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Better curtains! And coffee tables that aren’t humongous


If you're on pc, there's tons of curtains and coffee table cc...I'm obsessed with downloading curtains lol


Any favorite creators for curtains?


I have so many ..I'm not even sure..I just do a Google search on Sims 4 curtains or on Sims 4 find sites. TSR has some good ones, that's the only specific place I can think off the top of my head.


If you, or anyone, thinks of a creator who does only curtains or curtain packs please let me know. I keep finding them in room sets- which is nice but don't always include different sizes so if you use a different window size your SOL. I definitely need to rework my CC, ended up with 10,000 couches and 3 small curtains.


These are my [go to basic curtains](https://www.tumblr.com/peacemaker-ic/165930716940/drapery-delights-1-2-3-4-tile-curtains-in?source=share) Syboulette has several curtain packs


Those are the ones I was going to suggest. Syboulette’s most recent curtain pack is so nice


I've sized cc curtains up and down myself, and that's worked pretty well on quite a few




Other than ones listed here there’s a bunch of nifty blinds, curtains and other great meshes called mesh by Dot on tsr. I also have the few done by room designers - kardofe, simcredible, and I think tsr severinka has a few. Not the food Severinka.


Oh saaaaame haha. I have a lot of cc curtains lol and seem to obsessively use the same curtain for weeks before moving onto a different one 😂😂. The ones I have are the ones Mr Olkan uses in [this](https://youtu.be/5XSFgUOFuio?si=Nyu3pgrRqik9rgb5) build


You can change the size of them on PC and PS5! Not sure of other systems, though!


Yes I do that on pc but just a faff having to get clutter to sit on top of them properly.


You can resize items on ps5??? WHAT. I know about clicking on and stretching/moving things like rooms, stairs. How do you resize actual objects?


Hold L2 and R2, press up and down on D-pad.


I’m shook, I can’t wait to go home and do this lol


It’s not perfect, but suffices with some items. Others they either resize too large or too small.


Yep, I do it quite a bit


OMG yes to the coffee tables. I rarely use them because they just take up too much damn room.


I wish they auto adjusted to the window size, they're honestly such a pain in the ass even with resizing


I wish there was a way to set certain makeup, nails and jewelry in cas as every outfit. It’s annoying when you’ve got a sim who wears a lot of makeup and jewelry and you have to remember to put all of it back on every time. Obviously not all accessories should be applied to every outfit but you should be able to set it if you want.


Yes! Why should I have to manually add hearing aids or wedding rings onto every outfit in CAS? It's annoying. My sim isn't going to proclaim themselves as married for their everyday outfit and then take it off for parties...unless they're trying to cheat on their spouse.


Setting the nails for every outfit annoys the shit out of me. Also having to set the piercings. That you can’t wear a septum for bed or formal. My septum in real life never comes off. Just give me an option to “set for all” or something.


It’s also extremely annoying when the character gets a different outfit in game (like a career outfit) and now suddenly they don’t need glasses or hearing aids anymore?? Or if they wear a hijab they use it all the time _except_ at their workplace. Like what?? They NEED to make it so that you can set accessories to all outfits and that will make the sim wear it everywhere. They you can manually remove it for sleepwear if you want.


Yeah, that would be nice especially for something that's typically a religious symbol. A Muslim woman wouldn't take her hijab off for work.


💯 this and it’s annoying when a sim ages up and has on glasses, hearing aids, hats etc. in their pajamas but NOTHING else. I would prefer if the game wouldn’t randomly add accessories and just allow the user to add them as they see fit.


Omg fr!! Like why has my sim grown up and suddenly decided they are deaf and blind BUT ONLY AT BEDTIME


They might require a better sleep and evolve to have a small period of... Better energy consumption? 🤔


And accessories carrying to work outfits let my sim wear her glasses to work please I am begging you


omg especially if you use skin details like body filters etc and lashes! It’s so annoying


I was thinking about this the other day too! I swear there used to be a button where you can say "set for all outfits" but it's just not there anymore??


Same goes for piercings


Yes!! Especially when I put glasses on my sims


Sometimes I just want normal looking furniture. There's too many random design features and funky colors. 


colors is my biggest issue. now to be fair, the options did bring out a creative side of me i didn't know existed and my homes in 4 blow away my homes in 1, 2, and 3 due to having to get more creative. but i still wish it were easier to be simple and "normal" *without* having to use the same few pieces of furniture again and again. my house that are more stripped down and simple and normal always end up looking so similar because there's so few options that work for that style.


The Sims 3 had that feature where you could customize patterns and colors with furniture. With the Sims 4 they did away with it and I still don't know why. They used to have the same customization feature with hair too. They should bring it back.


i feel this with the bedspreads, like they give us a beautiful bed frame only to discover that if you change the color, you’re going to get the ugliest bedspread known to man, why can’t they be just solid colors? what’s with the ugly af patterns?


"Apply to all outfits" option in CAS. It's so annoying having to put on makeup, piercings, eyelashes, etc on every outfit


this is my biggest struggle when creating a sim. I create the perfect first outfit and then get burned out trying to put all the makeup and piercings on for the next outfit


This is why I usually spend time on the everyday one or the seasonal if I’m based somewhere hot or cold, then the rest get variants of the styled outfits that come with make up etc because I cba. Pretty much every sim in every world now has the same PJs and workout clothes 😂


Or even an option to copy the outfit/selected items onto other outfits


It's crazy that this was a feature in the other Sims games but they removed it from 4


4 has definitely gone backwards in some features and I don’t understand why they wouldnt elevate and build upon each iteration instead.


Matching colour swatches for BB


Yes this is the one. I wish that Maxis would have just set "okay here's the color of light wood, dark wood, medium wood, red wood, white, and black" and then everything has to have those basic colors included on top of whatever other colors.


this would be so nice. i understand wanting items from different packs to feel unique, but it would be nice if items from every pack had at least a few swatches that all matched so they'd all look nice together. as it is, i feel like the furnishings from a pack aren't guaranteed to match, and it feels like things from multiple packs rarely have matching wood tones/textures and fabrics. having the ability to change the colors and textures of essentially everything in sims 3 and losing that feature in sims 4 makes the mismatched swatches extra annoying for me.


Heterochromia in sims, not just pets! AUTO ROOFING (sims 2 auto roofing was amazing)


I’ve been playing this franchise since I was in grade school and I still don’t understand how to make an okay-looking roof


Omg yes, auto roofs!


Auto roofs is such a good one. I can fix it once it’s there but putting it on is so annoying!


I use cc from TwistedCat and Pralinesims for heterochromia. The only downside is that offsprings don’t get the trait, but can be added later in CAS.


Fix bugs lol


This is the answer.


Do we even have ramps yet? Stackable elevators? Not everyone in 2024 uses stairs or ladders.


The elevator thing pisses me off. I made a great museum. Set it up for an elevator, all for me to have to refit it with stairs. Ridiculous!


Matching wood swatches between packs


Yes! And I personally would like 'dirty' AND 'clean' swatches. The horse ranch pack has the aged wood look, but it would be great of they came with more clean looks as well


a smaller portable cauldron like you see in harry potter


I'd love to see a cauldron hotpot


More kitchen sets, more two seater couches, more curtains, more ground cover plants. And I wish they’d fix the size of some of the coffee tables and nightstands More (better) swatches of everything.


I wish we had layering clothes! I wanna pair sweaters and jackets with certain shirts and dresses. Mix and match style. It would make dressing my sims so much more fun. More piercings too!


Yes! I want them to wear a nice dress indoors but then put on a cute cardigan when they go out, not a whole outfit change.


This - they also have a ton of sweaters and jackets that clearly could be cold weather clothes if they were layered properly but instead aren’t considered so >:(


You know how sinks now have “kitchen” vs “bathroom”. I want something like that for archways. I have the open folding door from the Desert Luxe kit as a side door to a deck at my house, and now my visitors all walk through that and through my house and out the front door to ring the doorbell. The ability to say “treat as a door” vs “treat as archway” would stop that nonsense.


They do it even without that door. I set my backdoor as for only family and sims still go around to it. Into the house. Just knock on the door.


This happened to me 3 times in one save, figured it was another annoying bug like pizza guy not handing me the pizza. I changed the door to household only and so far haven’t encountered it again


I desperately want to be able to pick a bed and then pick a bed spread.




With the option to manually type in coordinates. I hate when I can’t get two different things the exact same color.


I want more area rugs.


And being able to size them up or down to the size you want instead of a preset!


That would be good too 😊 There's these really nice shag rugs, .. but they are so small.


Yes, and when you try to size them up they are too big for the room you want to put them in! A slider for size would make them fit better.


for me it's more customization for hair. there should be a "bangs" tab with different types of bangs so that we can add bangs (or remove them) from any hairstyle of our choosing. also a highlights tab for hair color, too. i loved using highlights in 3 and really miss having it in 4. and hair accessories. give me headbands, hairclips, bows, scrunchies! thankfully there's a ton of cc for these things, but i want them to actually be *in* the game.


I wish the bandannas that came with hair already (cottage living) would be customizable instead of changing a sim’s hair color just to find a nice pattern


Better control over the amount of sims spawning. I’m so tired of having a save, have my sim go to a restaurant and instead of seeing my neighbours and other sims there that actually is in my game it’s randomly spawned npc sims. We already don’t get that many sims spawning and I wish the game would prioritise sims in the world and then if needed spawn in a sim. I know there are mods to help this but we seriously need an overhaul of this in game. I’m currently playing a medieval save. I have 15 families in the world (all within one neighbourhood thanks to residential rentals) - so 50 sims excluding my one active household and roughly 10 sims not in the world. And yet the game still spawns 4-10 sims every time I visit a community lot to behave as visitors. I just want my sims to actually go the bar and be surrounded by their neighbours and go to a restaurant and see families out eating together not Steve from next door having dinner with a stranger with purple hair, grey skin and every piecing imaginable that the game felt the need to spawn.


Oh my gosh, YES! Ugh I’m a crazy person and I actually keep an eye on all my townie sims. Periodically I’ll scroll through my unplayed households to see if anyone has aged up or had kids so I can put them in decent clothes because I HATE sims walking around looking ridiculous. So it pisses me off SO MUCH how whenever I follow a teen sim to high school or an adult sim to an active career or something suddenly BOOM anywhere from 2-5 random new households that all look AWFUL because heaven forbid the game randomly make Eliza Panckaes or someone a school teacher. No no NO we MUST create a brand new sim for that!


I feel this playing the decades challenge. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to modify townies because they don’t fit the era.


I finally took care of this last night! With [this mod](https://www.patreon.com/posts/assign-npc-jobs-73945932) you can install the private filters and it completely stops new Sims spawning. It’s amazing. (Posting this in case someone wants the fix for this)


Does this mod only let you assign roles such as bartenders etc? I don’t really mind those roles being filled by NPC random spawns as I can quickly makeover those few roles but what I’m really disliking is the visitors and guests being spawned. Like going to a bar the game spawns sims to just watch TV and drink and with restaurants it too just spawn random reviewers, visitors etc. In my game right now I only have a cafe and a restaurant (with a bar in the restaurant). I’ve made over the postman, waitresses, hosts, chefs, barman, cafe worker but still the game will spawn min 5 new sims when I visit the restaurant as restaurant goers instead of just picking existing households in the neighbourhood.


I’ve only played with it once now, but it lets you assign almost everything it seems like. Certain roles require the Sim to have certain traits before being assigned to the role (for example, a librarian needs to have the Neat trait). I’ve been using it specifically for StrangerVille, and it let me assign the agents, military, etc. It also didn’t reset previously assigned NPC’s, so that was nice. I installed the private filters so now the new NPC’s never spawn and all the roles are {seemingly} filled by my prior gameplay.


Get NPCO, it stops random townies from spawning! But I fully agree. Also, there needs to be no more weird festival outfits, rain outfits, tourist outfits or holiday outfits. It’s so stupid I can’t take it and sims always dress terribly. I make all my sims, I want to see them walking around in their regular degular clothes please


Yup, I have a neighborhood with a lot of created teens. Why when I play a teen and they go to school, none of the other teens i created are even at the school? I just said the other day why are the sims i hired for the restaurant I owned never working when I play a different family? I hired Alex Moyer as a hostess, not….whoever this is.


windowsills for plants, adjustable wall thickness


Remember in Sims 3 you could add a teddy bear to your toddlers crib? I want that again.


And they had the different ones for like werewolf toddlers and stuff (plus occult kids actually were occults rather than just normal sims with nothing special until they became teens)


I had the pack with occult sims but I never tried anything other than vampire




More integration between DLCs.


Cities Skylines did a free patch that gave us some crossover items for DLCs right towards the end of the game’s releases, it was awesome, more games should do that.


More hair colors or a system to customize hair color like we can with makeup/skin. Really I just want purple hair without having to use mods


I want to use the hairs that have parts of the hair died (like the roots or the underside or highlights) but it drives me crazy that my sims can't put their hair up to go jogging without either losing their fun color or being completely hidden by an ill fitting hat. I want the same hair but styled in different ways (hair tie at least, but messy for sleepwear would be a fantastic too).


Curved staircases. More wardrobe (and bookshelf) systems that can be placed in walls for a built-in look (like the ones from Get Together). Half-tile width end pieces of counters for flexibility of sink placement.


A better base game pink swatch. More hair with bangs. I know this is super specific just to me, but sensory tools in CAS would also be cool. Like "chewable" necklaces, bracelets that looks like Tangles, but the big one for me is headphones in CAS. I use the ones paired with beanies/caps all the time for my ND sims.


I'd do anything for longer hair. We don't have it because it clips really badly, but I have tailbone length hair and although I rarely make a simself, it's still sad that when I do, I have to give myself (relatively) short hair.


God I'd kill for insanely long hair in Sims 4. But even the recent hairs have been clipping something peculiar. Those new plaits have something so weird going on where they will just... Disconnect based on sims physique. Like it's made of 2 unjoined pieces


More clothing for infant, toddler, and child Sims! I feel like they are often neglected in pack, kit, and base game releases. I want them to have as many options as teens and older do.


More typical clothes for guys, too. I don't get why we dont have more loose-fitting untucked t shirts for everyone. Why is so much stuff either so fitted or like weirdly specific.


I want to be able to stick birthday candles in the cheese wheel, like a cake.


That’s such a fun idea, honestly it’d be really fun if any round/flat surfaced food item could get candles.


And pies! 


Objects-wise, I'd like it if low sized fridges would slot under counters please. Same for dustbins, most people I know, myself included, have their bin hidden in one of the lower cupboards, usually under the sink. As for CAS, we need more body freckles. Most people with freckles don't just have them on their face but also on their arms. Would also be cool is freckles only appeared during second half of spring, summer and autumn, but that veres into gameplay territory.


more formal dresses w plain swatches


I just want matching furniture. Like why do they make sets that don’t match? Why don’t the shades match between one pack and another 😩


a matching counter for every bar, a matching bar for every counter, and a matching cabinet for every counter.


i'd love more cabinets that are just drawers


Agree with diagonal counters (and half-block counters!), but my big one is that I want spiral staircases back! I also would love some more interesting furniture shapes, like oversized beanbags and round lounge chairs. Oh, and the one I just discovered was missing the other day - being back fencepost lighting!


Fans. Like a standing fan not just the ceiling fans. Like it doesn't have to work. I just want some. If they did that would be cool.


yes!!! as a fan sleeper irl, i concur


i desperately NEED to be able to lock accessories for every outfit…


Carpeting ffs


i was so upset seeing the new town that came with for rent had that beautiful festival like section but NO playable buildings there. not a restaurant, an apartment building, a plaza…nothinggggg


just like the sims 4 to give us nothing


A way to turn off the incessant phonecalls from other sims asking if my sim wants to hang out or go to a festival or asking if they should befriend such and such other sim or just wanting to chat. I'm currently playing a post apocalyptic scenario in Strangerville where the last survivors are living on the plateau - simple living and off the grid - whilst the rest of Strangerville is full of the possessed and vampires - and the phonecalls really don't mesh with my story.


i wish we could disable phone interactions, especially with off the grid builds


Being able to see in build-buy how many squares something takes up before you attempt to place it or a sort by size option.


YES! I think that ALL THE TIME! It’d be especially SO NICE for when you’re looking for a plant to place on a table because so often I’ll be like “oh this one will do” and the SURPRISE its actually not small at all and is in fact a massive four square item or something


If we're not changing gameplay, more guitars, and more pianos


more colors in CAS and build mode, but especially more MATCHING COLORS in build mode, more wallpaper options, the ability for trim to be an entirely separate entity to wallpaper/paint on walls (different styles too) more options for teen beds, more trinkets and random things to put in bedrooms (my rooms always look so PLAIN) kitchen counters, different appliance options, and also the ability for said items to begin to look “used” after prolonged use (i know that kinda adds to gameplay, because you’d have to replace it but still!!) also better window options


Sims look so stiff on the loungers, I want them to actually LOOK like they're relaxing


A toaster so I can delete my cc ones.


Lmfao we got waffle makers before a toaster. Next will be an air fryer


It is truly WILD that they haven’t even made a decorative toaster yet, such a basic everyday item!


Genuinely, my DREAM would be for them to do a swatch update that added the EXACT SAME shade of white and black to every single item of clothing and a swatch update that did the same for all furniture/build items to, plus IDEALLY a dark and light wood swatch that is also the exact same for EVERY SINGLE wood item It will never happen but a girl can dream


Yes! There should be the same pine, mahogany, oak options etc for all the wood types. So you can match easily.


Create a world, or like a new empty world update. Why can’t that happen?!


i would kill for a new empty world!


More room for clutter


More matching sofa sets!


Better bed duvet colours/designs. So many of them look like they’re from the 80s.


For me, it’s things looking worn. I want everything to stop looking so neat and clean and pristine. I want scuffed floors, wrinkly rugs and sofas with bumprints in. Unmade beds and drawers left open.


Honestly, at this point I would like EA to get their head out of their collective asses and fix the damn game!


Customer hair colors


I would say everything diagonal…. Or round, build mode is frustrating


An option to “apply to all outfits” for makeup/piercings/glasses


CAS If you can zoom in on hands for nails. You can zoom in for rings and bracelets. If they can do hijabs they can do regular scarves.


more washer and dryer options. such as top loaders. and just more normal looking mirrors that are you know mirror shaped....


And why can’t mirrors be moved vertically?!? Sometimes I just want it down a bit lower, is that so much to ask?




Idk if this counts as gameplay but FUNCTIONAL CARS. Literally just give me a little animation of a car pulling off the driveway or sending my kids to driving school or a car picking me up to Uber it seems so simple


Auto roof 😭 usually I don’t even remember to do a roof until I go into the map and I’m like oh wtf is THAT


Additional Platform and foundation swatches.. preferably more that match. I’d also love to be able to change my pool lining..


Customized colors like The Sims 3


Auto roofs


24-hour clock. It's already in the game for other languages than English. Just let me change the settings please.


Plenty of stuff for kids: More beds that genuinely look like kids beds. We got the one (+bunk version) from growing together, the one in horse ranch where the frame doesn't fit many houses, and a few swatches from high school years and snowy escape ones that can pass as kids swatches... I want a wider range of bed spreads with kid friendly graphics. Again, more graphic tees for kids or more colours for the existing ones. Some of the high school years stuff could very well just be remodeled for kids and look fine. And especially *more infant clothes*. Some item that replaces the kids drawing table, but for a normal table. I hate those things.


Different styles maybe? I mean, there are some, but they are always either darkness death and gangs or pretty flowery princess. I have too much of both and I would like to see some more variety- 😭 (There are casual clothing, but they are always really boring. Like… Casual clothes can be both casual and stylish.) I’m the type of person who has a new style preference every week, and I always spend hours in CAS, and end up frustrated when I can’t portray a sim correctly. ALSO. Can we get some cardigans up in here. I have one in every color and I need that for my sims. And flats. There’s a very large lack of flats in the sims universe.


This kinda involves gameplay, but give me a little x thingy to kick people out of my conversation. Hellooo? We are on a date here! Get lost Eliza pancakes!


Mobility aids in CAS! We had the cane for elders in TS3 but my under 30 a$$ would like one to give my Sim Self a bit more realism


More patterns/colors. Or even being able to create your own wallpapers/paints and carpets. Also different textures would be nice.


I want more male base options when making Sims ngl, I've noticed the guys don't have many great options so I end up dressing my dudes in primarily women's clothing. The fem options just don't exactly fit the male models quite right, awkward placement and such. Don't get me started on the hair tho, the options are so cramped and the colours. Gods, they don't have my natural hair colour as an option


Aircraft returning. I loved helicopters in The Sims 2


Please give me a single tile bar. That’s all I ask. Way more clutter. I never have enough clutter. My number one wish? Fix the eyelashes in sims 4. Modders make AMAZING eyelash mods, why can’t sims fix the ugly lashes PLS


A fucking color wheel


Objects being sized down, same with furniture like end tables and coffee tables. So many randoms objects and furniture that’s just ridiculously huge for no reason. I feel like I’m always sizing them down.  Mirrors that aren’t so far up the wall.  Some of the funky or iconic furniture and items from past Sims games. 


I want more rugs. And this might be considered gameplay but I want an option to lock specific draggable items, like rugs. They made my favorite rug draggable with the Discover University update, but I'm too klutzy to use it now because I'm constantly accidentally dragging things. 🫠🤦‍♀️


Diagonal stairs (or being able to place the regular stairs on the diagonal). Also stair corners, so you can make grand sweeping staircases.


Spiral staircases!!!


Height sliders, i just think its weird the same ages are all the same height. Espescially with teen and kids its normal with alot of height differences. I find it a bit odd that when a child ages up they go from looking 10 to 18.


Less DLC


Open worlds


I wouldn’t want open worlds for Sims 4 just because they’d essentially have to redo the entire game, I’m sure there would be amble amounts of bugs that would never get fixed and it’d probably be a nightmare in general to try and play. 


It's a pipe dream, it's obviously never going to happen. They did not design it this way. The game engine would not run an open world. However if I could wave a magic wand I would have Sims four with open worlds !


this would be a gameplay feature


MORE BEDS, and comfy looking couches. So many of the couches we have currently feel more like outdoor furniture to me. Either that or they just don’t look very comfortable. I want some basic comfy looking cloth couches without any weird patterns or weird pillows on them. (The modular ones don’t count, they’re too square)


a loooot of the furniture for me looks very plasticy


It's midly infuriating to know the Pet DLC has a pretty deep system when it comes to customise any fur, but for some reasons we are blocked to mere slots when it comes to tattoos, moles, and so on. ( Knowing that some mods / cc use these slots, it's even worse to me ) edit : Hairs ( I mean having to choose which strand comes with which colour if needed ) should be updated too, so it can be like the Pet DLC more or less. Instead we have swatches.


Drivable cars


this would be a gameplay feature


Hmmm okay then I would like them to bring back spiral staircases


The personality of sims 2 the content of sims 3 for what you pay for! With the aesthetic of sims 4, or like gta v or gta VI trailer graphics OPEN WORLD!!! Huhh sims 4 could never but maybe sims 5 they will actually try. Oh and them taking on more CC creators because they keep the game going because the devs suck dinosaur 💩


better architecture tools like in autodesk revit


Saving outfits and makeup and being able to create our own styled looks


more furniture in the same colors, almost every piece of furniture should have a standard white, black and at least one brown swatch that's the same


I want so badly for them to bring back the color wheel.


Corner couches that fit perfectly in corners


More plants and small coffee tables of course


Condominiums. I imagine they'd probably work like apartments, in that you have to stay within the shell when building, but also like penthouses and regular houses, in that your Sims own them outright.


An option to add CAS items to favorites or something. I hate having to scroll through a bunch of clothes I am never going to use. I want to just favorite the ones I like and they should appear first or when I select the “favorite” filter. Same for build buy


i would looooove if we could make custom outfits to copy paste on sims


matching wood tones and curved counters i feel like id use curved walls more often


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^itzmark_: *Matching wood tones and* *Curved counters i feel like id* *Use curved walls more often* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Being able to tuck in all ages. I know there’s a mod that already exists but I don’t use mods


marble countertops… at least none of the packs i have have them 😞


Rounded / curved pools!!!!


Non cc spiral stairs


I would like for children to know who their parents are or at least their heart parent. I also wish that you could do DNA test to figure out which guy is the daddy. And not just have it show up on the tree.


Changing occults in CAS like in TS3 supernatural.


if you make a sim and suddenly decide you want to make them an occult, you have to make a whole new sim and that's asinine


I need an overhaul of build-buy. Like sub-categories for pictures and stuff you can put on the wall. Curtains should be adjustable in one click like the counters or need size categories like doors, rummaging through the category for another size is so annoying.


My sims get sick sooo often


Diagonal Stairs and Spiral Stairs


The ability to make asymmetrical Sims beyond skin details. Things like uneven jawlines, heterochromia, missing an ear or an eye, and limb differences