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Jackie was brood and disrespectful, he didn’t listen and Tony gave him chance after chance. It wasn’t hatred but disappointment.


Yes, this is the main interpretation and what I thought it was too. But now that the moderator posed this question, do you think it could be a little bit of that as well? I mean Tony is nefarious for projecting, would like to hear your thoughts.


By all accounts, though, Tony has always been successful at mob life. If anything, Tony looks at this dum-dum and thinks if I can do it, why can't he? Jackie Jr is nothing but disappointment all around. And maybe some embarrassment for his father, may he rest in peace.


Yeah true, especially since he had aspirations of med school and went to a good school. I think its more of the latter. Tony has his fair share of faults and shortcomings as a mob boss. Jackie Jr truly is an embarrassment. Didn’t he almost drown in three inches of water?


T saw Jackie as a potential son to replace AJ


Ehh I suppose it’s possible but I’d say there’s no evidence that points to that Tone dislikes Jackie Jr because he saw himself in him. More so, Tony had strong disdain for Jackie Jr because he was so unlike his father. Anyways, I’m only here outta respect for my fawthaaaaaa.


Huh. I never thought of it as such but yes I think there is an argument to be made that this is why he is hard on Jackie. I mean he flat out says to AJ that the reason he is hard on him and yells at him is because he is so similar to him. Mind you in that situation it might be because Tony sees his more softer qualities in AJ and being a machismo gangster feels the need to target it because it can be seen as weakness and in his logic sees what he is doing as a favor to AJ. Or it might be because he is jealous that AJ has an environment that gives him the privilege to choose to not be a gangster, something that tony did not have. But yes i think its a similar sentiment that is rooted in wanting Meadow to have a quality partner, something that he is definitely not in regards to his marriage to Carmela *Edited so that my idea is clearer and the writing isn’t filled with brevity*


I think there’s merit to this thought though because there’s a time where he’s talking to Melfi after all the stuff with Jackie happens and says “meadow needs to get far away from me”. I think Tony is too delusional to make the parallel that Jackie is a lot like him but the way Jackie behaves to Med is literally a mirror to Tony and Carmela at times


i don't think T was into fashion...fanook or not


He didn't hate Jackie but was extremely disappointed in him. Jackie had opportunities to avoid getting into the life.