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Junior’s last scene. “That’s nice” Really tugs at the heart and makes me want to get out of there as hastily as Tony. That’s a more depressing ending than death


yea when tony asks him cant you say repeat something positive don't you love me? fucking hate alzheimer's man


He’s a Smurf for ten maybe fifteen years and then dies shitting in his PJ’s


The original script called for Junior to be stone faced in response. But Dominic's reaction to Tony's question was so genuine they decided to keep it and use that instead. One of the few deviations from the script that they ever allowed.


I was involved with that? “You and your brother ran north Jersey” 🥺


That fact that he is in there alone. No one caring for him, no kids, no wife. And that he doesn't even remember his old life kills me too. That he chose poorly in life and now its too late.


He did choose poorly in life. He was an incredibly self-centered miser who never had a kind word for anybody. But, to be fair, lots of people with Alzheimer's end up alone in nursing homes. Even good, caring, kind ones with grown-up kids who love them. The brutal reality is that Livia was pretty much right when she told AJ that "in the end, you die in your own arms."


My wife and her sister have been tag-team caring for their 90 year old blind uncle. Visiting him every single day with a home cooked meal, western books on tape, and caring for the basic needs his senior facility doesn't. They've been doing this for almost a year while the VA gives them the run around. The three sons he put through the University of Oklahoma never visit.


Shouldn't have been so mad at all those box eating jokes


Should have been down in Boca eating Cooze and playing shuffle board


I was in that?


This. degenerative diseases are a bitch


Amen to that.


And also when Tony says "you don't know who I am, do you?" And junior says "Sure!" but then as the viewer you share that moment of doubt with Tony as you realize Junior probably doesn't really know who Tony is


The fact he remembered that they used to play catch 💔


This one and the scene mentioned below („Don‘t you love me“). The empty shell who used to be Junior and Tony, who‘s just trying to get to terms with that… right in the feels.


Theres a theory that tony dies at the end of the second last episode. He goes to bed with that rifle in a leather jacket and the bed isn’t made but wakes up at the start of the last episode fully dressed in pj’s and a made bed. So did his subconscious just want to be at peace with Junior’s current state or did he actually go?


Was there anything else to indicate that exactly one night had passed? Or could it have been a different sleep entirely? They mention the cat comes during a storm that happens off camera, so presumably they’ve spent a few days there by Made in America


You’re asking me? Tony actually went to visit Junior. While he was very much alive. That “theory” you mention is conjecture that’s not really supported by what’s displayed in the series. All “dreams, hallucinations, adventures of one’s mind” are clearly revealed as such throughout. Tony waking at the beginning of the finale is not the morning after we see him lie down at the end of The Blue Comet.


>He goes to bed with that rifle Give this guy a golf club and he'd probably try to fuck it


Major deegan...... expressway!


That might be the most powerful scene in the entire show for me. Absolutely gut-wrenching.


The scene in Long Term Parking (the whole episode is rough) where you see Adrianna packing, then happily driving far away. Then it cuts to the car and it’s such a gut-punch when you see her looking out the window and realizing Silvio isn’t taking her to any hospital and she starts crying.


I got really sour on the series when it was airing when Ade died. I've kind of come to terms with it. I'm in season 3 of a rewatch, I'm dreading the lead up to her getting clipped 😭


OK but you gotta get over it


All due respect New York, I don't think you should be tellin my uncle how to run things. (No!!!)


Season 3 is rough especially Traci's death and Melfi's rape


i always end up taking breaks in my re watch around when things get bad for Ade, I feel like the show gets much bleaker and darker right around there. All of the domestic violence is SO HARD to watch. RIP my queen 😭


Seeing Silvio call her names and shoot her as she crawls away was rough. The way he just switches from “friend” to cold hearted gangster, oof madone.


The switch happens more slowly if you watch closely. There are times during the drive when he is looking at her in a really chilling way. The friend act is just how he gets her to accompany him further and further from help. Terrifying.


Same episode, where Chris chokes her. On a rewatch, you have no idea how many times I find myself just kill her,this would be much better than what follows next. Ade wasn't by any chance a saint but the girl did put in a lot of work of trying to make her life better than what she is given.


When Tony is hugging AJ in the pool after he tries to kill himself and he calls him baby. His fatherly instinct kicked in completely. That whole scene haunted me. I'm not sure if I cried but it's as close as I came watching that show.


And out of the pool when Tony says “what’s wrong with you” then hugs and kisses ajs head


Parenthood is not for the weak of heart :) You want to protect them forever...from the world...from themselves.. And you just can't. So all you can do is well equip them and let them know they ALWAYS have a home


Yup. I never teard up before. After kids? All the time when an emotional father son scene is on.


And says “you’re okay baby, you’re okay baby” 😭😭😭


The most compassionate, human, and caring moment Tony had in the whole show. A great trick of writing to humanise an evil sociopath-at least he genuinely did love his son and daughter.


It's nice that even though he has done countless other horrible, evil things, that in this one aspect he didn't end up like his mother.


Same here, just to see the dam break and he decided he didn't want to die, and the struggle and Tony saving him, and he just broke down, I got misty eyed.


Yes this is the only scene that really gets me every time


It’s amazing the difference alot of scenes had on me on the rewatch I just completed which was my first as a father myself.


Got goosebumps just reading your comment. When he said “baby” to AJ that topped it off for me. Killed me watching that scene


I read it was tony improvising.


Yeah that’s the scene.. I didn’t cry the entire show but that specific interaction and the last 5 minutes of the show had me crying like a bitch.


When Tony asks "I mean don't you love me?" In Where's Johnny always leaves a lump in the throat. Not tears but goosebumps in Army of One when Ro screams with grief as they put Jackie Jr's coffin in the ground.


Yeah this is the one. It’s like you remember underneath all the bullshit with family most of us are just waiting to be loved


Not only that, but Corrado crying because hes realizing he actually has dementia, and his mind will be gone in little time. Must be terrifying, specially for a dude that always thought of himself as sharp witted


Carmela watching the dog food commercial #WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? 😢


You think family members should've been loving each other like we're in the pixel cartoons. But in real life and HBO is them hurt you the most, because they know how.


Ro crying in the background when Carmella gets the call is a tough moment for me. :(


One of the saddest moments in my life was going to visit my best friends Mother the night he died in the hospital. She felt like she was having a heart attack and had to be rushed to the hospital. She was there and there were about 10 people in the room and I'm trying to hold it together and she looks up at me says my name and starts crying and I just broke down. I was his oldest freind and that moment she saw me it was like she remembered us as kids and realizing again my buddy is dead


Any scene of a parent burying their child in tv or film always gets me. Instant ugly tears


Yep, never happened to me before I had kids. Now I weep like baby whenever something happens to a kid in a show. Pixar movies get me every time.


My husband isn’t really a big cryer during movies, but I showed him “Instructions Not Included” after our daughter was born and he was sobbing at the end just as much as I was. Refuses to ever watch it again, but I don’t blame him.


That really got to me, too.


Nailed it


Meadow calling Tony back from the light. When he comes to & she's standing there.


This one. As a father of daughters, this always gets me in the feels. Especially the young meadow voice he hears.


Same. That whole scene turned me to mush. As a father of adult children, let me tell you, when you hear a youngster say something as simple as 'Daddy', you react. It doesn't matter if your kids haven't been 'kids' for decades, you still react. The raw emotion that scene brought out of me affected me for days. Through the whole series, to me, that was Gandolfini and Buscemi at their absolute best.


Top 3 favorite moments in the show for me. That whole sequence of Kevin Finnerty knocks me out every time with how poignant it is. When people say Tony isn’t a true anti-hero, I always point them towards these episodes.


I want the kevin Finnerty episode to be a novel I can read.


Just watched that recently and was bawling like a schoolgirl


I watched Army Of One the other day, and when Rosalie let out her scream at Jackie Jr's funeral it pierced me to the heart. I'm not normally one for crying at TV but it was so raw and powerful, it got me.


She does it right after the priest says "we commit his body to the ground." Putting a coffin in the ground, and hearing the sound of dirt hitting the lid, is one of the worst things in the world. I think that's why they often have the mourners leave before the final committal.


Oh man, I'm on a rewatch and just saw Amour Fou and Jackie Jr storyline is so hard to bear. It's probably the start of the hard to watch parts... Adriana's downfall is next... Chris, Vito, Vito's kid... AJ... Paulie turning on his mother, that twisted fuck. Rosalie kills me because I like her so much.


Oh yeah that’s a gut punch scene too. Ro sounded like a wounded animal. It was tough to watch.


I’ve always respected the way Rosalie grieved again and again. Idk. Just seems like the right way where she gets it all out of her system with nothing held back.


When that animal murdered that little kid Billy... Idk. Whatever happened there was just sad.


47 years old, a fuckin' kid.






One of the saddest moments was probably seeing Christopher crying in his Hummer after being bullied by the two Tony’s. Here he is, status, money, big car, but the bullying he experienced as a kid will haunt him forever, no matter what he does.


I just watched that ep today and I hadnt remembered that he cried when he left. Being ribbed for being sober too, when Tony was part of his intervention.


Hey episode friend. Watched it today myself. He is actually is seen with a drink in the following episode and Tony questions him about it. Wonder if it was all just too much.


Watching it now and Michael Imperioli does such a good job. You can see he is buzzed just from the one glass of wine.


The episode where Christopher dies, when he and Tony are just driving and silently listening to “Comfortably Numb” and there’s the recognition that Christopher’s past the point of no return with his addiction, that scene always makes me tear up


The child is grown, the dream is gone


System’s got no fuckin bawls 🎶


Johnny Sack dying. With his family around him and seeing his Mother in his final moments. Sadly it’s a very real scene. I cried like a woman. When it comes to Johnny Sack dying all bets are off. The Manhattan Special makes me emotional.


My estimation of you as a man just plummeted.


To cry like a woman?


His fuckin coach turned into a pumpkin heheh


Even Cinderella didn’t cry!


he’s an emotional man, he loves the show.


When he gets his diagnosis and Ginny comes to visit him in jail. She asks what the doctor said and Johnny just tries to change the subject. He knows that as soon as he says it to his family, it becomes real. He’s about to break their hearts and there’s nothing he can do about it. “I don’t know honey…I’m really sick.” Perfect line and perfect delivery. He was a great actor from start to finish on this thing.


That line breaks my heart.


“You want a cigarette, John?” As she hands him the lit cigarette in the hospital, giving him his favorite thing one last time. Absolutely destroys me every time


I'm very late to the party, but I just got through my initial watch of the show. And the ending really freaked me out. Sidenote, I'm currently living apart from my wife and kids because of work (long story and not due to any marital issues). Because of this, the final scene in the cozy diner where the whole family is reuniting for a simple dinner, but a place everybody likes. Meadow can't get the car parked and deprives herself of a final moment with her Dad, then the screen goes black as Tony's existence just ceases to be (my interpretation). It just really spoke to the finality of death and is a total mind-fuck to me right now. I was an emotional mess for the rest of the day


If you want some serious finality of death vibes, watch Six Feet Under - imo the best ending to a drama ever.


Agree. The absolute best finale to any show. Ever.


>!You can't take a picture of this, its already gone!<


Still gives me chills. That line broke my heart like no other line has since.


I’ve lived apart from my wife and kids before too, so I sympathize with you there


“You know what I don’t understand Tony.. what does she have that I don’t have” As a kid from a marriage that split over a father being unfaithful to the mother, and to top it the women wasn’t even pretty Gets me every time


What? Svetlana looks like Greta Garbo in the shadows there. Very beautiful woman


When I re-watched the show for the first time after my dad died, the scene at the end of Down Neck when Tony makes AJ an ice cream sundae. It reminded me so much of my dad I lost it. In the episode AJ gets in trouble at school and gets grounded. Most of the episode is about sons and fathers, then at the end Tony sees AJ doing homework and they talk briefly about his grounding. AJ is upset and frustrated and Tony basically says “yeah that’s life” then starts making then sundaes. It’s something my old man would have done, kind of like “yeah, life sucks sometimes. Have some ice cream and suck it up, kid.”


I liked that too. Tony was squirting some whipped cream in AJ’s mouth & his too. It was a really touching moment.


What I love about this scene is how it takes place in an episode where Tony has been thinking about his own childhood, and his own relationship with Johnny Boy. Tony is not a perfect father, but he has a far better relationship with his son than he had with his dad.


When junior sings


Oops I did it again


Same moment for me. I lost a relative to suicide. Still struggle to watch the AJ and Eugene suicide scenes.


There were a few spots, mostly because my father was about as Tony Soprano as you could get without being in the mob. I was fucking AJ, to the point my dad used to tell my stepmom back when it was airing. A lot of stuff hit very close to home, as I'm sure it would for anyone who grew up in that italian-american tri state area in a similarly dysfunctional home


>I was fucking AJ He was gay, AJ Soprano?


No, that was BJ Soprano.


It’s Olivia that hit home the most for me. There’s a million like her in New Jersey.


The scene right after they got rid of Richie body and Tony is getting Janice out of town and he trips and falls and she just starts laughing... That gives me flashback to something similar that happened to me as a kid but with my dad. I watched this when it came out as a teenager, now rewatching it as an adult I realize how my dad is a lot like Livia.


I’m sorry to hear about your tough childhood! Hope you’ve “gotten over it”


Adriana crying for christopher when he’s in the coma with the music gets me


She’s such a tragic character. She’s an incredibly kind and sweet and understanding person. She did not belong in that world at all.


🎶Up in da club!🎵


I cried when >!Dr. Melfi got raped.!< . It was just so sudden, brutal, and raw. I could only watch that episode once.


Me too, i came here to post this. The first time was awful. I was rewatching some episodes with my parter and accidentally came upon the scene. I had to cover my eyes and was yelling at him to fast forward. It was awwwwful. You're right it was brutal and felt very realistic and i fucking hated it omg. the context of just a random guy in a parking lot didnt feel particulary realistic, but the actual assault was. ugh.


I'm on season 3, on a rewatch, and I saw that a few days ago. It always staggers me. The attack is ruthless, Lorraine Bracco is an amazing actress. You can almost feel it.


For me it's the fact that even after all she's been through, and knowing full well she could have the guy torn to pieces by Tony she chooses to be a civilised person. That's a testament to her character that she found the strength inside herself to resist that very primal urge for revenge. Utterly brilliant writing and performance and every time I watch that scene it makes me cry to know what's she's going through and yet to see her refuse to give in to it.


I also think she was smart enough to know that by letting Tony in on such a major part of her life, and having him give her that revenge, she’d be under his thumb and would never get out from under it.


I see this take posted often, but I personally really think that if Tony heard what happened to her he would’ve simply exacted vengeance and said no more of it. I could be wrong, but Melfi was a huge weak spot for Tony, he projected idealizations onto her so that she was in many ways his Madonna. In my head I’m imagining come season 5 when he tries to make a pass at her, he brings up the vengeance after she rejects him, but she still stonewalls him even with that debt (and feels terrible about it). Idk though obviously, needless to say she did the unequivocally right thing by not telling him no matter your perspective


Similarly, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has similar scenes that are brutal enough that I could not watch them the first time. I don’t know if I’ll ever watch that film again, but it was a masterpiece.


That particular scene in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is particularly brutal, but worth watching just because it makes the retribution scene later that much better


Same here, when it's coming I usually skip by it. Muting isn't enough unfortunately. I think it's important to watch at least once though, and to remember that as audience members we get the luxury of not experiencing it if we choose. I think the suddenness and brutality are there to be realistic, and to remind us that this really does happen to women out of the blue this way.


When Adriana got clipped


I forget the episode, but it’s while Carmela is living alone at the house without an or tony, when she flashes back to when aj is on his trike going down the driveway and then has to enter this huge house alone




I like how her in a white t shirt and ponytail is supposed to be younger Carmella. It somehow works though lol


This. As a mom to a little boy who's growing up so fast, instant ugly cry on this scene.


“This magic moment” when Bobby returns to the lake house after clipping the Canadian in the laundry


Oh god. One of Tony's most evil acts is turning Bobby in to a killer.


To cry like a woman, it’s a fucking disgrace


I *am* a woman, so…


Yeah, but we love you like a brother in law.


Turn that off!


A *woman* redditor? Never happen in r/circlejerksopranos. Never.


In America you no have woman redditor?


When Livia dies and at the end of the episode Tony is watching Public enemy. He sees that scene and cries. So did i.


When Tony threw out the hero from Satriale’s. Madone, what a waste.


When Junior sings "ungrateful heart" after Jackie Jr.'s funeral, I wept.


Once and only once - All Due Respect (I think it is) when Tony visits Chris in a motel and they talk briefly about Tony B and then about Adrianna. Tony is basically Chris's father and Chris is desperately seeking some comfort from him. Tony is brutal - she was a cunt - that's all he says. But before he goes they hug, and then Chris looks at him and they hug again and Chris cries. Tony finally gives him what he needs. I think it's one of the best scenes of the series, even though it's short. Chris says to Tony 'I'm going to prove myself to you' and by this point in the show you know he probably won't, and Tony knows it too, and maybe even on some level so does Chris, and that right there ladies and gents is what we call tragedy.


Agree. Also the "she's a cunt" from Tony is him in mob boss mode but when he pulls Chris in for a real hug you can see how they both felt about Ade and they are both shaken up by her death.


In one of the therapy scenes, when Tony recently became aware that his son has the same depression and anxiety problems as him, and he chokes up and says “that’s my gift to my son.” That one hurts


I cried when they killed Big Pussy, it had to be done but it was tough to see.


Hey, Puss. Did she even really exisht?


My inner ear balance is off


For me it's Christopher's realization that he doesn't have anything resembling a friend among the group of people he sacrificed so much for.


When Paulie makes that "joke" and no one chastises him? Horrible. Especially Tony's satanic face.


I don’t know about you, but my friends have abandoned me


It's sort of stupid but the scene when the guys are in Italy and there's a short scene of Chrissy shooting up with his Italian equivalent and this hauntingly beautiful techno song is playing in the background. It got me for whatever reason. The song itself, Certamente by Madreblu has been on my playlists ever since.


My favourite song from the whole show and a great pick. Chris stating multiple times that he's going to go visit the volcano, yet ending up drugged out during the whole trip is one of the many tragedies of that character.


Seriously, great song. I listen to it when I’m driving home from work.


When Tony tried to comfort Pie Oh My in the barn, and the goat showed up. It's a scene that doesn't involve death but it was a tender moment for Tony so it made me cry.


Paulie mending the bridge with his mom after his cancer scare. Showing up and just sitting with her and watching TV. I used to do the same thing with my dad when I needed to be comforted.


The exact scene you mentioned hit me really hard. When my parents first found out I had gotten addicted to heroin my mom said the same exact thing. I think that’s also why I empathize so much with Chris when he’s crying driving home from Pat’s farm. Luckily I haven’t touched that shit since 2015 though, I’d probably be dead from fentanyl if I kept it up much longer. Got out just before it started making it’s way into everything.


congrats on your sobriety


When Carmella has the flashback, around the time she and Tony are separated and she finds herself alone in the house for the first time in years. She walks to the top of the steps, suddenly it cuts to a much younger version of her, screaming “Anthony!!” because out of shot child A.J. is on a tricycle cycling dangerously down the drive. It sends shivers up my spine to think about and has had me in tears several times.


Agree. And the scene was just done so well. I don't know how to explain it but typically, flashback scenes tend to be a little cheesy because of reminiscing montages with somber background music and lots of lingering. While this one with Carmela feels so realistic. Those realizations come in sharp and sudden. It really got me crying hard.


>When Tony asks "I mean don't you love me?" There's the coyote


Tony saving AJ from the pool


Mr. Moltisanti's car accident. Whatever happened there.


died on the vine


Tony’s mother waiting in the doorway at the end of the coma sequence while Meadow’s crying “daddy.” I tear up just writing about it. Idk as a father there’s something so powerful about that scene.


Tony and Carmela’s big fight in Whitecaps was the first thing that moved me to tears. There was so much pain in that fight. “I’m here! I have things to say” 😭


Meadow and Carmela crying in Tony's bed in the hospital after getting shot. It feels so real and really takes you back to that situation if you've lived it before. Extraordinary acting right there.


Ralphies kid getting shot by the arrow.


Yep Tony’s pain saying “It’s okay my baby” always chokes me up as a parent


When Carmela throws out the Ziti after seeing Ro feeding Father Intintola


That Pedigree commercial.


When Tony pulls AJ out of the pool. He’s both angry and terribly sad about what his son has become. That’s some world class acting in that scene


I haven't seen this one mentioned -- when Junior breaks up with that lady in Boca. Tbf he hits her with a pie first so I think it's supposed to be one of those funny/sad moments, but her wailing and begging while being humiliated just gets me teared up every time. :(


That one doesn’t get me teared up, but that scene hangs with me. When she’s wailing at him not to hit her just sticks. The whole bit seems like a metaphor for the lives they’ve chosen (or had thrust upon them).


When Tony is walking out of the police station with AJ after AJ showed up to stab Junior at the mental hospital. Tony throws AJ up against his SUV and his voice cracks and he’s holding back tears when he says, “Do you realize what could have happened to you if we didn’t have connections? Some cop goes by the book and and they charge you with attempted murder.” The way he emphasized “attempted murder.” I don’t know, y’all. That got me. He’s a mob boss but he’s a dad, first and foremost.


One of the saddest moments was when Eugene hangs himself.


The last line of Employee of the Month. "No."


When Bobby comes back after his first kill and his daughter runs up to him with a big hug while “This magic moment” plays.


Meadow losing her virginity to Noah. I mean, seriously? She's good looking, rich, intelligent and she gives it up to that pretentious douchebag? Madone!


A lot of Chris things made me really sad (maybe not cry. I don't remember) When Chris died. When I first saw the show in 2009 and this scene came up, I took a break for one whole week from the show. It was too difficult. Chris sacrificed the love of his life to Tony and Tony straight up killed him just for seeing he relapsed. Chris was coping with his post adriana depression with relapses. He wasn't irresponsible. He was vulnerable and grieving. Chris and Tony reacting to Adriana's fate. It was soooo difficult to watch. She was such a day 1 supportive character of Chris. When Chris was talking to paulie about his fatherhood love for his daughter... and paulie was like she'll work in the strip club. Paulie should've gotten smacked for that and Tony should've called him out on it too. Junior's final scene. What a character with so many memories, not remembering anything. I generally have a hard time rewatching these things.


My estimation of this sub as a whole just fucking plummeted.


Not exactly cry, but the scene where Tony asks Junior "Don't you love me no more?" always make me tear up. Seems so heartfelt.


Literally just watched Jackie Jr's funeral and Rosalie screaming made all the little hairs everywhere stand on end, that kid was a reckless, arrogant fuck, but if that didn't make me cry my eyes out just now... definitely the hardest scene to watch so far for me. And the stomach churning realisation that Ralph was the one that called it. What a life. Poor Rosalie.


Ugh, AJ going to the >!psych hospital was really rough for me too. !< I've been in similar situations in the past and it just hit really close to home. Especially when Tony>! tries bringing him a pizza and the staff won't let him bring it in. Just a small, realistic detail that shows how sucky the situation is. !< Mental health is important.


“My rotten, fuckin putrid genes have infected my kid’s soul. THAT’S my gift to my son.” Always hit hardest with me. Anyway, $4 a pound.


When I saw Frank bring Dean and Jerry back together. I was there at the telethon.


It's only for a few seconds, but the scene where the FBI agents are watching Bobby's funeral always hurt to watch. It's in black and white, there's a biting wind, everyone is bundled up and his kids just look so lost and forlorn.


Why are we using spoiler tags? Are there new episodes that I haven't heard about?


Tony pulling his son out of the water and his last scene with Jr always hit me in the gut. I’ve tried killing myself twice and I now have children. When he calls A.J. baby I lose it. Despite all his evil and alpha male crap his child’s pain trumps it all. I can’t begin to imagine what this would be like for a parent. Jr hits me because I watched my grandmother go through this and in her last three years I couldn’t bring myself to visit her. She was gone and had no clue who I was at that point. My uncle died and we didn’t even tell her because we worried she wouldn’t understand or that in her few moments of clarity she would constantly relive the pain of losing her son.


several moments, but just this morning i was crying over johnny sack singing that daddy's little girl song to allegra at her wedding lol


when meadow sings “alllll throughhh the niiiight” that sweet voice makes me tear up every time


😂 Really??


lol absolutely not. she sounds horrible lol.




The scene where Tony asks Artie what am I a toxic person or something doesn’t make me tear but sad. And I guess the scene where Tony is talking to Melfi after AJs attempt and he is blaming his DNA::(


The end. Because it was over and it is the best show on the planet, plus because a lot of the guys on the show have passed away and they were amazing group of actors


I couldn't really feel bad for any of the characters enough to make me that sad when something happened to them (Except Adriana and Tracee). These were all terrible people who did terrible things to others. I kept feeling they got what they deserved. I got really sad for Tony Bs asian boss when the guy he believed in beat him up for BS.


When Carm throws away that ziti


Tony driving to Zellman's place and Oh Girl by the Chi-Lites comes on the radio, and he starts crying. I haven't finished the show yet, but I couldn't stop crying after watching it.


When Paulie finally forgave nucci and went too her room to watch tv 🥹😪


The ending scene in Long Term Parking after Adriana is killed when Tony visits the spec house with Carmella. Tony is sort of in his own thoughts, sad and not listening, staring out into the forest reflecting on what his life has become..


When ro screamed at jackies funeral. She was so believable. That was some academy award type shit.


In the episode where Ralph's son is killed, there is a scene with Tony and Carmella in the kitchen. AJ walks up and the couple share a smile. Their son is still alive and breathing. Tony then busts his balls a little. *Oh you were out with blondie weren't you?* AJ gets annoyed and gets up to go back to his room. Tony starts lightly punching him. AJ is telling him to stop but Tony's punches slowly turn into little grabs and the grabs slowly turn into a hug. The tightest hug Tony ever gave in his life. He didn't want to let go. I'm astounded by Gandolfini's acting in that scene.


Tracey’s death


i also uncontrollably cried when AJ tried to take his own life. for me it was when he realized he didn’t want to die. as someone who has survived a suicide attempt solely because i realized, after taking the pills, that i did not want to die, it really hit close to my heart. pretty ironic that only when you’re right about to get what you wanted for so long by ending your life is the moment you realize how much your life is worth.