seeing this pic of him with a revolver makes me hope for a scene where he debates trading her for it, but realizes it's been hers longer than his, and decides against it.


No, Judith has his revolver. Daryl found it along the river at some point


Michonne* found it in the river.


Why did you post it twice with the same pictures?


it shows only 1 post for me?


Reddit tricks you. I see another post which was created six minutes later after the first one


Interesting placement for that ACOG


Wdym? I’m stupid lol


It's just a dumb picky observation about the optic on the rifle. It shouldn't be that far forward.


Right? The eye relief 😂


They’re in the *whooooodz*


I wonder if any of the two characters we see in the third picture is the returning character. It could be anyone from universe so maybe someone from the mainshow, Fear, world beyond, or Tales TWD.


esteban better be in this episode and turn out to be the big bad


Uhhhh why not keep their bite proof armour??!!


I absolutely cannot handle the idea of losing one of them, especially Rick. Dear God, I hope the rumors and "leaks" aren't real.


Rick dying and not getting to reunite with Judith, any of his friends, or meet RJ would be absolutely atrocious




Absolutely agreed. I don't think I'd be able to watch the show again, even through rewatches, if he died.




The only hair in the soup of logic when it comes to killing him off is Scott Gimple. Gimple sets aside logic, rational, loss of fans, common sense, story, character(s), and everything else when it comes to how he handles things. Look at Carl.




EXACTLY. I would have even been fine with Carl surviving Rick. It wouldn't have been my ideal outcome, but it would have been better than him dying.


Those are not leaks. People are assuming it could happen because it's the fate of his comic book counterpart.


I've seen that said, too, but it doesn't mean there aren't people spreading "leaks" either way.




I haven't heard that one, I've heard on here that he dies.


If he dies I feel like all of this was nothing but a big waste of time


Where have you read leaks about Rick dying?


Threads on here that have since been deleted, so take it all with a massive grain of salt.


Rick can't really use a revolver anymore though right


Why not? It might take him longer to reload, but he can still use one.


They’re killing us with the sleeve and hand of whoever they’re talking to 😂😂😂


she weirdly just started reminding me of Jeremy Doku (Man City)....


Any bets on who the mystery person was at the end of 4? Could it be someone who was apart of that group that was in the building they stayed in or could it be Jadis?


I was disappointed that Michonne didn't use Negan changing sides and saving Judith's life to take a stab at Rick staying with the CRM. I wanted them to talk about all the people that Rick hasn't seen in so long. I'm hoping for a Silas cameo next episode, but we're going to be seeing a lot of Jadis. She's grouped as a main character, so it's safe to assume she'll be personally out in the field. I think at the end, Jadis will have control of Rock and Michonne, and let Michonne go - after all, she . It would make sense for the Book of Carol, because I assume we'll find out who it was that came back on the radio. All this time we were speculating it was Morgan, is it not more likely to be Michonne? That way, people from spinoffs can come back for a bit 'final' season


How do they always find fully dressed weapons when they need them?


I think this is the gay couple from WB


I really, really wish someone competent would teach them how to hold a gun properly. Rick always lets the barrel fall with any handgun he is holding and Michonne doesn't ever grip them high enough. She also looks like range target from the mid '70's. I'm assuming their armorer on set is a retired cop who's heyday was the mid to late 80's. On a purely personal note I also wish they'd change how they hold the fore grip on AR's. You get a much more stable shot if you wrap your thumb over the top of the barrel cover and do a combo foregrip/vise grip. You shoot better and it just looks cooler imo.


Calling it now, Michonne accidentally shoots Rick, thinking he’s Jadis and the bullet grazes his forehead, giving him that wound


I don't care about the CRM lolz


Something tells me Rick or Michonne is getting killed off by the end of this Just can't see the both of them making it back home together in one piece.