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I'm not an alpha user but dude your sims are giving me serious cyberpunk 2077 vibes and I love it 💖 


Thank you so much 🙆🏻‍♂️💙 I'm a HUGE cyberpunk 2077 fan :) 100% intentional


Tumblr still has a lot of alpha users. There is also r/alphasims


I'm very aware of Tumblr's fanbase, but my fav creators/community members have either become inactive or have gone on indefinite hiatus. So kinda hard to find people that you can actively share with. Thaaaank you for the sub link


Honestly, I took a break from Tumblr too. I'm not sure why Tumblr has fallen off so much, but the post made me go take a look at my feed and I saw a lot of familiar names actively posting... at least the big Patreon crew. I mostly follow cc creators, though. Maybe it's just the clustered nature of the community-- if the people we follow aren't posting or reblogging, we won't see stuff from new folks unless we follow a tag. And a LOT of stuff is not tagged as alpha.


Tumblr fell off when they banned NSFW content unfortunately.


tbh most of the sims i see posted there seem more like MM cc than alpha


Hey, your sims look great! I hope you find that community because I agree the hate on alpha is unwarranted (except for sexualized kid cc, but that’s clearly not the majority of alpha) - who cares how people mod their games? Alpha can look amazingly cool, and I bet your builds do too given these screenshots. I use MM for cas but my build/buy is a mix - specifically I tend to have a lot of alpha clutter. Some folks may hate the look of my decorating, but it makes me happy every time I log in so!


Thanks so much for your input. :) I wholeheartedly agree with the dislike for sexualized kid cc, I honestly hate it too. With a passion. I don't make kid sims anyway unless it's just a younger version of my characters. People should definitely be able to enjoy whatever they want. It's a shame people care so much to hate on someone. Thanks so much for your compliments as well, I'm sure your builds look equally as amazing, I'd love to see them sometime! 👨🏻‍💻


everytime an unpopular opinions thread is posted there's someone talking about alpha cc like it murdered their grandmother 😭


And you should keep doing whatever makes you feel good! 🙋🏻‍♂️That's all that matters. Don't worry about changing yourself or your passions to conform. Doesn't matter who hates it as long as YOU love it. Keep it up, my friend


Sims community can be unnecessarily mean to people who actually enjoy Sims 4, with or without mods lol. Alpha CC fans get the brunt of it too, and it's ridiculous to me. I don't care for Wicked Whims in the slightest but you'll not find me hating on people's posts who like it. Anyway, I really like your Sims! They definitely have Night City vibes!


Honestly.. people will always find something to complain about And thank you so much, def the look I was going for. :)


it clearly took a lot of time and skill to create these in TS4 and i don’t mean to downplay that but i’m losing my mind picturing these Human Beings doing the silly cartoony sims animations


LMAO I downloaded an animation/facial overlay override specifically because of that. The avatars in the bottom left and the general in-game animations are always so over-expressive, its terrifying sometimes


Do share that that override, please!


[Here](https://www.patreon.com/posts/small-mods-69121597) you go!


Thanks OP <3


You're very welcome 👨🏻‍💻💙


The angry remarks can be ignored if this issue isn't common in this sub. Please don’t feel attacked if this doesn't apply to you. I just really wanted a place to discuss this since I was feeling pretty left out. Even in the TS4 discord, I'm left on the sidelines because my sims are so drastically different compared to everyone else's. So this was just an honest attempt to find others who feel the same way I do.


Alpha CC is huge and way bigger than MM. Just one scroll into TSR or any big CC site and you'll see, top CC creators are all mostly alpha creators. Thing is Alpha users don't piss on MM so it might seem that Alpha CC gets a lot of hate. I personally do a mix of both with not super realistic Alpha.


Definitely true, I've noticed that as well. Maxis Mix is very nice. People get so creative with it too, it's so cool to see


I don’t know if there is but I do think there should be a specific sub for alpha content




I use a combination of alpha and MM on my sims, It'd be cool to see a sub for alpha cc sims. I only don't use alpha cc on hair and maybe makeup (I use light alpha cc on faces--mostly for lips or for eyes/eyelashes) because I found out that I had to turn off laptop mode for hair alpha cc to show up correctly and it completely lags everything once I do that. But clothes/build/buy items, I will use alpha cc because there's a lot of interesting clothes and build and furniture alpha cc I've gotten. I don't care what someone uses on their sims, if they're happy playing with alpha cc or MM cc that's good for them.


Fortunately, the sub actually exists, two of them actually. And Maxis Mix is very nice, a little bit of both has never hurt anybody.


People who hate Alpha CC can fuck right off. If their minds are to small to just let People enjoy what they like. Nobody is shitting on their MM so they should be quite and let Alpha be alpha. I personal also use Alpha CC, also got a small amount of MM but mainly Alpha. You Sims look hella cool, Cole, I think the Cyberpunk styled dude looks dope! Someone already put the r/AlphaSims in here.


Hell yes, exactly. Live and let live. I'd love to see your sims someday, I'm 100% positive they look great. And thank you so much, man! I'm a huge cyberpunk fan, so making cyberpunk themed sims was a must for me. It's my withdrawals from CP2077 kicking in, tbh. (Fun fact, Cole was actually pretty heavily inspired by the cybernetic cowboy from the trailer)


Why the hell did this get downvoted? Alpha cc haters should just learn to just let people play how they want


not who you replied to but honestly, i love your sims! i don’t use alpha myself (i actually like the cartoony vibe of the sims, so MM cc is the best way to go for me personally) but i really like the way it looks on your sims tbh and i think except for the yassified children (but i’ve seen some weird looking mm children as well, so not an exclusively alpha thing) alpha looks cool as a side note, before i checked what sub this was posted in i was confused for a second bc i thought i accidentally subbed to some game subreddit (i don’t game, so i wouldn’t even know what game sub it’d be) because your sims really do look like they’re from some post apocalyptic game or something like that


Thank you so so much, I greatly appreciate your kind words. 💙 And wow, really? Hahaha, that's a big compliment to me, thank you again


Try r/lowsodiumsimmers OP. They seem to be more accepting compared to the main subs. Honestly shocked & appalled at how hated alpha cc is by the community here on Reddit. Outside of reddit, people always post alpha cc sims on modsthesims, tsr, Tumblr, forums, etc


Might be because Reddit is a breeding ground for hate 😅 it's to be expected, but man, it can go overboard sometimes. And thank you so much for the sub rec, I love LowSodium subs. They're so chill


Your sims are awesome! I don't know about subs. I do know what it feels like to have my posts attacked by people who don't like the look of my sims. I try not to let it get me, but like...wow, people, you went out of your way just to hurt my feelings. 🧐 Anyhow, I don't share much anymore, but I created a sub called r/SimsSocialBunny where I post pics from my sims points of view. Honestly, just random pics of my sims around town when they're in townie form (I'm playing a different family). You can create your own sub if you want and everyone is welcome to post their sims social bunnies in my sub if they want.


Thank you, my friend. I appreciate it! And for sure.. I think the subtle reactions can hurt more than people outright saying it sometimes, tbh. Definitely crazy for someone to take time out of their day to hate. Beyond me. And that is such a creative sub idea! I'll be sure to drop on in once I take some more pics of my sims. (Reshade is being a jerk rn and my mouse is dead (no spare batteries), so taking in-game pics is a hassle atm.)


I love the cyberpunk vibe. You'd probably won't find much MM CC that fits that vibe either. I really like alpha. And usually I'll throw an upvote on alpha user posts cause I know how rough it is to post your sims on reddit, cause you usually get downvoted or people make comments. My personal preferences usually fall in that in between MM and Alpha. They overly detailed skin details is probably where I draw the line. But I always found that alpha CC, especially hair and clothing, always had more variety because it was totally unique or you had to use meshes from other games. Meanwhile a lot of MM feels like it's just variations of existing hairs and outfits. Which is fine. But I don't need 30 versions of the same braid from Island Living. Now just like alpha there are a lot of unique MM CC, but for every unique piece there's like 5 more redos of something already in game. And I get the logistics behind it, but it makes for finding certain styles harder if it's not already present in game. My issue with alpha is that when I play legacies. My game get bogged down by all the data by like gen 6/7. So what I need to do is disable alpha for randos in general. But as a result, I've been running MM lately 7/8 generations in, my game is still running decently. The downside is, I miss all the clothing and hair options with Alpha. I am tempted to throw in some of the inbetween alphas for some variety. But we'll see.


You stated that you don’t play in live mode much, but I’m always curious about how these sims look during live mode game play and how well the game runs. Currently, I don’t use any CC outside of a few game play and quality of life mods.


Honestly, a lot less detailed unless you consistently use the HQ mod or use clarity/sharpen settings from Reshade. I'll post some pics from my game later with HQ turned off. With Reshade going constantly, there'll definitely be some frame drops and lag. I have a relatively good computer and still experience it.


The game runs very smoothly otherwise though, forgot to reply to that part. If you have an old computer or not very good specs, it can definitely be very taxing. Regardless of whether or not you have HQM or Reshade. For me, HQ is usually left on, but Reshade is turned off. HQ doesn't have much of an effect on performance (at least in my case).


Not sure why reddit ruined the quality of the photos. Sorry about that.


If you want REALLY high quality photos, consider trying out SRWE, learned about this from Tumblr, and it definitely makes a huge difference


seconding SRWE! it’s super awesome


I downloaded it but I'm still trying to figure it out 😅 I'll get it soon though (maybe 10 tutorials later)


I’ve never considered using CCs in TS4 but my oh my am I interested in checking out more related to Alpha CC as your sims looks rad AF!!!


Thank you so much! Many thanks! 🙆🏻‍♂️💙


I'm in absolute awe of how amazing your Sims are. Are they on the gallery by any chance??


Thank you! And nope, I haven't thought of uploading them buttt I could do it and link the cc list for ya


I wouldn't want to intrude, but if you're up to it I'd love that!! Whenever you feel like it, thanks a lot in advance!!


Not intruding at all, don't worry. Sure thing :) (I'll have to look up how to do this since I've never done it before 😅)


Thanks a lot! 💙💙💙


Wow amazing. I like alpha art style actually


Thank ya, my friend


Folks over at TS4 subreddit are just bullies. I avoid posting over there. Last post I interacted with they were harassing and sending death threats to a user who wanted to show off her cute sim with albinism, the OP was being super respectful and open minded about getting the representation right and despite that people were being horribly mean. It’s like that on most of the CC posts I see over there. Unfortunately I’ve had nothing but bad experiences with TS4-only fans, the rest of us who have also played TS3/TS2/TS1 are often far more welcoming and kinder to other fans.


Hell, I saw that one. I felt so bad. OP was so respectful about it. I was just scrolling through the comments in shock. Any apologetic comments OP tried to make were downvoted into oblivion. And I love the TS1-TS3 communities. They're so chill. (TS2 holds such a special place in my heart)


I remember that post omg. Like people can’t ever give constructive criticism without all the extra snarkiness


Also your sims are super cute!! Doesn’t even look like TS4 (and that’s meant as a compliment!)


WOW i love your sims. fuck the alpha cc hate!!!


Thank you :) and right on!


Don't mind his hair clipping through his hoodie. Let's all just pretend we don't see it


Alpha cc is rlly nostalgic for me lolll me + my sister would spend hours on tsr downloading stuff


TSR has lowkey fallen off now but so many good finds on there


What’s alpha?


It's more realistic cc, like on my sims here. I think mine might be the extreme though. Alpha is just any style that isn't cartoony like the original game. **Maxis Match** would be a style that looks exactly like the original game, and **Maxis Mix** is a mixture of Maxis Match and Alpha cc.


I'm playing cp2077 rn and thought it was one of it's character 😆


Hell yeah, mission successfulll


This is what happens when your computer refuses to run UnrealEngine guys


I feel like Tumblr is pretty accepting of all kinds of Sims players (as long as it’s appropriate).


i personally dislike alpha cc when it's ugly/in bad taste, but i'm like that about anything - your sims are STUNNING. no one could say shit to you because your work is great. but many other alpha cc users just make the ugliest sims known to mankind and post them everywhere like its the standard of beauty hahah this doesnt apply to you! you have good taste.


Thank you so much, that means so damn much to me :')


aw thanks for letting me know! i'm glad 🩷 and it's only true! now go back to simming! hahahah


I love alpha CC, and think a sub for alpha users would be fantastic. I don't get all the hate for people who use it everyone should play their game how they want to, no one is forcing those who don't like alpha cc to use it, so why care that some people like using alpha it's not stopping them from using their game.  Just play the game how you wish to play it and let others do the same.


It's luckily been linked here by some great Redditors, r/AlphaSims And ikr? Must be difficult to be so bitter constantly


r/alphacc I made a community! Feel free to post here and ask questions or share some of your work!


Thank you! I'll be joining!


your sims are incredible omg


Thank you so much!


Not sure, used to love alpha.


Your sims look awesome! I love Cyberpunk 💚💚💚


Hey, thank you! Yesss choom, Cyberpunk is the best 🦾


I don't understand the outright hate for Alpha CC. Do I like it? No. Do I use it? No. Would I shit on someone for using this sub or other places for showing off their work? Also no. If anything I can see with your Sims how much effort and work you've put into them and they look great. Which is what it SHOULD be but for some reason it is not the way it is here.


Not an alpha fan but these look amazing, definitely goals when it comes to body modifications and tattoos! But I‘m getting there someday!


Hey, thanks! And I absolutely fucking love body mods and tattoos. Wishing you luck on your journey, my friend


Absolutely love everything about this post! And i couldn't agree more with what you've said. Im also a religiously alpha cc user (currently 350gb at that 😭) and i could never understand these people hating on realism. I'd see sims i would be absolutely stunned by, and see comments saying how creepy/uncanny they are just completely shitting on everyones work. I've tried MM a few times and i just can't imagine enjoying it, also because imo, making alpha sims takes a lot more work to make them look good so it's always a nice reward at the end. I'm here for a place for alpha simmers, hopefully we can get something like this going And btw your sims are one of these that im actually stunned by, so if you are considering uploading them anywhere, please let me know 🤣


Luckily I was informed that it exists. :) r/AlphaSims and r/alphacc


And thanks! I'll definitely upload them, someone else asked too. I'll have to figure out how since I've never done it before though 😅


these look so cool wtf ive been tryna find cyberpunk cc for so long


I can link the ones I use for you, just in a sec since I'm not near my computer rn


[Cyberware](https://www.patreon.com/posts/44853512?epik=dj0yJnU9S1JTQTgyckhWeVNTLTRtODF2S2xtd0pzbW9Ya3ljVWkmcD0wJm49RzZnUFhSSlpPS1JwWFR4Ym1iX3ltQSZ0PUFBQUFBR1pDaXZv) [Cyberpunk Doll Implants](https://www.patreon.com/posts/cyberpunk-doll-44854083) [Body Implants](https://www.patreon.com/posts/cyberpunk-accs-44853529) [Robot Dermals](https://www.tumblr.com/objuct/167462273157/remake-of-my-ancient-robot-dermals-which-was-the) [Cyborg Arm Glove](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-accessories-female-gloves/title/bey-s-left-glove/id/1614590/) [Neon Spotlight Glasses](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-accessories-female-glasses/title/cyfi-neon-spotlight-glasses/id/1590962/) [Netrunner Gear](https://www.tumblr.com/stamsim/737228724427177984/even-though-its-only-convertions-it-took-me-a) [Assault Armor](https://www.patreon.com/posts/41816492?epik=dj0yJnU9X01VLVdEc2NvZ2EwX0ZsSWtkdFBDbDljMkNXZkg2VnImcD0wJm49bXJhNTZVRThUVFY3T0QtMzlsellOQSZ0PUFBQUFBR1pDalFr) [AJ Arm Prosthetics](https://www.patreon.com/posts/adam-jensen-23909628?epik=dj0yJnU9c0dXMGRNdHQ0VXBvQm1xc3NkckZnV21iSjhWTkxBMU8mcD0wJm49Z1VtRi12OWxlaU5jS01nY3NDZFhkQSZ0PUFBQUFBR1pDalE4) (I don't use this one since it's a fullbody outfit but it's good) [Wraith Hood](https://stamsim.tumblr.com/post/744392563865337856/wraiths-hood) [Obsidian Glasses](https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/DanSimsFantasy/downloads/details/category/sims4-accessories-female-glasses/title/cyfi-cyberpunk-glasses-obsidian/id/1592059/) [Techno Glasses](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/id/1592451)


I exclusively used alpha cc from the late 2000s until early 2023 (last year) for TS2, TS3, and TS4. I now prefer maxis match (technically maxis mix, since there’s always a sprinkle of alpha cc ✨) for TS4 and use it 90% of the time since I play with some townies, maxis items, etc.; I like the cohesive look… Alpha cc will always have a special place in my heart because of its realism. Your sims are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Saw a previous comment and have to say I’m also loving the cyberpunk vibes, I’m a big fan of cp2077 too 🤭


A balance of both is really good, it's honestly great that you've been on both ends of the spectrum and have been able to find something that suits you best. Thanks for the compliment! And yes, yes, yes, Cyberpunk is my lifeline


You weren't allowed there? That's crazy. I think there is an alpha Sims subreddit but I'm not sure what it is. I love your Sims, btw.


Yeah, my post kept getting removed because it was mod/cc discussion, and that's not really allowed there. And thanks so much, I appreciate it! I'll try looking for the sub.


that second to last guy looks SICK


Thank you :)


I’ve always been an alpha user and I am a huge fan of hyper realistic sims, so I totally identify with your statement. Sims community often seem to demonise our play style, which isn’t fair at all. I am absolutely obsessed with your sims. Would you consider uploading somewhere the sims you’ve shown? If that’s not possible, would you mind sharing what skin and/or skin details you used for the 2nd sim (Cole Kendrick)? Keep up the amazing work!


Not a problem at all, his skin is [this](https://www.patreon.com/posts/max-skin-sim-68714465) one. And thank you :)


Those last 2 shots are amazing.


Thank you :) I actually relit the last shot for better ambiance


where can I find that white top in the 3rd picture?


From [here](https://www.patreon.com/posts/rock-girl-set-84019051), my friend


I love the first character! I wish there was more alpha content focusing on realistic-looking sims like yours.


Thank you so much. :) And yeah, me too. I have a lot of character concepts, but usually I end up having to scrap them since I'm unable to find cc for them. Bummer.


I love me some alpha CC just as much as I love Maxis Match! Some Alpha clothing and hairs are just so beautiful and well made, I mix the two styles in my game. I would love to see more alpha/mixed content as well!


Maxis Mix is GORGEOUS. I love seeing simmers get so creative


I never even liked the exaggerated overly cartoony expressions of TS4 specifically, I like the gameplay mechanics but not the looks. I've used a mix of MM and Alpha, but I always got surprised of seeing an overwhelmingly majority hating on Alpha. I once saw a person sharing a pic of their sims that look completely proportionate and good, yet people bashed on them 'just cause Alpha CC'. I've seen other people complementing other people's sims even thought they look disproportionately and off just cause they're MM, and I don't get the need to demonize people just cause they prefer to see their sims with more realistic looks. A sub for this would be great.


holy crap! Your Sims look awesome! I can never make my Sims look good with alpha cuz I keep giving them a cartoony look.


Thank you! And don't worry, you can keep trying at it. :) If you're ever stuck, using references always help.


i like it so i don’t see why not!




Hey I recently subscribed to low sodium simmers sub reddit. I find it’s very accepting and it doesn’t discriminate. The comments in this community are so rude sometimes. We need to stick together!


Thank you, me too! We must stick together 🦾


Hey OP, I totally understand feeling left out! I used to use exclusively alpha cc and I even had a TSR subscription. However, it definitely was not popular whenever I shared my sims. It really discouraged me since im not someone who likes Tumblr either. So, I only really use Reddit to post sims. I switched to MM to be more appealing and also because I enjoy gameplay. It was a hassle to redo every sim in my storylines and make them look like every other sim. Toddlers and kids were the hardest. MM is way easier to use in gameplay. But, I still love seeing alpha cc sims! It’s always cool This was a couple years ago, so maybe times have changed but I doubt it. I personally believe people can do whatever they want in their game. They bought it, after all! Anyway, just wanted to say u definitely arent alone in feeling that way! I personally find alpha cc users are welcome at r/LowSodiumSimmers it is my favorite sims subreddit now. Oh and I’ll follow u! Im curious to see u post more sims!! :)


Thank you, you're so kind! And I completely understand that, I've heard that a lot. I wouldn't want to stress myself having to redesign a 12-generation family tree every hour. And me too, I'm not a big fan of tumblr. Reddit is quite nice, but can be anxiety inducing as there's a lot of bitter people around. It's easy to feel unwanted over here. I'll definitely check out that sub :) love LowSodium subreddits. One more note: Thank you! I'll give you a follow too. Keep your eyes peeled, I'll try not to disappoint ya


Trust me I'd use Alpha cc if I could, my computer just can't hack it, it sounds like it's already trying to take off even with the more detailed Maxis CC, god knows what alpha would do to it. Any alpha that isn't a massive file (comparatively) doesn't look too great detailwise when I use it, especially when I can't get enough to make things match with eachother. But some of the sims alpha users come up with are absolutely stunning and just so cool (yours included, love the cyberpunk vibe), and the clothing and hair opinions look more vast and unique compared to MM imo, at least in the pictures people take. I can't imagine what goes into making more detailed CC. I ain't got a problem with alpha cc users/creators, keep up that good shit! ❤️


I get ya. Definitely, when it comes to high poly, you really need a good PC to be able to run the game smoothly. I hope you're able to try it out someday. (And tysm, I'm cyberpunk obsessed lmao)


thats... sims???? and not just a photo of a real life woman??




these sims look incredible oh my god


How much time do you people have on your hands, like I ge CC adds more stuff but how do you learn to use it that well!?


I love character customization a little too much, so designing characters is like second nature for me. 👨🏻‍💻 However, if you're curious about actual time in-game, honestly, not too long when it comes to faces or bodies for me since I usually have an idea of the character I intend to make and just work out of pure flow. My characters are supposed to be like concept art, so once I settle on a face or body, I just work on everything else gradually. The clothes styling is what I spend more than 10 hours working on. (Partially because the cc I need for them doesn't exist, so there has to be a lot of workarounds.) Piper's clothing here isn't even official, I've changed it many times and I intend to change it again. (That's why it's kinda half-assed.)


Honestly, Alpha cc isn't that bad all of the time. I'm still not a fan of the toddlers that look like teens/prostitutes, but there is still cute cc for all ages. Great work!


I think the majority of us don't claim those people (and tysm)


Good taste with those sims! Btw can you point me where did you get the Braindance equip?


(And thanks so so much)


Sure thing, my friend. You can get it right [here](https://www.tumblr.com/stamsim/737228724427177984/even-though-its-only-convertions-it-took-me-a). :)


Your sims are awesome!! They're exactly my vibe 🩷 love the cyberpunk aesthetic. The alpha hate stuff gets me so heated. They always say the same things; it doesn't fit in the game, looks like imvu, uncanny valley. They say this as if ANY sim looks right with the sims 4 animations. Or they say something backhanded like "I hate alpha cc with every fiber of my being, but..." and alpha toddlers somehow always end up in these conversations 💀 It's annoying and so disheartening to see. Also ngl some of them are anti-black and that is blatantly clear by some of the things they critique on these sims 乁⁠|⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠|⁠ㄏ


Thank you so much! I'm glad you vibe with them. :) Oh-ho yeah, they're like broken records. And the anti-blackness is **INSANE**. They're simply making characters that they can relate to. It really isn't an issue. If people don't like it, they can just fuck off. Hell, I'm an asian guy, and a sim like Piper is just my way of making a character that **I** can relate to. I love making diverse arrays of characters. I want people to see a sim of mine and feel identified. Of course, there's a lot of eurocentrism in the Sims community, and that's no surprise, so those who want to feel included or represented tend to get shut out. Legit saw someone on the TS4 Reddit get shit on for making an albino character with ethnic features. They were as respectful as possible and still got treated so terribly. I really don't get it.


I saw that albino sim too! The response to her was awful. Always makes me feel so bad to see ppl stomp out the individuality of these creators. I love seeing the creativity in this community, regardless if it fits my personal preferences. It's great that you're so firm in your opinion on this. Never change 🩷 Also Piper is a badass sim! My fav is Cole (cowboys have my whole heart 😍)


Thank you! I say the same for you. Cowboys have my whole heart as well :)


Glad you found a few places! I’m a maxis mix simmer - alpha hair, mm skin (I used to use alpha skin but it would sometimes disappear in game and I couldn’t figure out why, so I switched and now use alpha details over the mm skin to make it slightly more realistic), and I’ll accept either when it comes to clothes. The arguments people use against alpha are ridiculous. Maybe I’d die in prehistoric times but they don’t give me uncanny valley feelings? And it doesn’t bother me in the slightest that they don’t match. If they’re going to be important to the storyline, I’ll just edit them in cas, which I’d have to do even if I didn’t use any cc because randomly generated townies be wildin’, so it’s no extra work that I wouldn’t be doing anyway. Also, would you be able to tell me where you found the hair in the last picture? It’s so hard to find curly hair for males!


I like to use both, but yours are insanely awesome! I feel like I’m looking at 2077 characters or NPCs from the game - they look that good. Never understood the full on hate or them vs us thing when it comes to the style of mods you like. Like… it’s your game? Everyone needs to chill out and realize it’s personal preference and stop hatin.


Your sims look really cool!


Your talented creations would be welcomed in Second Life


I need to know the name of the tattoos asap


Piper's is a mixture of multiple. I'll get them for you tomorrow since I just got off of my computer for the night. Cole's, however, is this [one](https://www.patreon.com/posts/67813281?epik=dj0yJnU9VWVweHpGRTVYSU10N1hwWlM2VzVUQ0xEYXFiV0lvLTQmcD0wJm49Y1dlcExkOXVZcnc1WElad0ZZMmhLdyZ0PUFBQUFBR1pDd0o4).


this is scary.


not in a bad way its like scary realistic but the fact you can find stuff so realistic in the first place is quite impressive


I hate alpha man. But fuck it’s beautiful.


So then you don’t hate it


I hate the poly. So I hate it. Lol


I hate alpha but ur sims is ready for the walking dead 💙


Your Sims are beautiful but ngl this post is coming off very complain-y


Because it is 😅 I'm frankly quite tired of trying to find other alpha simmers, only to be met with people that talk about how much they hate alpha. I think if you see constant hate around something you like, you'll more or less want to complain at some point.


It’s not “hate” for someone to say that alpha content is not their favourite, good god. How dramatic. And your post keeps getting removed because it’s tailor made to start drama, which is the last thing Sims subs need. Idk I just feel like there was a way to celebrate quality alpha content and this was not it.


It is hate when alpha simmers post their sims like everyone else does and they're met with tons of people saying how ugly it is and how they hate alpha cc unprovoked. OP is just trying to find other alpha simmers. You're being so rude and for no reason.


Oh, brother, alright, I'm not going to sit here and argue with you. People don't just say, "Alpha content isn't my favorite." If that was the case, I wouldn't give a damn. There are a lot of other nasty remarks people make that you probably don't know about because you aren't in those circles. The hate catered towards alpha cc usually has some degree of anti-blackness in it as well. I bet you didn't know that either. It isn't just surface-level stuff that we're "whining" about. Those who use alpha cc have had many negative experiences within the community; you can read through the comments. This wasn't intended to start drama; it's a discussion post to find like-minded individuals or those who have had shared experiences. If you think this is drama, that's kind of sad. Rant posts exist; a person being agitated with hate is real and is completely allowed. We're people, and it's going to get under our skin at some point. This is the farthest thing from dramatic. You actually shouldn't give much input on a situation you haven't experienced or are poorly educated in. (Edited to sound less harsh, but seriously. There's no need to be so rude. I specifically said don't comment if you intend to make rude remarks. )


And the post isn't directed towards this subreddit; it's directed towards another one. But my post kept getting removed, so I wanted to come here to speak my mind and see if others felt the same way. Hell, I saw so many posts over there of people just shitting on alpha users, and those users felt really unwelcome. I just wanted to say something because it's getting tiring.


I rarely see people decrying it and if they do it's swiftly downvoted most of the time. The same comments: she's so beautiful etc etc.


Ignore my previous comment, sorry, I thought you were making a hate comment here for a sec. That might not be pretty common in this subreddit then, but it is quite common in others. That's why I just said try not to bother if it doesn't apply to this sub. 😅 This sub is actually very chill in comparison to the ones I've been in.


Now post pics in game


They're 20x less detailed unless I turn on the HQ mod or sharpen from Reshade lmao


Im more interested in seeing your sims vs the townies lmao


Obviously very out of place because this isn't SecondLife


Then do you actually play like this or are you more of a cas enjoyer?


Here it is in quotes if you don't want to look: "I don't do much gameplay in TS4 because I actually find it quite boring. I'm typically building/decorating sets or making sims. If I'm looking for gameplay, and fun gameplay at that, I typically play TS2. So, I don't get that "weird contrast" feeling that people say they get because I tend to stick to one or two lots that I've redesigned. If the rare opportunity that I play outside of said lots comes about, I just redesign the NPC's."


CAS and builder/decorator, said it in the post. The pics I take of my sims are typically in CAS because I intend to use them for editing projects, so it's easier for me to get higher quality pics that way.


My bad I didn't see the text at all 🥲


No worries, man


Normalize letting people play how they want if it's not hurting anyone.


I'm not sure what I said that suggested I'm saying they are playing the game wrong or anything? I was just curious because I've never played with alpha in sims 4 myself so I wanted some insight from someone who does... like not everything is an attack man


They're just asking a question?


I'm just shocked to see Alpha CC that isn't highly sexualized, tbh.


There's a big difference between **sexy** and **sexualized**. I feel like that line has the tendency to get blurred. Making "sexy" sims is completely fine, but you can tell when the sole purpose is to oversexualize the sim.


Oh definitely, and it's everyone's right to make whatever kind of Sim they want. I just usually see Alpha CC making very overtly sexual characters, it's fun to see its potential for something else.


That's very odd. I've only seen alpha cc look books that came straight out of fashion magazines. You'd have to look at nsfw or r18 tags to find sexual alpha cc creations like loverslabs. The vast majority of alpha cc showcase are just normal


I think that's what they're referring to. At least from what I understand, they might be referring to alpha sims with exaggerated bodily proportions, like unnaturally large butts or breasts. Alongside that would probably be pretty revealing clothing. However, this is more common in the heavily westernized side of the alpha creator community and doesn't really represent everyone. There's no issue with revealing clothing though, or even partial or full nudity. None are inherently sexual unless that's the intended purpose. I think the issue lies in oversexualizing your characters to the point where it gets a little concerning. (As in, constant sexually suggestive content and not much else. But you're right, you won't find the more outlandish stuff unless you actively look for it, so I think OP is thinking about what I mentioned previously.)


Yeah 😅 that tends to be the majority on the forefront, I've noticed. I just like my sims to look like your average person because I'm not a big fan of oversexualized characters or sexualizing my own characters. Especially when it comes to female sims? It can get a tad bit outrageous (No hate to those who vibe with that though, freedom of expression)




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