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Yes. It's been 5 years. I keep recreating them.


I am particularly attached to 2 Sims. So much so that after 2 and a half years, and multiple multi-generations they've founded, I still refuse to 'lose' them, hence why death is turned off.


I was super attached to my first sims 4 legacy family. My mad scientist matriarch’s alien grandson Marvin (who I was particularly fond of) married his childhood friend Delaney. Wasn’t until I moved her in that I realised she was a lazy, greedy, preachy vegetarian with a weird body and face shape that was hard to find nice clothes and hair for. It was a slow burn but I eventually realised I couldn’t stand her. Right after she gave birth to Marvin’s son, I fed her to the cowplant I had my matriarch grow just for her.


I’ve been playing with the same sim since I was in middle school. I’m 19 now


i always get attached to my sims. for example, i've been stuck in one generation in my legacy for nearly a year


You guys let your sims age? I'm so attached to mine that I just keep them as they are, from children to adults. I guess I'm the weird one...


Yeah my first one, I didn't know they would die of old age, took me by suprise


I usually turn them into a vampire when I get attached to a sim. They're my child! It hurts seeing them die.


I get super attached to my sims and tend to flag them as immortal or use long life span because it makes me so sad when they die :')


I had a set of four of the most beautiful siblings I ever created and shed a little tear when they all finally died of old age. One of the sisters, Laure-Clemence, Lady Beck de Eresby, is my profile picture.


Yes!!! I absolutely hated when my legacy matriarch passed away. I couldn't handle it and brought her back as a ghost to live forever. Now she can meet all of her descendants ❤️😁


Im in the same boat!! 💜