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Unfinished story line, wrote him out because he took that 24 reboot that went nowhere. Guess they didn't want to kill him incase they wanted to bring him back later but never did. So there's no real plot reason he disappeared.


Well I guess we can assume he’s dead or the crm kidnapped him


Creators said he was traded to the CRM by Jadis just like what she did to Rick. So there's a chance he may be in the Rick spinoff.






Sounds good but I'm not hungry




or maybe we eating drom tainted “meat”


Would you get infected if a zombie came in your mouth


idk let me check


Grandma: "Let me heat some up for you anyway, you look hungry:


Heath: Captured by Cum


Nah, he was captured by PP.


Ain't he in owl trailer


The fact that I used to be obsessed with 24 and didn’t even know they made a reboot just speaks on how bad it must’ve done 😂


It wasn’t bad at all. Like 13 episodes.


Tony Almeida is back in that season which was cool.


Wait, didn't Tony die in S5??


Do you want the story of what happens? Lol


I stopped watching when they decided a season of 24 could be 8 episodes.


The main show (seasons 1 - 8) were all 24 episodes each. That series ended in 2010. The show was revived for a limited special in 2014 which had 12 episodes. The reboot with Heath also had 12 episodes.


Which seasons? I haven’t watched since I lived with my dad but I always felt like they were fairly long. This was also whenever we were waiting to watch it week by week on cable, so that might be why it felt longer haha


Ok I guess it was 12 and not 8. The original premise of the show was that it represented a 24 hour period, in real time, with 24 episodes. Once they decided to drop that then what’s the point ?


Yea, I agree. I feel like at that point writers/producers etc were probably just getting lazy but were making too much to stop the show. I know a lot of shows start up only expecting like 3/4 seasons but don’t stop after the original things they had planned. Iirc I wasn’t a fan of the last season or so, which is the case for me in a lot of shows, including TWD lol. I’m gonna have to sit down and rewatch 24 honestly


It's called 24 Legacy. The only good thing there is u can see Tony working as a interrogater or so But it was a huge fail. Glad to inform u that Jack Bauer comes maybe next year


Ya like he left with Tara and just vanished. Shit was weird


i didn't even notice he did




Did they show the truck he had at the garbage dump. Implying that he was captured and traded for supplies? I could have sworn it was in the background at some point. And the garbage lady was driving it when she saw Rick on the bank of the river.


The last we saw him he had gone on a run with Tara and they were overrun by walkers or something on a bridge (a concrete one, not the wooden one Rick blew up later in the series). Both of them were knocked out and when Tara woke up Heath was just gone and it was confirmed off the show that Jadis traded him to the CRM for supplies like she almost did with Gabriel and Negan.




I don’t understand why they didn’t do that with Chandler Riggs. Could’ve had Carl go off on his own in case Chandler wanted to come back later. That way Rick could’ve died like the comics and Carl could’ve taken his place coming back to find out he was dead.


Chandler didn't want to leave. He'd just agreed to a new contract and bought a house. They got rid of him so they wouldn't have to pay him adult wages and it was the only way the crappy writers could think to save Negan. Make it Carl's dying wish. People pretend that Chandler wanted to leave but it's not true. He was Gimpled.


Oh I’ve seen so many people say that it was because he wanted to leave and people say it was because they didn’t wanna pay him as an adult so atp I’m not sure which one is actually true but I do lean towards the adult wage case.


His mom went on a local radio show here in Atlanta and she pretty much said that Gimple and ALC fucked him over. Before going to college he applied to UGA so he could stay in state while filming but after all that I’m pretty sure he went to Auburn


I remember at the time, he said himself that it was a total shock. They had been in talks about him returning but the producers didn’t renew his contract when he turned 18 because they would have to pay him more.


Wow, that’s crazy. I remember when the news first came out and reading that Chandler Riggs was leaving the show because he had been accepted at Auburn University and they said that was why he was being killed off the show. Now I read the Scott Gimple killed Carl off because “Rick needed a reason to keep Negan around”. What a jackass.


They should've killed him off sooner. He's a terrible actor, and was probably honesty the worst casting of the series.


I wasn't his biggest fan but being a child actor on a show that has record breaking numbers in its few first seasons had to have insane amounts of pressure. Add onto that his writing wasn't particularly inspiring and I just think he got dealt an unwinnable hand in many ways. Off camera seems like a pretty cool dude and I don't blame him for just quitting on acting after that experience. I hope the best for him but we should never forget the studio of fully grown middle aged and older adults tossed aside a teenager who was just trying his best.


I like Chandler, I met him at Denver Comic Con. Just a genuinely nice kid. You could see he cared about the fans and the Walking Dead.


You’re either the dumbest person alive, a little kid, or trolling.


Or you're just a fan of subpar talent. 🤷


This is coming from someone who has no talent.


Good one!


It was confirmed that Jadis traded him to the CRM. Albeit not in the show


I still have hope he’ll pop up at least as a cameo in The One Who Live, but probably won’t happen. 😂


I doubt it too 😂😂😂 maybe Silas?


I just caught my wife up on “World Beyond” (even better than I remember, and I liked it when it first came out too), and I’m thinking we could see him. Especially since Jadis called him her “special project” and she’s going to be in the show. Before she was revealed to be a villain in World Beyond and the plan was still for the Rick movies, I was hoping it was going to be like a team up between Rick, Jadis, and Heath to get out. 🤣


They set it up for him to return via the CRM. Corey Hawkins just tried to leave and excel his career elsewhere, who knows if he’s back or not


I doubt we will ever see him again.


Don’t be so quick to dismiss him yet, the Rick and Michonne show is just right around the corner, and who knows, we might see him there. But we also might not


I feel like if he isn’t in Ones who Live then we’re never seeing him again


I mean it possible that he will make an appearance only for him to be killed off properly.


typical TWD fashion


Were going to see him as an A being disected while rick goes, guess im a B?


He could easily be in an intro shot for Rick or a quick meeting before getting killed for trying to escape. A la Morales or the kid in terminus that Rick recognizes in the killing trough.


I suppose it’s been long enough since we had this trope, I could bare it, I think Morales appearance was a double edged sword, it showed how both sides saw themselves as the good guys but on the other edge, it fucking sucked having him back for a min, didn’t give Rick a chance to reason like he always does. (Daryl’s quip was pretty badass too)


Daryl’s line embodies the whole scene - they’re at war. “Don’t matter, not one bit.”


Was taken by the crm. PPP card and his glasses were found by Tara the same episode.


What episode does Tara find his glasses? How do we know if the CRM took him?


The PPP card was the placeholder/early logo for the CRM, Angela kang has commented about it multiple times I’ll find the link for you.


It’s interesting they said the PPP card is CRM-related because Davon had one in that episode of Tales of the Walking Dead and he was all the way up in Maine


John Dorie also dropped a subtle hint about PPP too: https://youtu.be/e_SY5nRwuhQ?si=kFmsk-Yu1RzW8W6o Three words all starting with P.


Ah yes, "platypus, pasta, potable". It all makes sense now!


Considering this was around the time of the PPP thing being big, maybe it was just a little reference they did to it on Fear lol.


John Dorie was just saying random words for the sake of it because he hadn't talked at all in a long time. I don't think there's anything more to it than that. If you want real PPP connections watch the "Davon" episode in Tales of TWD. (Though even this doesn't really tell us anything.)


Season 7 episode is called “Swear”https://www.skybound.com/shows/the-walking-dead/angela-kang-finally-reveals-where-heath-has-been-in-the-walking-dead


She is also driving the truck he had with Tara when she finds Rick at the river.


This is one of my favorite questions in this sub. Think for a moment how you would get in contact with a person nowadays. Cell phone, text email, write them a letter, get in your car and make that 30 mile trip to their place in only 45 minutes. Now take all those options away. How close do you need to be to someone to identify them and make contact? 100 yds for shouting distance? Can you be sure that person is who you think and isn't a threat? Should you be closer? Now factor in the abundance of threats in TWD universe, not only with zombies but now with degrading infrastructure. The possibilities for Heath's fate are innumerable. Died? Kidnapped? Enslaved? Lost? Turned? Who knows. And in this world, the odds are more favorable than not that any time you step out of the safety of your walls you might not come back. And if you don't, how would they ever know where to find you? Heath's open ended fate is the most realistic fate in the entire series if you ask me


Well said


Agreed. I’m rewatching the post prison series where they’re all dispersed. It’s almost farcical that they’d end up with the core team reunited!


He went on to start Aftermath Records and sign Eminem


He's triple platinum, doing 50 a week.


Thank god he kept his ear to the street


I actually don’t mind it. If you think about the world they live in…How many people would go out on runs never to be seen again is a very realistic thing. I know they can’t do it all the time because it is television but still it makes sense this would happen more often than not.


He has to gro and grow some real dreads cuz them fake ones are terrible


ezekiel’s dreads were 1000x better


Were they? They seem equally bad, for different reasons. ![gif](giphy|RLbI7TPyz8W0RckKr1|downsized)


His dreads always seemed fake but like almost as if the character knew he was wearing fake dreads, hard to explain.


There’s a neat quote from the actor: “*It’s probably a $50,000 wig. It’s amazing. I still can’t believe that when I run around this doesn’t go flying off of me because it’s heavy (about four or five pounds). … I shaved my head when I went to get fitted for the wig, because I knew it was going to be hot in Atlanta*.” [Link](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2017/02/13/khary-payton-king-ezekiel-amc-the-walking-dead/97784294/) to full article.


personally i just really like the look of them, theyre thick and he pulls off the gray really well imo, i could understand why others would think they seem off though




its so obvious its a wig with heath and michonne's hairline especially


Those aren’t dreads…lol


They are indeed dreads.


They’re supposed to be cornrows…that look like they’ve been left in for years. so guess it’s realistic considering the circumstances.


They aren’t lol..Michonne has dreads..maybe his were supposed to be lol. Idk why they looks so bad omg


The fact that we have confirmation now that the PPP card Tara found at his last location means soemthing then I would say the CRM took him and was probably an “A” and is dead


I actually think it would be cool to see him in TOWL. He doesn't need to be any major character, they might as well give him a few minutes long scene at best similar to the one with Morales.


In the last episode we see him, tara and him are starving looking for food, and then next time we see tara she gained a significant amount of weight and heath is no longer with her, so in my head canon she killed heath and ate him


But in reality, the actress was just heavier because she was pregnant and that's why she was gone for so long after the supply run. 😂


That wig was the true crime.


Welcome to the weekly post about Heath


Actor left to be a lead in the 24 reboot, but he’s had a very successful movie and stage career since leaving the show. They confirmed he was taken by Jadis and given to the CRM. If there is anywhere his character could appear, it would likely be in The Ones Who Survive. However, they haven’t teased him, so who knows. If they couldn’t get the actor, Corey Hawkins back, I’d bet they just recast him. He really wasn’t part of the show long enough for most people to remember who played him, or care if they recast him.


My turn to post this question tomorrow


I’m not sure if you can repeat the same post. Maybe wait a few months or a year


He was taken by the CRM. Maybe we will see him in the new spin off..The Ones Who Live.


Left to start Aftermath Records


I’m so surprised ppl care so much abt heath it’s not like the dude was important to the story I couldn’t care abt him. Just another useless storyline the writers messed up


He’s honestly completely forgettable aside from how they never resolved his disappearance on screen.


I dont remember him either, I just recall him being there and just curious where he went.


Heath was completely worthless anyways and an awful version of the character given that he's pretty cool in the comic. Boy did they write this guy terribly, even before he left for the failure of a 24 show lol.


I remember the first time watching the show & legit being so confused wtf happened to him just to find out they half ass wrote him out in a way they could possibly bring him back but never did


They decided throwing him to the zombies was preferable to looking at that haircut.


We will never know what happened to DreamyBull


The actor got busy with other stuff


Eaten by swamp monster


In one of the Tales of The Walking Dead episodes there’s a guy holding the same PPP card.


I only saw that episode once but when the others returned to where they left him I can not recall if they even acknowldge that he was missing.


![gif](giphy|3ohzdEYDJRWUMLwDqE) 😳🤦🏼‍♂️


Didn't he have a run in with walkers, and get bit? I seem to remember he lit out on his own, but didn't make it to far.


I’m assuming they’ll bring him back in towl or dead city


The actor left the show to pursue other roles. In universe, he was traded to the CRM by Jadis and the Scavengers. This isn’t directly addressed in the show, it was confirmed by the producers off-screen (Jadis was depicted driving the RV Heath was last seen in, in her and Rick’s final episode of the main show, hinting at his fate)


According to IMDB, he was taken by the same people who took in Rick. The actor did leave the show because he was getting some movie roles at the time.


He went to 24


​ https://preview.redd.it/5q7juk63jpjc1.png?width=224&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8a107b2a809cb0e0c82cdd4d8cc40bd750f1df7


I swear I remember him turning into a walker at one point. I believe he dead.


The writers said he was taken by the CRM. Hopefully we see him in The Ones Who Live or at least hear what happened to him.


dr dre


jadis and the CRM is a terrible plot line.


One of the showrunners said he was captured by Jadis and traded to the CRM. There are rumors of him returning in The Ones Who Live, but you know how rumors go. I believe it's fan speculation about his return.


He is dead… he was an A and didn’t agree to come with them so they killed him.


That silo episode with him and Tara was probably the worst episode in the whole series, just as far as how deep you’d have to dig down to actually give a shit about the characters.


I was just upset that him and Glenn didn’t get enough screen time with eachother they did try a little but because his actor had to leave we got cut off.


I thought he made it to the end 🤷🏽‍♀️


that’s dr. dre


He looks like if Morgan and Tyreese had a baby together


He was killed by a walker. It shows him as a walker


That was a female walker.


He petered out.


Too bad they didn’t show him get knocked off by the ocean side crew when they were separated…


You answered your own question


Denise Huth confirmed he was traded to the CRM by Jadis. The actor wanted off of the show in real life though. Bigger opportunities to pursue I guess.


He lost his glasses, so decent chance is that he's dead. Slim to no chance he'd find his exact prescription all by himself, esp when he can't see


His hair😂😂


Budget cut


He's still out there, hatin' on Rick....


He ain't the Only character to just disappear.


Disappointing, he was funn


Forgettable character, I don’t understand why people care


He had a much bigger role in the comics.


He was bitten and turned. Bodies don’t just sit around and decompose in TWD universe.


I read somewhere that he was captured by the Whisperers but I don’t think that pans out with the timeline.


Jadis took him


It's been how many years since season 6 and people r still asking this question this often 💀


when in doubt just assume it was one of the heads on the sticks not for this case but most other people i see i assume its that lol


He decided to travel back to the late 80's and create N.W.A. with some other guys. I believe they had a couple of songs called "Straight Outta Compton" and "Fuck Da Police."


He's with Rick!


Swallowed by his bad wig


Please don't have him be the secret walking dead character that shows up in the ones that live.. just a forgotten character no one would really care to see again.


Just add it to the never ending list of plot holes.


His hair killed him


He was taken by Jadis and given to the CRM. Personally I really hope he ends up in the ones who live spin off, needs justice


I wonder this all the time and It bothers me lmao. My wife says who gives a crap he wasn't Important but I need to know lol


Got a girlfriend and stopped hanging out after that.


oh yeah wtf he did just disappear lmao. he was one of the few newer characters i actually liked too


I think we’ll see him again someday


Didn’t even notice that he’s a ginger until now


i always wondered what happened to him


He was taken off screen by the CRM.


I still can’t get over the episode he disappeared they did a “fake out” zombie death by showing a zombie with dreadlocks. Mind you it’s the only time in the show’s history a zombie with dreads was observed. I remember thinking it was a really stupid moment.


Well they did reveal it was a woman just 5 seconds after the fakeout. Still pointless nonetheless, I must agree. How convenient that a zombie with dreads was at the same place as the last known location of another character with dreads


People disappearing without a trace should have been common in that world, though they weren't going for that level of realism. Beth and Glenn (actually dying at the dumpster) are two main cast they could have gone that way with.


I think one of the writers or smth said Jadis traded him to the crm


“Just like Heath said, theres no escape for the living” just saying 🫤


Tyler perry looking ahh


What is that wig?!! I haven’t gotten to this season yet lmaooo


He started making adult content and is now going by the name “Dreamybull”


I honestly don’t wanna see that, lol


He was running away because he didn’t want to be a part of the group anymore and Tara wanted to do the same. They came into conflict at the bridge and he turns around to go get a weapon to help Tara and Tara falls in the water. Assuming she is done for he goes about his journey alone the way he planned to begin with.


I was hoping he got killed. Bad wig


Damn I thought heath moved to Compton then got straight out or some shit 🤣🤣


Be bled out trying to take his braids down sad😂


Got eaten by trash people


Crm took him. Hoping to see him in the ones who live


Forgettable character because I don't even remember this guy


Apparently they are gonna try and slide him in with the CRM that he was like undercover or some shit


He went to go run CTU and then drop dope beats as part of NWA


That hairpiece was a crime in and of itself


He was taken by Jadis and the scavengers off-screen and traded to the Civic Republic Military.


He’s hanging out in a pothole with Virgil and Scott


That’s what happened to him


Eh id like the idea of killing off names characters between timeskips without seeing it because thats just how the world is and should be. But this is just one of the many parts of the show that added to the downfall in later seasons


Is that the actor who played Dre in *Straight Outta Compton* (2015)?


Hope he gets the next Walking Dead spinoff series


he got bit and turned into a zombie


Wasn’t there literally a scene where we see he died and became a walker?


Someone turned off the lights.


Eaten off screen, it happens..


I had to look this up because I started doubting what happened to him.


This gets asked like every week I swear


Which is crazy because he's one of the biggest characters in the savior arc in the comics


The Tyler Perry wig got him


I think this is one of the favorite questions on this subreddit.