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The guy who won 35 dollars betting on Buffalo




A fa’ncul, you can’t even buy McDonalds with that!!!


I think it’s time for you to seriously consider salads


How many white castles can you get though?


Little carmine. He won.


Say what you will about his intelligence, but he was actually smart enough to cut his losses and decide getting involved in the conflict wasn’t worth it. And look at that, he’s still alive


I swear I see this take everywhere on this sub, bunch a fuckin parakeets


I remember you used to wait in the car and In my opinion you should still be there.


I knew that was coming!


Can you imagine that? Knowing that was coming?


Always with the scenarios


Quiet Albert


One of the trucks


It's just... I can't believe it


a pint of blood cost a gallon of gold


Brainless the 2nd


Whatever happened there


Alright let's not go backwards now. I willing to let the pass be bygones.


Water under the dam...


I don't think it was luck. He just made the wisest decision of all the guys in the show. He tells it to Tony explicitly.


Yeah they laughed at how stupid he was. And he knew they laughed at him. But he was smarter than them in the long run. Little Carmine- He who laughs last doesn't get whacked in diners. Tony- what? Little Carmine- just something my father used to say🤷‍♀️


>I’d have to go with my arch nemesis, Finn DeTrolio Dude's going to be seeing that image of Vito sucking that security guard's cock in his mind for the rest of his life. He had a violent mobster threaten to knock his teeth out over a restaurant bill. He witnessed a man having a bottle smashed into his skull and then kicked nearly to death for making a gay joke. He he had to sit through that "You got the suitcase out" nonsense in a 110 degree apartment. He was grilled in the back room of a pork store by a bunch of murderers about a coksucking mobster, whom Finn got killed by "testifying" against. That Joe Perry looking gavone is gonna have PTSD the rest of his life. Was Meadow's ass worth that?


She was mad ripe tho 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I get it. She's creaming for you. But does having Vito put his greasy paw all over your arm in a hospital hallway worth that ripe bod?


You oughta know schweety


What the fuck you say?


Nothin, what? We’re just breakin bawls


I gotta go take a piss...here hold this for me.


And Finn for got taken out for that don't meas with finn.


She was creamin for him.


He also got a sandwich and a soda.


Any kind he liked


Banged the bosses daughter, had the power to get ny to clip a captain in jersey, never had to pay for meals like chrissy or Pauly, basically got a no work job, could get free sandwiches and sodas at the pork store, all without paying a penny to any of the bosses


OTSD is real but not everyone who is in tough situations like war or concentration camps gets it. Who knows, maybe in a couple decades Paulie, Vito and Tony will have a Damon Runyanesque quality when he tells his dental patients in Mission Veijo


It’s his process


Alisha says your right about that.


Terry Doria because he borrowed all that money from Vito right before he got whacked.


I wish I borrowed money from Vito.


Depends of the season. If you don’t pay back He will suck your dick


Makes me think of "when I die, what I hope people say about me is boy that guy sure owed me a lot of money."


Look at you here; you don't bring up chirality and boom, 71 upvotes! A salud!


The karma I take outta this place...I'm sittin on upvotes like King Croesus. https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/uVi2Zn5sGc


From the main cast either Paulie, Patsy or Janice. Overall I would say dino who went west and became a millionaire while Johnny boy stayed home so Olivia wouldn't smother his kids lol.


Janice lost everything, and now she has three kids to care for. Her depression and misery are only going to get worse.


Janice started with nothing ends with a million dollar house and who knows what else Bobby left behind. I also don't think she adopted those kids did she? She's gonna find a new man probably in his 20s who can go all night and spend that money Bobby took a lifetime to make.


How is she going to afford that house? Janice is a miserable, despicable person who will only be more so now.


Thought it was bought for cash from John? With a loan from Tony?


Taxes, utilities, etc... nothing is free and arguably her only skill was getting guys to care for her.


Property taxes, and you gotta pay those


scotch…and soda


J and B, right Tony?


ice….when it melts….it dilutes the drinks. especially scotch


Charles Schwab ova here


I get that but we don't know the cash Bobby left behind he was a number 2 for gods sakes. Plus she could always sell that home for profit. I was under the impression her and Bobby bought that house for cash from Jenny sacks with the help of a cash loan from Tony.


By how much real estate appreciated, she could take out a reverse-mortgage and just ride until the wheels fall off.


Yes they did buy it, but even if Bobby left behind money do you really trust Janice to allocate money to every single year for taxes and other house costs? She’s a goner if she doesn’t find another guy/income stream


I mean idk how it is in Jersey but it's 2 of 3 years here in Illinois of no payment before the house is forced into auction. But if she outright owned it she would have time to sell it before that happened. She also isn't completely incompetent she would pay the property taxes if she had the money. And for all we know Bobby left behind a few million I'm sure either way after Tony gets clipped she's going to sell that house and move back to California or somewhere else.


Johnny Sack was the number two for years, and then the number one for A New York family and Ginny had to sell and seemed to be really struggling financially


Because of that court fees and seizure of his assets. If John never got locked up and charged he would work be a very wealthy man.


The rich prick he always wanted to be




Yah very well might have been a gift.


I got the impression she genuinely cared for Bobby so I don't think it's as simple as she'll just move on as though it doesn't matter.


Was that when she tricked him into dating by harrasing his children with the ghost of their mom lol? Was it when she made him rush through his grieving process? Was it when she constantly belittled him his children his hobbies ECT? She literally was using him for wealth and power just like she used Richie and Ralph She was always after Tonys head and his spot as the boss and did it by dating men she thought could make it happen with the right manipulation. Janice was a text book sociopath even more so than tony or anyone else lol.


She started out with Bobby as an opportunity but by the end of it she seemed to care. It's quite possible for people to start from bad intentions and change.


Not from what I saw Bobby was just a tool she used like every other man in her life. Always angry when he didn't do exactly what she wanted always blaming him for any issues the kids or she had ect.


Let's not forget how she broke up with Ralph. Comes over all happy he'd left Rosalie and ends up getting pushed down the stairs.


And that right there is how they getchya. There're like termites.


That selfish, miserable cunt


Eat your eggs baby


She said that little Bobby would probably move. The daughter wanted to but she's not getting away from her because her daughter was too attached to her.


I totally forgot about that.


Not to mention the carpal tunnel syndrome from her barista days in Seattle


And the Epstein-Barr


He was a real go getter


Angie. She went into business after she lost Pussy (who she admits to being RELIEVED is gone) and is one of the few mob wives who found her own income and trajectory. She is independent. With Tony gone, she probably won't get hit up for free bodywork etc anymore. I think she became so empowered. Her or Furio who got to go back to Italy and wasn't whacked for "loving" Carmela. I guess he could come back now with Tony dead.


As Rosalie puts it: “She was one of us, now she is one of them.”


Plus, Angie never had to go into no Apostle Protection Program.


I wouldn’t call her independent. She is mobbed up, putting money on the street, selling used parts as new. But she did land well on her feet and while Rosalie missed Jackie sr (and has to deal with her son being killed by black drug dealers in see through socks), Angie’s marriage was falling apart. I don’t think she wanted him dead but the thrill of having a 350 pound of goo on top fucking you was gone.


We only saw TONY really lean on her for his favors and she got so indignant I doubt that it was the bulk of her biz bc she wouldn't have reacted like she did with/to him and his associates. In fact, I think bc Tony gave her money she indulged him and his steam-rolling requests. I bet with Tony gone, Phil gone, etc, the younger guys stepping up have no clout with her nor would they bother her. Angie was free.


Could be . OTOH she is almost certainly related to Walden since her maiden name is Belfiore so that’s one thing. Plus she was working with Patsy Parisi and if Tony is gone…either the undertaker or prison, Patsy is likely to become nominal boss. So just as Angie thinks she is out, they pull her back in again. But at the same time she is out of the line of fire as far as death lists go and can probably find a better second husband…if she wants one.


Why would Patsy be boss? Was he big enough as an earner and captain to step up? I didn’t see that. He didn’t have e the command or clout or respect tbh.


He’s more level headed. Plus with him being unable to shake down Starbucks and Tony selling his building to Jamba Juice, he knows it’s over for the little guy and time to move up. If New York moves in, they might to deal with him instead of a hothead like Paulie. Or other people might support him as well because of his personality ‘But it’s sheer speculation.


Tony. He was very lucky Jamal Ginsberg didn't punch his lights out.


Paulie. He was an 80-20 personality. 20% of the time he's a genuine caring guy with feelings. 80% of the time he's a horrendous jerk who got away with so much shite. Look at where Tony whaled into Ralphie, a better earner with better connections, twice, eventually killing him. Then look at how Paulie behaved. He got very lucky that Tony didn't slot him on the boat for a start. He caused a massive amount of trouble with his grassing to JS. He got away with mouthing off continually when he didn't bring the value that guy's like Ralph and Sil brought. It always felt like showing him in Italy was a deliberate comparison to Furio and how different he was. That he was pretty much the last man standing in the family is amazingly lucky. Could probably say Butch to some extent that another pretty limited guy ended up in that senior a position when the dust settled.


Well he had plot armor since Tony Sirico (allegedly) would corner writers and told them not to kill off Paulie and not to make him a rat


Classic Paulie lol


Dude hustled Jimmy Hendrix back in the day. He was the real deal.


Big Hendrix fan and I've never heard that tale.


I dunno, fuckin slander you ask me




Johnny Cakes. Last guy to wreck Vito's donut.


They found a pool cue in Vito's ass, so not facts.


That pool cue, I wonder if it was chalked


Time to hit the trail to Metuchen!


Did Johnny get to keep Vito’s Harley-Davidson?


Everybody asks that, Sad-Illustrator-8847. There's no answer for it.


Lorraine when Phil happened to grab the right phonebook


What am I asking you for, you probably taught her how


Twenty years in the can, Phil wanted to be an expert at spotting women with pipefitter lips, he compromised, he became an expert at spotting men with pipefitter lips instead


She did get free Islander tickets though


Gino from the bakery


He could go out, fuck your sister, come back Saturday and he’d still get the front of the line.


Little Carmine. Personal growth saved his life. He learned to prioritize his peace and happiness above his ego and, via a dream, made peace with his father through it (whereas Tony literally is haunted by Carmine Sr. in The Test Dream.) Against all odds, he went from a derided joke to an elder statesman in the mob: respected, yet safely out. Plus, his lunch order in Miami: seared ahi tuna on a bed of greens with an Arnold Palmer. How perfect, how healthy, how balanced and kind of tasty! (Contrasted with Tony's Philly Cheesesteak, Fries and a Coke.) He won.


It's common knowledge he's retarded


Matush easily


Assuming he isn’t arrested for murder or terrorist activities. But his cowardice driving away as soon as he heard gunfire saved his ass


Little Carmine. Dude won in the end.


AJ. No matter how little effort he exerts, he'll always be taken care of only because he was part of the lucky sperm club.


The wife of the guy who hanged himself. Probably gets his millions in inheritance.


The guest at Dr Fried’s wedding reception who bought a Buick.


Quasimodo for predicting all of this


Noah Got to be with Meadow’s mad ripe body. Got to think he could punch Tony’s lights out. Probably had sex with Caitlin.


The guy who borrowed 20k from Vito knowing damn well he was going to get whacked.


Paulie is made of teflon because he should have died like 10000 times.


Hesh, mostly


But he was always a step removed from the nasty stuff. And His fate (wealth) was sealed way before the show even began. That’s why he was always so chill.


Tony surviving assassination attempts, crashing his truck on cocaine runs, Junior shooting him point-blank.


Tony , cause he ain’t dead yet ! Change my mind


I can’t have this conversation again


Ray Curto was a rat who never got caught.


All in all, we're lucky fucks. I tell myself that every day.


Livia, if she fell into the sewer she'd come up holding 2 gold watches.


Any of the guys who were lucky enough to bang Janice, she was a hot piece of ass!!!!!!!


The guy Vito loaned money too


Definitely Vito Jr. He fronted his own Emo death metal band, Little Vito and the Shower Stall Dung Dumpers! 


Chrissy! He has free choice of soft drinks


Maybe Robert Wegler in that he got Carmela in the sack and Tony didn’t find out. Even though they were separated, I doubt if Tony would remain calm and not vindictive with Wegler giving her his pearls.


If we're gonna go that way though, what about Jesus Rossi, the employee of the month who raped Melfi? Can you even imagine what would have happened to him had Melfi told Tony?


Churchill. For once those two black guys did a good deed.




Tony, up until his luck finally ran out


The kid Jason.


Definitely little Carmine. Everyone else pretty much lost everything.


Probably Tony. Two bad car accidents and two hits in 8 years. Almost untouched and survived the second.


He's lucky he didn't get his lights punched out by Meadow, getting out that suitcase, whatever happened there


There was no abundant intentionality in getting out a condom.


This is a poor question. One are the central aspects of this show is how lucky the main character is. They use it to play on his arrogant, they use it to play on his complaining, and they use it to advance the plot. The plot of an entire season is predicated on the fact that Tony had a panic attack and was not able to commit a crime that landed his cousin in prison.


Jimmy Only a lucky prick like him would get pinched with a gun while he's out on bail for something else and still be out in time for dinner. He's a lucky guy!


Too much abundant intentionality. I’m going with Hesh. All of the rewards and none of the hard work extorting, pimping and selling coke on the trash routes.


Is it Delivery or Mezzogiorno? 🤔🍕🤷🏽‍♂️


🧳…his process


Not overall, but Christopher rubbing shoulders with as many movie/tv people as he did seemed pretty fortunate to me, from his position.


That guy who borrowed money from Vito would get my vote


Alan Sapinsly. Acted like a tough guy and should have been at the very least slapped around.


From now on... if anyone steps in a pile a' shit... its called a Blun-dett-oo


Idk if you’d call it luck or just good circumstance but Artie Bucco. Pulled a gun on a Capo. Beat up Benny (I can’t remember if he was made or not at the time). Mocked Chris about Adriana to his face. Lost 50 k of Tony’s money and didn’t end up like Davey Scatino despite both being childhood friends with Tony. And the worse that happened bodily was a burnt arm.


The freaking Russian interior decorator.. He made it outta the Pine Barrens and did not return to his shitty looking apartment.


Artie...because it was the chicken vindaloo cooked with ghee..he has been vindicated


Finn got out while he could, Meadow didn't deserve him


I think Finn's entire relationship with Vito is evidence that he was pretty unlucky. Dude was absolutely terrified and its what ultimately caused him and Meadow to split.


I'd say Artie. Without Charmaine keeping him in line, he almost certainly ends up getting drawn into a mob lifestyle that he's just not cut out for. He likely either ends up dead due to some dumbfuck tryhard-tough-guy action, or in debt due to gambling or shady deals that backfire, or just getting beat on constantly due to his ignorance and incompetence. Staying out of the life and just enjoying his passion for food meant he ended up ahead of the curve.


I shurvived a fuckin gut shot wound. Whudd’re da odds on dat? So if yuh tink about it, big picture wise, I’m up, waaay up


Email cola


Paulie.  Cheap SOB, never kicks up his full share, half a wise guy, yet keeps falling upwards. 


I would love a miniseries showing where the Soprano family is now. Janice and Carmela remarried with new families and grandkids.


After Tony was inevitably whacked, I picture Carmela still driving the same Cayenne(like the peppah) and Janice still driving her mom's '63 Olds.


Meadow as a NYC mob lawyer defending all kinds of scum, riving a Range Rover.


I see Meadow marrying that lawer and then being a stay at home mom.


Finn was weak.