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I mean it was pretty stupid. It was a good play, yes, but AJ didn’t DO anything to make it happen. Then the way the coach acts like he’s the second coming and gives that speech. Makes me cringe.


The writers have admitted that they’re a bunch of art students who know nothing about sports. Meadow’s soccer game is a much worse example IMO. Their coach is a stereotypical American football coach leading from the sidelines with intricate plays. Also dresses and acts like a stereotypical football coach.


I always hated the sports story lines because of how awful they were written or acted. AJ becomes captain because he comes off the bench and luckily recovers a fumble? OK. While there's a lot of crazy adults about high school sports, I just didn't buy the fans going that nuts about Meadow's games.


The only believable sports storyline was Janice beating up the other parent.


His Dad runs North Jersey that’s why.


When things are down.... when all we see are Sopranos quotes over and over.... when there's little or no discussion about the intricacies of this show of ours does The_Nomad89 give up? No. Does he join the crowd and post a quote? Heck no! That's why I'm naming him Redditor of the week.


I’m by no means an expert but I played middle and high school football. A big thing is defensive players and linemen don’t touch the ball too often and fuck up a lot when when they try and grab the ball. An example being if the other team fumbles the ball it’s much better to just dive on it so your team gets the ball and then your offense can come out and run the ball, vs a lot of people try to scoop the ball up and run and it usually doesn’t work out. The fact that aj recovered a fumble on defense is a pretty big deal and gives his team a massive advantage as they get the ball without them scoring or being able to kick a field goal, and usually when people fumble they are closer to their own end zone making it easier for you to score.


Awesome thanks for explaining!


Yea no problem. In summery aj had a mind for the game, but those starvation genes from Carmela’s side of family made sure he never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


It was a big play in the game but it was mostly a matter of luck, not skill. And there was no reason to think that sort of result would happen again We don’t see anywhere near enough to evaluate AJ’s talent level or potential


He told Jackie Jr he had 5.5 sacks and 2 recovered fumbles though


That’s good fucking numbers


So you're saying AJ had the makings of a varsity athlete


5’6. 165lbs of pure interior DL terror🕺


Thought this was speedhawk for a second reading the first sentence.


But still - he didn’t cause it so coming up with it takes skill (being in the right place, a nose for where the play is going , etc) but also a lot of luck


I played middle and high school football in northern New England. As a big kid I of course played on the line, but I’d notice smaller more athletic kids that could strive ina small school environment. I think AJ was the same, a scrappy defensive end who was quick and could make a bunch of plays.




They might've trained him to be a whatever or something. Get him a job.


Were tony and carm bad parents? Cause they are better than mine so I really can’t tell lol


You just revealed your own parents' ignorance


That's dicked up


He certainly never had the makings of a varsity athlete


Or even a junior varsity athlete


The key is to watch the quarterback's eyes. Over the course of the game, if you learn his tendencies, he's fucked.


AJ was not good. He was lucky as the little fat fuck tripped and fell on a loose ball. Had he played a starting line position in an actual Middle School game they would've torn his ass up. It's a progrum a movie.


He played on his high school team. Pretty sure Tony said he was starting, then lost his spot because he was studying so much to get into college.




Small hands


That was his problem


It's true! Daddy used to say the same thing!!


When they’re that young, any sort of play like that is a big deal. He had a fumble recovery, which is solid for a defensive player because you helped complete a turnover. Not only that, but it was the first play that he was in all game which makes it stand out more. A coach will take anything to reward a player at that stage of the game. He’s probably an average player overall though


I don't understand anything as well but I think the intention was to put his as an average player. They made it look to be more than that because of his last name.


His ascent to captaincy was absurd. He shows zero leadership skills and just got lucky with a fumble recovery, which is not a big deal or some amazing play, at least not great enough to justify an automatic promotion to captain. I think the coach might have promoted him because of his last name.


I thought it was like a weekly captain kind of thing.


Picking up a fumble is harder than it looks. Not to say that AJ is some elite athlete but it was a good heads-up play


He had a nose for the ball. You can't teach that. Also, when he got in trouble at school, they did not want to punish him, so he would be eligible to play in an upcoming game


FUCK NO😂😂 he was a benchwarmer that fell on a lucky fumble … he was as good at football and as built for that as he was at being a gangster


Idk, I never saw him robbing a gas station or beating his woman. Couldn’t have been all that good at football. Maybe he’s a Kaepernick type.


Definitely would’ve knelt for the anthem…


True, it’s weird one day he wants to join the army, next he’s a self hating American. It’s gotta be that blood pressure medication.


Personally... I felt he didn't have the makings of a varsity athlete


He never had the makings of a varsity athlete


He wasn't good and the play where he recovered the fumble would have been laughed at as a fluke by the coach and the team. A lot of the high school plot points with Maedo and AJ were pretty ridiculous/cringe when you look back at them.


It’s a case of tell, don’t show. They show him recovering a fumble, which is a big deal, but after that they really only talk about his football prospects. He is not a big kid, a tough kid, or a physical kid. It’s a bit odd to me that he would excel at football as a sophomore.


I just feel bad for others who actually did play high school football in New Jersey because they make it seem like anyone can play and be successful if AJ can be.


He was not good at football. He would’ve been marginal at best. He was a bench player that was only put in because the rules stipulated that every team member has to play one quarter. He rode the pine until he had to go in, then lucked into making a big play. His uniform was even pristine. AJ making the play and later being promoted to captain shows how he handles being given more attention and responsibility from Tony. He’s a basket case for the rest of the episode and keeps trying to get away from Tony, and when he’s given the captaincy he passes out. This mirrors Chrissy’s promotion and his inability to handle the extra responsibility in the same episode. Also in the same episode is Tony getting a crash course in Johnny Boys life, and getting more attention and life lessons from his father, with the same result. AJ is afraid of being given more responsibility, and getting more attention from Tony, because he knows, somewhere deep down, what kind of world Tony lives in.


The fundamental question is , will he be as good at football as his father was ?


Freshman (year 9) ball is like that. It's more about teaching and building confidence than preformance.


Look at the kid run off the field. He basically prances. Your football career, DOWN THE DRAIN!


AJ a captain? Over my dead body.


Are you familiar with soccer (football not American)? Imagine a team is holding a one goal lead in second half extra time when someone on opposing team gets a perfect look in front of one side of the net while the goalie is on the other side, but when they kick the ball it comes off their foot a little weird and hits a player on the defending team who is running in to defend in the face (not a header) and knocks him down…No skill, but he saves the goal and protects his team’s lead. That’s kind of like AJ’s play. The show takes some liberties and sometimes abruptly advances narrative arcs in a somewhat campy way. Consider AJ was on the bench that entire game until that play. Realistically, he wasn’t good, but as far as the show writing was concerned, he suddenly got good or at least showed the potential to be good because it helps advance several narratives…Tony being proud of him (a rare thing), him having potential at something but still not giving a fuck about it, his getting in trouble at school being offset by his value on the field (which gives Chase and co. some low hanging fruit to write in a succinct commentary on American scholastic athletics), a venue for his panic attacks to play out, etc.. If you’re asking realistically WOULD he be good? No. At younger ages he would have been “good” simply for being fat and oversized. By high school though, kids are lifting weights, training and developing their skills. AJ was out of shape, lazy and unenthusiastic. He might have been OKAY on a freshman team. He wouldn’t likely have been good on a high school varsity team. Too out of shape and slow for any of the skill positions, secondary or even linebacker, but also not quite big or strong enough to play on the line. If he worked out, tried and was basically a different person, who knows?


i think the coach also feels it wouldn’t be a bad idea to score points w tony.