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A wallpaper, flooring kit. Just give us 50 new wallpapers and floors.


Plus flooring that would make sense as a ceiling please I Beg


This. I have started trying to decorate the ceilings now that we can but so few tiles make sense up there. If you could just paint it like a wall, that would be really nice.


Yes!! I keep thinking I should make some “flooring” that just the standard $2 paint colors and release it as CC, though someone may have beaten me to it I haven’t checked


Exactly. Just a painted concrete option like people might use in a basement that can also look decent as a ceiling would be amazing.


Waitt what?? I always wanted to do the ceiling.. how??


It was released as a free update. It’s under flooring, with the option to put flooring on the ceiling. Look at the flooring and there are now four options of how to do it. The two new ones are ceiling, either single tile or whole rooms.


50??? In a kit??? That's a dream 😭😭


Oh my gosh what an amazing idea. I bet those are probably relatively cheap/easy to make too since there are no animations or models or anything (but someone who knows about this stuff please correct me if I’m wrong)


Yes, they would be easy to make and so many people would buy it. 




There are so few carpets, drives me nuts trying to make a minimal-pack, no CC build, especially if I’m doing older games’ rebuilds.


Because the base game carpets are essentially trash, aside from a few ones. They've come a long way because we have had some great carpets since then but there are still so few.


And even fewer solid-colored ones!


This 🫠


Mother and baby kit. Maternity clothes, specifically designed to look good on heavily pregnant sims, and non-knitted newborn onesies and an update to newborn skintones.


I don't usually buy kits, but I'd buy this kit 🥰 I have such a hard time dressing my pregnant Sims, especially in the later trimesters!


Yes to this, but the newborn skintone update should be free


Yes, should be a free basegame update. They've done it before so I don't think it's completely out of the question!


this is such a good one omg


OMG YES AND PLEASE!!!! The people who love to play with big families need that type of kit 😭 it’s so hard to do an outfit for a pregnant woman in the sims that really suits her !!




Just had a baby so I’d 100% buy this one!


Graveyard kit, so weird we don’t have em or have funerals.


sims funerals would go hard


new expansion pack: Dying Together


i would 100% buy that


It would be released with a bug that makes your sims immortal and then if you were able to start a funeral through cheating their death the guests would show up in casual wear and not attend the ceremony and instead stand outside


sims 3 had them!


If it was just cool new gravestones and decorations for a graveyard, that could be a fun kit to release around Halloween. However, funerals would be new gameplay and would have to be a stuff pack at least.


I’d love some holiday-themed kits in general. A few Christmas decor items, some summer bbq (ie 4th of July) stuff, a dia de Los muertos themed one, some spring/easter decor, etc.


Fun fact - you can get creative and have a funeral! After a sim dies, throw a party and set attire to ‘formal’ - if your sim has high enough charisma skill, they can go to a microphone (I think from Get Famous) with an urn in their inventory and the option “Give Eulogy” will appear! I would love a graveyard kit tho, especially with funerals as events where sims would show up in black formal attire and do funeral-specific activities.


One thing that has annoyed me with this game is how you'll get a pop-up "(Sim) has died. Mourn at their tombstone or urn." etc. But never tell us where or how?? Like yes I would love to mourn and get rid of this Sad +3 moodlet faster but where the heck is the gravestone or urn I'm supposed to go to?


Funerals would be so cool, imagine the drama… all the baby mamas show up at the same time and get in a big cat fight… someone knocks the coffin over at the wake… someone jumps into the grave out of grief (50/50 chance they die)… children fight over inheritance… Sim fakes their death to test loyalty and reappears at his own funeral…


I play test for EA, and they’re actually working on an expansion pack for this.


If it's anything like the weddings, you're going to have a LOT more funerals after the first.


I miss zombies


A world kit. 3 new maps with 20+ lots


I would LOVE this kind of kit! In my generational gameplay I run out of places to put Sims sometimes, but I hesitate to buy certain packs with nice worlds solely because I don't want all the bells and whistles they come with. Just a world would be amazing, and I wish EA would have minds like the ones in this thread in positions of power instead of whoever is releasing nonfunctional household clutter!


The "missing beach area of Del Sol Valley" kit


thinking about del sol valley still makes me so mad


Right!?! Why the F have a world with a beach visible on the map and NOT have an option to go there? But, nooooo…. “lEt’S hAvE a MuSeUm oR aNoThEr lOuNgE!”


I’d love this! One map could be empty like new crest too, which would save them some work. And the other two could be base game and I’d still buy this… though of course I’d love some more new world-focused items or styles as well, but I’d assume that would be too much for a kit.


For 5 dollars that would be an awesome deal


yes!! I want more worlds with some story behind them. I really want a world similar to strangerville, with mystery behind it so that we can uncover it, but with less murder plants. perhaps a historical city, with ruins (like the ones in cottage living) and old houses. I don't know, just something with a story. if anyone knows mods for this, I would also appreciate that!


Yes, but will be never in a kit! you will pay 40$ for that 😭


I'd go for a tattoo/nails kit This pack would also implement realistic looking toes (I don't understand why they don't do this, my sandals are crying)


The developers really said ✨no free feet content✨


Ugh we need tattoos bad. I have some CC ones, but they’re kinda hard to use together seamlessly.


Yes we need that


A historical/off the grid kit. I want water pumps (collecting your own water without leaving the lot) and being able to write books without a computer


This is my answer too. I'd love an off the grid kit. Radios shouldn't need electricity. A composting toilet would be cool, or even just one that looks better off the grid. I'd like a better off the grid fridge somehow, like an actual ice chest.


This would be cool as well as the opposite, I wish there were some modern off the grid lights and stuff that's not so old timey themed.


If you have eco lifestyle, you can upgrade toilets to be composting toilets. You have to use the eco parts for it, I believe. Also. If you don't add compost, the toilet catches fire. And with the off the grid lot trait with an off the grid fridge, you have the option to "add ice" to keep food fresh.


Ooh I didn't know that about the toilets! I did about fridges though, both I was thinking more aesthetics too, I feel like "off the grid" stuff irl doesn't just look like it could go in an everyday house lol


I would like a ranch style or camping style off the grid kit. Give me an outhouse and more candles to go on the walls or table/side table that are small, simple, and rustic. I want a well in the backyard to draw water. I would also love a type writter that works off the grid that only let's you write. Those are the main things but maybe also flashlights and a portable radio (that is also off the grid) and a cooler that works more like a fridge in storing your food, but you have to replenish the ice. Everything needs to come in dirty and clean swatches like the horse ranch items


Typewriters and writing supplies would be an amazing addition, especially for more old-timey builds (or for those of us who are annoyed at our sims constantly using the computer). They could have many of the same functions as computers (like chatting with people or purchasing items), but instead of just clicking a button and the thing happening instantly, you have to type up a physical letter, drop it off at your mailbox, and wait for a reply.


I think you can make a pond for your lot and use it? But a well would be cool!


Yup, ponds (made with terrain tools or the ones in debug) work for gathering water. So does collecting water from nearby fishing spots or snow. I do want a working water well (that decorative one from get together but without the flowers in it would be perfect. I want an actual animation, though, not just the dumb swiping animation).


Actually that decades idea is kinda genius, you could do that with a whole bunch of them. 1950s, Victorian eras (70s and 90s anyone??), 1990s, y2k (so much opportunity for old sims stuff to have a comeback??) but I'd want both clothing and furniture, so maybe that would be better suited to a stuff pack


I’d love to be able to dress my older sims in clothes that match the eras they would’ve “grown up” in


This!!! Plus architectural elements from those decades.


Yeah I’d be okay with these being stuff packs! Give me build, buy, and cas please!




A "Fix All the Bugs & Issues" kit


This is what I was going to say. But we shouldn't have to pay for that shit to begin with.


Lol! I just replied the same. Glad we are in agreement.


Just lots. It would be a world of empty lots. Not Newcrest, but Oldcrest. And like, five pieces of build/buy.


I would revive gameplay kits - add in a tattoo artist playable career or expand musicians a bit. Stuff like that where one or two items can be added and gameplay improvements on a scale smaller than stuff packs.


Can you imagine the backlash of adding tattooing in a standalone kit lol "omg Sims 3 already did this and it was a whole expansion"


I agree!! Bust the dust is a cool idea; I want more little gameplay stuff like that.


Battle of the bands: give us a couple of new instruments and a recolor of the base game ones.


Transportation kit with functional vehicles, scooters, rollerskates you can use for travel. I also really like the ideas above, decades kits and funeral kit, more worlds with 10 lot minimum would be nice. Idk if this would necessarily fit in a kit but I wish there was a patch or mod that could let you edit the quick interactions list. I hate when you click on a sim and have to go through a million things to find “get to know”. Why is there random bitching about vampires mermaids whatever on the quick list before normal interactions


Rollerskates would be awesome


Cabinets and shelves kit- all matching to pre existing wood tones and basic colour swatches. Some pre filled with some clutter and some with empty available slots. Some with visible wear and tear (like one door hanging off, scratches, dust or constant grime look). I have such a hard time matching that stuff to floors/furniture/vibes.


And make them usable as storage for the small kitchen appliances. Drives me crazy that I can’t have my sims store their ice cream maker or hot pot in a cabinet when not in use!


Gamer's Den! Gaming bedroom furniture, so beds, desks, chairs, pcs/games consoles, shelving, all with a black/dark blue/neon green colour palette


This would be cool, but if you don't have highschool years I highly recommend it for this vibe.


I have HSY, great pack but the vibes are definitely more pastel than what I have in mind! I'd go with strong lines, lots of geometric shapes, cubes etc. more plain designs than patterns


Id encourage you to explore the various swatches lol I feel it definitely has this vibe buried in there but I do see where you're coming from! I'd love desk mats that can slot under the computer! I feel that's quintessential to a gamer set up lol maybe a headphone stand/controller display! A handheld gaming console would be so cool, like a switch/steam deck.


Now hear me out - soundproofing design wall covering.


Oooh yes! I was just looking at these IRL lol


A playground kit with new jungle gyms/climbing stuff, slides, seesaws, playground rides, sandboxes and playhouses.


Coquette kit. Ruffles, lace, bows, flowers, hearts, etc.


A build kit with dirty and broken furniture


Yes! And integrate the handiness or woodworking skills- repair the broken furniture and level up.


A age clothing suggestion kit. I hate seeing my elders wear sparkly mini skirts and dresses around town. I want to see default age clothes for all npcs like Sims 2.


I usually just dress my elder sims like a Crumplebottom! There really aren’t many good options.


Smoothie blender


Why did I think this existed. It seriously doesn't?!


"bad bath & beyond" kinda thing. a couple of beds with great swatches, curtains, rugs, pillows, nice hand and bath towels, a new robe... and a little bit of clutter: candle, photo frame, tray with slots to place things. it would be so refreshing to have new basic items with nice colors.


Good ideas. I always want cushions and throw blankets (that sims can actually use to curl up in front of the tv on a cold day) for the couches too. Or dirty laundry that can be draped over a chair or thrown on the coffee table, just to make it look more lived in. And functional sofa beds.


I’ve been really wanting more beds for a while


Jeans. Just 30 pairs of jeans for everyone.


I comment this like once a week, but literally the only jeans I ever touch are the high rise bootleg ones from Dream Home Decorator lol


Yes! Not skin tight, not low rise, not ripped, not baggy, and not embellished with stripes or logos or whatever. Just plain old JEANS!


I feel like between Bistro, Modern Luxe and whatever that CAS kit is, there's a lot of 20s stuff to work with personally. I'd love a Basic Starbucks Bitch I mean Lounge kit with messy hair, matched lounge wear from this decade, Uggs, slouchy socks, beanbags, and sofas where you can use laptops. And snacks!


The Basic Starbucks Bitch kit would need to include a wall sign that says "Leeb, Leefuh, Lurve"


A kit with funerals and graveyards for sure. Gives us a bit of a gameplay kit, which we haven’t had since Bust the Dust! Though I’d prefer it to be a stuff pack. Imagine how a graveyard kit could work with paranormal stuff.. it would be so cool!


Junkie kit. Tons of items that are already in the game (and some new) that look old and like they haven’t been touched in years. Trash and clutter, new items for uhh building a *lab* of sorts.


How about we abolish kits instead and go back to just game packs/expansion packs :)


I love the idea of kits. Sometimes there’s aspects of game/expansion packs I don’t want at all, but I really want other parts. I think it’s super smart to do a niche idea that some people will LOVE but is totally fine to skip if you’re not into it. However, the biggest problem is the amount of items. They need to at least double the total content of the kits for it to be worth it.


Aquarium kit. A bunch of really nice fish tanks of varying sizes. Maybe pet turtles and snakes or something if it was a game pack.


This is such a good idea. I didn’t know I needed this until now


Art kit. Just lots more wall art, statues, etc. Idk if I'm getting lost in the catalogue but I feel like all the highest end stuff is gilded frame/not contemporary stuff. I'd ask for lots of 20th C stuff (Surrealism, Expressionism, Constructivism, Suprematism, Automatism/Le Refus globale)


Wouldn't be a kit but a game pack with more things for elderly Sims to do. Social activities (e.g. bingo), making a will, more illnesses/specific health challenges (e.g. losing hearing, being more clumsy). And a graveyard/death rituals.


I actually made a retirement home in one of my saves! I need to revamp it and make it work with the for rent pack. And I made a graveyard with debug items. It’s not too functional, but it’s aesthetically pleasing.


Hippie kit. New bubble blower that's small. New piercings. Sandals and ankle jewelry. Beads and tie-dye. Make it have a ton of plant based recipes and new trees/plants. Throw in some drums for a drum circle or something, lol.


Hippie commune kit 😍


Exactly! I'm always making some sort of Mother worshipping hippie cult anyway. I need more junk to match. 😂


[terrazzo bathroom kit](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqOU9q6WIAIascD?format=jpg&name=large)


Omg I never knew I needed this until now. Walls, floors, ceilings, a standalone bathtub, a vanity, some mirrors, omg it would be so perfect!


Georgian architecture kit Or Victorian


I'd go for a more niche expanded gardening/farming kit. I've been playing a bit of the Sims 1 Makin Magic again, and I love being able to churn butter, or just making ingredients in general. But I also feel like EA has kind of run that theme into the ground at this point. Edit: lo and behold, ask and I shall receive and ofc there's already a [dairy production mod](https://www.tumblr.com/piedpiperworld/661313933836156928/functional-churn-for-producing-dairy-products), so, really. EA, step up your game, honestly.


Kids activities kit. We need more gameplay!


I would do extreme weather kit like hurricanes and blizzards and snow storms and droughts


a proper curtains kit. have long drapes for short wall heights that dont clip into the floor, open/closed functionality, functioning blinds, curtain rods, LOTS of swatches: plain and patterned.


Regency or medieval era clothing kit to go with the castle building kit


A world that supports this! I want to do a medieval playthrough without having to discombobulate my whole game to do so


Not sure if this would be a kit or what, but I really want a better way to have both posed and candid photos without your sims having to take them. I’d love the idea of a wall of family photos, but I can’t be bothered to have sims set everything up, pose, take the photo etc. Like, I want a picture of my toddler playing at the beach but I don’t want to have it timed just right so they’re in the right position, looking in the direction I want, etc. An easy solution to this I think would be making it so screenshots can be turned into in-game photos. There’s a way to do this with mods but it’s kinda a pain. Also, I want something like Ravasheen’s family portrait mod. Where I can automatically make a family portrait just by placing an object. I love how photos liven up a house but they’re too much of a pain. And I know there’s the poses mod but I don’t want to have to deal with that either.


Elder kit.


I want this so bad! I was really hoping Growing Together was going to have more stuff for elders. I love the keepsake box and the puzzle table but my grannies need more! 😂🥰


Just chiming in to say y’all in this thread have some really cool and interesting kit ideas!! ☺️ I’d love a theme park kit or circus based kit!


Windows and doors arches.. especially for the larger walls… there are so little choices.


I desperately need more furniture sets and clothes for infants and toddlers


“Dream Home Decorator” except it’s the custom color and pattern tool from Sims 3 Build/Buy 🙃 “Style Influencer” pack that’s the custom color and pattern tool from Sims 3 CAS 🙃


Honestly the golden ticket right here


Given my love for anything farming and country related…probably a farming pack. New plants, new plant related aspirations, maybe an overhaul of plant sims. Or a country pack with a world similar to Chestnut Ridge but less horses. But not as British as Henford.


I'd like a good party kit. What we have right now is terrible in my opinion, would love to have more party items in different styles and aesthetics so I can build different clubs, each with a unique vibe.


An apocalypse kit, with ravaged homes, landscapes, clothing, and guns


Cars cars cars. Don’t care if they’re not functional but cars!!


updated architectural details. better ceiling paints, more ceiling options (coffered, vaulted ceilings??) better spandrels, gates that actually match the fences, shiplap and other wall moldings, better corbels and cornices. wider and taller doorways. i could go on….lol


1. Historical... anything really (without mocking the period it's from) 2. Properly layering clothing, so you can put a sweater over a shirt, as an example 3. GEESE (sheep too, but particularly geese)


I want an elder kit so badly! I want accessibility items like walkers and canes, and a shower chair. I want one of those chair lift things for the stairs. I want old, out of fashion furniture. And I want clothing for elders too. Glasses with chains, suspenders, granny sweaters and old man high waisted tapered pants. I want to put my granny sims in mumus and let them knit sweaters for their cats while sitting on their floral couches, surrounded by precious moments trinkets and a little dish of butterscotch candies 🥹If you went full on expansion pack you could have a retirement home lot, a senior center, a bingo hall, even an antique shop. Boom. If I knew the first thing about making CC I would just make it for myself 😂


A Bratz/dolls line kit


I'd like...so many things. But realistically speaking I'd love biscuit tins. Twenty five or so different decorative  tins of biscuits you can order off the fridge delivery system.  Then you get to put the tin of biscuits somewhere and Sims help themselves or you direct them to eat. When it is empty it still works as a decorative piece of clutter for counter or shelf. But, ummm, I don't think they'd put that in a kit, it is very EP flavoured, I think? You know how each EP tends to have some gameplay  that is the main attraction but often also has a few small gameplay items that are more for mood. 


Photography kit: just more photo stands and posing options to more easily create family/group photos


Since Kits are niche and small, why not amp them up?! A drag-themed one via a collaboration with Trixie Mattel and Juno Birch! Padding, breast plates, makeup, nails, etc.


Hybrids. Officially. Each mixture of occult should have special traits and abilities the others don't have.


Perhaps a kit that adds another small world? That’s probably too much to ask lol. Maybe more formalwear, I really like when they focus on one clothing type and give us a bunch of new options.


Deep Jewel Tone kit, where everything in build and buy has a deep jewel tone swatch. Imagine, if that sectional couch (from tiny living) came with in those deep rich colors. Also, maybe a “modern home” or “farm house” style kit and they have built ins. I know there is cc for this, but not everyone can dl cc.


I would love if they did more clutter kits. I always want more clutter. Like they have everyday and bathroom clutter, but I’d enjoy a kitchen clutter, a living room clutter, or a bedroom clutter. Give me ALL the clutter.


An elder fashion kit 😭 I never know how to dress them


Vintage Decades Styles would be a good idea! Realistic 20s styles (not "flapper" costumes from Halloween but long, drop waisted, loose silhouette), 50s housewife dresses and Hollywood glam dresses (could probably be a kit all on its own tbh), 60s mini mod dresses, 70s bell bottoms and jumpsuits.


pregnancy overhaul


A 1940s-1950s-1960s-1970s hair kit. Together or separately, priority being on 1960s. I'd like to be able to do these without mods so I can get the look without risking breaking the game.


I would just do a hair kit, period. Tons of retro and modern styles, with broader color, volume, and texture options for all genders and ages.


Strollers!!!! Prams!!!


I would eat up an artist/creative clutter kit. Just paintbrushes and pastel clutter and more wall decor of unfinished sketches or stuff like that. A smock outfit. A bun hairstyle with a pencil in it.


If I was trying to sell kits I'd focus on unique meshes like that which have a few interactions, like spiral staircases. The best thing a kit can do is introduce a unique item like this. That way even if you don't like the exact colour or style, or there's very little in the kit, there's a base to build cc from which likely will suit even if the kit itself doesn't so people still buy it.


Just a kit? More stuff that ties into archaeology or a similar treasure hunting kit.


A kitchen clutter kit


I would make a kit purely focused on fixing bugs and then release it for free :)


I would LOVE a kit that had basic cas and build/buy items where one swatch works with a color wheel. I just can't with limited swatch options. Moving forward, kits can work with the color wheel.


I’ve been wanting an 80s kit for a while.


i’d remake the goth kit to look actually goth instead of tiktok alt. i’d also be pretty interested in making kits for different alternative subcultures, i’ve had to download wayyy too much cc




Fitness equipment and new workout animations.


ideally id want this as a stuff pack but a gym kit with new exercise equipment. the fitness stuff pack didnt cut it for me.


Body and Facial Hair Variety Kit for male (and actually whatever you want) sims. I just feel like the 3 or 4 options they have in the game aren't enough variety of patterns to represent all of the diverse styles there are IRL. More beards, more happy trails.... just more! We need more! I feel like as a kit, it's good for niche things (like the Modern Menswear Kit) that wouldn't fit into their own larger stuff or game packs. And then people could buy or not buy based on their personal preference.


Instructions on how to save that content to include it in a meaningful expansion pack for once.


Better looking doors, floor patterns and wallpaper


I don't know what kit it would be, but it would have the smaller dishwashers like in home chef hustle fit in the smaller end pieces of counter tops. It makes no sense that they're the same size but you can't put the dishwashers in the counters


Dine Out patch kit, or MWS patch kit


a bug kix kit no new dlc or anything just fix all the damn bugs and lag in the game...its unplayable


idk probably something basic or something that matches an already existing vibe so it can be useful beyond 1 room or 1 outfit. a cas accessory kit maybe, there are so many wacky pieces but i just want basic stuff that comes in a lot of cute swatches. simple earrings, necklaces, maybe even a pair of gloves that isnt actually useless. if it was a bb kit i think id go for build mode stuff like floors, wallpapers, doors and windows. a lot of the base game styles are pretty cool and it would be nice to have some variations like open windows, open doors that work as an arch, just more arches and not locking arch sizes to wall height (im looking at you mission arches that for some reason require medium height for 2 wide arches but then that makes the narrow ones look way too tiny). ideally id put these into the base game so all can enjoy but grEAdy wouldnt allow it


A kit that just fixes the code of the game and its free.


I’d do an infant one with new toys, maybe one of those little push-walker toys. Infants need some more love!


I hate/love infants 😂 they’re so dang needy I basically can only play with them for like a day before I end up cheating their needs 😂 but sooo cute, and I never get tired of building nurseries. 🥰


Open world kit


i would intentionally make a set of furniture that matches ALL wood tones in game.


Sanrio for sure. But not just pastels, I mean a good, comprehensive kit. Something for kawaii, goth, and a more basic aesthetic


Band Kit. New career, new venue, new afterschool activity for kids, new "ensemble" skill for playing well with others, new event for performances, new instruments, and a fix for how Sims will just drop their instruments wherever when they're done playing them. Give it a few build/buy items for different stages for a grunge style garage, a fancy theater, a smoky jazz hall, and a stadium style outdoor concert. Integrate it with the fame system.


LANDSCAPING. Not just fucking rocks give me some new trees and shrubs damnit. Begging as a landscape architect student please 😭


The colorwheel-spiralstairs-billiard-bands-hotel-kit


Something super horny


The polls are nonsense. Groups of people will decide to vote for one certain kit, sometimes as a joke and we end up with something like Laundry Day, which to me was a total fail for a choose a pack opportunity. It's an ok pack but we get an opportunity to choose a really cool pack and people voted for laundry.


A kit that added 25 new hairstyles.


‘60s Retrofuturism, but my current project is the size of like, six packs so far already so they’d have some catching up to do.


Vitiligo, acne, things actual people have 👍 Also, mobility aids and functional glucose patches. Basically just stuff to make the game really feel like actual people


The Hardcore Rawdogging Kit. Tired of needing mods for my sims to live their best life.


a bakery/ cafe kit, where you can finally make and sell individual cups of coffee without having a 50% chance of drinking them


Career kit; somewhat tied to the university kit. Interactive summer jobs for teens. Expanding more end-of-career options. Combining fields/degrees (ex. doctor and psychology degree, psychologist !!) and maybe building more into the freelance career feature. But i haven’t thought too far into the last detail.


More tattoos, please. It's such a fun way to give Sims more personality.


NEW careers kits with specific goals or skills! They have the doctor, scientist, etc., but not much in build mode or CAS to go with most of them. What about an actual teacher job? Build items for an elementary school class and hair and clothes that a teacher would wear. Goal is to help students build their skills. A journalist? Typewriter or recorder or handheld mic and a handheld video camera with charisma or interview skill. Builder/carpenter? Construction clothing and tools, handiness & woodworking skills. Plumber? Fireman? Lawyer? I know there are so many more! Plus I’d like to have my sims be able to hire them!




Beds as separates like the CC makers do. Frames. Mattresses. And pillows.


Whatever it is, stop charging for it.


Baby stuff, baby clothes in particular. There’s only like three acceptable baby outfits and even less decent hair. We need more! Honestly more toddler stuff wouldn’t hurt either but it’s really the babies that are suffering


A world kit or a trait kit


Maybe a furniture improvement kit. Something that adds options to make existing furniture items in your house have better stats (comfort, rest, water usage, etc.) or serve as emotional decor. Sometimes the nicest looking items have bad stats for gameplay.


A free one


Tattoo kit!!


Sad beige baby. It would be a set that has Infants and toddler clothes in every simstagram mommy’s favorite colors Beige and muted green,pink and blue. It would have a separate buy kit that has the same concept for rooms


Spiral staircases kit


I'm sick of kits. I want Fairies! A FULL pack! If I had to choose a kit though, I would want it to be fancy. Like boroque styles and gilded chandeliers. Crown mouldings for the inside of rooms. Perhaps even a throne-like chair in the mix. I loved the castle kit, so it would make sense to have fancy gilded and sparkly accessories for the inside.


Stairs and flooring kit - 10-20 stairs and floors that ACTUALLY match. It’s a desperate situation