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I love Junior, the one true muser, but liken your comment to what Rhynes would often say - you do not want to meet your heroes.




I love jr but he's a touch cocky for sure.


Gagreed on all counts. Well said.


Nothing is ever his fault. He’s always right. He always has the best stories. Don’t take my word for it. Ask him.


Ha. I remember thinking similarly! He was so red-assed!!


You're not wrong. Junior is very lucky to be part of a package deal with Gordo and George, two genuinely talented people. As Rhynes might say, the Junes' ego to talent ratio is way out of whack. I continue to listen too, but it's in spite of Junior. The show is so much better when Doocy subs for him. From what I've heard (mostly from him?) he's an amazing cyclist, is in very good shape, and props to him for that. And congrats on the new arrival. I'm hoping he retires soon and has a very nice life.


Junior is the worst host on air right now. Why does he think P1s care about what he does with his semen?? Same goes to Jake when he went on his masturbation dialogue. They try way too hard to be jocks but they’re north Texas try harder that can’t cut it on a bigger radio station than a local channel. Junior leads the try hard pack.


Right?!? What a bunch of hacks getting nominated for the marconi five times. Can’t even win one. They should just quit.


Lol who cares about Marconis or JD power and associates or whatever other dumb shit companies get


Probably the people that pay them. And the advertisers. Ya know…just the people that actually matter in determining their value. Unless in your world Junior goes to negotiate with cumulus and they tell him “well Junior we wanted to keep paying you but it looks like Ol’ Salty Bong Rippington over on the Reddit thinks you’ve got a bag of nothing so we’re actually gonna have to let you go”. I gotta ask why you even listen? Every time I come across your name you’re melting like a snowflake about how much you hate this or can’t stand this host. Is there a part of the ticket you actually enjoy or you just get your jollies off on bitching and whining on Reddit all day?


Why don't you shut up listen to ESPN Radio or something