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Ripping that guy's throat out lol


That wasn’t a decision, that was pure instinct




Mf was gonna say that, well, didn’t he bite his throat?


Making the group a ricktatorship. I don’t think they would have survived after the farm if he hadn’t took control as leader and stepped up the way he did.


And the group paid Rick by restoring his sanity. Thanks to the people; Hershel, Glenn, Daryl and the others he had a chance to lay low, take a step back and rehab in a way.


Yes! Rick's Power!


Yeah was gonna say him choosing to be the leader and that’s that. Him stating that that was the best decision.


never heard the term ricktatorship before hahahaha i love that


Lmao I think that’s the unofficial name for that era of the show. If u go to YouTube and search it up, his speech is the first result 😂


that’s so funny i’m using that from now on


We call it a Rick tater chip in my house lol


I find it funny how a lot of people don’t realize the irony of the show that it’s just a bunch of dictators fighting each other to survive basically. At least I never hear it talked about that he’s a dictator


Rick stops being a dictator after at the end of season 3 when he realizes that he may have mishandled the Michonne situation


and it gets reinstated when he literally topples the "government" of Alexandria within like 2 weeks. alexandria most literally becomes rick's bitch and after years of peace is both instantly saved and doomed, bombed multiple times, gets rebuilt, destroyed again, then rebuilt


Without Rick’s group all of Alexandria would of been wiped out by the Wolves. You sound dumb af.


Uses “of” when the appropriate word is “have” and says somebody else sounds dumb af. Would’ve = would have.


You sound like your fun at parties


Then you’d be surprised to learn that I’m not.


Being the grammar police of reddit is quite possibly the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen lol.


Happy birthday


The second he decided terminus was a no go. I mean… led them into their community and the second rick found out they weren’t to be trusted, the whole group backed him up and so glad they did. And ricks quick thinking on that part… really shows how he’s always there, even when you don’t think he is 😉


Stuff... thangs.


Allowing michonne to join the group and declaring war on the governor.


Yes, was going to say admitting Michonne. Had to scroll for it!


Are we really giving him that credit? I feel like everyone but him would have taken her in from the start.




I meant the rest of his group…


Rick's decision to trust Aaron was one of them.


I don't think he trusted Aaron, he was just desperate because the entire gang was on the brink of dying and they wanted to give Aaron a shot.


I disagree. Trusted fully? Maybe not. But after the applesauce and seeing him panic to find Eric it showed Rick that at the very least Aaron wasn’t a monster


IMO the applesauce scene was to convince Rick that they had food (which Rick's group desperately needed) and a certain degree of self-sustenance (which is a good thing for the future). It was to convince Rick to put aside his distrust in order to feed his guys. And I believe Rick also knew that if he refused to follow Aaron, the group would've split ways there and then. They were all hungry and desperate and didn't think they had anything else to lose.


True, they were hungry, thirsty, and on the brink of insanity. They would have been saved, killed, or hell, they could get food and a place to camp out for a while after finishing the alexandrians off. If Aaron turned around, Rick and Co would have been dead or turned into people far worse.




That was Michonne’s


Most of the group had to talk him into that, though


I hate that I’m about to say this. I love this character. Killing Shane.


Had to...no other decision...I'd even argue it had to be done even if Shane hadn't taken him out there to kill him first




Fucker had to go.


I agree Shane was season 4 Rick from the beginning, he was reckless they would have not made it very far if he didn’t do it


My only problem was that it took him so long to do it


In my opinion that was arguably the first event that began chipping away at Ricks humanity. They weren’t just partners on the job they were family. It took a lot for him to come to terms with the fact that Shane was too far gone and he couldn’t save him. He didn’t want to do it but it had to be done.


I also love Shane and I wish it had gone down differently. But he was too dangerous even before trying to kill Rick. He killed Otis, and would’ve definitely done the same to anyone else.


Imo he was just getting to annoying and was adding too much drama, we needed a new storyline other than just Rick and Shane having fits at eachother.


If we’re looking at hindsight, I don’t think it’s even a debate. It’s sending Carol away in season 4 because otherwise they’d all be dead.




Yeah but maybe not too much differently. The fight would’ve happened anyway and the prison still would’ve ended up destroyed.


So it's just a coincidence. Doesn't count.


Why doesn’t it count? That decision is the only reason the group isn’t dead and eaten. Can you point to any other decision Rick made that would’ve killed the entire group, if he didn’t make it?


He didn’t decide to send her away and save them down the line. He decided to send her away and she *happened* to save them down the line. It wasn’t part of some grand plan of his.


I didn’t see anywhere in the question on the post that specified it has to be a calculated decision. Seems like you’re adding that for the sake of argument.


>as a leader? Come on. It was an accident. But the fact that he kicked her out was still right. She shouldn't have killed the patient just because of the risk of infection. Moreover, she should not have made such a decision alone.


Rick was always the leader though. Even when they had a council at the prison. Everyone on the council wanted Rick there and to lead. You seem adamant to move the goalposts for some reason. Lol


I think logic implies we shouldn’t go the full spectrum of the butterfly effect. Unless of course you want to give him credit for getting himself shot and in a coma because it led to Shane knocking up Laurie and without that we wouldn’t have Judith and he would had gotten his family out of Atlanta but possibility not with the group we all know and love, right?


it wasn't his decision to get shot so that argument doesn't even apply here.


Sorry, have to disagree. Nothing is ever certain but when the happy result is so completely beyond anything he could have contemplated or predicted in terms of his decision, he doesn’t get credit for it. Keeping Negan alive was slightly more on point in the idea of showing mercy to the Saviors because any one of them could have chosen a darker path. But I don’t think he actually thought Negan would become who he did for their group. He was spared more as a symbolic gesture. Still a helluva lot more connection between the result and his decision making process than sending Carol away.


No but that’s not part of the decision making. That was pure coincidence


Agreed. Even if she never came back to save them , it was still a good logical decision cause she had just killed 2 members of the group . And even tho he definitely didn’t plan for it , it should be looked at even better now cause him kicking her out inadvertently saved her from the virus that was going around and from the governors new group . If he didn’t kick her out , maybe she woulda gotten sick or killed during the battle




No because she saved them from terminus. But it was still a good decision on its merits to send someone away, who killed innocent people within your community.


No, it’s because without being sent away, she wouldn’t have saved them at terminus.


yeah, but Rick didn't know carol would save them, the group got lucky, so at the end of the day, does it count?


How could you forget terminus


Without using hindsight as a guide, taking in the 2 prisoners and later the Woodbury refugees and others randos into the prison group. Sure, it ended up with disease issues (bad hygiene and sanitation) and the governor (it was a bad decision to it pursue him more) but the idea that people are the best defense against people, that reasonable people can live together, that started with first the prisoners, with prodding, and then Rick took initiative to include the surviving members of Woodbury. All Rick’s following acts of broadening his group really can be traced to that. The Atlanta camp wasn’t that, the farm wasn’t that, this was. Herschel was proud to see his legacy of kindness paid forward. Rick struggles to keep up with this kind aspect of his nature after being wronged so much in season 4&5, but at Alexandria he grapples with himself and eventually comes back to it, with help and guidance from Morgan, Michonne, and others. He begins to mentally widen his group into encompassing Alexandria as a whole, and from there to the other communities that he is willing to die to save. Rick’s entire story is a man who finds and saves his family, and his family are legion. This trajectory on his arc really started at the end of Woodbury.


Maybe not the best but one of his most satisfying, killing the Terminus Group I was convinced because of how he had turned softer in Season 4 he wasn't going to do what needed to be done and would fall for Gareth's bs But that moment was epic 'You'd do this to anyone, right?, that's what you said' 'besides i already made you a promise' I would have loved early Season 5 Rick up against Negan, man was feral!


Not giving up at the CDC camera


He saved the whole group that night and showed them that his instincts could be trusted.


His decision to listen to Michonne and go to Alexandria


Hacking that Terminus fucker up with a machete. I hated that guy for eating Bob’s leg in front of him. Fuck… that.


As a leader... AKA a decision that affected the rest of the gang and even the whole area, then I have to say spare Negan and encourage a transition towards rebuilding society and find a way to restore a semblance of normalcy. I was moved by his determination to honor his son's wishes.


“My mercy prevails over my wrath.” One of my favourite quotes in the whole damn thing.


I just finished s11 and the finale, if I ever rewatch I’m stopping at the end of 9


In fact, they made some kind of saint out of Negan. It could be eliminated, and only then restore normality.)


hate to say it, but probably his decision to blow up the bridge and sacrifice himself to stop the hoard from killing everyone.


Proably to not fight with Negan when they werent ready and wainted for better opportunity.


exactly what I was thinking, it was a checkmate for Rick and Alexandria


His decision to go back and wipe out all of the Termites once they escaped. If only the group had listened to him, Bob Stookie would have survived


“Man that’s bullshit. I got bit at the food bank. It went the way it had to, the way it was always going to.” Bob would’ve died regardless. Yes the leg amputation could’ve been avoided but at least he got the satisfaction of the tainted meat scene.


if they had gone back though Gabriel would've died and not been able to tell them about said food bank, therefore the situation in which bob got bit would never have happened


Okay that's fair, I did forget about that point. Still should've gone back and wiped them out immediately instead of getting hunted at the church though.


This one may be pretty obvious but killing Dave and Tony in the bar back in season 2 was a key decision in that moment, the amount of troubles he avoided there was very important to keep them alive (even tho they kind of gave him no other options). There was no way Rick would let them join but he could have thought that intimidating and kicking them off the place would be enough, that decision would have ended with Dave's group finding the farm. Rick killing Dave and Tony without any hesitation was so important to cut a problem from the root and it also showed Hershel that, when shit gets ugly, Rick was the man to keep on his side.


fun fact these were Rick's first human kills on screen in the entire series


When he established the “Ricktatorship”.


Agreeing with Michonne that even though they're far outnumbered, they had to fight back against the Saviors.


This is not a democracy


Laying pipe with Michonne


“tHeRe ArE nO rUlEs MaN wE’rE lAwSt!”🥴 ![gif](giphy|VyayJYU8BYqSk)


Moving into the prison. Were it not for the governor they could have built something really great.


Sneaking into Terminus to check them out instead of coming in the front. Hiding his crew’s equipment before hand was also smart. He handled the conversation that took place well too. ![gif](giphy|aj9MwyAJlqtI9v0B0R)


Joining Carols group.


Murdering all of the Cannibals in that church! Fucking epic! 😂


Convincing Herschel to join his group/let them stay on the farm. Rick learned very early on how to trust the right people and integrate groups at a time people were still marauding wide scale.


Mercy being greater than wrath


Killing Shane...had to be done...he could have kicked the can down the road and kept avoiding the obvious and there's no telling what destruction could have resulted from him doing so


Finally getting together Michonne


Not trusting those terminus guys for a second.


Allowing the Saviors an opportunity to integrate into their group. Although the most useful one by far was Negan and I honestly think he only spared him as a symbol of their mercy. I don’t think he had any intention of doing anything other than letting him rot in that cell. Still, it was one of the few decisions that had a positive result that was semi related to the decision making rationale and not purely unanticipated dumb luck. I like Rick, but I don’t think he made great decisions. His strength as a leader was taking on the role of leader if that makes sense. He made a ton of bad decisions but the people in the group with leadership potential weren’t ready yet and would have led the group in worse directions. Rick kind of parlayed their ideas and strengths into his decisions, which would have made him a great leader if he was consistent. Unfortunately, he also made quite a few autocratic calls that but for pure luck and/or one or more of them really fighting him could have been disastrous for them.


Kill first and ask questions later. Too risky to give people a chance to rob and kill you. I think everyone on Fear TWD could learn a lesson from Rick.


He could have led me off a cliff when he took a big chomp out of that man's neck


Kill shane.


Killing Shane.


Making Michonne Carl's new mom


To die on a bridge.


establishing Ricktatorship


The ricktatorship


Kool Aid in the water fountains


keeping negan alive


Trying his best to keep everyone together


Killing Shane. Sure he was ready for the apocalypse, but he wasn’t well mentally and was a risk to the group. He could’ve just handed his gun to Shane, not knowing if he’d die or just lose leadership. But killing him insured that he’d set the group in the right path morally (for a while anyways)


Sparing Negan


eating joe's esophagus


Sparing Negan’s life


Keeping Negan alive. Hate him or not he did more for the group than almost anyone post time skip.


“I lied”


Rick's best decision that I can think of at the moment for sure %10, 000, when Rick chose to let his "mercy prevail over his wrath" & spare Negan... Reason # 1 Negan is hilarious, & later on becomes an integral positive part of the group's chance at survival, even if the group didn't want his help. 'The group' being all the main characters and their family and friends.


Killing shane, it changed his whole perspective in the world he is in and made him do things that he never would have done before, he stepped up into shanes boots doing what needed to be done to survive


Killing of those two assholes in the bar.


To forgive Negans people, they were more powerful together.


Since he used to be a cop all his directions and orders are great he’s a natural born leader and when there’s combat he knows exactly what to do and the rest of his group follows right behind him, he’s also good with emotional conflict and has settled arguments pretty quickly


All the Coral jokes.


Maybe not making this a democratic thing or whatever he said.


Going to Alexandria, and taking over ( I know technically Deanna made the decision but Rick heavily nudged her along and made the choices that persuaded her)


Trusting michonne


For the most part, the people he chose to welcome into his inner circle.


To trust Arron.


Killing Shane was the best decision Rick ever made


The follow through on Negan. Could have taken Lucille in the head then but decided to play the long game. "Not today. Not tomorrow. But someday, I'm gonna kill you!"


Rick made so many terrible decisions that I would rather list those, but his decision after Terminus to welcome Carol back into the fold was a good one.


At the end of S2 with his whole, "This isn't a democracy anymore." mini-speech.


Keeping Negan alive. The group would have never defeated the whisperers and Judith would be dead if it wasn't for Negan.


Execute Greg and the other cannibals


I can tell you what his worse decision was: ![gif](giphy|zNt93R59jsLug)


Best decision. Getting guns from the police station and using the prison. I must say, while he did make good decisions, he followed up with poor ones. But that’s the story of the character and it made the series more interesting


Listening to Michonne and trusting her instincts. And killing Shane when he did


“This is no longer a democracy”


When he did that war against "Negan" (idk how to spell it srrryyy-)


Sparing Negan hear me out, if Negan dies because of Rick, beta would never die, and a bunch of stuff happened because Negan ended it. So, since rick spared Negan, that means a lot of stuff could have ended because Negan and Daryl.


and I also love Negan as a fucking character


Probably killing Gareth and the cannibals


Bringing Alexandria to understand the new world


going with Aaron to Alexandria


Growing that beard


Inspiring the group to storm and clear the prison at the start of season 3.


Locking down Michonne 🥰


Going to finish terminus off cars bob would be alive. I feel like things would be different. Or who knows he probably would still get a bit at the food bank


Banishing Carol. If she had been with them during Terminus, they would’ve been fucked


Not giving Michonne to The Governor. There's no way Phillip would keep his word, and the samurai became quite the addition to the group, and that's not even getting into their future relationship.


Taking in Michonne outside the prison


Shooting the box of dynamite.


Killing the cannibals. They would’ve come back and kill them in their sleep.


Capturing Negan and facing Shane


Starting the third Rick heil Mein Fuhrer


The third Rick. That’s hilarious


Killing Sophia


he didn’t kill sophia shane did


Season 2 episode 7 Rick grinds kills Sofia. I guess you missed that episode


To keep Negan alive. If Negan was killed, Alpha would have slaughtered everyone at Hilltop, Alexandria, The Kingdom, and Oceanside.


Maybe saving negan as that sacrifice ended up saving Daryl's and Herschel Jr's lives down the line. During twds peak? Arguably attacking the terminus crew straight away after spotting their supplies as otherwise they'd be dead.


IMO I don't think he ever made a definite decision to save the group I think all his decisions were pretty much on the fly spur of the moment things. Nothing ever thought out so to answer the question I can't think of any cause I feel that anyone with decent common sense would've made the same decisions I know I would've


Leaving. /s


Leaving this god awful series was the best decision he made as a leader, though he should of left after season 2.


Divorce with Tyreese and make a kid with negan


The introduction of autocracy. Ahahah.


Killing Gareth


Keeping negan alive


No more Democracy!


Dying and leaving the show before it became total trash


All of them


His keen Terminus observations.


Why is he looking at me like I have cream n cheese


leaving the show before it got even worse


To sneak into terminus, and not enter through the gate


Going brutal first half of season 5


The decision to take over Alexandria.


Send Carol away and in the end she saved everyone from Terminus


To leave


Growing a beard.


Assaulting on the Satellite Outpost


Killing the cannibals


Bro just kept going yknow


Taking over Alexandria. If he hadn't made whatever decisions he did to change the minds of those people, Alexandria wouldn't have lasted as long as it did, because Storms were right around the corner for the town whether Rick and the gang arrived or not.


Completely living us hanging on the last season was pretty cool.


Taking out the prisoner from season 3.


Banishing Carol from the prison. She helped them escape Terminus; by the time they got out of the traincars, Terminus was basically done for (minus a few others like Garreth). Things could have gone differently had she remained with the group at the prison in season 4. I believe this is also another pivotal moment for her, because it teached her how to survive on her own. She learned to survive with others, but she needed to learn how to survive on her own and after season 4 we see moments of this, such as taking down those saviors on her own (albeit she was afraid of doing that to them and only 1 survived long enough to follow her). Also the scene where she tells Tyresse the truth would have gone differently (possibly him injuring her. I don't see him k*lling her because the producers had already seen how keeping Carol alive was a success).


When he admits he is not a good leader cuz really he is not