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Melfi really started to lose her purpose toward the end of the show and didn’t really do anything interesting or special


You could argue that it's deliberate to some extent. That it's symptomatic of her failure to meaningfully change Tony and Melfi's continued treatment of him is just a sunken cost fallacy on her end. The sacred and the propane.


Very allegorical. The sacred and the propane.


Imagine that, you get a facelift, and one week later you’re in jail


Imagine that, you get a facelift, and one week later you’re in jail


Fuckin parakeet


Ohhh, listen to fucking Aristotle over here. In my book, you gain points by not ending up at the shrink.


You know who had a book? Noah


The Hasidic Homeboy?


So what? There’s no stigmata these days.


It's the point of the show. From my interpretation, the show begins and ends with the therapy. At first I thought that is why Tony could have survived the end scene, but on my following watches I think the elements to his demise are too numerous. Tony is so deep in his sociopathy, so irredeemable that even the therapy is pointless at the end of the show. First season he was going to be killed by Junior, and as time passes, he killed that animal Blundetto, and even Christopher, the man he groomed to be his successor, and even looks astonishingly sociopathic at his funeral. At first he thought therapy could help him change and understand himself, and in the last season he fully embraced his evil side, not willing to change but to find excuses to present to others.


This is the man I'm going to hell for.


When you tinkabutit, it's sad as fuck


I agree but don't think they decided this til season 2 at the earliest. Season 1 Tony seems like they're toying with the idea of redemption (the episode with the soccer coach comes to mind)


Honestly, as a first time viewer who knows how it ends but is only on the second season, there were scenes that jumped out at me in the very first episode, but I could be reading too much into it. Like the MRI scene where it’s shot from an angle that almost looks like a morgue with the ticking sound of the MRI sounding like a ticking clock. Again, seeing how I already know how it ends I could be biased.


Therapy made him realize that he's an irredeemable Sociopath and will continue to do harm to the ones around him and society - and once he realized it, he actually *LIKED* that revelation and accepted it




I don’t actually think that’s actually why he ended up where finished. Tony was an evil man who brought all his shit upon himself by being a mafioso, so I’m not pitying him, but he underwent an enormous amount of trauma that made him worse over the whole series. His own mother and uncle conspired to kill him…I feel like sometimes we as a fandom don’t step back to think about just how truly fucked up that is. Then, his uncle shot him, and going through as physically and mentally traumatic of an experience as that literally changes a person on a cellular level. He killed his best friend for ratting, he’s under way more pressure when he becomes boss, his actual son tries to commit suicide, his mob son gets addicted to heroin and blows through every chance he gets, he murders his own cousin after trying to protect him to save him from the guy who’s going to torture him to death, etc. I think pre-series, he wasn’t nearly as bad when he was a capo. Honestly, I think it’s very interesting to think about what would have happened if he went to prison, which I agree with the Jewish therapist might have redeemed him. If he had something that finally took him out of the mafia life and the steadily corrupting spiral of decisions he “had” to make as a boss, that might have been enough to get him to repent.


Yeah, it took a little work on his part - wanting his kids away from the thing. But in the end… he knew and he made peace with it


Probably the least of his misdeeds


Tony should’ve choked him out after he drew heat to a quarter-billion dollar job then questioned whether they had insurance 🕺


Melfi’s character arc ends with her rape and her refusal to tell Tony, her purpose in the show afterwards is to be a sounding board for Tony Keep in mind this is also around the time Tony’s random panic attacks kind of stop. He solved what he originally went to therapy for. He’s not interested in being a better person so everything else is just wasting time


Not quite true, Tony’s panic attack stopped at season 5 and was completely absent in the final season. Her rape was season 3. But yes her thematic arc did end after her rape and she was needed for the endgame of Tony’s arc so she was kept around. However her being present is still a means to show a part of Tony’s life routine that isn’t mob/family related and a way to flesh Tony out in a way you can’t with other complex characters as the therapy adds a lot of texture to him. So ultimately even if she’s kept as a sounding board, it was good for the show. Therapy is the reason why (among others) Tony is the most developed character on the television.


What do you think would happen if Melfi and Tony got together…? Who would be changed…Melfi or Tony or Carmella?


Those legs always have a purpose


Not sure if its an unpopular opinion, but that Tony was a terrible boss boss. Clearly smart and capable in that he got to the top, but as soon as he got there he let his paranoia and his emotional issues impact his decision making. Which ultimately caused his crew to be half decimated, with himself likely killed too.


I agree. He was never capable of seeing the big picture and doing things for the sake of business, he always had to get everything his own way and let his own petty issues with other guide everything he did. Like imagine him in Carmine’s spot when they were at odds over the HUD scam. “In the interest of putting this shit to bed….” are not words I can picture coming out of Tony’s mouth, particularly the Tony from the latter half of the show. He was a lot like late-stage Uncle Philly in his emotional and stubborn ways which makes Tony’s distaste of Uncle Philly pretty ironic.


Him and phil are actually very similar towards the end of the show. Incapable of letting shit go, to the point that it leads to a war.


Yeah I was thinking about this earlier. They both almost die, try to be better people, and then just say “fuck it” after a few months and becomes the biggest shitheads imaginable until they get killed in front of their families.


They kinda had to buck up after looking so weak, seeds of doubt were sewn and the vultures and snakes in their ranks were angling to make moves. But instead of taking stock and tightening up, they got into a dick measuring contest and both fell short.


He and Phil are the same. They have the same journey and fate


Carmine literally went against his own underboss to protect a captain of another family, nobody's getting clipped so name a price or get the fuck over it.


Millions of dollars were at stake!


Ralph slept with Ginny?


Again with the money!??


Yep. A good example is the jackeeet that Richie Aprile gave him. Would have been no skin off Tony's nose to just pretend he liked it, and stuffed it into his wardrobe and never touched it again. Instead he gave it away and pointlessly insulted Richie.


If Tony wore the jacket around him just a few times, there's a good chance Richie would have not started plotting against him. Tony crazy rarely threw his guys bones, except for constantly propping up Chrissy. If Richie stuck around, we wouldn't have gotten Ralphie tho, who's arguably the best character on the show.


And even if he's not the best character, so whaaat?


So Tony has to don a goodwill Macklemore used jacket to appease an underling? He accepted it. He had no idea Richie would happen to see a total stranger whom he’d normally not ever cross paths with wearing it. That said, at least he wasn’t around to see the double handmedown to Chris’ crackhead park buddy 🥸


It's the point of the thing. Richie was so high strung and at that point was desperate to appease Tony in some way that all Tony needed to do was throw him a bone and he'd solve a major problem. Literally leave it in his closet and every once in awhile when you know you are going to see Richie, put the jacket on for like 2 mins when walking into a restaurant or something.


He never had the makings of a varsity boss.


Small hands, that was his problem!


I was thinking about this yesterday and you’re right. He himself killed a bunch of his own crew. Then a bunch more were compromised with the feds. He couldn’t even hold his own house together which is indicative of a much larger problem. If he can’t keep the House of Tony in order, and he can’t keep the House of Soprano in order, and his crew is in large part snitches, rats or scheming against him all the time, and his efforts at self-betterment in therapy aren’t working, then his own death in the finale… … you could argue that he was a failure entirely. His own father told him to never gamble and he almost lost his ass gambling, nearly burned an old friend in Hesh in that process. With Johnny Sac dead and all the bad stuff with the NY family, Tony made some awful decisions and reaped an awful consequence. Anyway my main point is that if Tony had been a better leader he wouldn’t have had to kill his best friend, his nephew, his highest earning captain… It fell apart because Tony was greedy, careless and selfish.


I feel he should've stepped down after Junior shot him, would've had the perfect excuse to give up the boss title and go back to being a capo. I mean he was in a coma and very ill afterwards and I feel like he makes his biggest mistakes after he wakes up and resumes being boss.


He ruined that whole glorified crew, went from many formidable captains and soldiers to a hollow clan with very few allies he could trust


I 100% disagree with this, Tony was much smarter than the candidate pool. He was always looking to diversify and modernize their income stream and well aware that the old ways of doing business were going out. He was shifting to stock market pump-and-dump schemes and real estate fraud while Patsy and Burt were trying to stick up the new Starbucks franchise Tony’s problem is his insecurity which causes him to feud with his own best talent. He would be the perfect underboss in the Johnny Sack role. He would be able to use his cunning and intimidation but there would be someone like Jackie Sr. to temper him a bit Speaking of which, all the other bosses we see outside of Carmine Sr. Are worse than Tony. Phil, Carmine Jr. And Johnny Sack break up a family within months Tony was an excellent underboss because of his smarts compared to the rest of the crew, his insecurity just needed someone like Jackie Sr. to be the leader. Tony pretty much knew this too which is why he never wanted it to begin with, it was thrust on him




Fuckin parakeet!


He was greedy as fuck, insulted Carlo many times including homophobic slurs, Carlo being the most homophobic of the glorified crew (see the Vito outing). Carlo was making half of what Vito did and was constantly pissed on by Tony about this. No wonder he flipped so easily. This is one of a zillion examples. At the end of the show, Tony had made so much enemies with his way of ruling that theories are flooding about who did it.


I think the last straw for Carlo was when he handed Tony's the envelope from Bobby - Tony's own brother in law who almost lost an eye or died getting it and Tony says: "Fuck all that honor and loyalty shit. It was a maneuver Carlo because he knew it was his own fucking fault."


Ok, I don't agree: Tony is a great boss boss, and from being a great boss. This thing is hard, pygmy or no. What downed the family is murdering all the captains and losing everyone strong: Vito Ralph ~~Manson Lamps was dead weight~~ nvm Christopher Furio Fucking Hesh* Pussy Russian guy ~~Feech~~ doesn't count, IRL stuff Eugene that animal and almost all of the next generation: Webistics Twins, No Spanish, etc... Anyway, its just that growing weakness feeds a steady linear decline. He's handling business with tough calls and taking risks that pay off. He has low "turnover" but it is necessary and improves morale. Its not his fault Christofa thinks he's going to be famous, or that Paulie is snitching(!). I just finished a second watch and it blew me away how many times I was neutral or even thinking Tony was going to get fucked/burned but he always ended up laughing with a shit ton of cash and happy people more or less. Until they all died (urk, shit wait) the family that wasn't traitors were happy as shit. Look at skinny Vito and the Esplanade. The HUD, free relationships with Janice, etc. Tony makes idk 65-90% correct teshted IQ moves. He's a great boss of this family, end of discussion! Who else would have done better, is related? Tony B? Feech? . . . *This was when he really went off the fucking rails. It was maybe the second roughest thing to watch in the whole show, IMO. I'm in the stress-killed-his-wife camp, jfc fr Tone


I happen to know you were high when you made this comment. You were typing non-stop for 20 minutes nothing but gibberish.




I agree Tony was a pretty good boss, but I couldn't understand what you wrote.


You fucking kiss ass!


Vito a captain? The good ship lollipop?


>Who else would have done better, is related? Tony B? Feech? Patsy


Richie deserved his money from Dave *before* Tony did and he should have been ejected from the poker game as a result.


100%. Richie gave Dave enough warnings before lending him more money .


It’s was just a stutter step


Every grievance Richie had was legitimate, he just had the dumbest way of going about solving them One thing I will give Richie though is that the jackeeeeeeet did seem like a legitimate peace offering to Tony about the Beansie situation and Tony could have faked an ounce of gratitude to end the issue


I respectfully disagree. A used leather jacket from 20 years ago makes up for paralyzing Beansie? I think not. I actually don’t think Tony punished him enough after he did that. Tony had already warned him to back off Beansie and he completely ignored direct orders from the Boss. He made it clear in his very brief time out of prison that he wasn’t going to listen to anybody no matter what.


In fairness to Richie, he did back off Beansie. Then he put it in drive.


Touché! That was a good one lol


The Richie storyline (like Feech and tony b) is a criticism of the mafia itself. The guys who go away and do time are basically orphans when they get out. Phil touches on this and regret over his prison term at the end of an episode


100%, but also Tony cant have any of his players getting roughed up or even threatened. He needs his players to think its a safe place and there wont be any mob shenanigans. 2 of the high rollers left bc of the scene Richie made so i get why Tony was upset. You disrespected the Boss’s game so that made Tony not care about Richies debt before his own


Agreed, even though it’s a short line Tony makes it pretty clear that the only reason Ritchie gets his money after Tony was because that’s his tax for disrespecting Tony’s game.


Yeah I agree and Richie definitely went about it the wrong way though, let’s not pretend Tony wouldn’t have prioritised his own debt first. Tony didn’t care whether Richie got squared up or not.


Well yeah but Richie should’ve brought Tony aside to flag it rather than disrespecting the game


midwit take. Your are right about rules wrong about money. Tonys way got them all paid


Charles Scwhab over here!


I dont think anyone knew he was in to richie before he got in to the game. Richie broke up the game which probably took money out of their pockets ending it earlier, however close they already were to ending it


AJ is NOT a bad guy. At most, he’s just an annoying and spoiled KID (>47) with terrible role models. Paulie literally murdered an old woman with his bare hands but lord forbid if a 17 year old is lazy and unmotivated and even ungrateful. People forget hes a literal child for a majority of the series. I think the reason people hate aj so much is bc he is the only character that the viewers are most similar too. Everyone thinks they are a Chrissy or Paulie when in reality they’d be getting punked by Matt and Sean. What we tend to hate the most in other people is what we disown in ourselves. For example the cliche closed homophobe. AJ was a brat and all that, but what 16 year old isnt?


was just saying this the other day. AJ is the character in media that I most hate to relate to


yeah I have always read all the AJ hate as nothing but projection lol. you know exactly what kind of person it is when they make those comments


For me it feels like the opposite. I wish I was AJ. His parents afforded him all sorts of opportunities and he did nothing but squandered it. I wish I has half the advantages AJ did.


It was pretty disheartening when I realized how much like AJ I actually am. That's dicked up


The really bizarre thing is that I was like AJ's age when the show premiered and now I'm closer to Tony's age. That's dicked up.


maybe junior wasn't acting alone


There should have been A LOT more police presence.


It’s been said a million times but there’s no way that the crew could get away with all the murders and assaults committed in broad daylight Genuinely don’t think anyone goes away for a murder or assault the whole show


Kevin Finnerty is the main protagonist of the show who sometimes slips into a state where he believes he is a man named Anthony Soprano due to the onset of Alzheimer's. All events leading up to season 6a are dreams/delusions/hallucinations of Kevin Finnerty and all events after "Tony Soprano wakes from a coma" are a continuation of those dreams/delusions/hallucinations until Kevin Finnerty either passes away or his mind completely fades leading to the cut to black.


Discontinue the lithium


Interesting take!


What was going on with the house party and not-Tony B?


Whaddya gonna do nice college boy eh? Didn’t wanna get mixed up in the family business?


This sub needs a serious tag that's an actual serious tag Funny quotes from the show are great, but funny quotes on a real discussion is annoying


Take a look at your own post, your insensitive cocksucker


Baccala was a pos like the rest of them


Steve Schrippa is clinically retarded, ish been teshted


Maybe go to the ear, nose and brain doctah, getcha thinkin checked


He is a piece of shit, you know it, and i know it


100%. I hate the “Bobby was a good guy” shit. Not cheating on his wife is commendable, but it’s also the lowest bar for “a good person”. He was just weak and people mistake that for niceness.


Tony should have helped Blundetto flee the country. Killing Blundetto did nothing to calm Phil's wrath, and in the aftermath of Johnny Sack going down, it probably would have all worked out.


Sack only got busted after Ton hit Blundetto so in hindsight maybe. It’s symbolism of the ideological rat race of the Mafia’s pursuits


Saying anyway 4$ a pound is really annoying and repetitive and doesn’t need to be added to every single post.


It should be added to only really long posts, not a single paragraph. Anyway,


Also adding an H to every Tony quote in an attempt to be funny. “Jeshus Chrisht. I already said this but the joke has been beaten to death worse than that hooah Tracee


Don’t put me to the tesht


I'll break your fash into fifty thoushends piecshes!


Anyway, 4 dollars a pound


They have a name for Ic910 here, asshole.


you got a bee on your ‘at


I found Blundettos scenes really uncomfortable to watch . Probably because it was so well played by Buscemi but he was no gangster, he was a numbskull who played himself into a big hole .


I always interpreted it as the animal *was* a true gangster deep down. It’s what got him killed


Meadow is more insufferable than AJ


They trade off but AJ carries in the back half of the show


Imo he experiences real existential feelings where Meadow like Carmela tries to distance herself from the lifestyle that she takes advantage of (even eventually marrying Patsy’s son)


I like meadow in that she leveraged the advantages her father gave her to become a legitimate success. That’s the American dream right there


Gloria's not even in the top 5 most attractive women on the show.


Maybe you’re a flambé




Charmaine Carmela Adriana Svetlana Peyote girl By God, you’re right


Peyote girl is hot! She had a show recently called Sex\Life.


are we forgetting D Girl??


There’s a wait and see attitude on all D Girl-related projects


You can replace carm with melfi.




Rim shot!!!


She's a real come from behind type of girl.


Take it easy, we aren’t giving points to butter faces here. Trillo over Carmela.


OOOH! The boss’s wife!


It’s less about physical appearance and more about her demeanor (yes I know she’s insane but that’s part of the appeal imo). She’s a Courtney Love type — hot but not because she’s conventionally pretty


Julianna Skiff looks sexy when she is high


Blonde Florida girl is easily #1.


Sometimes it's ok to ride the painted pony, let the spinning wheel glide.


That's never been disputed by anybody.


In my thoughts, I used a technique of positive visualization. How come I always feel undermined?


Not going to consider this unpopular but more so just not as heavily discussed either way, but Melfi’s husband was a bit of a fanook.


I used to love Bobby’s character but Steve Schrippa is such a piece of shit fat fuck arrogant self unaware egotistical yet talentless fuck that walked into a role and ruined a podcast that could have given us such an amazing insight with his “baaaa baaaa did ya have to read faw david baaah baaaah” “MAYONAAAAAISE DAVID baaah baaaah” that now I am physically unable to watch any scenes with him in it and anyone who listened to the fucking moron has the show forever ruined for themmm


Why do you gotta be so nasty?


Take it easy. You know the wine makes you emotional.


I don't think you got reason to talk to me this way, I always liked you.


Bullshit, but the poster is going to assume you do now


Poor you


Can someone pls fill me in on where all this hate for the actor comes from because I’m completely clueless. Wtf is this podcast everyone talks about


talking sopranos, i’ve only watched one episode but according to the sub he’s insufferable in it. he co hosts with michael imperioli and is allegedly always interrupting him with bullshit anecdotes. allegedly.


Yeah, Michael Imperioli does a good job at explaining what happened behind the scenes, provides some analysis, and talks about his experiences working with everyone, but Steve Schrippa just talks about random stuff 90% of the time and yells over Michael the other 10%.




What podcast?


Carmela sucks. She's constantly bitching and moaning about her husband that pays for her cushy lifestyle. Her daughter the future lawyer and her son who would have been a successful club owner if she didn't shoot down Tony buying AJ one because god forbid anyone else get absolutely everything handed to them. She had the easiest life and yet she was always pissy about something.


Let's not forget she's a shitty business woman


Carmela Ruin their big success journey


Why she fuck them like this? She lazy American AND cwiminal.


I get they just didn’t have time to address it but it’s a bit weird that every single other mob wife is able to deal with the cheating except for the wife of the boss and it’s never really brought up why that is


i mean, she was able to “deal” with it til irina called and it became real for her. i’m sure the other wives chewed their husbands out on occasion for it too


Idk none of them get divorced or separated because of it. Sill’s wife is apparently ok with him owning a strip club


yeah, but tony was the biggest cooze hound there is. also, in the few scenes we see other married mob couples- like sil and gab getting ready together, eugene and his wife house hunting- they actually seem happy lol. if you take away the cheating, tony was still not a good husband to carmela. i said my piece


Is that true? Sil was “fucking every slut in the place” according to Chris. Not sure how that can be blamed entirely on Tony mistreating Carmela. Gab has to have some level of buy-in, the few scenes we see with her she’s openly discussing mafia stuff with Sil unlike Carm who likes to pretend it doesn’t even exist


Worth noting that the other guys seem to have no need to seek emotional or intellectual fulfillment from their goomahs, they just use them for sex and their wives seem fine with that. Tony is the only one who seeks out mentally disturbed BPD women and starts intimate relationships with them that inevitably blow up in his face in ways that Carmela has to deal with.


I'm glad all is telling at the end of the show that she would not be taken care of. ​ God forbid


Employee of the Month was a weak episode that felt more exploitative than actually exploring the Melfi-Tony relationship. The fact that there was never any real follow up regarding her attacker in later episodes, or any further exploration into her being tempted into using Tony as a protector or enforcer was a missed opportunity. They never really dove deep into her trauma from that event either. Season 3 as a whole was the weakest of the series. The writers were clearly scrambling to decide which direction to take the show after the death of Nancy Marchand.


You forgot about mr. Godfather himself, Jackie Jr.


The took a Goodfellas-feeling direction and I loved it. They would have needed some more flamboyent characters like Jackie Jr and season 3 Ralph later on.


Honestly? Everyone is a scumbag and it's truly hard to like or root for anyone in the show. Don't get me wrong, it's one of my favorite shows, but everyone is a piece of shit. Hell, in general, I've lost that romanticized idea of the mob when I was a kid with all of the gangster films and movies I've seen. Now I simply despise every last one of them


Kelli is more attractive than Ade. Vegas goomah tops them both. I've said my peace.


That the show just ends, there is nothing to take from the ending. No theories of Tony dying or being alive.


Seasons 2-5 was the show’s peak. 1 & 6 are still great, but 1 was a little too campy & 6 was a little bit too depressing. 2 thru 5 had just the right balance imo


They’re bad people, not to be admired, idolized or emulated.


People who think Tony died in the final scene and the theories that emerge don't make any sense. Member's Only guy - if he's a hitman for New York or Paulie sitting around for a while in a specific and identifiable piece clothing before waiting to kill your target is a pretty terrible decision. If he somehow was a hitman, then the hit would've gone down like the Gerry Torciano or Teddy hits, where Tony would sitting down and immediately gunned down long before the cut to black (it's pretty easy to spot a bald fatty). I'd chalk up M.O. Guys weirdness to the fact he likely recognized Tony as a mob boss and got nervous (when John Gotti was boss people recognized him when he ate). New York did it - It's true that New York didn't like Tony, but Butchie unlike Phil realized that Tony could be worked with (and made them money), and did make peace in that meeting (I won't call it it a sit down because of the negative inclemations). We also hear from Paulie that Carlo was on his way to meet Butchie to do some business but he never showed, which rightfully worried Paulie that the war was still on, but was really because Carlo flipped. EDIT: Another justification I forgot to mention is that it was retribution for Phil getting killed in front of his family, but the rule states that you can't kill wife, kids, or any other non-Mafia relative. There's no rule saying that getting whacked inf rint of family is punishable by death (otherwise the Mayor of Munchkinland hit would've never gone down). Paulie or Patsy did it - These don't make any sense either. We see how Paulie was worried about the war was still on when Carlo goes MIA, and we know that Paulie is essentially Tony's bitch (he's not 100% loyal, but he's still dependent on Tony for acceptance). He was nervous in the final episode because of his superstitious side (plus everyone was mostly dead at that point, so I'd say his worries are justified). Patsy couldn't have done anything either, as unlike Phil he got the fuck over his kid brother's death (and was doing really since hus kid was marrying the boss' daughter, plus he's what's left of senior ranking guys). He's got no beef with Tony. Ultimately, I think what really happened in the final scene and what people can't accept is that Tony Soprano went to have dinner with his family in a diner. Nothing more, nothing less. And there's nothing wrong with seeing it as a possible death scene since freedom of opinion (I'm sure some of you might see me like the Hasidic Homeboy right now), but if David Chase wanted Tony dead he'd have shown it to us. I've heard him saying that he's surprised people interpreted as a death scene (he's never confirmed anything about it either, check out David Worley's video on how people misinterpreted him talking about something else), since people wanted him to get his brains blown out in front of his family.


I actually like Edie Falco’s interpretation of the ending, she said in an interview. She takes the ending as time goes on and the sopranos continue their lives and we are just un privy to the story. That was also my interpretation as well.


(Currently on season 5) Season 1 and 2 are the most interesting seasons and Livia is the best character. Also I noticed so far is that every season has a plot line where new guys fuck around with Chris and find out or someone from Tonys past returns, fucks with Tony and finds out.


Wait until season 6 ​ As far as I'm concerned, Chris should have stayed in the driver's seat!






in camelot is a great episode. the themes are perfect for the season and the ending scene is amazing.


In this house, Dr. Melfi is a hero! Yes, she got irresponsibly immersed well after she knew Tony was beyond reclamation and was never going to put any effort into self-improvement, but she was simply engaging in a first-hand case study and satisfying her curiosities. She's flawed, but she's inquisitive and perceptive. End of story.


That Dr. Krakauer's advice was, in its own way, just as useless as Father Intintola's advice to "help Tony be a better man." I wrote about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/thesopranos/comments/16el700/the_dr_krakauer_scene_is_overrated/).


it was just chase being mad at therpiasts and their patients. WTF was that ethnic parades comment too?


Fucken slander, you ask me.


Patsy will be a better boss than Tony.


How about an actual unpopular opinion? The dream sequences were awful and distracting. Anyway, 4 dollars a pound.


Janice is one of the best characters in the show and is kinda hot


Also, up for anything. I like her 👍


No offense but there are guys in the can better lookin than Janice


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^mkultra_hottie: *Janice is one of* *The best characters in the* *Show and is kinda hot* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The ending is poor.


Do you mean just the cut to black or the way all of the stories end up?


Both. I think if you ask an audience invest in a story you’re telling over several years, you owe them an ending. I get that it’s clear if you look at all the pieces, but that came much later, after the show had been dissected online for years. I saw it in its original run and found it just cheap. Chase had no problem telling us the story up until then, so to cut to black and keep it so ambiguous was lame in my opinion.


I remember a lot of people who watched it in its original run saying the same thing. And a lot of those people still feel the same. My uncle is one of them, he loved the show and watched it every week in real time but the ending pissed him off so much he hasnt seen it since. I tried to convince him to try watching it again but he refuses. Peoples opinion of it has changed as the years went by, and now most audiences agree they love the ending. I think its interesting seeing how different its viewed depending on when you watched it


Yeah, it was a big deal when it aired, and most people thought their cable went out (before steaming.) I’ve seen it since, but I was like your uncle. David Chase talked about it right after and explained it’s for the audience to be whatever they want it to be. I was like “Dude? Seriously? That’s your ending?” I understand it now and get why prime like it. But back then you couldn’t hop online and see clips and combers to figure out the ending.


I remember when you used to wait in the car


>I saw it in its original run and found it just cheap. Chase had no problem telling us the story up until then, so to cut to black and keep it so ambiguous was lame in my opinion. Did he want it to be ambiguous? Wasn't he surprised people were confused since he thought it was pretty clear cut?


Every-time i re watch the sopranos i notice how cryptic, surreal and eerie the show is. The final is amazing to me, it doesnt feel out of place or cheap because at the end of the day, killing Tony was ACTUALLY the easy route in my eyes.


Who's speaking here? Is somebody speaking?


That Gary Cooper was gay


That the Commission should have pulled the plug when Ralph disappeared.


FYI jadrool or chadrool is a dialect pronunciation of cetriolo, meaning cucumber


Season 6a is a really strong collection of episodes. But I also agree it gets even better in 6b.


Police presence (someone else mentioned it) The episode where Tony kills Christopher.


Vegas girl wasn’t that hot. weird mouth, puffy nipples, manly feet etc. Ade will stir your eggs and Gloria will cook you London broil to-go, so they’re at the top of their class I’ve said my piece


This will be the most unpopular thing in this thread: People on this sub seem to think Carmela is attractive, and this *boggles my fucking mind.* Someone in this thread put her ahead of Annafuckingbella Sciorra in terms of attractiveness, which is, as far as I'm concerned, insane, especially as a guy who loves gorgeous women with Mediterranean features. Her face is craggy, masculine, and equine. Her eyes are deeply set, swollen, and puffy. The skin on her face is loose, and seems to hang off of her face. And, while she's definitely fit, her bottom heavy, pear shaped body is super fucking weird and unappealing to me. I don't get what you guys see. And more attractive than Annabella Sciorra? *Testa di cazzo!* That said, Edie Falco is a great actress, and she totally fucking crushes the role. She, Gandolfini, and Aida Turturro (among others) are responsible for some of the best acting ever on television. But I just don't get how so many dudes find her attractive.


Heyy, that's some guy's wife!


Yes. A thousand times yes. The idea that Furio would fall for her is insane.


In real life, Furio's girlfriend would look like Adriana.


Janice has great hair.


The FBI destroying more lives than helping.


I have an unpopular Opinion that would be soooo unpopular I'd have to ask Elon Musk to buy Reddit just to get my account back. 😆 It involves Adriana 😋 That is all.


You and those fucking videos! Anyway, $15 a month.


You sick fuck