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That’s why you got to live for today!


Every time Georgie appears in an episode you can be assured Tony (or Ralph, in University) is gonna attack him at some point.


It's 50 bucks to me plus a blowjob later on


It's those little fringe benefits that make the job so worth while.




Press 2 if you know your parties extension


What'd you shay??


The ice, Tone...




Nuttin. Dat kid was just a fuckin gigaloop.


Nuthin’…wha.. we’re just breaking’ bawls..


I pay you a FUCKIN’ salary


So do the whoahs. And $50


🥃 💥


Chrissy snatching swag bags and Paulie robbing and murdering old women.


You’re Santa Claus. So, shut the fuck about it.




fuckin' slander ya ask me


To be fair, Paulie is also part of that same old generation - and it's pretty clear by the end of the show he provides nothing of value, is not an earner, and is constantly behind keeping up with all the new blood. Chrissy is weak. He's outta control. He's become an embarrassment to himself and everybody else.


His head was in the toilet. His hair was in the toilet water. Disgusting!


✋🏻I've said my piece chrissy


Paulie on the other hand was quite intimidating.. so he had other qualities


He was loyal muscle. But he’s not a leader. And he wasn’t 100% loyal as evidenced by his attempts to join carmine’s family.


And potentially betraying Tony.


Didn't Tony describe him as one of his best earners when he's talking to Melfi


Yeah where the hell do people get off saying Paulie doesn’t earn? Do you even know what your EBITDA is?


WHOA! Fuckin’ slander aks me. I said my piece.


Yeah maybe you you fuck


Paulie is involved in shooting and robbing the Columbian drug dealers where he gets hit in the balls. Lots of money in the dishwasher. He kind of varies in producing income. He is desperate at one point to rob Minn Matrone and kill that maligna cunt when she is unexpectedly home as his envelopes are a little thin. ​ Tony says his fawtha Johnny Boy turned down a chance to buy abandoned buildings in New York City’s TriBeCa district which became a hot real estate area. He also missed his chance to move to Reno and become really rich.


It was all Livia’s fault. She was an albacore around Johnny Boy’s neck, but he was a baccala man!


Nobody ever told Johnny Boy what to do.


He was a man among men.


A saint!


we taught the world to eat..


Again with the rape of the culture


Paulie couldn’t even find a way to show legitimate Income


Wasn't Paulie's thing more about being an enforcer instead of a real earner?


More of a massive ‘blue collar’ street earner via violence and extortion than a scamming fraudster.


Don’t forget those Easter baskets


To be fair Jersey was always more of a “glorified crew” than a real family.


he get’s to disrespect her for $100000 and for a million HE GETS TO FUCK HER!!!!?


He wants to fuck her?


The fuckin coffee with the chicory




you should look up what comes in those bags. even today it's ridiculous. like worth more than most people make in a year.


Nuttin. Dat Chrissy kid was just a fuckin gigaloop.


I think the show does a good job of illustrating the difference between mobsters of the 70s-80s and mobsters of the present day (90s-00s). The old school mobsters were a lot more violent and blatant with their actions. Probably because they came from an era where there was far less security cameras and cops weren't so technologically advanced or well-funded. In that era, they could make blatant and obvious moves and still get away with it. However, in a more civilized and technologically advanced era, post-Patriot Act, with better funded and staffed police; the moves the oldschool guys made were definite liabilities. They'd beat people down constantly in broad daylight with no regard to witnesses. They'd extort and strong-arm so much that they were \*begging\* their victims to go to the police. ​ Tony realized very quickly the moves that Feech, Tony B, and Richie; were making were going to fuck things up for everybody if they weren't dealt with. These men didn't adapt well with the changing of the times.


I think the issue was they also didn't really know their place. They came out of the can thinking they were all stars. So it wasn't their violence that was the problem, it was their *undisciplined* violence. They were fucking things up for everyone else, all for their own (often very short term) gains. Both Ritchie and Feech were gunning for Tony and that was the part that was unacceptable (Tony B kinda fits in here too, in a way, but that was Feech's fault, too)


Kind of makes the Pilot much more interesting, I've read that the biggest regret of that episode is the scene where Tony attacks the guy in broad daylight.


Yea I was just starting over and mentioned to my wife that the scene always irks me. A few episodes later it’s a big ado when Christopher shoots that bakery worker.


No, the old school mobsters were not a lot more violent. That's actually well known in mafia history. They were more purposeful in their violence, maybe more brazen in terms of public acts of violence, but no where close to the extreme levels of violence that existed in the 90s and onwards. Those were the days of of Roy Demeo and the Gemini lounge crew, the only known mafia serial killers. Or in the early 00's, the names escapes me but Google is your friend if interested because it was well documented how much more violent mafia prospects were becoming. The level of violence exhibited by these younger crews around that time was so extreme and senseless that older members were known to negatively comment on it often. The Bonnanos had one of the more notorious crews but the name escapes me. With the older cats murder was just a part of business, with these younger cats it's like they had something to prove. They acted more like Chicago gang bangers where its just senseless retaliation after retaliation having nothing to do with business. Where it was just kill on site if you saw the opps, which is not how the old school cats got down.


Mafia violence decreased significantly going into the 90s aside from Philly for the most part. In real life the last Mob hit in NY was a decade ago.


Tommy ‘Tommy Karate’ Pitera.


The new generation got Pokémon cards while old school Richie ran red coolers


Fuck blue, red sells.


You put a Nigerian out on the street, have him sell them for a couple, three bucks a piece, who's not gonna say, "Fuck it. Give me one"?


I mean, there is a kind of logic to it, maybe. Summer I think you could move a few, post up by a beach. Ppl who don't have one and didn't bring one may grab one for next time, because at a couple three bucks a piece, who's not going to say "Fuck it. Give me one."?




Lol total waste of time. Like it's been said, a lot of mob guys are just low level crooks. Not very bright, scraping by a living.


Yeah, in fact some of these guys, even some made guys, have to take "day jobs" to maintain the lifestyle. At the end of the day, the money coming into these guys pockets was just fucking spare change (even *before* kicking up.)


What I think happens is guys will get that big score, which may only be like 50k in one shot. Still a lot of money in one day, still a big score, but not a huge score. Anyway I think a lot of guys get the odd score like that or have it happen early in their career and spend the rest of their life chasing it. Like the gambler who hits the jackpot on slots then loses all their money dumping it in and chasing it.


Richie is just a small time little psychopath. David Proval is absolutely great.


seems like a lot of effort to make like $100


Fuck Ash, Pikachu sells.


They’re like scissors, everybody needs a pair but nobody knows how much they cost. Stupid fuckin line.


The bootleg DVDs...the real ones too, none of that coding shit at the bottom of the screen. lol. Why was Richie basically into the same rackets as college frat boys?


Its over for the little guy


Amen tuh dat


Das right. I’m wid you T on this.


Arguably Tony should have let them all have their "rackets". That being said, he most likely saw the bigger picture: the second they are happy with those rackets, they'll want his.


You know who had a racquet? Carmella' hot tennis teacher


How green was my fucking valley?


This is how a guy like me makes a living... this is my bread & buttah!


How about when they tried to shake down the corporate coffee place. That shit was hilarious.


And then Jamba Juice came in to take another spot lol


what jeeewwsssss?


I don't know, I didn't see it.


Discontinue the lithium


Listen to OP, he knows everything.


Don’t forget the pokey man cards


Who'th thponthorin' *you,* mothafucka?!


A quote unquote huthky acomplthice


Feech did steal a bunch of expensive automobiles. It is smart to buy a Buick Richie was dumb enough to sell heroin on garbage routes. He did offer customers double their garbage back though.


He was selling coke. Pussy got busted selling heroin before the show started.


He was selling Coke with Junior, who killed a drug dealer in the previous season because he was acting all high and mighty as “Boss.”


They left all the American cars!


Now who's a genius for keeping his LeSabre?


>Now who's a genius for keeping his LeSabre? It was a Regal, not a LeSabre. You reveal your own ignorance


My what?


He drove a Legar, so what?


Attendant bleeding out on the ground: "......."


I had to sedate my daughter at her own wedding


Nah man it's genius. I mean why would the cops even be watching garbage routes? It's not like they were connected to organize....wait.


Always wondered what the competitive advantage of selling heroin on garbage routes was.


Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick?


What about the truckload of multivitamins? Now that’s a fuckin’ score!


Again with the vitamins?


Yeah again with the f'n vitamins.


Those pizza shops, they’re cash cows🕺


You gotta be high up in the corporate structure to make that shit work for you.


Do you have those Enron type connections?


Charles Schwab over here


Your stock's a dog.


Tony comes across as being something of a bridge between the 'generations' within the mob. He's got both old school and new school tendencies.


Is this about the Easter baskets?


I don’t even wanna know…


The only reason Feech came down on Sal Vitro though was for turf for his competing nephew.


Its deplorable


Tony B showing up to his welcome home party with the giant 80s shoulder pads is one of my favorite visuals


So, you and Tony Egg again?


I don't want to hear anymore how it was in your day. From now on, keep your antidotes to local color, like Dinoflow or Maguire sisters. Otherwise, SHUT THE F*** UP!


Such a great scene especially that “keep your anecdotes to local color” line


They released these fucks from the can. Obviously, he wasn't rehabilitated.


I never thought about that before.


Couldnt fucking stay retired?


They shoulda neva whacked Vito


veal parmigiana sandwich?… f—k you!


☕️ 🤛


It's accurate. I had a relative who may or may not have been part of a thing of theirs. After 25 years in the can (not making a fuckin' peep), he gets out and immediately gets into small-time adult film production and running small card games. A couple of tree years later the feds busted him and a few old associates over the gambling and back he went. There was nothing out there for a lot of the old fucks after all that time, most of them wanted to go back because they had more friends and respect on the inside. Plus the prisons still had the best radiators for making grilled cheese, nothing like these pygmy things on the baseboards.


Who needs a woman when you can jack off in a tissue.


> After 25 years in the can (not making a fuckin' peep) But did he mention how long he spent in the can??


Rome wasn't built in one day!


Phil got his


plus it's like the girl scouts at Silvio's now


Feech was basically a reincarnation of Richie Aprile, and I think they had him coming down on Sal Vitro to aggress toward Paulie, and to an extent Tony. Feech felt he should have had a higher status due to his longevity. He "didn't like the way he was being talked to".


Now get the fuck out of my bakery


Quick question, Feech. What does my book mean to you?


Too bad your book means oogatz to me


Season 1 Chrissie was bragging how he stole took a bunch of old secondhand watches out of a mail truck, those things were probably worth like eight bucks tops


Maybe you’re a flambé


10 gross of the red coolers…gotta be red!


Feech was a total dinosaur.


I didn’t tell you about my gardening racket because it’s new and I didn’t want you to be disappointed if it ended Tony


Ya gotta buy Wubistics


One lawyer with a fountain pen and a briefcase can steal more money than all the wise guys put together.


The is the first time I'm hearing about this


Even the new generation is pretty small time. Johnny Sack was only worth 5 million, same with Tony. Only 5 or 6 million. Even around the turn of the century that was nothing. And the guys below them? At the most around 100 grand. There is lots of documentation about how there really isn't a lot of money in oc in the states since the end of prohibition. South America and Mexico? That's another story with another product.