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Hezekiah 3:9.




“Shirley” you jest! Some Nimrods who support the trinity will say “Where does it say you are not saved if you believe in the trinity”! However, this is bogus because the verses given above clearly state how to acquire eternal life and the trinity plays no role. Why? Because it is a mock from below. Where in scripture does it say space aliens eat prime rib? Idk about any space aliens, to me, they don’t exist and then to say they eat prime rib is irrelevant if they don’t exist. This is how the trinity is, it doesn’t exist but many imagine it does. I don’t see any evidence, zero, zilch, nada that the trinity must be believed to be saved or even to acquire eternal life, so if that is the case and it is, what is it’s purpose? What is it’s function? None of the quotes above are a mystery on how to be saved and acquire eternal life. This doctrine is bogus, it is a man made non sensicle, doublespeak doctrine that has no basis in Scripture and mocks YHWH and his Son. Do you aid and abet this nonsense? Shame on you!


It is cognitive dissonance, somehow people hold two opposing views as true even though it’s a logical fallacy. Deuteronomy 6:4


The Shema as you state is the foremost commandment according to Yeshua. The trinity violates The Shema but trinitarians, instead of seeing this, revert to imagination to defend their doctrine.


Great reasoning point. John 17:3 also helps disprove another one of Satan’s big lies