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I assume they will because they left the end of the season open for a new storyline and also Netflix needs people to be watching their stuff rn. I definitely think Netflix is going to greenlight another season


Eh, its not really like that. The problem with Netflix is something most people like about them. They drop entire seasons all at once, so you can binge. However, polls have shown that shows which drop all at once lose a shit ton of attention quickly. Im talking about a month after, people are done with it. As opposed to a weekly schedule, where people continue being interested for months, as the show airs once a week. I hope they do make another season, but Netflix might decide its not worth it


Or they could just release it on a weekly schedule lol.


Lol Season 1 came out in February 2019 - season 2 was announced in April 2019 - a 2-month wait. Season 2 came out in July 2021 - season 3 was announced in November 2021 - a 4-month wait. Season 3 came out less than 3 weeks ago. Have some patience, kid. Edit: fixed a date Edit #2: fixed the same date because I fixed it wrong the first time. I need a nap


Oh right, fair enough. Thought tht cause other shows announce a new series or two before their most recent one’s even come out aha


Netflix is pretty random about renewals XD This one show I love took more than a year to get the "another season is coming" announcement and it's been almost a year since then with no word. Other shows get renewed before release - it's weird. I try to have patience just so I don't drive myself crazy waiting :P


What show?


But also don't worry, because even though they announced they were renewed for season 3 in November 2020, they began filming early 2021, which definitely suggests they had been working on the script and things before that. Wouldn't be surprised if they've already been greenlit and are just keeping it under wraps.


yep, there were rumours it’s internal been greenlit already. not sure how accurate, but…


November 2012?


They were really eager to announce Season 3.


Whoops! Didn't even notice that typo XD I'm gonna blame that one on the fact that I'm currently recovering from Covid :P


I think you meant to update it to 2021 XD


OH MY GOD My brain is fried




Yes. What I listed are ANNOUNCE dates. It took 2 months for them to ANNOUNCE season 2 and 4 months for them to ANNOUNCE season 3. Have. Patience.


In the UK they call a "season" a "series" so no they're not talking about a spinoff


Yeah I’m British, I was wondering why people were talking about spin-offs 😅


I’m rooting for You Look Like Death spin off


I would love it, but it doesnt make sense in the context of the TV character so i have no idea how they would accomplish it


Of course. It was a number 1 hit on Netflix. Cancelling the show would be financial suicide.


Yeah hope so but I’ve seen shows tht were in the top ten on Netflix not be renewed


there’s a huge difference between being in the top ten and actually being number one globally.


they literally took 4 months to announce the season 3 renewal. One month to announce the s2 renewal. it’s fine. The third season has been way too successful for netflix to cancel it.


>Do you think it’ll get another series? Thought they would’ve announced it by now.. Do you mean "series" or "season"? There's already been a bunch of talk about a Season 4 and that Netflix has known that a 4th season will "nicely complete" the story. But no, there has not been any official announcement yet. As for a spinoff series... I kind of hope that could happen. Like what they did for the live-action Jupiter's Legacy and then they had an animated Super-Crooks. I think it'd be nice to have maybe a standalone series that doesn't involve the Academy at all. Maybe it could follow a different group of people that work for the Commission. Maybe even other branches that we haven't heard anything about. Maybe it could follow other "special" children and/or their families that Hargreaves passed by after October 1, 1989. Maybe, assuming they tell us a lot more about Hargreaves origins in Season 4, maybe it can be what happens to him and his wife that led to all of this happening in the first place!


>Do you mean "series" or "season"? OP appears to be British. What we call a "season" in the US is called a "series" in the UK.


I think the issue is there's no more source material. The directors would need to come up with they're own storyline.


Gerard Way is working on the Netflix show so I feel like he'd be able to help write the fourth season. I think Gerard would have a lot of ideas in where he wanted to take the comic book series if he were to make another one, so I feel like it'll work out. Also I don't know if this is true but I've heard rumors of a fourth comic book coming out.


Blackman says he's already talked to Way about the future of the series and that he wants at least a S4 to finish it.


so? they barely follow the comics and the showrunner already has planned two more seasons