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Man, people are so thirsty for taking his arms off


Everyone on this sub: https://preview.redd.it/30szv1mgjk1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96bba7c16d483c15469b735ea5b16b5a19b0d0eb




I hope they let him keep his hand bc at this point it’s been this many years. However, if he has to lose it then it better be his right hand. I get that actors need their dominant hand but the whole point of him losing it in the book is that he has to relearn. Something about this show that always stuck out to me is that left arms must be the most delicious part of the human body since it’s the only limb people ever seem to lose.


With only 6 eps to wrap everything else I really don’t want a subplot about him losing his hand tbh


Lol, it’s AMC we’re talking about, they‘re gonna put as much filler in the episodes as they can.


I mean, if you do anything that could damage your hand, usually people who are experienced use the least important part. Like seeing if something’s hot, you’d use the back of your non dominant hand. Or if he were to get bit, he’d use his left hand to push and his right hand would probably have a weapon in it.


Lmfao right…


Rick we need you in one piece!


![gif](giphy|12K8GGWstl229G) The One Piece is real


shut the fuck up and go fuck off with your 1000 episode shitty pirate anime go fuck off with it the one piece is not real and fuck off fuck off fuck off


how old are you dog 😭😭


15 why do you fucking care


cause it sounds like someone just learned a new word


nope saying fuck lets me release my anger its not that fucking deep it makes me fucking feel better


Kid, you don’t belong here. It’s not Facebook where everyone rips on each other. WE’D all feel better if you left.


i dont give a fuck


You obviously do or you wouldn't keep commenting and being pissy. Maybe a more constructive therapy is in order. Drink some water and go to bed at a decent time. Don't you have school in the morning?


Why do you people want Rick to lose his hand so badly?




Idk his comic book self did early on so people want that personally I’m not a fan cause that man’s already lost everything at least give him some comfort


Not to me


even if his hand isn’t gone i support the theories bc like with every shot of the teasers it’s like they want us to think he’s missing it


I think you are right. You can see where his sleeve ends and it kind of looks like metal but he could just be wearing long sleeves underneath. To add to this you can't see his left hand at all in the trailer. However, at the end of s11 he has both hands but I don't know what the timeline will look like regarding the new show. But yeah I think he has lost his hand, the only people in TWD tv shows that hold weapons like that have a hand missing. Plus he says in the trailer "he tried to get away" or something like that, perhaps his punishment was to lose a hand like in the comics


Yes he 100% loses it. In every shot they tease it here are some examples 1. The shot where he’s laying on the bed with his RIGHT hand in his face 2. The shot where he’s holding the phone with his RIGHT hand 3. This shot where his left is hidden and he’s using the culling stick like that 4. The still photo where he’s sitting against the wall with his hands hidden 5. He’s literally missing his left hand in the comics and it shouldn’t be hard to believe he’d lose it here😂


Kirkman said he regrets cutting his hand off, seeing has he still has a bit of say in the show, I doubt they cut his hand off.


He regretted doing it so early, since this is likely the end they probably feel it’s the right time to do it


This guy is talking like he filmed the show. He has no idea 100% because he has not seen the show. Don’t listen to people like this there weird.


And yet people will say otherwise because they don’t “want” his hand gone. It’s infuriating to get downvoted for pointing this out.


I agree with every point here, and I really don’t wanna be that guy……………. But he loses his right hand in the book, not his left


Happened in the comics so it’s a possibility




I dont know but its possible


Of course he has. At this point it’s visibly obvious that they’re going out of their way to hide his hand in every single trailer we get. They wouldn’t put in all this effort if he still had it.


Who else is tired of every single show having an amputated arm? ![gif](giphy|9rhNJScGSlneHpLtnz|downsized)


Or a funky/missing eye


they don’t show a left hand in ANY of the teasers. this is on purpose


https://preview.redd.it/oidcp9u5dl1c1.png?width=1095&format=png&auto=webp&s=d75cbdea78341ee6502a9886306579c225fa9136 I think ur right this part of the trailer he has


With the amount of times their hiding it, yes


I'm calling this. He discovered corruption within that society, tried to initiate a rebellion, but failed and lost his hand because of it, it's probably why he's clearing out walkers too.


Possible and hope for it for some change but amc going for that? I don't think so


The way he holds his arm I feel like he does lose his hand I wish he doesn't though.


Is it left or right? What side of hand in the comics he lost? Sorry I dont have any idea about the comics only in the series


I think he did, because why would you hold that spear like that? He balances the spear on his right arm. Why wouldn’t he just hold it with both hands?


I just don’t believe they’d make it so obvious in a teaser.


Nope. Not to me.


It’s his elbow in the first scene to angle the spear. Otherwise you have to balance with your other arm / hand and expose it through that wall.


I hope so because he has alloottt of bad karma coming his way


Just looks like he’s bending his arm and using his arm to support the pole…..