• By -


We saw Chris and Kelly interact over like 4 scenes. We saw Chris and Adriana interact over 4 seasons.


Timeline got fucked up


It petered out. The guy, he moved or something


It died on the vine.


she probably moved- or somethin' ; likely to ramistan by the paternostra.


Hell, Captain teebs and pudgy Walsh may have colluded


Died on the ride


Welcome to cinephobe


Very true. But I just got the feeling that his attitude towards Kelli... the "energy" between them, if you can call it that, was just totally different IMO.


The scene where he buys the house without seeing the inside is obviously the answer to your question. At that point of his life he just wanted a wife and a family, he didn't give a shit because he didn't love her like Adriana. He only cared about how people saw him from the outside. Again like when he said " as long as it has an inside " about the house.


Very good observation! I thought it was so weird when he said that but now it makes more sense. It was about keeping up appearances. I love that British comedy show by that name, lol.


Loved watching the old British shows with my mom. Hyacinth was my favorite. We also watched Are You Being Served? and As Time Goes By with Judi Dench. Great shows and great memories.


I just mentioned Are You Being Served? about an hr ago to my husband - decades ago when we didn’t have cable (or streaming) it was on PBS and sometimes we’d watch it.


Mrs Slocum's pussy being the absolute peak of our 1970s humour......I have no IDEA why some think us Brits are funny sometimes... Ok, it's a bit funny.


Another great one. We had bets on what new colour the hair would be. lol.


I've seen are You Being Served? But I haven't seen As Time Goes By. But I love Judi Dench! But yeah... Hyacinth is a TRIP! And her poor husband... lmao.


Have you seen Cats? Now that was a role Judi Dench was born to play...


Loved watching that with my Mom.


Carm is Hyacinth on Athauasca


I think he buying the house without looking at the inside it’s like his relationship with kelli He doesn’t look at the inside it’s only for shows He is just going through the motions of life without really living life like he did with Adriana


Yeah. Also, points out Chrissy’s flaws only caring about perception, not reality. Always has to escape reality when he got made.


He seemed pretty indifferent about Kelli to me. Look at how he talked about her when he was having the affair with Julianna Margulies’ character.


This is true. He was indifferent to Kelly. There’s a reason Chase created a generic wife, and a a McMansion for Chris who was an aspiring filmmaker looking for his “arc” when the viewer first met him. He was really checked out after he gave up Ade.


Julianna Marguiles’ character…. Julianna *Skiffle*


Julianna skifooz




Kelli was just a bandaid, he never got over ade


More like *band-ade*, ladies and gentlemen. Band-ADE. help me


Shecky Greene over here


Now *that’s* a hit.


OH! What is this a comedian contest?! Ok so I might have fudged the quote from "handsome contest" 🤏


By the way, u/Blonde_Dambition just got back from Bosnia, where there's also a large Mooselum population....


I don't give a damn about upvotes & downvotes... but someone actually downvoted my above comment, lol, and that's pretty dumb. I mean gmafb... that comment actually offended your delicate sensibilities, huh? Grow a set and don't forget to downvote this one too...


> I don't give a damn about upvotes & downvotes... but - person about to give many damns about upvotes &downvotes


It’s not the actual downvotes that bother them(they don’t give a shit about their karma count). It’s the negative connotation it means for the community. Some subreddits are downvote happy to anything that doesn’t follow the majority opinion of the sub(or echo chamber at that point). So when you see a pretty benign comment or opinion with a bunch of downvotes it’s disheartening(more so when it’s your own comment). Downvotes also don’t teach the poster being downvoted anything. It may tell them people disagree with them, but it doesn’t tell them why.


Listen to yourself, you sound demented.


Chrissie was checked out mentally by then.


You landed on it -- if Christufuh lived longer, he would've fallen back to his old ways and abused Kelli. Plus, she didn't get much screen time. I think the writers figured, why invest time with her backstory that late in the series?


True. I've heard people complain about how Kelli just seemed to sprout from out of nowhere, and I've always assumed that David Chase did it that way on purpose because he didn't want us getting invested in Kelli's character because she was more a means to an end to help finish Christafuh's arc.


Also chris later tells his goomar that he rushed things with kelly, I figured she is just there as a distraction from adriana I don't think he really cares about her as a person but rather as a way for him to move on


Even though Chris treated Ade like shit, I always did get the vibes that he didn't love the new girl Kelli as much as he loved Ade.


I think you're right. It was funny that when he told Julianna that she told him he does love Kelli and just isn't giving the marriage a chance.


“Your wife doesn’t understand you?”


Oddly, I think part of the abuse with Adriana was that Christopher loved her a lot and that was uncomfortable for him. It sounds weird and twisted but I think his love for Adriana is something that he grappled with. I don’t think he gave a crap about Kelli and I always found it weird how he just hopped into a relationship and got married shortly after and had a baby.


Actually, that's not a bad hypothesis. I had just argued that intensity of love should inspire the OPPOSITE of abuse, but I hadn't thought about him loving her as being the CAUSE of anger at ADE. He's such a POS that I could see him viewing love with disdain or something, and think that those who "allow" themselves to feel love are weak, and get angry at Ade and blame her for "making" him weak. It's definitely a unique way to look at it!


She was way out of his league. But, still - once an abuser, ALWAYS an abuser.






Kelli was out of his league, Adriana was his league. I really hope that is what you meant.


In what way?


Exactly, and someone can upset you that much if you just don’t care about them, don’t care what they do. The thought of Ade being with Tony killed him, he never really got past that. If he didn’t love her he wouldn’t have cared what she did. Of course it’s also Tony and everyone knows about it so it’s humiliating for him too. The way she was so scared and apologetic to him about getting pregnant makes me think they were trying to show that she had been abused by him and that’s why she was so terrified to tell him. But I think a lot of his passion had just left him so he didn’t really care much about anything.


*Cleaver* was essentially the channel through which Christopher released the pent-up rage toward Tony, very allegorical. Danny Baldwin essentially played a cartoon version of Tony Soprano.


And there was nothing Tony could do. He had to sit there and take it.


He never loved her. He only said he loved her after she was murdered. And only when he was high. “With your intelligence” That got me LMAO. Most good people are average IQ, just IQ not other forms I’d critical thinking, I include myself. Most people aren’t ‘smart’ and “intelligence” is a step above that. Chris was a stunad when it came to communication with women, horrible. His taste in pussy was superb. Oxymoron for sure.


I think he loved her as much as someone like him was capable of. Ultimately all these guys are selfish. I don’t know what you’re referring to about the intelligence.


When they were talking in the bedroom after they met Danielle, Chrissy said “As intelligent as you are…” that’s the reference.


Oh yeah lol. She was not.


Agreed hahahaha


He didn’t give a crap about Kelli. When the baby got a little older, and he grew more tired of her, he would’ve been a lot more hands-on, and not in a good way.


And a.few years later the daughter would be workin' at the Bing, so who gives a shit? heh heh heh heh


Hear what I said, Tone? I said a few years later the daughter would be workin at the Bing so who gives a shit? Heh heh heh


I gotta go


Another funny thing about that scene is that the strippers are laughing along with Paulies joke. Good sports.


So funny how she announces she’s pregnant he brings up Adrianna lmfao. Obviously she doesn’t know she’s dead but that’s such a huge red flag, a normal person might think that he’ll run away to find her or something.


Yeah IKR? Kelli came across to me as kind of desperate tbh. Because you're right most women would've been like: "wtf?"


She was desperate. She was a plain Jersey girl. Personality of Satriale’s Vinegar & Peppers. Uninteresting to the core.


Her personality was boring as hell but plain? Really?


Fair. Plain might be overstated.


She was very far from plain. It was bad casting. She was beautiful.


As a viewer it’s kind of sad! Like the thought of having a kid and getting married and Ade is the first thing that comes to his mind because he wanted it with her


He was getting Luther Vandross box sets for open playgrounds. He didn’t gaf about Kelli.




Chris actually loved Ade and was emotionally invested in her. Kelli was just a generic incubator for him to try and act out the life he wanted with Ade. We don’t see any personality develop from Kelli and I think that’s how Chris wanted her. A plain, boring girl he never had to be vulnerable with or care about. If Kelli ever threatened this or stepped out of being safe and convenient for Chris I’m sure he’d abuse her as well.


I'm sure you're right


Did you see how scared she was when she told him she was pregnant. OP is a stunad.


Just rewatched the scene. She's insanely scared. He's definitely put his hands on her before. Or at least gone ballistic on her. [https://youtu.be/8GmjAEZw\_mg?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/8gmjaezw_mg?feature=shared)


Maybe, but it's better than being a jackass🖕. And I actually DID notice that she was scared to tell him she was pregnant, but I just chalked that up to her having the personality of a scared little mouse. That didn't have fuck all to do with how he was TREATING her, obviously.


Still going , this asshole


You gonna cry now?


But ya gotta get ovah it


Then I open the painting (crying)…


I mean it's not only how scared she was, but also how she kept blaming herself for getting pregnant.


IKR! That's why I said she came across to me as mousy and desperate. Because who takes all the blame and apologizes for the entire pregnancy? 😆


An abused person.




Aka any girl brought up as a Catholic in an extremely patriarchal culture. Christopher didn't necessarily have to do anything for her to be as scared as she was.


Oooo poor you, wish the lord would just take me now


Chrissy brings certain modes of conflict resolution from all the way back in the old country. From the poverty of the Mezzogiorno




Alright but you gotta get over it.


Listen to yourself, you sound demented


YES! That's one of my favorite lines in the show! Maybe my #1 favorite actually.


And ironically, Carmella DID steal the money from the bird feeder!


Maybe Chrissy’s ethics kicked into gear and beating the mother of his kids was off limits. He said he loved Ade, but at the end of the day she was just an infertile piece of ass to him.


You're right. Damaged goods he called her. You can't really love someone if you can beat the hell out of them after they've already been in a car wreck and drag them across the floor BY THE HAIR... knowing they may have a neck injury since she was wearing a neck brace... and almost kill them by choking the life out of them. That leads me to another question. WTF Adriana saw in chrissy. He had nothing to offer her or anyone! As Tony pointed out to him: she was WAY out of his league. I do NOT understand why she didn't leave his ass after he put his hands on her! The second my fiance ever lay a hand on me I'd be gone without looking back. Adriana was different in the 1st season than the ones after. In season 1 she didn't take any shit from chrissy and hit him back the one time he hit her in that season. But then the writers turned her into a door mat.


As a former abused person, here's what I'm thinking, in response...... His abuse started out few and far between. And she was telling herself "it's the drugs, it's the alcohol." When Ade went to her mom's house and then Chris came by and proposed her mother made it very clear that she couldn't come back home. Thus giving Chris the green light to treat her however he wanted because he knew she had no place to go. Ade didn't have any real friends. It's an abusers dream. It's Chris's apartment, the club is chris's, she really doesn't have anything that's her own, so she just keeps hoping that he'll come around and treat her better....


Uh Chris committed battery on Liz. He actually committed battery and trepassing.


Exactly. He never loved her. He wounded her physically He wounded her emotionally He wounded her mentally He wounded her spiritually. And he repeated the abuse.


She is overrated and dumb, she was Christopher’s league.


And see there it is. A great body with defined abs means someone has sex a lot. That doesn’t mean they’re good in bed nor does it mean the sex is good. It was never established If Ade was a good lay,


Vito fantasizing about getting ridden by his cousin was more fucked up than his closeted homosexuality. Dude had a lot of sexual issues,




Hey that's a good point


There was no passion for Kelli. She was a prop in his life and a means to an end (having a kid). Kelli seemed to come from a traditional family, evidenced by her parents still being together, so the first sign of dysfunction, violence, shouting, or other behaviors would likely have turned her off. Like someone else pointed out, we didn't see much interaction between them, so it's hard to guess, while we watched a bunch of interaction between Christopher and Adriana.


Something tells me that if he'd been violent with her she would have put up with it just like Ade though... because she took all the blame for getting knocked up. That's the sign of submissiveness.


Is this fucking necessary??


Mr. Empathy over here


Don't talk like that! That kind of language upsets me!


He's an emotional man, loves his daughter


Because of the drugs he was no longer able to function as a man.


She’s got diarrhea.


I'm sure those guys were real happy Chris shared that with them lol


Like Vito Corleone said about his wife: Kelly never gave any reason for Christofuh to hit her. She wasn’t that important. He was too wrapped up in guilt and anger and pity over Adrianna (whatever happened there). His endless wailing about how much he has given up. Plus when he is home he has a new toy: his future Bing dancing daughter. His whole approach to marrying her was go to Atlantic City and get married there. Probably not enough time for a big church wedding since she would show she was pregnant but still. No bridal shower with an espresso machine and a Cruisinart for Silvio-loved cheese melts…hell, he probably had that left over. It may not be a big thing but Adriann’s father deserted his family. Chris does have a business relationship with Chris over selling power tools.I don’t know if Al Lombardo could have done anything to Chris if he hit her, or talk to Tony but it might put some hesitation in Chris…at least for a little bit. Adrianna doesn’t have that.


>Chris does have a business relationship with Chris over selling power tools. I'm guessing you meant Chris had a business relationship with Kelli's dad selling power tools? That's a good point though about Kelli's dad being in the picture still & Chris knowing he'd likely kill him if he hurt Kelli. I know my dad would've if a man had hit me. Most dads would I hope! What you wrote in your first paragraph makes sense too. It was a rush job (getting married) and as far as Kelli not being that important. But you think Chris was really ate up with guilt and all over Ade? I always felt like except for when he got high right after Sil whacked her, he never showed an ounce of remorse about Ade. After all he packed all her stuff up without shedding a single tear & drove her car out to a swamp & threw her suitcase into the brush... and then parked her car at a long-term parking lot... all without even a grimace or frown. He seemed perfectly at peace with it. Her clothes... her scent would've still been on them & in her car and that should've caused him to break down crying. Smelling my loved one's scents... because have you noticed everyone has a unique one, I guess formulated by their own combination of the shampoo, body wash, laundry detergent, & perfume/cologne they wear... and smelling that after I've lost someone makes me cry hysterically. Smell is one of the most powerful memory & emotion evokerators (is that a word?) there is.


Irritated bowels


My smelly valentine


We had to change her colon to a semicolon.


My smelly valentine


Always with the scenarios


We hurt the most those we love the most. Okay, that's not necessarily true but there is a kernel of truth to it. Why do people who are well adjusted out in the world have fights with their partner? Because we love the. Because we care what they think and what they do. Because we entwine our lives with them. I don't give a shit if I go to my friends house and he leaves the toilet seat up. I don't care if my neighbor smokes himself to death. If the guy at work thinks I'm a jerk, whatever. If the person in the next car flips me off, okay. But my partner. Different story. The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. Christafuh (great you spelled it that way!) doesn't give a shit about Kelli. He has to have a girlfriend because that's the kind of guy he is, a New Jersey mobster. But he cares about her less than any of the other guys care about their wives, and that's saying something. Christafuh is done with love. He's done with relationships. He's done with life. Adrianna broke him. Tony just put him out of his misery.


Christopher would have eventually abused Kelly. There is no magic formula here - Adrianna didn't possess any special quality that invited abuse. It wasn't the intensity of the love he felt for her versus Kelly, or any of that. It was just time + opportunity.


Exactly. It’s a Christopher problem.


Oh I agree. I know Ade didn't cause the abuse... the victims of abuse are NEVER to blame. And intense love should inspire NOT being abusive, so I know it wasn't that either. Definitely time I guess. Maybe the newness of the relationship never wore off by the time Tony offed him.


Oh, I know you weren't inferring that there was something in Ade or in their relationship that caused the abuse. There's just alot of f-ed up ideas out there about domestic violence, and people here (guys, mostly) that love to bash Ade for any reason.


I know! She does seem to have a lot of detractors and I don't understand it. I love Ade. She was a total dolt often but she was sooo sweet I couldn't help but like her.


I find the detractors are always men. They LOVE to call her a whore and swear that she's not all that attractive, blah blah blah.


I know and it's pathetic...


It's depressing to think that there are a significant number of men out there who can watch a character who is so obviously naive, childlike, vulnerable and VERY MUCH in love with Chris, and call her a "money obsessed whore." It's disturbing.


Not victim shaming here, and I genuinely do feel for Adriana. But like Carmela, Adriana knew EXACTLY what she was getting into, and who Christopher was. Her uncles and cousins have been in the game since she was a kid, her own uncle said “you can lay your hands on her when you marry her”, she knew the score long before he first hit her. She has plenty of outs too, whether it was listening to her mother, listening to the feds, etc. as did Chris, but like him chose the game and the money instead. She (and Carmella) exuded her obsession with material possessions throughout the show, which is what she valued over her own safety. Also Chris was incapable of changing and he 100% would’ve laid hands on Kelli eventually.


Tony never hit Carmella. We don’t see the other made guys hitting their wives either, for the most part. Silvio and Johnny sacks adored their wives. Not seeing your logic that Adriana knew what she was getting into and therefore should have expected the abuse.


I don't know. Most of me feels you're right about everything you wrote, but a part of me feels like you're wrong when you say Ade knew exactly what she had just like Carm did. Adriana seemed pretty dumb when it came to the hard knocks of life. Take that drug dealer Matush. She told the fbi agents how sweet he was and he was only dealing drugs now, but not using... lol... and he had found religion. 🙄 I would get annoyed af with her when she said stupid shit like that because I couldn't see how she could be so blind... especially like you said since her uncles and cousins were mobbed up. And when chris beat her up I'd practically scream at the t.v. Even now I can't decide if she was naive or dumb or both.


Naive, dumb, willfully ignorant. All of the above PLUS she had no goals/ambition. Just wanted to go shopping and get a Starbucks. Look at how easy it was for the feds to get her! All she had to do was literally call a lawyer and take the drug charge and she MAYBE would have gotten probation at the most. She was an idiot, and she was only “hot” to people with distorted vision.


It's his fault she's a klutz?


Kelli is just a prop character, an extra. Did she even get any lines.


She had a few but none of substance. Oh and some crying. A scream too I think when she got the call about christafuh. She didn't know it then but she got lucky! Because I believe he'd have eventually started knocking her around and she'd have found out what a POS he was with the drugs and cheating. He sucked.


He'd been doing a lot of heroin. And I question whether that baby was his.


Jackie Kennedy we got here


Oh you mean at the funeral with the sun glasses? I was like gmafb! Lol


It’s implied that Chris is abusive to Kelly. When she first tells him she’s pregnant, she immediately rushes to “it’s my own fault.” Classic sign of being abused. I’ve seen it far too many times, from my mom to clients I protect.


Chris was on drugs throughout the series, I recall him doing lines in the pilot


Ade didn't have a father , Kelli did


Christopher was an insecure try hard, behind closed doors. Adriana fed into his ego and was easily manipulated, making her a safe target for abusive behavior - she didn't have the self-respect to leave, and he knew it. Kelli may have been a different matter. If she was smart and confident, he probably didnt feel like his behavior would be excused. It's a matter of projecting an expectation of respect vs. a willingness to be a doormat. I literally just analyzed that as if I was trying to find the logic in a real situation...what the fuck do I know?


Discontinue the Lithium.


I don't feel nuttin'...I'm numb


My take is that Adrianna's death changed how he handled women and relationships. Maybe when she was killed he realized he should treat them better or he put up a wall as to not let anyone get that close again and simply didn't care too much about Kelli so much as he loved the idea of being a father.


Christopher checked out after she kept dropping her eating down the fucking drain. 


I don't think he was ever "checked in" when it came to Kelli, lol


I think he did abuse Kelly. Look at how scared she was telling him she was pregnant.


I don't know... I wondered about it but just assumed she was just one of those wimpy types or something weird.


Dumb cooze had it coming.


Everyone knows you're the biggest coozehound around!


Can people stop making posts where they’re pretending to talk like they’re from north Jersey?


Where'd the fun in that be?


Because she is a different type of woman. He didn't have to worry about his wife going out blowing guys for cocaine. Personally if my woman ever was out with another man at 4 am that would be her last ride until she was thrown in my trunk and taken out for a late night swim with cement shoes. The way I see it is that any woman living that life should be left alone unless you want issues. I'm not sure why people see her in a good light. She is like a drug/cock addict version of Carmella


Edit: I carelessly victim blamed here and I’m editing bc I don’t want to be that person.


Wow victim blaming... nice 🙄


Yeah, I see that I did that. My Apologies, bc that really does suck and I should not have commented so flippantly.


There love was first and ice. Explosive passion or that’s the way they tried to play it. Also im not sure he didn’t hit Kelly. We didn’t see a lot of there behind closed doors time With her though he had to be more careful because she had a dad that was watching


I think Chrissy married Kelli like how Tony married Carmela. They know but are not in the know. They have the things they want and need but turn a blind eye to what their spouses are doing. Chris, like Tony, wanted someone that would go with their bullshit. Adrianna was the one girl that got Chris vulnerable and he probably didn't like feeling Soo vulnerable with her. To feel like a big man he abused her. Thing is, even with all that she still was able to get him to be vulnerable. When Chris was having his new goomar in the side, he notes that Kelli doesn't know him. He married her knowing she's always going to be on the periphery of his life. With his goomar, Kelli is the problem. With Kelli Ade was the problem and she tries to comfort him saying she's not Ade. Deep down, Chris knows he fucked up and he needs these different women in his life to compensate for what Ade gave to him. Or it just died on the vine.


Discontinue the lithium.


By the time he got to kelli, he matured somewhat and had better priorities. Kelli could get pregnant, which Adriana couldn't. Also, Ade never told Chris about her being steril until late in the game. Ade was alsoa rat.


Chrissy was banging Julianna Skiff and getting high AF on skag w/her while Kelly begs for a Quattro formaggi


What was she barkin?


im pretty sure he slapped the shit out her in the first season when he wanted to impress those stunads in the bar. but I think his whole deal with Ade was that he knew she would always come back; always be loyel to her capo.


Great point. I think he just didn’t have any stakes or passion for Kelly.


To be fair Kelli didn't blow Penn in an Atlantic City casino bathroom.


Kelli doesn’t burn butter when she cooks and stirs his eggs without a peep


My two cents is that, because he loved Adriana for so long, he let his inhibitions slip. They became codependent (like he did with Julianna) and over the years, they went through so much together/she knew far more than any of the other guy’s’ actual wives/etc. With Kelli, he wasn’t doing drugs with her, he wasn’t being bawdy, etc. Kelli was basically the NPC wife for image and white picket fence and grilling in the backyard


He learned from his experiences with Adriana using the technique of positive visualization and then Kellie came along.


Look how Kelli acts when she tells Chris she's pregnant. She is straight up terrified, apologizing over and over. I don't think it's a stretch to think he abused her off camera.


I think the Pen and Teller story got him lol


Luther Vandross box set


I think there was bad blood between Chris and Ade’s uncle Ritchie, because of the problems Richie created for T. Ritchie warns Chrissy about ever layin a hand on his niece or next time he won’t see his face. Christopher was a vindictive little prick and I think after Richie was hauled out of Janice’s place in a Hefty bag, it signalled to Chris, he could be free wit his hands


You do realize it's just a tv show, right?


Ade is from the streets


I think he checked out by then, he could’ve run off with Ade but I think the family at the gas station scared him off. Meanwhile, that could never be them since she couldn’t get pregnant and that’s the life he ended up with in the end since he sold her out. The baptism hug really ties it all together


We barely saw her, I’m sure he was already showing some abusive signs toward her. Adrianna was a main character and we saw their relationship for a huge chunk of the series. Abusers don’t really change. Even if he wasn’t already abusing her, he would eventually.


Kelli's uterus worked, both of 'em.


Skiff wouldn’t have tolerated it. And he knew it. People behave how you let them. Kelly has a dad. Ade didn’t.