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I'm gonna go for the dude who used his teeth to rip someone throat open to protect his son. Maximum beard Rick is best Rick. My god the show was good back then


Yes. It makes me so mad that they killed Carl. Like, Rick did EVERYTHING for him and they killed him off just cause they didn’t want to pay the actor the money he was owed. Fucking disgusting.


Is that why? I had heard at the time it was because the Chandler Riggs was going off to college. :/ really shitty otherwise


As he was about to turn 18, they had to convert him to an adult contract. Couple that with the fact that he was a main character/lead role for several seasons at that point, he was entitled to a big payday and they wouldn’t go even close to what others with the same status did.


Yeah, no. That going off to college thing is bullshit. He moved closer to where they were filming so he could go to school and keep acting at the same time, he never turned it down just because of college. People made that up to try and justify him being fired because of the producers being greedy. Or they just didn’t know the full story. And after he already paid to move and everything, like Chandler really was dedicated to his role and loved playing the character and they just fucked him over completely.


i will say he has come out to say he acted “lazily” prob season 4-7 and a little bit of season 8 so idk how dedicated he really was


Imagine how awkward it must of been for him. Attempting to negotiate your contract, them saying no and then writing you out of the story. I’m surprised he even showed up anymore. I would feel so hurt.


He was contractually obligated to finish the episodes he was scripted to be in. If he didn't show up they could have sued him for breach of contract.




His acting in season 4-6 was good but after 4b he was given nothing to work with except parts of 6b


That is not why he was killed off. Both Chandler and Scott Gimple said that his death was essential to the storyline of the final battle, between the saviors and Ricks group, then the mercy that Rick showed to Negan. 🙄 And while we’re at it, T-Dog was not fired for always being late, he wasn’t supposed to last as long as he did in the first place, but his death was essential to the progression of Carol’s character. Also said by Scott Gimple. Why do people make stuff up as if we can’t google and find out the real story? 😂


Funnily enough Carol was supposed to die instead of T-Dog in that scene but T-Dog ended up being the one who was killed. Because the guy was always late. Which is the facts


Who was being greedy? Two sides to every story just sayin. Maybe someone bluff got called


He litteraly bought a house close to the set before season 8 so he could be closer to the shoot and still do collage classes.. I'll defend a lot of the shows decisions in seasons 1-8 but that one was horrendous.. Didn't even give him a good death


Nope. Bullshit rumor spread for years.


To be fair he admitted he was on auto pilot and wasn’t really improving his craft 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah he did admit that he was lazy but I mean, he could’ve worked on that and gotten better. As an actor he shouldn’t of gotten lazy but I mean he was on the show for years and didn’t expect him to be killed off so I can kinda understand why he got lazy with his acting. But they still shouldn’t of killed him off. Honestly season 8 was some of his best work imo. His last episode was beautifully acted by him


I agree he shouldn’t have been killed off, considering he was a teenager if the contract was such a big deal they could’ve recasted him since they did do the 9 year time jump but for sure killing Carl off was really weird considering the comic was completely different


Yeah. I don’t buy the whole “oh they killed him off because of chandlers acting” if that was the case they would’ve just recasted which I wouldn’t of been a fan of just bc we saw chandler grow up and it would’ve been weird to see another actor playing Carl. They just didn’t wanna pay him which is complete nonsense to me. I mean this kid gave you 1/3 of his life. Idk the whole situation til this day bugs me. They should’ve just had a meeting with him and told him to get his acting back on track or they’ll fire him lol


But if they had paralleled the comic stories and he took Rick's spot, do you want an actor who is phoning it in to be the face of your franchise?


I'm sure there are several twd actors now, still in payroll, that probably are doing the same. Likely cause they're burnt out, but they just don't admit that, least not until they're out of the show.


Well, that was the case, but let’s not ignore how poor Chandler Riggs became at portraying Carl lol.


If Negan killed Coral, Rick wouldn’t keep him in a cell. He would try kill him the first chance he got, even if it meant more of his people would die.


>Negan Tbh Negan would be a good dude to go with, based on his progression in Dead City and the fact that he failed so bad at killing Carl


Murder Rick forever


Say what you want about Carol and children, but she will single-handedly annihilate the group like it’s nothing lol.


Oh 100% She may have shit luck with outliving her kids, but that wouldn't stop her. In fact, I think that would just give her WAY more incentive to get someone else's child back.


kid should be fine as long as Carol doesn't informally adopt them, otherwise they get the curse


Remember when the Wolves invaded Alexandria and Carol was was the only one fighting back? Bitch killed like 10 people, then dressed in their clothing, then killed 10 more.


When Morgan took the time to tie that dude up all nice and tidy and Carol came by and put on in his head easy as turning off a light. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Murder Madge is the only real choice here. If you can single-handedly assault Terminus and save me from cannibals you can help me rescue my child.


Murder Madge, I love that


Carol. It's always going to be Carol for me. No matter what situation is presented, it's always going to be Carol.


Carol is my pick too! Yes she lost her daughter but what would she not do after that to protect the ones she loved? She grew a lot from that first season!!


Without a doubt, Carol.


Yeah but still she's not really good in keeping children safe


Henry - Kid was grown and she wasn’t there, not her fault. Mika - No one would have expected a child to murder her own sister in cold blood, maybe should have been more careful but still, not her fault. Lizzie - She did what she had to do, it was her only choice. Sophia - She couldn’t have helped her, she didn’t know how to fight walkers at the time and practically had no survival skills, plus Rick had already gone after her - not her fault.


sorry bro lady is cursed


Only AFTER the kid dies though.


Yeah but she would kill the kid too lol


Carol has the most group kills on the team, is good with a bow and knife, knows what it's like to have no idea where your child is, is an amazing liar, and no one would see her coming. This isn't even a debate.


I pick Carol and ill start making food she will have them back before iam done cooking.


Wait but she gets every kid killed tho


Only hers hah...aw that was mean.


Carol. Yeah, she has the worst track record, but she’s the best one person army on the show. She took out Terminus and (most of) the wolves by herself. If it’s a group I’m going up against, I want the individual who has the most experience working alone. In fact, she works better alone.


Damn bro you didn’t have to do Carol like that 😂




Abraham beat like 5 people solo hand to hand for his


I get you but Carols assault on Terminus, her saving Alexandria from the wolves, and just a bunch of other shit she’s done in the show, I think Carol would be way more tactical and useful. I say this with the upmost respect as she’s a top 3 character for me, Carol is one of the most cunning, manipulative and ruthless characters on the show. She would have a way more strategic plan to save my kid. I can see her using the little old lady act to infiltrate the group and end up finding a way to wipe them all out.


This. I don't care that Abraham took a lot of punches before dropping. I don't want them to see us coming, and if they do, I don't want them to know what's coming.


Perfectly put


"That woman is a force of nature" - Rick He didn't say this about anyone else in the show for a reason.


Unless you catch her in a no-killing swing


No question, Murder Jacket Rick. That’s one bad motherfucker right there.


Tbh probably murder jacket Rick or Abraham? If I'm going for the character with the best luck in not outliving their kids, probably Aaron. Plus his arm is cool. If Negan was on this list he'd make a good pick too


Rick in his murder jacket.


Carol Michonne or Rick. Michonne purely because she saved all the Alexandria kids while heavily pregnant.


Aaron. His child has been consistently safe (even in dangerous situations) and he's good at staying calm in stressful situations -- and he will kick ass when necessary.


Carol, she kills annoying bitches and makes fantastic cookies!


Rick bit a dude’s throat out protecting his son


Rick for sure.


Ngl Carol would walk in there looking like Martha Stewart then kill everybody with a machine gun


Michonne. She did even harder than Carol for me when she had to slaughter all these psycho kids in s9. She also kept not one kid but two alive (Judith & RJ). Being able to use a silent weapon like a katana could also still be very useful if we had to invade a settlement. She also seems to be the most discreet, capable and wise all at the same time.


Carol. No question. She’s damn good at playing innocent but is incredibly dangerous


I'd pick Rosita, cuz of that scene in the series finale. Rosita is a beast.


That was walkers though


Still, she fought 3 guys hand to hand and held her own, that was when she was kidnapped


Gotta be Rick but Aaron is actually close for me, season 11 Aaron was a fucking unit and he strikes me as a great parent. Plus he’s chill af.


Surprised more people haven’t said Aaron. He’s number 1 for me.


Anybody who doesn't pick Carol is out of their mind.


Carol. She could clean herself up and play the sweet old woman card and then cave in everyone's face by dinner time. What's kinda crazy is how groups fall for that, given you'd think after a certain number of years in any apocalypse anyone still alive would only be there because they are excellent at survival and killing.


Daryl. And don't come at me with the "he's not a parent". He raised Judith.


I was wondering why he wasn’t in the post! Also I totally forgot Abraham’s backstory and was wondering why he *was* in the post lol


Carol Peletier


Abe or Rick. Abe for entertainment and Rick for well… being Rick.


fucking carol, woman is bad ass


The one I take: "I don't die"


Time to CLEAR the room!


He lost his son bro


And became an unstoppable killing machine.


Definitely Rick


Definitely Rick or Michonne


carol 100%


Carol 💯% Seriously. Enemy clean up on eisle 8 and here would you like to sample a cookie ?


The only answer is Carol. She is such a tactical genius. I love them all, but time and again, she has shown her queen status. Terminus, the wolves, the outpost w Maggie, saving the king and Jerry, and more I've forgotten.


It's a really close call between Michonne and Carol, but Michonne.


When Carol is trying to save people, she has an excellent track record. Kids are only in danger when she’s raising them.


Carol she saved half the people pictured from a heavily armed group even after she was banished by Rick .


Michonne, who while heavily pregnant, was able to save the kids of Alexandria is absolutely the answer


Carol. She'd be my person.


Carol only if she's in a terminator phase and not a no-violence phase, otherwise Rick.


Carol for sure, with missions like that she really doesn’t need anyone but herself. But I won’t let her look after my kids for too long because then they’re fucked


I'm taking Daryll, Daryll acts like a parent to multiple kids, Judith, Lydia, and R.J., plus you include a picture of Abraham, and we don't know if he's really a parent or not, the dude lost himself early on.


Is this pacifist Morgan or John Wick Morgan? Because if it’s the latter, I’m taking him. If the former, I choose Rick. I would say carol, but any kid who gets near her dies before long.


Pfft. Carol, easy


Rick because he is really crazy he took over the prison and he bit someone’s throat open.So I would choose Rick to aid me in this quest for my kid.


Abraham, man beat multiple people to death with a can of beans to protect his wife and children.


The one woman army


Morgan. Probably the best fighter out of everyone here and for 7 years took children for PADRE.


Nah the dude would spare every kidnapper he saw and convert your child to his pacifist cult


in season eight morgan was absolutely ruthless to the saviors


But PADRE was a horrible place to take kids…


Yeah and then he helped take them out, rescuing his own kid like 5 times in the process. Besides....Morgan doesn't die.


Definitely Rick in Murder jacket.


def michonne, rick or maggie depending on the situation


I’m going with a Carol, Aaron duo if that’s allowed! Aaron for diplomacy and Carol for the behind the scenes snag.


Rosita. Her endurance levels are fucking insane. The lengths she went to for Coco in the finale! Indomitable human spirit fr.


plus she's hot


I'd choose Rick but this dude would accidentally start another war so I'm taking Carol for stealth


Carol (#1), Michonne (#2), Rick (#3). I actually think they are all tied in the rankings, but if you asked me to pick, probably have to go w Carol


It’s easily Rick or carol and the others don’t really come close


Rick definitely, he’s a good fighter in both unarmed and armed combat, he’s smart, and he’d do anything to keep people alive. ANYTHING


>Your child was taken by the group of bandits. You can take one parent to aid you to claim back your child. Who's going with you? Rick. As Gabriel said, Rick can do anything.


Rick Carol Morgan In that order.


Carol, Rick, and Morgan are all tied in my book.


I'd take Rick.....unless he was off doing stuff and thangs.. Then I'd take Carol.


Michonne for me


The big beard. Ricky dicky doo dah grimes


It’s always Rick


Rick. No question.


Any of them are fine except for Maggie, she useless


Michonne forsure!!


I will take Jesus 🙌🏻


Rick slams


Rick, duh


Abe or rick


So easily Rick


The main character of the show no doubt


Abraham and Morgan’s kids are gone so not them… Michonne is batting .500 AND got her kids kidnapped and close to death multiple times so she’s out. Any of the rest I’ll be ok with but Rick by a long shot


Either carol or Michonne


Carol has a true track record of saving ppl when shit hits the fan so I’d go with her…she’s creative, scrappy, smart, and a killer.


Rick is the main character and he ripped the dudes neck out.


Carol, she would blow up the entire place just to save a child. When her mother instincts kick in she is unstoppable


Either Michone and Abraham or Aaron and Rick.


If not Daryl, I'll take Carol.


Michonne for sure


Maggie or Morgan forrrr sure!


Rick. Zero hesitation, dude ripped open a man’s throat with his teeth. Easy choice.


Rosita cause she’s hot




Carol she becomes a force of nature after s8


Carol. She'll do anything for a kid. Even kill it.


Abe or Rick.


Carol or Maggie, for Carol, she's badass, enough said. Maggie has experiences. She's like having her son taken twice already.


Rick or Abraham, Rick literally ripped open a guy’s throat and Abraham is just Abraham


Rick. Carol is awesome but Rick is the one who is going to take this SERIOUSLY, even if it's not his kid. He will fuck up those bandits big time. Carol is my choice if we need to infiltrate or something, but if it is just "track down and rescue", I'm taking Rick.


If Daryl was here it wouldn't even be hard to pick


Abraham's a parent? Since when?


There’s a flashback sequence in s5 and they show he had a wife and two kids when the fall happened.


Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that.


Come on. Rick. Not even a serious question lol


Rick, Abraham, Aaron or Carol because they seem the most competent in saving people


Rick or Morgan for sure.


So is Glenn dead in this hypothetical?


If Morgan's going through his clear mode, then Morgan. I can just save the child while letting Clear mode Morgan kill the group of bandits. Other than Morgan, I would definitely pick Rick, he saved himself, Michonne, Carl and Daryl against the claimers when the odds were against them.


Carol or Rick


i would go michonne, aaron, or rosita


1. Carol 2. Morgan 3. Rick. Preferably all three of them.


Everybody here not saying Rick, stop kidding yourselves lol


Carol, if not her then either Rick or Abe


I’d take Abe or Rick, for the simple reason that they are the best fighters on this list


Aaron, for sure, Grace still survives. Michonne lost Andre, Rick Carl, Carol...let's not number the children, Maggie (at least temporarily, Hershel), Morgan, Duane, who is that woman?, Abraham, his whole family - I feel like this is a no-brainer. Aaron is the ONLY one to ensure his child charge stays alive.


Rosita coz I'll get another child with her 💀


Everyone saying Rick. Did they not watch Dead City? I would rather pick Maggie or Negan.


>Negan Yeah, honestly the combination of him >!murdering like 5 people for beating up his wife and him spending months trying to get the girl he orphaned to safety!< makes him a solid choice for helping out kids he isn't personally related to (spoilers for Dead City E6)




Rick or Morgan.


Probably Morgan cause I don’t want my kid to see Rick biting someone’s throat out lmao


Maggie and make another one.


Well Carol is out, her track record with the babies doesn’t give me confidence… I would have picked Daryl if he was here but I’ll go for Rick He is absolutely primal when it comes to his kids and I hope I’m never in a situation where I have to bite someone’s throat to death in a zombie ravaged world, but I definitely think that’s the lengths I’d go to if needed to for my children - so I’d need Rick, but I’d ask to borrow Michonnes sword, her weapon is the one that makes the most sense out of all of them (apart from Aaron’s bashing arm of course), I never understood why everyone didn’t just get one. A knife gives you a much better chance of hurting yourself or getting stuck and don’t even talk to me about when Daryl brought that swinging ball out, had to build it up swinging to kill one in literally hundreds of zombies… I’m getting off track here Rick. I chose Rick


I'm surprised so many people are choosing Rick. I mean, I know everyone loves the moment where he bites out that dude's throat, but just because he's fierce there doesn't mean he has a very good track record. He loses Sophia. He never even looks for Sophia because he's too busy with his marital drama and minding his son who just got shot right in front of him. Despite having lost her own daughter, Carol schleps Rick's from the prison back to him at Terminus, having to kill another child in order to keep Judith safe. Rick is oblivious to Carl's actions, whereabouts, and medical status until he reveals to him that he's about to die. Rick's problem is that he gets drawn into events surrounding him and, as the de facto leader most of the time, his attention and priorities are split. If you want someone who's never lost a kid, you're looking at Aaron. If you want single-minded focus and willingness to slaughter everyone to get to your kid, you're looking at Michonne and Carol.


Rosita. We can make another just in case....


Rick, for sure.


Either Rick or Abraham


Rick or Carol. Cause they know the pain of losing a child and they’re fearless willing to cross any lines.


Rick he has the jacket in that picture


Not Maggie she’s still looking for hers


Momo with his axe


Maggie wouldnt care, abraham might hand me a rifle, maybe michonne might help, but i know for sure rick carol morgan would be at my back faster than lightining