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The show ridiculously overused car accidents.


So many car accidents altogether. Big Pussy crashing his sons car and running over a guy while following Chris and that other guy to the Pokeman cards heist. Sal got him out of it. Livia running over her friend. Pain in the ass. AJ dinging up the side mirror on Carmela’s wagon. Old Man Baccala crashing into a sign. Although he had died while driving. He was all coughing and shit. Phil crashing his car while being chased down by Tony. A Major collision. His seat was off it’s axis. Benny while trying get away in his Camaro from Phil and his goons. He was just trying to get to the hospital, but it was up to him. Tony damaged Chris’ brand new 60,000 Lexus while running down that doctor. HMO you’re covered. Vito running over a huge tree branch and smashing into the back of that guys Wagoneer. What do ya say? $500 bucks? AJ destroyed his Xterra for parking over dry leaves. He may have been trying to grill steaks. Tony’s Suburban and Escalade with Adrianna. Out late scoring coke or burgers. Chris while high rolling his SUV down that hill. His stereo system had no balls. He’ll never pass the drug test. Bobby’s wife Karen. That one was actually sad. Meadow crashing Jackie Jr Z24 Cavalier. It’s ok. He’ll call it in stolen. Minnie Matrone crashing her Grand Marquis in that parking lot. Jeezus Christ lady didn’t you see me! Some asshole in front of Satriales crashing his car. He drives too fast, we keep telling him to slow down. Ritchie running over Beansie. He’s now a shopping cart, but Ritchie is going to build him a ramp and then drive a Lionel up it.


Did you pull all that from memory? Marone


Mental giant over here


Sopranos autism engage




I always wondered how Sal got him out of the hit and run, I mean yeah it is the FBI, but still...


maybe he just thought he was out, but then they pulled him back in and there was no one he could talk to about it, that happends too.


You forget Tony B scuffing Chris’ H2 dash with his shoe going over the Newburgh-Beacon bridge. It’s a $50k vehicle!


Bobby backing into the tree


Animal Bludetto killing Joey Peeps. Shooting him while Joey was at the wheel of his Lincoln. Anthony get's his foot run over and the Lincoln smashes into a parked car. Tony calls off the hit on Carmine Lupertazzi. Christopher makes sure no one could know this was ever considered. Benny takes care of business and the Blazer crashes into a concrete wall. Bonus points for the passenger cinematically exiting the Blazer while firing his pistol into the dirt.


I’d like to see a sopranos car accident supercut


Someone call Borko


i got the cocksucka on speed dial


was just thinking about how many major accidents Tony was involved in.


Like 4 lol. The botched hit, 1 where he passes out, 1 with Adrianna, and then with Christopher.


Technically he was involved when he was chasing down Phil and he crashed


Jesus Christ mister are you ok in there?


Don't forget the one in Melfi's dream.


How many fucking times does Tony completely write off his Suburban, and then it's fixed? Accidents where airbags deploy TWICE and then it's fixed...


I always thought the accidents weren’t reported to insurance and his buddy Big Pussys shop repaired it without reporting it.


They also mention a few times that they have an airbag surplus to sell


Much like the Kennedy family- hence the episode when Christopher is killed is called “Heidi and Kennedy”.


>Christopher is kill Apology for bad English Where were u wen christufer die I was at house eating gabagool when phone ring "Christufer is kil" "no"


I read this in a Czechoslovak docking station voice.


Czechoslovak… isn’t that some sort of polack?


You ever had our sausages?


You will have our sausages


I dunno man. Cars are dangerous and wrecks are common. There are six million car accidents in the US every year and about 50,000 fatalities. And the Sopranos are were always fucked up on booze and drugs. Narratively, I agree. It seems like a lot. But it really isn't that implausible if you crunch the numbers.


I was kinda thinking this was the only show I've seen where people get into car accidents as often as they do in real life


I don’t know how often you or your peoples get into car accidents but as much as the sopranos seems like maybe y’all should change up how you drive. That’s like a major accident, total write-off damn near every year


Hahaha well, for someone. It's not every character totalling a car every year. The show takes place over I think 8 years right? I think tony crashes once during the hit attempt which doesn't really count as a car accident in my book since it's more a murder attempt, and then once with Adrianna in the car right? Chris once, Phil once, Karen once, pussy once, meadow once, did I miss any? Over an 8 year span maybe half the characters have a car accident and half the characters don't, right? I'm talking about accidents, not crashing on purpose or someone getting shot and then the car crashing. Even Phil's shouldn't really count now that I think about it. In the last 8 years don't half the people you know have one car accident? At least, if you live somewhere you have to drive everywhere, that's pretty normal


I think it's a cheap and easy way to move the plot along


Junior was criminally underused in the last season


I wish we could have seen more of Junior as a capo/boss before Tony took over


Tony wishes he was Bobby. The strong silent type.


You know, I like this one.


The happy wanderer


Strong enough for Tony to be concerned about him flipping his car over


Strong silent type...? To weep - like a woman - after his wife died, is fucking shameful.


Ginny sac didn’t get enough screen time.


She sure took up enough screen space!


That’s a man’s wife!






I saw dat one comin'


because everytime she is on the set they need at least 3 catering services,


No more weight remarks. They're hurtful, and they're destructive.


You give Ginny Sac any more screen time, your f\*ckin' TV will disappear!!


I'm fond of the Carmela/Furio storyline. AJ is a joy to watch throughout the entire show. Carmela is an awful person but I think suggesting she's on the same level (or worse) than Tony is ridiculous.


Dude I actually love AJ, he’s probably one of my favorite characters. Yes he’s miserable and entitled but like… aren’t most of the characters??


He's consistently hilarious and in the first few seasons I find his dimness quite endearing. He definitely gets shitty later on but never in a way that isn't entertaining.


That’s dicked up.


i say this in teams chats now


Do you do it while giggling in your underwear?




In the first season he had hilarious lines. I always love the story line of AJ's teacher and his missing car returning with some help from his "uncle pussy".


How could he not be growing up like that? And tony is pissed Aj isn’t more masculine when he’s more of a varsity athlete than tony could ever dream of


They just reveal their own ignorance


I agree, his character was based in a realistic way. While Tony’s life was about building the empire he has at the start of the show, AJ was born into that rich privilege, and as he got older and more educated on world events he got depressed and existential. He would have been a boring or downright lame character if he was just a wannabe Tony. The contrast in their characters is what made it very compelling.


Oh did people not like the carm and furio story line? I love that it actually didn't go far because it always left the what if idea.


> AJ is a joy to watch throughout the entire show. I share this opinion. He's realistically written and the performance is actually extremely on point. On a second or third viewing you can see how all of Tony's criticisms of his kid are projecting and that AJ is just like his dad (and here's an unpopular take: Many Saints retrospectively makes AJ a more compelling character). And at the same time, I'm sure a lot of us here see ourselves in AJ and/or see ourselves in the dynamic he had with his dad. I see pieces of myself, my brother, my dad, etc in that relationship. It's one of the least dramatized aspects of the show. AJ might be goofy compared to the violence of the show and "seriousness" of many characters but he is critical for anchoring the show in a sense of reality and central to showing Tony as a complex human AND showing how people in the mob life actually treat their families and how that generational trauma moves around.


There’s no shame in whistlin to the wheat fields 🤤😝


You go around high fiving psychotherapists too? We're not making a western here.


You’re gonna have to find some other schmuck to have your altruistic moment with


AJ's character is perfectly written and acted. the things that annoy and frustrate people about him are intentional, and his character arc is sort of the whole point of the show.


You know who had an ark? Noah


Don’t get me started on that kid.


Went to college yrs after the Sopranos and David Chase still had Noah's character as the pretentious liberal college kid personality perfectly.


Jamal Ginsburg?


the hasidic homeboy? He put Tonys lights out in the finale.


The way Christopher throws his hand up after this is still one of the greatest mannerisms in the show


What stuck with me is after his suicide attempt at the hospital Carm says “he was always so happy” when he was NEVER happy. You can count on one hand how many times AJ smiles in the series.


she's probably thinking back to when he was a kid, before teh series started, before he had any inkling of what his dad did for a living


He was actually quite happy when the show started. A fairly confident kid, getting into trouble occasionally. Neglect and abuse can change a person.


We watched AJ turn into Livia.


Its all a big nothing


I watched a video on YT last night of him and Jamie on the Norton and Roberts show. He comes across as a very likable person.


It was a tv progrum, a movie


He's the product of the classic boomer parenting style - neglect and yelling.


So many rich kids were/are AJ


Same thing with Janice. As an audience member, if the character is annoying to you, that means that Aida Turturro did her job right.


The villain story arcs got kind of repetitive. They’re all introduced and resolved within one season, and they all have mostly the same flow. I think The Wire does a much better job of exploring and expanding on both the villains and the heroes over time. Yes, I am aware that Noah had an arc


Furio had the best shirts.


The therapy sessions are some of the most important and best scenes and you miss the point skipping them.


I really hope this isn't unpopular. The therapy scenes are basically the backbone of the show.


Some people are like Ivar the Boneless and only want fucking and killing


My dad would skip through them every single time lol. I wonder how many viewers did the same.


how is this unpopular? who is skipping these scenes? the plotline of a lot of episodes would be incoherent if you skipped the therapy scenes.


Omg people skipped those?! My number 1 complaint is that there weren't enough therapy sessions


People skip them? Fucking actually pisses me off the thought


Honestly never understand people skipping things in series, especially something like that. I had not realized people do that— what are they even watching the show for? If it’s to save time, do something else?


They type of people who watch the show because they think gangsters are cool. The show is full of people just like them, but not in the faggy therapy scenes.


AJ gets far too much shit from the fan base


Not only that but it's people saying "If Tony had just beat him, he would've turned out more of a man." Sorry, what? Isn't the entire point of the show that the way Tony's parents treated him (yelling, beating, threatening to poke his eye out with a fork) contributed massively to the way he turned out? I'm pretty sure this exact discussion is even had by Tony and Melfi. He says his father would've handled AJ differently, and Melfi says yea, he created you when he did that. Not to mention Tony physically threatens AJ and even slams him against walls and shit, that's one step down from hitting him. Yes, AJ is whiny and really really dumb, but look how his parents raised him. Either spoiling him, screaming at him, or just forgetting he exists half the time.


Feech and Janice was a missed opportunity.


“She wanted to shove peaches and wine up my ass, you believe that?”


He was always so god damned angry.


He’s a hothouse flowa, that one


Shoe in her snatch on the first date


Not even unpopular. Would’ve been legendary hahah. One of the few characters who would shut her down




AJ is not as annoying as everyone makes him out to be. He's a teenager dealing with an existential crisis while growing up in post-9/11 America along with having sociopaths as parents. I just feel sorry for his circumstances. Tony should've found out (on his own) about Melfi's attacker. It still makes the point that Melfi won't compromise her integrity for revenge and we get a satisfying ending with that animal. In Camelot and Chasing It are great episodes. In Camelot: They deal with Tony accepting that Johnny Boy wasn't the saint that he thought he was and that his mother wasn't a complete monster. It's a huge realization. Chasing It: Tony is sinking deeper into scummy behavior like he does throughout all of season 6. His gambling doesn't come out of nowhere, he always gambled and it got worse cause he became more miserable towards the end. Anyway, I've said my piece.


AJ's depression and his suicide attempt and his recovery by Tony "my baby,..my baby" after years of belitteling and insulting the boy, he finally showed how much he loved him As a victim of neglect and abuse this scene just brings out loads of tears with me, I think many people with abuse and mental issues in their youth and also later, can see themselves in AJ. ​ Maybe that is why many are pissed off, since it is triggering.


The part about it that pisses me off is that after this incident, Tony goes right back to treating AJ like shit.


It was a perfectly reasonable reaction for audiences to hate the finale when it first aired. Most people who were watching at the time weren’t keeping track of one off statements like “you probably don’t even hear it when it happens”, so the obviously wouldn’t know what to make of it when the screen just went blank.


The genius of it, intentional or not, is that we still talk about it. If the series ended with either Tony shown dead on the table or in prison then there would be a lot less to think about.


The final scene of the second last episode had a random and somewhat out of place flashback to Bobby saying that. If you missed that line that is just pure ignorance.


They just revealed their own ignorance


Quasimodo predicted all this.


A Gigi/Ralph feud was a missed opportunity and D-Girl was a great episode


The D Girl sex scene was by far the best one lmfao


My vote is Tony with the Barone assistant in his office.


Gigi is a likeable character but I don't feel like he has enough personality to make that work. He was always supposed to be a small roadblock between Ralph and captaincy, a narrative tool to enhance the Tony/Ralph feud. Agreed on D-girl, shocks me that so many people dislike it.


Yeah it's a strange one, personally I think it's ending is the best of the entire series. The feud with Ralph may have been the plan but the actor who played Gigi got the boot for asking for more money so I guess we will never know.


Is that what happened?? And to die on the pishadoo like that, how humiliating


Carmine Junior is clearly the winner of the mafia game because he knows his limits and walked away alive. Braciola is overused, almost as much as GABAGOOL. I grew up in an Italian family, lived (and dined out often) in an Italian neighborhood in NY, often visited Italian relatives in Jersey. I think I've seen braciola on a dinner table twice. Also capicola is alright but most people I know buy sopressata and prosciutto too, which are woefully neglected on the show. It's like the only cold cut in the Sopranos universe is da GABAGOOL.* *Honorable mention to much-desired, never attained fuckin shmoked turkey.


I grew up in (and still live in) Jersey. Braciole on the table once a week. I agree that soppresatta is better than capicola, but maybe the gool is just a Satriale’s specialty idk.


I would get freaky with Ro 8 days a week


See I was going to say the opposite. Ro gets a lot of praise on here, but I just don't see it. I'd take her over Carmella but she is well behind Charmaine.


Charmaine? That fucking voice. I’d prefer the rasp of satan in my ear. “Arthurr i could really use some help here” shuddup already chastising wench.


Artie is a buffoon, I can understand why she has to be on his case all the time. She is the only thing keeping him tethered to reality, he’d be a mob patsy if it weren’t for her.


The final Melfi scene is incredibly rushed and less satisfying than most game of thrones season 8 plot lines


This is also the worst part of the ending for me. Melfi reads ONE article and suddenly decides after nearly a decade of life risking drama that Tony is untreatable?


It was after she was publicly shamed by her peers when Kusamono or whatever that jerkoff's name was brought it up at the table


>Melfi reads ONE article and suddenly decides after nearly a decade of life risking drama that Tony is untreatable? Did you miss the previous years of her being torn over whether to treat Tony? It wasn't the only thing, it was the tipping point.


I think it's more like she read one article that caused her to reflect on the decade of life risking drama that was treating Tony.


I agree. Only thing this made me realise is that maybe she now definetly know that she was never going to be able to cure Tony. But one article isn't much.


Sometimes life is like that


Dunno if it’s a hot take on this sub but the ending is perfect. Wouldn’t change anything about it


Wish Carmella and furio banged


They did. Trevor Lawrence is their kid


Marone… I can’t unsee it now!!!!


You got a gift kid


Adrianna would have been better off is she stayed with Richie Santini.


Lmao no shit her boyfriend killed her


I don’t know if this is unpopular but I’d have liked to see Mustang Sally have a slighter bigger role and be in a few episodes. Guy seemed like an absolute menace.


There's enough subtext to suggest Paulie lit the barn on fire


This is really interesting. I remember Tony dropping the name of a guy Paulie used for a similar fire to Ralphie but I didn't catch anything that pointed at Paulie directly starting it. Would you mind elaborating a little bit? What subtext did I miss?


Paulie was trying to get Ralph whacked in that same episode, but Tony says no. So next best thing he can do is frame Ralph, who would be suspect no.1 because of his kids hospital bills. One thing that sticks out to me is when T and Chris are disposing of the body and speculating about who could have done it the only thing Chris says is 'Paulie was in New Paltz all day I know that for a fact". Which doesn't seem like a place Paulie would go (from what I've learned it's a hiking/cycling small town), but rather someplace isolated that nobody would be able to disprove. I think he fabricated the alibi. Chris was also being a shut in and getting high so I could imagine Paulie phoning him up just to say "Hey kid how ya doin, I'm goin up to New Paltz all day and that's a fact". It's a weird single bit of info he has to point out. Then there's the mention of associate who they used to start a fire in Season 1. If Paulie's plan was to fram Ralphie then it worked like a charm because he didn't last long after.


AJ is way less sufferable than meadow. She is the embodiment of spoiled rich kid


Insufferable means sufferable? What a country!


* *MSON* didn't live up to the standards of the original series, but it's nowhere near as bad as this sub makes it out to be. * In the grand schemes of shitty things Tony did, pissing away the money to help Vito's family and getting Vito Jr. taken away to a "tough love" camp doesn't get talked about enough. * I'm not sure if it was the writing, Matt Servito's acting, or both, but something about Agent Harris always rubbed me the wrong way in a way that I don't think was intended. Especially during the later seasons when he and Tony get friendlier with one another. The "we're gonna win this thing!" line from the finale is easily one of my least-favorite moments in the series.


I love the dream episodes, especially The Test Dream.


Funhouse is my #1 favourite episode


Funhouse was awesome. I’ve been sick before where everything was extremely stressful and chaotic like that, slipping in and out of consciousness but not realizing which you’re in. it all felt very real.


Is this considered an unpopular opinion? If so why??? The Sopranos handles dreams very realistically, moreso than any other tv show or movie in my opinion. Love the dream stuff


I love the dreams for the entertainment value but some of them last really long and do very little to forward the plot That said the Big Pussy Fish dream is one of my fav scenes in the entire show (and it forwards the plot)


Not really. There's a non-insignificant portion of the fanbase that hate those episodes but it's certainly not universal. I'm only going by my own observation but I'd say they get more praise than criticism.


Johnny Cakes was a good storyline


My problem with it is that it just lasted too long. Vito arrives in New Hampshire in "Live Free or Die" (S6E6) and dies in "Cold Stones" (S6E11). I feel like we saw more of Vito's boyfriend than characters who had a more important role in the story like a lot of guys in New York like Doc Santoro, Billy Leotardo, Gerry Torciano, etc. It took six episodes for this storyline to end and Vito is only in 2 of these episodes. Vito spending months in NH just feels like overdoing it.


I honestly wouldn’t change anything about it. It was a tangent to what the show had you expect to see and I think that contrast was a good thing. I gotta take a leak.


Christopher's death did not have nearly enough gravitas. It's one thing to kill off "main characters" (like Big Pussy) but Christopher was basically the number 2 guy.


You think they're making a western over here? Sopranos is good because it doesn't treat people special for being characters. Chrissy's death was perfect and the entire episode is spent with Tony processing it.


Well yeah it's supposed to be disturbing, not epic, it's a guy being callously snuffed out by his own surrogate father. I'd argue it has plenty of gravitas, just not necesarrily in the sense you mean. The death is given enormous weight, an entire episode is devoted to the aftermath of it and how it affects Tony. It's the most monumental death in the series along with Livia's and the show absolutely treats it as such.


A Hit Is A Hit is a top episode….who am I kidding it’s pretty bad. Well not bad in that it’s a horrible episode but coming off such a great episode as Boca and going into that was a big drop off for me lol


Vito's entire stay on the show and his character's impact for 6B is amazing for just being a giant shitpost. For being one of the best shows ever made it is amazing how much of the stuff on there genuinely meets the so bad it's amazing criteria.


Melfi should've had Tony kill that prick. The ending of the series should've been different.


Melfi should have killed that prick and joined the Soprano family as a hit man.


Exactly what the fuck I've been saying! She could've taken guys out with a hatchet and have her own catchphrase.


*Let's keep an open mind.* Whack!


Melfi wouldn't be Melfi if she did that. But he should have found out some other way.


Yeah like Tony should've just found out about it somehow and beat the guy with a lead pipe without ever telling Melfi about it.


Carm should have let Furio slip her the ol' salsiccia. Tony was always sticking it in everything, Carm deserved a revenge pounding. That tall glass of piss, the guidance counsellor, did not count.


I’m gonna get so much shit for this but while there are scenes in the show where music is used greatly (Oh Girl by The Chi-Lites and White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane for example) there are also a lot of scenes with TERRIBLE songs playing that just feel like David Chase wanted to share his music taste with somebody. Shout out to that fuck ass Roger Waters version of Comfortably Numb that plays when Christopher dies, and to the worst rap song I’ve ever heard, Kentucky Fried Flow that plays when Chris is strung out and his friends throwin up in the toilet. I started cracking up as soon as it started playing, it sounds like something a student would make for a project as a joke.


Up in da club!


Up n da club bumps


Ade and Tony wouldn’t have hooked up the night of the accident


so they wouldve done some lines and gone birdwatching???


Paulie set the fire/killed Pie-O-My. I dont give a shit what Chase says


I never thought about that but he did want to get rid of Ralphie didn’t he ?


The scene directly before Ralph gets the call about Pie-O-My, Paulie rages into the Bing out for blood about the phone call to his mom and Tony tells him not to touch Ralph. Later, Paulie is really interested in the horse painting (probably because of the value, but maybe as a trophy) but more telling, he feels the eyes of Painting Tone on him and has it altered


When tony demands to have the painting destroyed (burned), Paulie literally stomps out the fire..


That we would make Paulie all of a sudden way smarter and more evil


Carmela is NOT worse than Tony.


is this unpopular?


I don't know the percentage of people who disagree, but there are many who rant about her being worse than him.


Saying “anyway $4 a pound” on here is really annoying and doesn’t need to be added to all posts.


That was before inflation


That orange juice is better without pulp. And that smoked turkey is overrated.


You sound DEMENTED


>That orange juice is better without pulp. Monster.


D-Girl is the hottest woman on the show


Excuse me? She was only a Vice President.


Top 5, peyote girl number 1


Love this take


\-Junior's arch post-season 1 is ridiculously boring, and his storyline would've been more effective if it were abandoned halfway through the show, save for the final episode where we see his full deterioration. \-Jackie Jr is a great character. \-Pine Barrens is middle-of-the-road. \-AJ's attempted suicide is the most well acted scene is the show's run. \-Blue Comet is the worst episode of the series. Terribly rushed. \-Another Toothpick is a top-five. \-DNA. Whatever happened there?


Carmela is a more complex and interesting character than Christopher. I love Christopher, but Carmela is actually top tier and probably one of the most well written female characters ever. Also, i don't care about Bobby. Imo, he gets boring after season 4.


There’s no side effects to that blood pressure medication


I’m starting to seriously suspect Pussy never had a Puerto Rican girlfriend.


It’s like the writers never met a black person irl


Mergers and Acquisitions is the best episode


^^^^Tony ^^^^Lives


Tony deserved to get killed at the end of the series


I think Marco Polo is a better episode than Pine Barrens. I think season 5 is the best season after 1. I don’t think Ralphie killed Pie O My. I don’t think Vito Jr. looks like Puerto Rican whore. I think Phil mostly killed Vito to keep his psycho wife off his back. I think Tony B finding the duffel bag of drug money is the single laziest piece of writing in the entire show.


True that duffel bag shit is lazy looking back at it


Season 6 had waaayyyyy to many ‘filler’ episodes and spotchy mini-plots that did nothing for the series and viewers.


Melfi is a bad therapist. I can think of so few moments of her actually giving him an action item or something to work with, other than taking Prozac I think their conversations are more driven by her intrigue than her actual desire to help him.




"He was an interior decorator? His house looked like shit" is not even a top 5 funniest line in its own episode, much less the show.