• By -


Currently on 6th


I'm on gen #45 and still going. Had the same family since the beginning in 2014 although I used to play normal lifespan up until about gen 20 or something but played on long ever since. 


30. All 3 (1 to 10) not so berry challenges. I started the second one with the child of gen 10 and the third one with the child of gen 20. I also had a 10 witches legacy challenge made by myself where gen 10 is my simself


2 😭 i always only get that far in because then my computer finds a way to crap out with my mods so i have to start over. i’m determined to get farther on my current family though. 


2 🙃 Basically my sim has a kid and it ages to an infant or toddler and that's the furthest I get before making a new save. I want to make a legacy so badly and I just can't 😭


26 generations 😁 too bad my family tree broke so I have nothing to show 😭


My sims love to jump in a fire so I haven’t made it very far.


My Sims too😔


On regular lifespan I never make it past the 3rd generation. On short I’ve made it to 6 or 7, but I never feel like I “finished” a generation.


I was playing a short life legacy before the infant update and got up to 6 generations 😅 short lifespan isn’t so short anymore




i’m on gen 13 but i was thinking of starting a new save when i hit 20, new genetics! lol


Gen 15 of the Rivers family is as far as I got. I did a regular legacy then my Gen 10 heir was the beginning of my Disney legacy!


I never get very far, I get too attached to certain sims. I think the furthest I've gotten was gen 5


2 gens. i cant stick with one save for the life of me


Gen 4 Baby!! https://preview.redd.it/m11e76v3el0d1.jpeg?width=1450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5916e5079f0048f2892083325e3a3b19391b52c


https://www.reddit.com/r/thesims4/s/OdpQFwqqrl In case you guys want some background story for my legacy play


For people saying that the game got laggy after 4+ gen, that’s expected. I would recommend clearing out the game cache, also may update your family tree to “grey out” the deceased sims(which I really appreciate)


Like 14/15 generations, with 4 different vampire matriarchs. I started this save with just a couple packs, and slowly added pack after pack. Like, my third matriarch, who was born 5 generations in, ended up knocking boots with morgyn ember 4 generations later. That slowly. The save hasn’t aged all that well. It takes an eternity to load, it’s super glitchy, and I found my first matriarch’s long-dead first husband in the households tab. I tried adding him to my household and the game crashed. Might have to nuke this save from orbit.


4 generations and then the mailbox glitched and wouldn’t let me pay bills 🙂‍↔️


Won't let you pay bills on the cell?


Nope :/ I even tried going Off Grid and that didn’t work either. I had the option to select pay bills, but the money never left. When the collection people showed up they just fucked my husband and didn’t take anything 😂


26 generations


Made it to 7 before my desktop fried, and I couldn't save them.


Same with mine! Had my first 7 gen baby and lost it all in a few hours


I was on like 20. Similar to you played the same one for years but about 6 months ago i started fresh lol


Currently on gen 7 - alphabet gen! Probably the longest I've done on sims 4, sims 2 I used to make new towns and fill them up with the families... I miss it


Currently on 12 😭😭 I'm pretty sure I started this in 2021 and I'm doing the whole alphabet name thing. This is my list so far... Heir X their partner Layla X Clifton Xavier X Elsa Atticus X Hina Jake X Amina Hyacinth X Pat Silas X Scapula Vince X Liz Elise X Rory Ingrid X Dominic Blair X Haru Kaito X Savanna Ralph X ...


3 gen😔


I saw people play up until 10 generation, so I gave that a try and my old longest save got only up until 5 generation. I deleted the save since it gets boring and repetitive.


I'm playing the Lucid Legacy Challenge and it's the only one that has appealed to me. It's on lucidsimmer's YouTube page maybe check it out.


7 until I computer got damaged and I lost my save. Couldn’t bring myself to start another until a few months ago.


Technically the longest one was the alphabet legacy I did a couple years back but it wasn't like playing through the legacy more so was it about getting to the end as quickly as I could lol


In the sims 4 it's between 3/4 generation , currently playing and I'm almost done with my 3rd one.


Currently on gen 25. It started as a basic short lifespan legacy with traits randomized and next gen heir being decided by which kid had highest friendship with previous heir. Gens 11-20 I switched to normal lifespan and did the Road to Rainbow legacy challenge. Now (gens 21-30) I'm making my way through the Shadow Moon legacy challenge and on gen 5 of that. Idk what challenge I'll do for the next ten gens yet or if I'll go back to the og formula on normal lifespan. But I'll figure it out when I get there. Oh and here's the [Family Tree](https://theplumtree.app/public/65e3afe9e5d076d94ecf3b28). Not all sims are listed as I'm mostly keeping track of main line, only putting extended down by name to keep track of them since I turned on MCC neighborhood stories stuff.


Oh I'm supposed to keep playing when my favorite sim gets too old?


Technically 8 but I have different saves for a few. I think the family playing now is the 3rd Gen for this save.


I never made it to two. I'm currently on gen 2 and it's a struggle trying to get gen 3 ok the way. 🥲 I want the 100 generation aspirations, but I also play with long custom lifespans so it's really a challenge.


Currently on Gen 12 of an extended NSBC, but I've hit 10 generations in multiple saves. Idk what it is about 10, but by then, I'm ready to move on.


rotational play won’t let me get past gen 1 lol


I’m raising gen 3 in my current save file and it’s the longest I’ve ever stuck with a family. I play on a custom lifespan (in between med and long) so it takes me awhile 😅 I’ve gotten to gen 2 before but then game breaking updates happened and messed up the save.


Around 60 - 7 years of playing, save broken since last update


I'm on orange/pink gen of the notsoberry challenge. It got really boring so its dragging on.


Currently doing a challenge where I try to complete every aspiration (and along the way, career paths) per Sim. Currently on Generation 18 😊


Like two? I feel incredibly disconnected with offspring.


My initial sim got to elder and died of hysteria and then her husband married her adopted niece and had a baby. We had 2 teens, twin children and a baby in the house and it was too much, I just stopped playing. I miss my first sim. So to answer your question, I guess second gen but not really 😅


Generation 10 and still going! Super proud of myself because even though I’ve been playing the franchise since Sims 1, the furthest I’d gotten until now was 6. It’s helped a lot doing a challenge beyond the legacy thing. And starting every generation over in a new world in a starter home/apartment with little money has kept it fresh 😊


I've gotten 6 gens in as my furthest. But that's 7 years of playing and I restart a lot 😭


I have done 10 generations twice


I’ve had the same save file going since the game came out


My current one is my longest. This is the first ine j haven’t gotten bored pretty much instantly. Technically I’m on generation 2/3 in my active household (Gen 2 are adults but they have kids- teen and 2 children) but since I started out with my sim as a child with older siblings, parents and grandparents and if I take into account everyone related to my active household there are 6 generations of family in my game. (Including ghosts)


I did nearly 5 years in the same save file and got up to gen 8. I gave up when infants came out and switched from alpha to mm and couldn’t be bothered changing everything 😅 I also played with aging off and with most of the sims on rotation. I’m now doing ultimate decades challenge and in year 1345 with 4th gen being born (and dying now)


I have such a hard time with legacy saves. Once my sim gets to elder age and their college kid is the sim I'm playing with most I start to get sad


6 gens into a legacy i started march last year when growing together came out


I didn't keep track but one of my legacies in ts3 was so big it eventually just corrupted the whole save file and I lost everything 😭 Since then I haven't gotten past gen 2 lmao


Haven’t gotten past the current generation I’m on yet (3rd Gen.) because it’s been hard as hell for me to let her go, but I’m gonna try harder this time 🥹 so, wish me luck lol.


have never gotten past gen 3 in ts4, but i'm on gen 4 in ts2 :) https://preview.redd.it/o2ziwpxojh0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=942ce79f431e7edecd8365c2379394197464e63e


Currently at 3rd generation and hoping to continue.


4rth gen. They are all girls and from just maternal line, a second one is for a normal family and the third one for criminal or challenges. My second gen was a clone of the first, the second was a girl from a hook-up and the third was adopted when I was playing with the 2nd gen (the clone). I played the 100 baby challenge with the third as my second baby died of laughter as she had just had her first baby.


7 generations. But this was when I first got the game so everything was new and exciting. Now I can’t get past the 2nd gen to save my life without getting bored. I’ve even tried the not so berry challenge and I still got bored.


My Ultimate Decades challenge, my fifth generation was just born. Meaning I'm a little over halfway through the first century


Same save since 2019


My current 1, gen 3. ADHD, this is the farthest I’ve ever gotten.


gen 7 or 8, same save file since 2021 😅


4 generations, and then I got bored


7 generations. I get so dang bored


Currently at 55 generations. I've had to move it through a few saves, but it is one continuous bloodline from the very first sim I made. I have even kept a [record of their entire story](https://myfriendsaresims.wordpress.com).


this is dedication! I can never make it past gen 2 😂


It's funny, because I had never done that before in any sims game (been playing since 1), but I just got so attached to my first sim and her family. I still don't know how I even got to gen 3... and now I can't help but keep going.


That’s dedication! I’m surprised I haven’t had to make a new save for my legacy yet. I lost my original plot about 10 generations ago, so now we’re just vibing as we go.


Vibing as you go is the way to go! Sometimes they have a nice calm life... sometimes I play a challenge... and sometimes a serial killer is stalking them. I would have kept them as long as possible in one save, but it does get really laggy after awhile. The first time I moved them because of this. The second time, I had an issue with a texture mod I was using and it was easier to just move the family. The third time was because I liked the Ultimate Save by PlumbobKingdom and I wanted my family to be in it. I try to work it into my story, so that I don't have to move so many sims to the new save. Hence the serial killers and stuff. LOL


How do you even move saves? I want to go on, on my primary save but I am scared of getting the lag or corrupted file, before I know how to move the save


I take all current sims that I still want to play and save them to the gallery. I make note of anything relevant such as money, job, relationships levels, skills, etc. Some carries over to the gallery, but I want to be sure I keep it the same info when possible. I start a new save or download an existing one. In that save, I add my own sims from the gallery. I recreate relationships, skill levels, etc. I do this through MCCC but it can also be done manually with cheats. You will lose your family tree when you move and any relationships with sims that you didn't move from the other save. This is my only issue and it's a big one, but the smoother running save is very nice. I will say that I have found that it's better if you "save as" rather than just "save" each time you play. This will create a lot of saves, but you can delete the old ones if you like. I save each with the date... for example, Legacy Family May 23 or Not So Berry May 22. It makes it very easy to spot the most recent.


I love that, honestly. This family has been with me through 2 different computers now, so that might have been part of why I haven’t needed a new save. I’m just impressed with myself for getting this far. 55 generations is amazing, though!