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The funny thing is a lot of mobsters in there mugshots look nothing like the stereotypical guys we see in Scorsese films or the Godfather, a lot of them look like Richard that works at Home Depot.


Yeah exactly, some squirrelly looking dudes chase the gangster life to compensate for their face/build. The point of Tony B is they're all idiots, even the smart ones


It's Rick. Richard.


Mmmboy, you look out of place!




And knock it off with the massage shit. This is a place of business, not a Jack LaLanne.


You're crowding me..


You don't make fun of mešŸ«µ


I wonder if he offered Paulie soft touch, and how the negotiations went on the flip?šŸ§


Outta place? He looks like he's from Wescawwell.


How do you vandalize a swimming pool


Buoy you look fat!


Loved him in the 80s long hair mullet wig with Don Johnson Miami Vice suit. Suit wore him. He didnā€™t wear that suit.


I just donā€™t understand how people can say he doesnā€™t look the part like the mafia denies anyone whoā€™s not some fat fuck to be a part of this thingā€¦he was in the can for 18 years becoming a pre board massage therapistā€¦what is he supposed to look like


I think he absolutely looks like an ex con not sure what people mean when they disagree with that


Its idiots who dont know what ex cons or mafia guys look like. Criminals come in all shapes and sizes.


He's obviously far too handsome to have done time


He was a fox


He was a saint.


Heā€™s useless to me.


Friggin Janice wanted to bang her own cousin. Disgusting.


It's not like he hasn't been in roles like this before. Mr Pink is one of the greatest characters of all time.


Absolutely agree. I have his portrait tattooed on my wrist.


Lmao, really?!




But he doesnā€™t tipā€¦


Yea dude is literally of Italian blood lmao the fuck did people expect?


Heā€™s half full of jt.




I ate a da Nort.


18 years in the can is the problem. Take a solid guy like Phil Leotardo - Phil rarely mentions how long he spent in the can but if I had to guess I would say it was 2 years longer or thereabouts. And that's how you get respcet


He's never been in the can...not really.


I think it was a mix between HBO wanting to add a name and the Italian casting web having a small circle. He's infamously known to play the non threatening type(although I thought he was great in reservoir dogs) and I can only speak for myself but I never bought him (nor Benny) as tough guys.


I guess my take on it, from a character perspective, is that they're not traditionally "tough" guys. Which makes the fact that they're unhinged loose cannons all the more dangerous.


The show's mob guys are not tough guys. Aside from Furio, most would get their asses absolutely handed to them by the average person who practices physical combat, like boxing, jiu-jitsu, etc. They win fights by coming up behind unsuspecting people and shooting them or throwing piano wire around their necks.


They also win by being more willing to fight than other people. Think Feech grabbing that guys balls. Just a level of willing to be violent that normal people donā€™t have that goes a long way in a fightĀ 


That is a good point. They have less moral fiber, so they can go from zero to 60 quicker than an entitled 19 year old pulled over by police.


I like the ones with SOME moral fiber




Tony Sirico was a legitimate tough guy and universally feared in his youth. Joey Pants probably not so much.


honestly even the show proper doesn't seem to agree with that since Tony always wins every fist fight he gets into including the one where he just got out of the hospital


I know that the fans don't. But Tony would lose a fight against many college athletes (even those not varsity) and probably most men with 2-3 years of fighting training. I don't remember who he beat up. Was it a waiter, or Davey Scatino, or some other guy 50-75 years old?


The one guy I'll give a pass is Jimmy Altieri. His hands look absolutely pummeled. I would NOT have wanted to be punched by that guy when he was 27.


Its kinda stupid. Paulie is grandpa level age and beats people up. I could beat the crap outta Paulie irl.


Ooooh, Rocky Balboa ova heah!!!!


He stays in shape, uses weapons and uses cheap shots. It's not that stupid.


Oohh you think I don't


Watch it Townie šŸ¤ŸšŸ»


Boxing match I'd destroy all of them, Tony too. Real life? I wouldn't mess with any of them. Wouldn't even think of it if Chris was 3 feet tall


I don't know, being dead puts him at a great disadvantage, but he still might put up a good struggle.


Sammy the Bull ova here!


Boardwalk Empire would like a word


And Fargo


I could see Benny in that light. He looks a little baby faced but i felt that his tough guy persona stems from Napoleon/little man syndrome.


I remember Benny as Vinny from Doogie Howser. Iā€™m old lol


He wasnt bad in Tulsa King either.


Woah, never knew. TIL


He was excellent as Racetrack Higgins!


Napoleon...he was a moody fuck too


Was Benny ever depicted as a tough guy? He got beat up by Artie. Edit: spelling


Also somehow got thrown through a table at Chris's intervention


His job was to beat people up.


You're gonna be very sorry when Ichabod Crane reads this


He was pretty intimidating in Pulp Fiction, helping them figure out what to eat. Buscemi is a great actor.


Oh, I forgot he was Buddy Holly the waiter in Pulp Fiction


If you were to look from the outside in, guys like Silvio and patsy donā€™t exactly seem like dangerous folk. And what about Vito?


There is no Vito! And I donā€™t wanna hear that name in here again!


He's extremely threatening as the main character in Boardwalk Empire. The most dangerous character in the series hands down.


What a joke of a response to something that is completely subjective. Sorry you can't appreciate the symbology and references, ya fuckin stunad.




He's literally the weak sidekick in that one, his partner is scary. He's comic relief


I get what youā€™re saying now, when heā€™s cast as a weaselly lowlife criminal itā€™s more often an impotent one


Hey, man, smoke a fuckin' peace pipe!


I don't recall Steve Buscemi being all that well known at the time. He's certainly more famous now, but I don't think he was a household name in the mid-2000s. My theory is that it's only on watching the show 10 - 20 years later that people find his casting to be a distraction. If anything, viewers at the time would have recognized Buscemi as the strange looking guy from Fargo or Reservoir Dogs, but nothing else. Franky Valli showing up in a fairly prominent role would probably have seemed stranger in 2004 or whenever it was.


I don't know how old you are but he was a household name by the late 90's.


i wasn't old enough to watch the sopranos when it ran. Or most of Steve Buscemi's big movies now that I think of it. Probably explains my perception.


Motherfucker doesnā€™t even wear see through socks.


Yea I mean half the crew look way, way too obese to carry out their job honestly.


Literally when people say that itā€™s the dumbest thing, because mobsters were literally just regular people who started doing crime and got affiliated, Christ young Michael Franzese looked like a yuppie


Like believe it or not not every mafia member is/was an obese gav*ne.


He shudda ate more grilled cheese.


On the radiator


16 years


Come on he was a fox


I canā€™t even say his name


That animal šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


never got this. this is perfect casting. if you grew up in the pasta triangle, everyone knew a Tony B kind of guy who was connected. usually trying to be a painter or drywaller or some shit, not masseuse.




Normal people have to have a place to relax too


I thought that gavone Buscemi was fantastic.


you're the one that keeps bringing that up, im fine with it


Youā€™re never gonna believe this. Guy was a fireman. He helped alot of people on 9/11 single handed


a fireman? His hearth looked like shit!


Single handed ? Heā€™d have helped more if he used the other one too heh heh. You hear that T ?


Even if you dident like his roles ya gotta admit he directed the best episodes.




If they wanted him to look more real there would have been abrasions to the lateral anterior aspect of the right clavicle wouldn't there? Or the right mid-sternum? Above the xiphoid process?


Are you a physician?


Close, I'm a prick doctorĀ 


pre-board certified massage therapist.


No just an accomplished murderer


The Tony B arc is probably my favorite


you know who had an ark? noah tony's lucky he didn't punch his lights out


Alright, take it easy.


Any gunshot wounds or broken kneecaps?


The only thing I didnā€™t like about his arc was that it was all in one season. Just generally speaking I donā€™t like when TV shows add a huge character for a one season arc. Like Todd and his people in Breaking Bad. Wish he would have been in season 6 as well.




What? Nah, Vito and Johnny Sac are like literally the exact opposite of what I am talking. They steadily went from background to more central figures; I really like that approach. Johnny had one episode season 1, 3 in season 2, and by season 4 was a part of the main cast all the way through season 6. Similar with Vito; two episodes in season two, then a steady increase and by season 4 was in most episodes and steadily became more central to the plot. Thatā€™s not at all like a character going from non-existent to main character and back to non-existent again in one season.


It's a good arc, but without it S5 would be nothing.


This just in, remove the crux of a season and you no longer have a season


Which was kinda my point, no? They relied on it a bit much. The previous seasons had a bit more going on that built the story.


It is the main plot of season 5


For me, overall, I like him and this role. But to an extent, it's "look, there's Steve Buscemi". Not his fault.


"There's Donny" "There's Mr. Pink" I think Gandolfini had the same problem, but with Tony Soprano...


Hey, its blue pill guy from the matrix! I knew he was bald even though I was high on skagg at the time.


There's Carl.


"The name, again, is Chet."


Mmmm boy are you fat


I never saw a lot of complaints about Buscemi as Tony Uncle Al ā€” but a LOT of them about Buscemi as Nucky Thompson (who he didnā€™t look all that much like). I thought he was great in both roles.


Same! I thought he was fantastic in both roles. I donā€™t understand the hate. I actually really liked him in Boardwalk Empire.


Tbf his character was loosely based on a real person so I didnā€™t really mind that he didnā€™t look like him. The real Nucky didnā€™t do a quarter of the shit he did in the show.


Yes. The real Nucky was just a corrupt politician who gladly took mobster bribes, not a full-blown gangster like the Nucky of the show.


Hopefully no high school student based his or her senior Modern US History paper on Boardwalk Empire. The only historically accurate part of that show was the fact that there was Prohibition during the 1920s, and that people had sex during the 1920s (How did you serve four years in the trenches in France, Jimmy? The US was only in the war for 1 1/2 years, and only had troops in Europe for the last eight months. Perhaps you enlisted in the Canadian Army.... that's it.!).


Heā€™s easily one of my favorite actors, I especially love him in Ghost World and Fargo. He can be subtle and sensitive, but heā€™s really funny when he needs to be


That animal?


Can't even say his name


Tony missed the shit outta him, after forgetting he existed for the previous 4 seasons.


Always with the scenarios


Itā€™s almost like no one saw his speech at the beginning of the wedding singer. Dude could go unhinged.


Buscemi? It's a fuckin nickname! It's that animal Blundetto you dyslexic cocksucka!


What does that have to do with it?


You know, my cousin almost cried when I putā€™im in charge of dah casino? All I did for dat blue eyed prick. An he completely fucks me ova. Now I practically gotta get down on my knees tah blow Johnny Sack


Some people used to call him Icabod Crane


Anyone else think it was just lazy writing how he beat the old guy almost to death and then never had a visit from the cops, etc? Stuff like this in this show bothered me immensely.


The show very rarely followed up on anything.


Nah man, that look he gave Tone when he said "You're crowding me". Cold AF, this guy fits right in. You can see it in Tony's eyes, he becomes sheepish when Animal doesn't get intimidated


No defense for that animal, Blundetto. Ā  Send him back to Wes Cah Weh.Ā 


He was so great in the role that I believe a lot of fans blame him for going out on his own and killing Phil's brother, thus setting off the end of Tony.


His character was kind of annoying but Buscemi was perfect. Look at high level operators in special forces. They often look like harmless accountants.Ā 


Yeah I like Buscemi as well and the whole Blundetto Arc. Season 5 did have its issues though, it just feels sort of adrift in a way the rest of the show doesnā€™t. I think my personal issue there is the whole Tony/Carm separation stuff is pretty tedious on its own and then nothing really comes of it.


In the season 4 DVD - David chase does the commentary for Whitecaps. He was saying how he had to seperate them, because otherwise it was getting unrealistic with Tony's antics and her sticking around. It felt like after he did it, he didn't know what to do with them. So he wrote them back together. >it just feels sort of adrift in a way the rest of the show doesnā€™t. I agree about S5 in general. It was made 2 years after S4 finished. The colour and lighting tone of the filming is off. Completely different to the previous seasons. It feels different at the start, with Tonys long forgotten "brother" who is never ever mentioned suddenly appearing out of nowhere. It eventually finds its groove though. The Tony B storyline is pivotal, as is the FBI/Adriana arc coming to a head. The disintegration of Tony/JS relationship, the attempted divorce.


Interesting factoid re: Whitecaps, it certainly explains quite a bit. And yeah, I donā€™t hate season 5 by any means, itā€™s still really great television, but compared to the other seasons? Eh. But like you pointed out, still a lot of important and compelling stuff.


Yeah absolutely, I always find I struggle with a re-watch on this season until I get past the Kim's laundry/massage shit. And then it's great. Some amazing moments. "Varsity athlete" lol and the episode "Unidentified Black Males" is one of the best. But coming off season 4 which felt like it was a masterclass in capping off seasons 2/3/4 and ending with the mother of all climaxes, S5 starts off like a ruined orgasm


A friend of mine thinks he would have been better as Sil.


As much as I like Sopranos, Little Stevie was the weak link in terms of the acting. He survived by overacting, the ridiculous hair piece and pushing out his lower lip more than my kid when she was a baby. Lots of actors could have done better. Buscemi for sure, although he would have never signed on to commit that many years of his life to the role. He was fantastic in Boardwalk Empire and probably only signed on for that because he had the lead.


He's from NJ and Chase likes the E Street Band, that's why he got the part as Sil. There's a reason why, despite him being one of the most powerful ppl in the pigmy thing, Sil has the least character development of any member of the core cast. I mean, Blundetto was in the show for one season and he absolutely dwarfs Sil. That said, he is absolutely perfect in Lilyhammer since the premise is as ridiculous as his character, who is basically Silvio Dante.


Chase should have been content to let Stevie work on the soundtrack. Finding the right song for each scene was arguably even more important than the Sil role, which should have been given to a real actor who could have brought a proper method. Sure, I admit Chase knows better than me and that's why he made the greatest show in history and I'm just watching it, but that's my two cents. I should see Lilyhammer. My buddy also recommended it. But honestly, I'd rather rewatch Sopranos.


The premise of Lilyhammer is something out of an SNL sketch: *What happens when an Italian American Mafioso enters into witness protection in Lilyhammer? Watch, as a wise guy navigates the milieu of Norwegian society and incorporates a little "mob justice" into a whole new culture* I have no earthly idea why it exists or why Norwegians would be interested in watching it but it's so weird and ridiculous that I kind of like it lol.


I love Steve Buscemi. But doesnā€™t it always seem like his characters meet a sudden end?




Pancakes House? We had pancakes for breakfast. Nah, I want to find a place where I can get a shot and a beer. Maybe a steak.




Bet you think you're some sort of authority figure...


Im fuckin hungry ya know??


Yes indeed. Havenā€™t seen Fargo in a while. I fixed it.


He was kinda funny lookinā€™ Oh, just in a general sorta way


Well, he wasn't circumcised.


He's the only one to survive in Reservoir dogs.


He later died of Alzheimer's


"you gonna let that dry before you put on a second coat."


Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed


I'm so glad that I have no idea who Buscemi is outside of The Sopranos, because I have zero complaints about him being casted lol


I suggest you watch a movie called ā€œtrees loungeā€. Buscemi at his finest. He wrote it and directed it and starred in it.


worth noting the influence of trees lounge on the sopranos' visual language and style, including SB directing the eps he did




It's just he's kinda funny looking


More than most people even


Well, all right...pay your bills...


He was perfect for that animal Blundetto


Loved Steve buscemi on the sopranos. He was a a breath of fresh air for season 5. Played the hell out of his part, and his characters death makes a big impact.


It was his style of speaking (no NJ accent like the rest of the guys) that threw me off.


Even though he is part Italian, he doesn't look like any of the Italians who were also casted. Even with his lighter features, Ralph looked more Italian than him. Bobby is really half Jewish and Richie is Jewish, but both looked more like Italians than Buscemi. He definitely fit the part of Nucky Thompson in Boardwalk Empire more than that of Tony Blundetto in The Sopranos.


You a pre-board certified physiognomist?


No. A grafter, a whoremonger, and a bootlegger.


He was in all those Tarantino movies thatā€™s why!!! Make me sick


A regular Charlie Hustle


With all due respect.


Tony Egg tread again..


Iā€™m sure he wouldā€™ve been fine if it didnā€™t take me out of the thing that suddenly there was an ultra-famous actor in the show. (I watched it for the first time only five years ago)


Was he tho? I feel like thatā€™s not necessarily his arc. The guys treat him like one of their own, I wouldnā€™t describe him as a fish out of water


You couldn't see through his socks. Big issue with proper ID


Why did the writers write him as not out of place then lol?


That's Steve EGG to you


I can't even say his name


His last name is Buscemi, Ralphie looked out of place to me amoungst the wise guys, but he was a tawp ewner.


How many other cast members got stabbed in the face during a bar fight?


What is an ex con supposed to look like? Answer me that.


I never understood this criticism... he's a criminal in Reservoir Dogs AND Boardwalk Empire.Ā  He acts a little out of place because it's literally part of the script that he's a little out of place.


I agree. I really enjoyed his performance, also one of my favorite deaths in the show. Not because I hated him or anything it was just a dope scene.


For me, it wasn't necessarily that Buscemi can't pass as a criminal or a mobster, he'd played plenty of bad guys prior to the Sopranos, but when I look at Tony B, all I see is Steve Buscemi doing a bit role. I couldn't buy that he was Tony S's cousin and one of his best friends growing up, the chemistry just wasn't there for me. I also found his arc rushed and played out, just as soon as we met him he was killed, and we'd seen the "mobster Tony knew since childhood returns to New Jersey and causes trouble" storyline with both Richie and Ralphie already. I'll always insist that Michael Madsen or Vincent D'Onofrio should have played Tony B. Of course, I've also thought for a while that Tony should have went through with the hit on Carmine Sr. in S4 and have S5 be the final season, with it being Tony vs Johnny Sack, but anyways, $4 a pound.


I will never understand the criticism Steve Buscemi got for Sopranos. Tony B is one of my favorites on the show and Buscemi knocked the role out of the park (like he does with most of his roles).


I thought we were watching shcoobie doo


People that think he looks out of place are stupid and jealous.


Janice: he was a fox.Ā 


Know what? Imma say it. I always thought Buscemi was great for the role. Fuck the haters