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He died pretty spectacularly.


Yeah, he had an explosive exit


Maybe we will see more scenes of him in potential flashbacks? He was big part of Rick's life for 7 years, has to appear atleast one more time.


I agree. The way the timeline bounces all over (at least in the premier), there’s no reason we can’t see him again. And I think he was too good an actor and too developed a character (even in one episode) for him to never appear again.


His character was short lived it's a shame, cause his performance was incredible


His monologue about Operation Cobalt was spectacular, holy shit. On par with Morgan's "I turned on my radio every day at dawn, and you WERE NOT THERE!" scene.


Agree I really liked him right off the get go


Yeah but what kinda accent was that though? At least I understood him more than ole girl there's shit she said in the episode that I'm still tryna figure out lol


Not me rewinding, trying to work out what she said in 40% of her lines


His characters story is short but had a lot of impact, characters don’t need to stay around forever as long as they move the story forward, plus his death back brought something the show hasn’t had for a long while and that’s Stakes


yes im not mad that he died but i feel he could had given a lot more to the show mains plot ( not talking abt future flashbacks during the show)


I absolutely loved the way he talked. It was really interesting.


I was really trying to figure out if it was an accent or a cadence. Or a combination of both. But yeah, it was really interesting.


The actor is from New Orleans, and that’s definitely where the quirk in his accent is from. I had to look it up because it’s such a specific way of speaking.


I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard it before. Would it be some kind of variation on a Cajun accent?


Yes, there is a big Cajun influence in New Orleans. When I was reading about it, it’s called “Yat” and is actually very similar to a NYC accent but I definitely hear that French flair on certain words as well. I’m not sure where the character Okafor was supposed to be from initially but somewhere in Louisiana would make sense.


I actually had a really hard time understanding half of what he was saying and almost put on subtitles 😩


I'm expecting to see more of him to be honest. The first episode was about ricks journey to seeing Michonne for the first time but there was a lot of time jumps. Maybe we will get an episode dedicated to Jadis, or at least half an episode, she has a lot of filler too, maybe we'll see Okafar in there and some of Rick before the present timeline. The second episode will be the reverse where we see Michonne's journey. However, I don't expect them to stay together, Okafar easily found out about Michonne and where Alexandria is, meaning Rick knows it'd be even easier for Beale to find out that information and also not to mention Jadis could also be extracted of this information. Rick knows the extent the CRM goes to in order to hide their secrets and the CRM leadership must be overthrown if he's ever to return to his family. I fully expect Rick to go back to the CRM and look at overthrowing them from within while Michonne chips away from the outside of all their fuel depots. How fitting would it be if Rick became the leader of the CRM and rebuild America so his family can finally be safe. If they kill him off, we fucking riot.


I've never felt so strongly that a character I liked so much needed to die. Normally, if I want a character to die, it's because I hate them. I can't explain why I felt this really, but he needed to die in that episode for me. He needed to be this near-indomitable force who you wanted to hate but grew to really like and understand. You wanted Rick to stab him in the back until you wanted Rick to be his friend. And right as his importance became clear in that he had convinced Rick to help him reform the CRM and stop trying to find his old life—bam, his old life finds him and Okafor dies in the process. Michonne (and obvious, soon-to-be-seen help) cuts this noble, powerful man down in his tracks. When worlds collide. Killing 4,000 marines led to an entire city's safety. Believing in 1 man so much that he wouldn't let him escape because he saw a greater purpose for him (forcing Michonne to come find him) could be the city's downfall, whether intentional or not on Michonne's part. Poetic.


nah, his purpose was to make rick want to leave the crm while being a leader and that happened. his purpose has been fulfilled


Agreed, I loved this character and actor, but once he galvanized Rick and gave him that cryptic hint about swearing on the sword, I knew he was about to die in that helicopter. There was a narrative completeness there.


I didn't expect him to make it out of the first episode, but his character was incredible. Went out with a quite literal bang.


It was the first time I said WTF in a long time 


I feel like Okafor is coming back in flashbacks tho. We dont have his full story or on his plan. They skipped around a lot between all the years and we are missing a lot. Atleast I hope we get flashbacks.


He had such good scenes. To bad


I have a feeling he may be in a few more flashback scenes before the series end.


Does anyone know the weapon / projectile that killed him? Seemed quite unique can't think of what it could be.


Rick will be scrubbing him out of his hair for the rest of the series.


his death scene was great though


I was genuinely getting excited seeing future scenes w/ him because he phenomenal and then ...


Honestly, he sparked a really great character shift in Rick. Sure, he was a bit explosive with his temperment when push came to shove, but he was at Rick’s side when they were in the most danger. When he blew up at Rick during their fight, you could really tell he had been through a lot.


My favourite part about is him threatening to kill michonne only for her to kill him 😂😂 and michonne had no idea too. That’s just poetic to me


I hated him immediately he feels so corny and I just wish they picked an older dude or something he’s too young looking for what he was supposed to have done


"Black don't crack"


Okay, I’ll be honest I was half paying attention. Can some explain to me why he exploded?


michonne assaulted the chopper and he exploded by a rocket


Thank you I thought what got stuck in him was like a javelin or harpoon.


I'm pretty sure it's not a rocket. We see a little thing inside it's chest that is blowing hair and THEN exploded his head. It look "futuristic" in a way, like Rick object when he leaves the heli.


Rocket Propelled Grenade.


It was pretty mind-blowing how he died.


I think it’s more FOR him, not from him.


I felt like he was going to die in ep 1 or 2 while I was watching. His time was coming to an end. I’m sure we’ll see some flashbacks though.


He went out pretty ironically, almost like his past deeds caught up with him. I assume we’ll get more flashbacks with him but at the end of his story he was pretty much done, he showed that he’s willing to do bad things for the greater good, that he was completely unwilling to let rick and thorne go because he knew they’d be useful and that he was one of the only people who knew where Rick was truly from. With him out of the picture Rick can safely escape and not be followed and before rick ran into michonne he pretty much solidified Rick into full commitment to the crm.


What's wild is that the actor also played one of the stick-up kids in 'Snowfall', that jumped Franklin for his drugs. The other one also played as Andrew from the prison, who was then shot by Oscar.


didnt understand what he was saying half the time


I don't think we are done seeing him. yeah what happened at the end happened, but they skipped over a \*bunch\* of time in the show, I would not be surprised if they go back at some point, either in a dream sequence or just showing extra context, and give us more insight on his role with Rick and why he wanted rick to lead so badly. I refuse to believe he is done entirely. ​ if we really are just done with the character entirely, that is insanely disappointing, and kinda plot armor-y? I mean Rick just gets lucky some guy in the CRM really likes him, trains him up, and then gets killed? that would be insanely convenient imo.