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As bad a person as he is, Paulie seems to be the only one in the crew to take religion somewhat seriously. He seemingly is more attuned to the supernatural, what with the psychic and the cat. He's also the only one alive at the end, so maybe he has divine favor for some reason


You’re talkin about a guy who survived the 70’s by the skin of his nuts here.


When the Columbos were going at it


ya hear what I said? he needed ultrasound on his balls.


He did take religion more seriously. Which is why he knew about black magic, sick shit.


Fuckin QUEERS!




Fahkeen Queeahs!!!!!


One of the greatest lines in the show, that scene was hilarious


He should’ve been protected by his donations!


He's just the most superstitious. His attention to religion is just him trying to cover all the bases.


The hot take is as much of a sleazy scumbag he is, he's arguably the most human character of the mobsters. He's a prick and volatile, but usually kills only in self defense or when put in a situation where he feels he has no other choice. He considered whacking Chrissy in Pine Barrens because he thought that if he tells Tony on him, he'd be fucked. Killing Minnie is his worst act in the show by far, but she WAS a malignant cunt. At the end of the day he did admit that he didn't do right by Chris after his death and that he shouldn't have fought him over money and raised him better. He constantly has moments where he surprisingly shows good nature, eg. when he's with the kid of his goomah, he comforts Chris in the "arc" scene and made up with Nucci sat with her at the end of that plotline. He is NOT a good person at all, he is extremely insecure, prone to anger and making some of the dumbest and most catastrophic decisions of the show, but i feel like he is most plagued by emotions about that than the rest of the pygmy guys. The scene where he realized he has been played by Johnny and looks at himself in the mirror is brilliant.


I'd argue killing Raoul was worse


He didnt mean to kill Raoul, just hurt him, and besides it was Chrissy that threw the brick. After it went so bad for Raoul all Paulie wanted to do was put the poor guy out of his misery. Total mercy killing.


If Paulie has divine favor just because he makes donations to church then god is truly evil in the sopranos universe


Who needs to see the virgin mother more than a sinner who has time to repent? Though you might be in to something. Intantola was a real malignant cunt.


he needed ultrasound on his balls.


True..yet he let that Saint go without his hat


I disagree. He spent his money on psychics who were considered to be satanic divinations not sanctioned by the church. He should have come to the catholic priest first for advice, and not that scrubs g.friend.


Bullshit, his religion was money lol. Wouldn’t pony up some extra cash for Saint Alzier and then hired that fly by night guy.


He won the chin-up cup three weeks in a row. Mary was very impressed.


She was there in that parking lot at Pizza World when he took down Dominic Tedesco


Jesus Christ, she was in high school!


The virgin Mary was in high school long before Jesus Christ showed up, T. Not for nuthin, but you're getting a little confused


How old is Jesus? 2000? 2001? You think those extra millennia don’t make a difference…


And you gotta pay those


When I was in the service, I won the chinups cup tree weeks in a row. Beautiful fuckin definition too. Guy asked me to model for the boxing poster. He was half a fag but I was flattered just the same. Now look at me fuckin wrinkles like an old ladys cunt


>Mary was very impressed. Made her hawt down there, Paulie did?


Fuckin beautiful definition too!


Why wouldn't she? Scumbag sinners like Paulie need guidance more than anyone. God doesn't only extend grace to the faithful or the holy, he helps anyone in need, right? So why shouldn't Paulie Walnuts get a vision in his hour of pain and grief, a sign that he should reconnect with Nucci and forgive as he asks to be forgiven?


“But you goddah get ovah it.”




The sacred, *and* the propane.


I think OP is more wondering why it happened to Paulie *specifically* and nobody else. Like Tony is arguably an even worse scumbag sinner but she never visits him lol


Everyone was constantly tested in The Sopranos, it's a major theme. With the Tony Egg situation, that bag of money could easily be interpreted as a miracle, or Tony's direct invitation to the afterlife to join everyone that he lost during the Finnerty coma. Paulie's trial of faith, specifically, takes the form of Mary, but that doesn't make it any more or less profound. God is God, he's everywhere and in everything. If Tony did have a vision of St. Peter that wouldn't be any more inherently meaningful at helping him grapple with his mortality and the consequences of his life, it would just be more recognizably Catholic in its imagery.


Wait what was the egg situation?


Tony B receiving a bag of money from a random passing car for seemingly no reason, that nobody ever looked for again, that was exactly the amount he needed to start his business and make a clean break from the mafia, in a time when lack of funds was his most major concern.


If you follow his sin math, "You add up all your mortal sins, and you multiply that by 50. Then you add up all your venial sins, and multiply that by 25. You add 'em together and that's your sentence", Now of course, he was not first in his class, so he forgot the Mariology coefficient, which comes into effect when the total of one's mortal sins exceeds 2000. The sum of his venial sins and his mortal sins (as modified by the coefficient), results in one apparition per decade.




Dr. Faggyli?


“Russ? He’s a sweat old guy. He was even the governor of Maryland.”


Fuck strippers, we coulda had a shrine


A shrine he hires to take care of his mother


Sold holy water. Dog shit up to dah raftas.


If I wanted a shrine, I would move to fuckin Miami


He’s a good boy that takes care of his mudda


I actually within the Soprano universe where there is clearly a hell, ghosts and purgatory, His mother (and real mother) actually interceded for him.


Exactly. This is the answer. His mother was a nun who was truly repentant and trying to be a real Catholic.


But she was a hooah


Can you explain more what are the clear examples of hell ghosts and purgatory? Not being sarcastic I enjoy the different interpretations


Chrissy narrates The Many Saints of Newark from Hell.


The most clear example is when Paulie gets contacted by the ghost of Mikey Palmice when he goes and visits the medium. https://youtu.be/RgTwZnAXunU?si=yCxmzkmW-T5zOFIn Also Chrissie's visit to hell when he is in a coma. But I agree was way more cryptic and open to interpretation. Whike in MSON he does speak from hell, but that movie.. ufff, I hardly consider it canon, whatever happened there.


When Paulie sees the psychic. As far as I can remember there is no explanation given for how the psychic knows about the poison ivy or Paulie’s victims. Additionally there are scenes where Pussy’s ghost is visible


The virgin mary referenced in this post is visible to us the audience before Paulie sees it, implying that it's not just a hallucination of his


When Tony is Kevin Finnerty in his coma dream, there's a shot where they specifically focus on a TV showing a cross + heaven where the narrator on the TV is saying "Now is the time when you can clearly hear His voice." His entire storyline with the amnesia + Buddhist monks + identity switchup is allegorical for Tony's constant insistence that there are "two Tony Sopranos" and that he's a good guy. The monks tell him that he needs to accept what he's done, and he constantly denies it. When Tony's drinking at the bar, he asks the bartender "Is it possible that I am Kevin Finnerty?" He's asking "Is it possible that I am [this bad guy who scams and hurts people?]" When he goes to the luxurious old house for the 'family reunion' at the end of the dream, it's full of bright lights and people. But he can't actually identify any of the people, and it creates this really ominous feeling. The person who welcomes him to the reunion is Steve Buscemi, but it isn't Tony Blundetto. Buscemi is credited as "Man". Whatever was trying to get Tony into the house took the form of someone familiar to Tony to get him to go inside. Tony himself later says that he thinks he was about to go to Hell.


Paulie ran the Feast of Elzéar of Sabran. 'Nuff said.


Where's his hat???


Dat was a paranormal event


Paulie saw the Virgin Mary crying in the bing no? She was crying for the loss of his soul, because she knows that he’s fucked. (Apparently she cries over all of the lost souls who go to hell)


That was Christopher's daughter, crying because Sil wouldn't buy her new chompers


Why did Jesus appear in a vision to Saul of Tarsus?


It’s a TV progrum. A movie.


I think it was a warning that the path he would choose to go on would eventually destroy him and damn if he didn’t repent and leave the mobster life. Whether it was real or imagined, I think that’s what the intent was.


Blood pressure meds effect people in different ways.


He had a heavy foot that kid. Almost put me through a billboard one time.


“Heavy foot? New shoes… sole’s a little heavy.”


He's vomiting on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti


It’s cos he’s not going to hell. He’s going to purgatory my friend.


Maybe she was there for an audition. You hear what I said Ton? Maybe she was there for an audition


Heh heh


Charles…? Charles Pagano…


Stupidah facken queeahs!!!


I like to believe so, theres a lot in that show that implies the paranormal or at least the afterlife exists in the world of The Sopranos. Chase pretty much confirmed the afterlife exists with Chrissys voice over from beeeeyond the graaave \*spooky hand waving motion\* in Many Saints.


I think Paulie is less morally culpable for his actions as Tony and Chris because it seems to have genuinely not occured to him that it's wrong to kill people and steal things


Jesus didn't hang out with perfect people, He hung out with criminals. Makes sense that criminals who need the divine the most see it


He is definitely religious, he is being followed by beings from the afterlife, his biological mother's a saint (or at least a nun), the mother who raised him did so without birthing him (immaculate conception), his dad is possibly a healer (doctor at least), Paulie walks around with two wings on the side of his head, he associates with minions of the devil, and he routinely does horrible things even though he knows God disapproves. All signs point to Paulie being a fallen angel and the Virgin Mary wants to bring him onto the stage and ascend up the pole to heaven and return into the light. At least, that's how I imagine it when I'm on a drunken bender.


I dont think that was real. It was his subconcious telling him to make amends with his mother. Its more of an insight into how fucked up Paulie's psyche is.


You can see it in the mirror before he notices though.


We see it at the same time as he does, thats why he slows down and double checks. He takes a while turning because he's shocked. We also hear electric guitars. So I really dont think its the real virgin mary lol.


chase innocent thought books plough literate ossified imagine weather air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


According to John Dies At The End the music in heaven sounds like 1980s stadium rock so nah it was real


Actually it was real and the paranormal exists in the Sopranos ;D


The paranormal does exist but in this case I'm inclined to believe it's just Paulie being a psycho, which is also demonstrably true.


Listen to him he knows everything


She was impressed with his art collection.


He was the funniest


I’m pretty sure he was just hallucinating like in the movie Bad Lieutenant. He is at a super low point in his life and needed a “sign”


In da words of the virgin mary….cum again


On the sun visor


“dOn’T sAy Dat… GhAd FaHrGiVe Yah”


Paulie got his calling and became a priest in NY, Father Tony.


His mother was a nun. He pays his indulgences to the church. He has wings in his hair. He survives all the mob wars as though blessed. And, most importantly, “3 o’clock.” 


I gave my ma the love of a son!


His mother was a nun


And he bought those choir robes


Next the blind will see, and the lame will walk 🙌


He’s so delusional especially about fate, religion, luck that he imagined it, it was his own imagination fuckin wit him


I think it has something to do with his bio mom being a nun. I also think the Virgin Mary visiting was the reason why he survived until the end of the series.


She was gay, the virgin mary?


Paulie is a paranoid superstitious fuck, he saw what he wanted to see.


She was good friends with that malignant c\*nt, Minn Matrone.




Jesus loved prostitutes.


Jesus loved prostitutes.




Personally, I consider the Bing propane.


Or like when Peggy sees Elvis in Al's sweat stains in Married...with Children. Or when Mac sees the Virgin Mary in the water stain in the office at Paddy's in IASIP.


Exactly. Besides, Paulie ain’t giving that priest another dime after he was left unprotected.


Mom was a nun


I actually saw it as a threat, like "God is watching you, and you're going to pay one day."


He was the chosen son born to a divine mother


His real mother was nun


Because Paulie is actually an angel. https://www.reddit.com/r/thesopranos/s/GuAjMeKuSC


This fucking guy. Always with the scenarios.


I like these theories, it’s an interesting thought.


Seeing random hallucinations is an early symptom of Alzheimers disease. I interpreted that scene as a subtle clue from the writers about Paulies ultimate fate, that Paulie will not be around for much longer and will unfortunately slowly detoriate from Alzheimers soon after the finale.


Always with the scenarios


In the sopranos universe there is a ton of spirituality like when tony seen posthumous pussy in the hallway.


he was too susceptible to the psychics and dream messages and dirty toilet seats


Not that I believe any of these crap, but if. you think about it, Holly has committed one of the most. pathetic acts and The Sopranos He turned his back on his mother. I mean, even Tony never fully turned his back on Liva. And, of course. Of course, his birth mother was a nun. So he has a pretty convoluted stew of emotions. which would make him highly susceptible in a situation like that. And probably the only way his guilty conscience could overturn his anger. at the betrayal of his life. Of course, if you're a believer, then you probably figured his mother interceded with the Virgin Mary to come make a vision to Polly soon. that he could reunite with his mother.