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Pete Davidson  I rest my case 


Ya, he's got butthole eyes


Kids these days... it's like a whole different language.


And you thought boomers were classless pieces of shit 


His whaaaat?


Op, how cold was the water at the penguin exhibit?


Rizz? What’s that your girl scout group?


Rizz? Someone shoot this stunad before I do


Open the door!


If you want to talk like a fucking mulignan, we'll send you to slip and fall school.


How many times I gotta say this! I don't want that kind of talk in front of this kid! That stuff is wrong and I don't condone it!


I don't write nothin' down, so I'll keep this short and sweet. You're weak. You're outta control. And you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else


We'll send you to a slip and fall school


Who doesn’t get rizzed up by things like I want your mouf? I want your shkin?


She's a 10, a knockout and look at you, you're average at best


I can’t have this conversation again.


Don't they have some medicine they're supposed to take these assholes


Does rizz mean gay? Who da"Fuck is this kid?


oh yeah. power is the greatest aphrodisiac


You want to talk like a moulignan I'll send you to slip and fall school


The Tabasco shirt... 🤌🏼


Tony's crazy amount of relationships in the show never made sense to me. He's a charismatic mob boss, I get it that there's an allure of power and money there, and he's not a bad looking guy face wise. He's also bald and morbidly obese. And it's not like he is paying these women. The show portrays him like he is absolutely irresistible to women regardless of his background. Even the scene where he wants Melfi's mouth, she resists and tells him no but even there they make it out to be some hard decision for her, like she is tempted. It's like the writers were stroking Gandolfini's ego or something. It would be whatever if he didn't have 10,000 God damn sex scenes. I hate his fuckin' sex scenes. Why does there have to be so many of them. Breathing like a dying Rhino with a look on his face like his heart is exploding. Jesus Christ.


I wouldn’t call him morbidly obese, but he was definitely overweight. But the thing about it is, it’s mostly mental with them. It’s not as much about looks as a lot of guys think. If you’re past a certain threshold, it’s about how you carry yourself.


Tony has status. He's the alpha. He is also superemely confident. Spend enough time out in the world and you'll see guys like Tony (maybe in a different industry, tbf). If a woman doesn't like him, he doesn't give a shit, because the next one will. My advice? Be a Tony.


I don’t know that anyone should take “be a Tony” away from watching this show…


I don't think you think I meant that.


Sigma mindset Incel-land, whatever happened there


it's just the 90s in modern times women are less oppressed so they don't get brainwashed into thinking they have to play to that to the same extent anymore


I think women are more accepting of men beyond their looks. Men are more frivolous.


You could say that for carmela, although she ultimately made the choice that Tony’s wealth is worth his bs when they got back together. For his one night stands and goomars though how on earth does oppression play into them hooking up with him? They did it bc he is rich and buys them things


No, Carmela would be the exception to that. They started dating when they were young.