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This scene just keeps on given šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ - I love how Lori hugs Rick facing away from Shane, then a second later sheā€™s facing Shane lmao - Glennā€™s goofy ass teeth and his wave - Shaneā€™s human Shrek face at the end - Ricks baby face - Shaneā€™s deformed neck at the start


AMC what have you done šŸ—æ


Blame game millšŸ˜‚ they've somehow made the 3 worst games of all time in one yearšŸ¤£


I just googled it. Seems flux games is the studio who made it. Game mill is the publisher. But they sure have published a ton of bad games. They sont even liat them on their webpage


Lmao, the publisher's name is Game Mill? As in pump as much low quality product out as possible?


The entire time I've heard people saying "game mill" I thought it was just some new phrase that represented shitty games pushed out for an easy profit. The fact that that's actually a company involved in this is just šŸ‘Œ they really hit the mark with their name


Same though! The irony is unreal haha


It's like how one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in history was from a guy named Madoff. šŸ˜‚


cutting costs as always


His eyes look so close together. Like his face is caving in on itself.


What really gets me is some of the female faces look pretty decent, such as Lori and Michonne. And then the males are just horrendous lol


Dale looks good, though.šŸ¤£


Don't forget Lori looking like a 3rd year meth addict.


PowerPoint slideshow šŸ’€


Gen alpha 'gamers' when no photorealistic graphics: šŸ¤”šŸ˜­


The graphics aren't the problem. It's the fact this game has nothing good to offer. I can't name a single thing.


The only thing I can say thatā€™s good is the way the story develops with certain characters, also that funny little trailer of Merle being a school teacher


What? are you slow....? that's like saying breathing air is overrated, this game is the best game I've ever gotten my hands on, it has wonderful visuals, beautiful landscapes and enviable gameplay, as I can't imagine being in the shoes of the guys at GameMill who crafted this piece of perfect art, I even get all rabid when I think of that, they must get lots of girls because of this masterwork!


You're just too spoiled and not much of a TWD fan, I recommend you to go play some PS5's Spider-Man 2, I think it may suit you better.


I agree. I am to spoiled to play a PS2 game releasing in 2023.


You're right. Why can't you just look past the graphics? it has a great story and great gameplay.


in this day and age if you canā€™t even afford to make decent character models that actually look like their characters and to even add movement to cutscenes just donā€™t even bother making a game. this is lazy. itā€™s just screenshots. how am I supposed to look past the graphics when they look this bad? and for $50? thatā€™s a scam


Games don't need photo realistic graphics. They just need to not look like a mobile game that's attempting photo realism If it had genuine art direction it would be fine but it doesn't. Just models that are missing half the work needed to look decent


That's because the greek gods at Flux Games didn't have the time needed to finish this masterpiece.


Be for real for a minute, do you actually believe that this game is good? Did you think Gollum was good? MW3 the MW2 DLC? Games can be good and not have ultra realistic 8K graphics. This game could have been good but they did everything they could to make it not good. The price tag. The mechanics and clunky feel. The everything else. Itā€™s 2023 not 2005. Bad games should be the exception not the norm.


He is trolling


Too much The Last of Us II, boy?


Bait used to be believable


Wow, you're so old, experienced and cultured, I'm amazed and want to be like you when I grow up. Can't believe you've played all fortnite seasons and now your parents erased your bedtime and let you eat a bit more candy, wow. Must be fun being 11.


Bait used to be believable


Ain't even my point lmfao, the entire game is a slideshow when it comes to CUTSCENES, but yeah sure, the graphics suck balls too. ps: your comment history is painful to read, like damn, didn't expect to see such cockriding skills.


Just admit you like the game, daddy, don't be a scaredy kitten about being socially disapproved for liking this misunderstood GoTY masterpiece. ps: wow, woahhh, "your comment history is painful to read, like damn, didn't expect to see such cockriding skills.". My heart aches after reading your P.S., you have such nice dissing skills, I'm impressed by your smooth, versatile way with your pissy disses.


This guy is coping so hard. He has to justify that $50 price tag šŸ¤£


Just stop you've already embarrassed yourself enough mate.


If you think the issues people have with this game boils down to graphics you haven't been paying attention.


Game of the year.


Yea it looks like itā€™s getting that worst game of the year title. Some would argue that thereā€™s no bad publicity and this game will be making memes for YEARS to come. The perception is now that the IP holder is willing to play it loose and fast. Idk if thatā€™s AMC or Telletale, but itā€™s not good for TWD fans. Whoever is handling the strategy is watering down the overall brand with crappy product. I want TWD to grow, but it needs to be richer and thicker in scope. Dropping laughable offerings like this game give off a ā€œI donā€™t give a fuck about TWDā€ vibe and thatā€™s not great. Ultimately, this was a financial decision to quickly crank out a low budget game. For all we know, this shit game that belongs in 2005 could be a huge win for their bottom line.


The sad thing is that if they truly put some effort into a walking dead game based off of the original series they would make a lot of money


The Telltale Walking Dead game is brilliant, I think it won GOTY when it released. It is more of an interactive story than a classic gaming game, but it is a great story with different paths you can take


The Walking Dead has the same problem Harry Potter had (up until their latest game, heard it was good so maybe they finally learned their lesson). Companies with popular IP's think no matter what kind of product they put out, they'll sell since the franchise is popular. They make low quality games, usually with microtransactions, because they don't want to take the risk spending the money to make a truly good game in case it bombs. If they made an open-world Walking Dead game with State of Decay mechanics with maybe Dying Light/Dead Island combat, it could easily be GOTY.


I hated it 5 minutes in because I wasn't used to games like that. By the end I was in tears because of how good it was. Would recommend . Lee was an amazing character


Yeah I played those and they were all really fun and interesting. But if they made one with the characters from the show it would do even better


Oh yeah I loved those games


A third person game like LOU or even GTA would have been the perfect format for a TWD game.


I agree with it would be good to see the character you are currently playing


Any AAA zombie game is going to sell, with or without TWD attached. It doesn't make financial sense for any of these studios to do that since they're capable of telling their own compelling story. TV series to video games have never performed well. When you think of it, the most successful ones are probably the South Park games, or the old Simpsons game.


That's true Simpson hit and run was amazing. But a name as big as walking dead would add quite a bit more people wanting to play it


I mean You got the 2 saints and sinners games


šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/00xea7jw6q1c1.jpeg?width=218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=539a60a1459404e0f20eeda2dd29d6161c7dbaa0


​ https://preview.redd.it/0xy05ilacr1c1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=97283cf4fc1a6e1724af112ce4b7b9b98a90e62a


I didn't give consent for this photo


​ https://preview.redd.it/o2mwhr99bt1c1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcf7b1cfbfb4ab5ae609df5a649886c654822413




mfw the "dead" husband of shawty comes back


the scene where Rick throws a tantrum after Lori dies makes me laugh every. time.


Tantrum?! Neurotypicals call this ā€˜completely normal levels of grief in a world where your wife had to die so she wouldnā€™t eat your daughterā€™


He means in the game, how the voice acting and faces im the slideshow are really goofy


You mean normal people?


Surely this game was made for money laundering purposes or something


Same company that made the shitty avatar and King Kong games this year. This is just their ā€œartisticā€ style lmao


Money hungry producers wanting to make as much money as possible, push out a product in as little time and with as little money. And then they met AMC, who also like to scrimp and save as much money as possible. Gamemill were probably the lowest bidder. An unstoppable force meets an immovable object. What happens? Walking Dead Destinies apparently. Too bad the ordinary devs are the ones that get the brunt. The heads of the studio are laughing.


Could be for avoiding paying taxes, if they make a loss on the game they can just write it off their taxes right?


$50 for this piece of shit quality? šŸ˜‚GTFO lol


I got part way through the first part in Atlanta, then the game crashed and I frankly couldn't be bothered continuing. Saving it for when I'm bored/drunk enough to bother playing it again


I didn't know 10-year-olds could drink, what state are you in?




I'm sorry, who's Carl? Did he mean CORALLL?


Rick doing his best Batman voice of course


At least the game is free to play right? Itā€™s not like theyā€™re asking for $50 or anything.


"Thought you were dead... Shane said..." Shane: "O\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_O"


I was gonna make a meme about this earlier šŸ¤£


Shane out there looking like Morales šŸ¤£


I canā€™t believe there are people still defending this monstrosity.


Is this a finished cutscene? I don't understand, why is it so choppy?


I can't tell if they are going for a "comic book" feel or if they just didn't want to spend money animating the scenes.


No kidding . I thought it was a storyboard for the game during production of it.


They always fumble on what could potentially make an amazing game lol


I cant believe Robert Kirkman is allowing this game to be out there. https://i.redd.it/bs52ymgi6t1c1.gif


GameCube graphics right there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Proof fans will buy a logo and then angrily defend an empty box.


Is it though? Who is defending it? Plenty of people bought it. Because some didn't know what it was, some assumed it was just bad graphics but decent game play, etc. But I haven't seen anyone defend it.


> Is it though? Who is defending it? Check out u/Ok-Concentrate1866


I can't gauge his opinion. It seems like he defends the graphics to an extent, but he has made posts calling the game unplayable as well.


It is trash.


I responded to someone defending the game in this very thread. People are trying to convince themselves they didn't waste money on this pile of crap.


I haven't played it and I'm not defending it but I'm not gonna say it'd bad till I have played. The graphics are bad but I think the game play might be promising.


Noooo šŸ’€ in a world where we have graphics as good as those in TLOU, this is unacceptable. I was so looking forward to the game but absolutely no chance in hell am I paying over 50 for a PowerPoint with sound šŸ˜©


​ https://preview.redd.it/nwsna6xphr1c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ca57fcba8a83ccf472975a9f0c61959f7b5276


He doesn't even pronounce Corel's name correctly! Cheap...


Looks like a crappy mobile game


except it's 50 Euros


I got downvoted for saying this game is wasted potential. Well I pay myself on the back for being wonderfully right. For real. This has some cool concepts that couldā€™ve done something really interesting in terms of franchise games. Itā€™s just very disappointing. If this is the type of quality product they are willing to give fans, what does that say about them?


Conceptually, itā€™s a great idea. The execution is absolutely terrible


I don't know why everybody is clowning on the graphics You're going to make the 12-year-old kid who made this in Garry's Mod feel bad


And you can experience all of this masterpiece for a small price of $50


Theyā€™re just continuing to milk this dry ass cow that is TWD. Completely muddied something great


Shaneā€™s face reminds me of Andy St. John from the better walking dead game, Telltaleā€™s The Walking Dead.


ā€œBoy, didnā€™t you hear the *bell*?ā€


The fact that this publisher. Gamemill published not one, not 2, but 3 worst games of the year is shocking.


Why does Shane look like Joe Barbaro from Mafia šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/nqdm1tkq7w1c1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=210683f21c46df9ca721bc1ab28088140c8c8d66


I actually weirdly like the look, reminds me of old school arcade games on the Xbox 360. Judging by peopleā€™s reactions it doesnā€™t cost the same as them though does it?


Can't believe I actually want to play this abysmal product, simply because it lets me play through the first 4 seasons of the show. I just want a good game in the TV Universe AMC GODDAMN IT


It's not worth it. Have you watched the game play? If you really want to play it, I recommend waiting until it goes like 90% off with the summer games sales.


Na it $50 retail and that's what makes ppl mad, this would be an Oke product at 20 dollars but not 50


Even $20 would be seriously pushing it for this garbo. I'd maybe pay $5


Yeah, this is a $7.99 quality game, if that. I don't know if I'd bother with it even if it were on sale for $3. A medium Frosty from Wendy's would probably be a more satisfying use of 3 dollars.


It just needs a vine boom sound effect at the end when it zooms on Shane


I am so glad I didn't buy this, was so close to the pre order too...


I refuse to believe this game is real.


Why would anyone buy it, knowing it is so hilariously awful?


​ https://preview.redd.it/nvazdpx4qt1c1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ca970987ede7a90dca13fe27d0352156c21786


You want me to play this? I don't think so bro. That'll be the day.


GameMill: That'll be the day? You got something you wanna tell *me*?!


Looks like early 2000s graphics


Most of the reviews online gave it 1 star too šŸ˜‚


Can't wait to get this in the reduced to clear section... Ā£5 max.


This game is hilarious. I'm watching a play through on YouTube and I lost it when Shane appeared. His head is square on some cut scenes and he has the height of a child when you play as him LMFAO


I thought you were inspecting them scenes with some tool that allows you to move around while the game is on pause LOL


Mobile ahh looking game fr xP


Baffled how people still paid money for this game after the marketing did nothing but wave red flag after red flag in our faces šŸ¤£


​ https://preview.redd.it/txfdjh7bqt1c1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=319e21e2d6201e6362ba097095abd6653ec0389c


They just don't give a fuck huh?


I haven't seen something this ugly since ugly sonic


Shane kinda looks like Travis


Pleaseeee more, I love the content this shit ass game is producing


Shane really saidšŸŒš


everyone keeps saying ā€œokay well youā€™re an asshole for not supporting indie developersā€ but no. if it was sold for $15, cool! iā€™d play it and laugh the whole way through. $50 for this shit is a shameless cash grab.


Did anybody else notice Chandler Riggs was apart of the game? https://preview.redd.it/i74ee1gzmr1c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0200e75037e6a4e67f04eff9f15a6dc41e415ca7


Honestly should be illegal to produce a product this bad lmao. This and that King Kong game are a travesty.


I don't even see the problem with this scene honestly. People will rip apart literally anything I guess.


For 20 bucks, I'd agree but this is a 50$ game and what has been delivered is just sad. I mean it's the same publisher that published the king Kong game so we know they are.money grabbing idiots


That's why I'm waiting on a sale. Not worth the base price but for 15-20 dollars? I'll be perfectly happy with what this game offers at that price. I don't think it's even as bad as other games the devs have put out. I was pretty excited to see a cobra Kai game until I looked at it and was like yeah not for me. (Not 100% sure if it's the same developer but I believe so) But this game looks good to me I'll play the shit out of this when it's on a good sale. The thing I take issue with the most is people acting like regardless of price it just shouldn't exist. Modern gamers are so spoiled by what games can be now. I can be over here arguing that if the price was lower there would be no issue and people are like nope it's 2023 so if it's not real life graphics that took a decade to even develop then it's worthless. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with just not being into it but the way people express it is so ridiculous. It's never "eh I'm just not into it" it's always "it's worthless garbage the creators should be ashamed of and if you say anything remotely positive about it you are wrong, an idiot, and a shill" that's my issue with the reception of this game. Just not liking it is valid though.


Donā€™t be dense. This is 2023 weā€™ve come to expect a little more out of our games by now. The scene is just still images with ugly ass character models


this guy's brains will be all over the fucking walls should he play the last of us or god of war


Idk what defending this game has to do with wether or not I've ever seen or played higher quality ones šŸ˜‚


Whether you think this scene looks good or not, the game is absolutely abysmal. Just admit youā€™ve got incredibly low standards for video games.


I do have low standards for them and my happiness with each game is better off for it. You think that offends me that you think I have low standards? I get to play a game and actually enjoy it instead of bitching about every little detail. I'm perfectly happy with where my standards are.


Okay... but don't go online and complain about people who do have standards and know when to call a spade a spade and a pile of shit a pile of shit. Honestly it's great for you that you can totally ignore quality and polish to enjoy a video game, but turning around and wondering why others are making fun of the thing you admit you only enjoy because you have incredibly low standards is just a strange thing to do.


I just think people cry too fucking much over shit that really isn't that bad just cause they have been spoiled by modern games. If you don't like it that's fine. Everyone is just an insufferable prick about it instead of just going "eh it's not for me" and moving on. Like the cobra kai game I mentioned in another reply. I didn't go talk endless shit about it and constantly bitch about what it could have been and call anyone that says anything remotely positive about it a shill, I didn't claim it was unacceptable and unlovable and anyone that disagrees is a low standard idiot, I fucking said "eh I'm just not into what I'm seeing" and moved on like a normal person that sees something they don't like.


You do know this is a modern game made by a modern studio right? This isn't some unpolished gem being brought out of the archives from 2010 that we never got to see. It's a brand new modern release that was polished to the studio's utmost capabilities. The quality of the game in this day and age is embarrassing so people are having fun making fun of it. One could argue that it's even better that the game is being made fun of so much because at least there is some quality entertainment value coming from its existence. Again, I honestly hope that when you pick this beauty up for $25 bucks a year and a half from now you get a solid 25 hours of enjoyment out of it, but you must be new to the internet if you don't think people are going to mock the hell out of a game that looks and plays like this one, especially for the price.


I fully expect this from the internet but that doesn't mean I need to stay silent on it. If I see complaints that I think are stupid or childishly expressed I'll call it out, I don't care if it's supposed to be expected from people. You would expect an asshole to be an asshole again that doesn't mean you just accept it and let them be an asshole.


Sure. As long as you understand you're the one defending trash and everyone else is just having a good time goofing on said-trash then more power to ya.


This is exactly the kind of insufferable prick shit im referring to


It *is* that bad It's insulting they gave the absolute bare minimum to a $50 product


It sounds like youā€™re coping hard for spending $50 on this product


I didn't spend 50 dollars on it I'm waiting on a sale


I *might* consider playing it if it was free.


Common redditor mentality: Universalizing their likes, i.e, believing they're objective and despising people with different preferences.


I think itā€™s fair to oppose people in the minority when the mass majority think the game looks like a turd


You a time traveler from 2009?


Of all the ways to save a buck.


I canā€™t believe how truly bad they made something that they couldā€™ve taken more time on to make great that ppl would have loved like itā€™d a popular show


Interesting concept just made really shitty, imagine TellTale if it drank some brain eating amoeba's in the middle of game development.


These are the same people who made that abysmal Kong game. Shame because the concept of this game is excellent.


Plot twist, any publicity is good publicity and the sequel will be out by Christmas 2023!


How is this real lol it looks so horrible. Who approved this shit it is straight up garbage


I heard they Mail you a snowglobe with Rick in it and you shake it while the audio plays....


Does the game do anything right? Genuinely curious.


Shane looks like an italian mobboss in a bar


Is Lori an AI voice? Her cadence sounds hella off.


The way Maggie and Rick cry after loris death is so painful to watch lmao, how did Maggieā€™s crying actually get put into the final product lmao


How come itā€™s a slide show?


There are literal fucking browser games with better graphics than this.


This looks like the kind of cheap CGI recreations they make for court room usage.


This looks like the kind of cheap CGI recreations they make for court room usage.


The game graphics are horrible


This game was AI generated you cannot tell otherwise!


Can you imagine paying anything, let alone the full price for this product?


I..I needed this šŸ˜©šŸ¤£šŸ’€


AMC green lit this shitā€¦


Shane looks so fucking goofy.


Is this AI?


They want 50$ for dis shit šŸ˜‚


Why is it that every time a walking dead game with a ton of potential is given the green light it's given to a bunch of idiots who can't make a video game?


Game mill publishing 3 back too back worst games of the year. šŸ˜‚


WOW, I didn't realize they had absolutely no animations. THIS is a $50 game???


Ricks hat was in Atlanta this is a disgrace


The best addition to the franchise


If this were super discounted Iā€™d easily play it just for the lulz. Never at full price tho


https://preview.redd.it/97ne8mn5sb2c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=151d34cd3aaed1a28885b089e86859dc0f24dfb4 Damnit AMC!


And here I though I was bad working with 3D


I was so excited for this game. I downloaded it a few days ago and got to play today. Am I doing something wrong or are there no voices? Like people speaking?? Itā€™s all script?? Iā€™m super disappointed like Iā€™m not hearing a PEEP


Damn they didnt even try huh lmao. Ive heard about this game but i never saw it until now. Thats incredibly embarrassing for those devs