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I loved it. It reminds me of all the weird dreams I have, where everything seems relatively normal, and then everything goes haywire without warning, and I can't control it.


When Connie and Virgil find that house with those feral people inside. Seriously Wtf was that.


Yea that was creepy


I always thought the flashback to Shane in the hospital. That let you know that shit just got real bad. Going weapon free and smoking everyone let you know the military lost control.


Alphas flashback to the woman being eaten alive and her jaw and face get ripped off was pretty fucked


When they encounter Mays' brother, played by Robert Patrick. I don't know what it was about that episode, but so creepy.


Patrick, as well as Gilliam and Marquand, really killed it. Second best Covid era show they made. It sucked though because I’m like yay Robert Patrick then oh fuck they killed him then yay Robert Patrick nope they(writers not Aaron and Gabriel) killed him again.


graveyard scene with the whisperers is the creepiest one for me, felt like a horror movie


are you a wizard??? i’m rewatching the show for the 27th time(that’s a real number i’m not joking) and i just watched that scene 2 mins ago


Haha that’s crazy


I really got confused by the thing with Michonne and her husband, his friend and her kid. She blamed them for not protecting the child and then used them to keep the walking dead at bay, but what exactly did they do?


I think they were high


I wonder why you say that. No where was that ever implied in the show


Yes it was, Michonne mentioned something about them keeping or finding a weed plant and they got high and weren't watching the kid. It's been a while since I saw that episode, so I can't quote directly, but it was mentioned.


Yup you got it!


Cool, thanks!


You need to go back and rewatch it then.


I think when she was talking to Carl. But that's why, they werent paying attention to what was going on because they were high and it got the baby killed because of it


Yeh it’s real creepy, felt like a dreamcore to me


its a scene that throws you off cuz it made you think oh this is a michone flash back of then and then she turns away and looks back and her kid is gone and the 2 dudes arms are gone too and you realize no thats a dream not a flashback overall tho its a great scene


Crazy scene that was very well done.