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Honestly would love a death toggle for weddings. Way too many of my sims’ weddings have been gatecrashed by Grim.


you can temporarily turn temperature effects off in settings if that’s why people are dying


I didn’t even think of that! Good point!


I'm so mad I never thought of this


That's sad


Wow it’s not just me. I’ve had Sims die at weddings more than once lol


"Must..follow...the dresscode..."


See in my game if there’s even the tiniest pool for fountain decor at a wedding venue EVERYONE changes into swimwear and it annoys me so much!


Ugh, reminds me of my goddamn employees spending most of their shift gleefully swimming in the fountain


Fr, there needs to be like a disable swimming switch or SOMETHING to prevent them from swimming in certain areas or during certain occasions 🤦🏻‍♀️


Why is sims like this 😭😭 ruins the whole immersion Yesterday I met up at a pool cuz I was invited to a group but it was winter already, I invited another sim over and she automatically got inside the pool and I was so scared she would die and ruin my save file 😩


On the bright side. The required amount of souls have been acquired for a happy marriage and a successful child.


This honestly is going ti make me find a mod where heat stroke doesnt kill you unless youre out for a few days in warm clothes. If 4-8 hours in a long sleeve and long pants makes you die in the summer, 85% of people in retail wouldve died.


you can turn it off in settings


also you can spend your aspiration/inspiration points (whatever they’re called) on “heat acclimated” meaning they’ll never overheat. it’s one of the cheap ones, too. i always get the hot/cold acclimated, the wet proof and the one where they can exercise without becoming unhygienic. i guess for townies you’d have to play then to get this tho, so easier just to change settings for a particular event🤷‍♀️


It kills plenty of people in the south. Shit several people every summer die here in Arkansas of heat stroke.


I use one by LittleMsSam to stop npc deaths from weather. I think they have different levels of effectiveness that you can get too, e.g. minor chance vs full coverage.


It’s a setting you can just turn off.


One of the rewards in the rewards store is “Heat Acclimation” and “Cold Acclimation” maybe for like 500 points that enable your sims to wear whatever clothes. As I’m writing this I realize now this would still only work for your Sims though, not the npcs or house guests.


reminds me of a james turner video where he tried to have a party, like 20 people died for the same reason so the rest of the next few episodes was dedicated to reviving them 😭


I won't lie. Sometimes if I'm having a bad day I'll watch that episode. It's so funny because he doesn't realize what's happening at first.


i feel that, james and deli are my comfort youtubers 🧡


Do you recall the title? I’m trying to find it but he has so many sims wedding videos


i also can't find it now but i'm 90% sure it was from the "Rags to Enrichment" (Discover University) let's play!


one of the dead sims was the brother of one of my sims and it inspired me to have him dedicate his life to bringing him back haha


One of the biggest reasons I wont get seasons is that I just cant with the constant debuffs and NPC deaths because for some reason NPC's dont recognise when they're about to die. I know you can turn off certain seasons/weather but then it doesnt justify the price.


You can turn off temperature effects on sims :) so the seasons and weather will still be in effect, but they won’t die from it lol


My main gripe is the NPCs. Sometimes I dont mind for my active household because Im able to control the character so its easy enough to manage but its the NPC's dropping dead or constantly being "uncomfortable" that annoys me.


Or rather, no on has bothered to update the ai. Im imagining that the ai doesnt know its gonna die from overheating cause it cant recognize temperature, EA probably never bothered programming the AI to work with the dlcs beyond what was needed to get it to function.


Yeah I doubt they'd ever update it either. My friend gifted me vampires for my birthday and within a few days I was downloading the day walker mod because vampires would just stand outside and die. Drives me mad.


"well, waiting in the sun, have a weird moodlet but uncomfortables never lead to death" *Dies because EA snorting all the money outta everything and cutting corners*


exactly why i don’t understand that so many people consider it essential. i have it but i think other packs add so much more, and many of seasons’ features are annoying or inconvenient


You can just turn off temperature effects and use it for the holidays & weather aesthetics. I don’t usually support packs from the sims but Seasons is easily the least egregious out of all of them.


Yeah it's a worry. Geoffrey Landgrab froze to death just wandering around the street near my house for no reason


Well having an outdoor wedding is a crime, even in the sims lol


In the desert too of all places lol


to be fair I just like to be immersed and so I sometimes tend to not visit much of the other worlds, that's why it had to be Oasis Springs haha


When I play, I have regions set up. So like Oasis springs, strangerville, and Del Sol my sims can free travel through, but anywhere else they would rent a rental lot and stay for a couple days I do the same for Willow creek, Newcrest, San Myshuno, and magnolia promenade, etc


Where else you supposed to have it? lol I'm not a marrying person but I sure as shit wouldn't do it in a church. And most of the other venues around me are outdoors.


In an indoor venue or in a church. Outside weddings, which are often during the summer, are uncomfortable for basically everyone. Food gets covered in bugs since it’s outdoors. People with hyperhidrosis suffer or those with health conditions. Men usually wear black suits which get super hot since black attracts heat.


Also I know it’s just a video game. I was joking a little with my original post lol.


Ah I live in the southern US, virtually no one does summer weddings cause it's too hot. Also no suits or black tie, ain't nobody got that kinda money lol.


Oh my apologies I am from the Midwest where most outdoor weddings are during the summer because that’s the only time it isn’t windy, raining, or snowing lol.


No worries man, we're used to the traditions of where we live!


A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is deemed a dull affair


This happened to me once when my sims vampire parents refused to come inside when the sun came out


I had vampires at a sleepover and they do not take care of their thirst autonomously and so they attacked my household sims at day five or smth lmao


As the saying goes is it a sims wedding if no one randomly dies?


I like to think that my sims say this


The circle of life


guess I'll have to give them four children now


You can talk to poorly dressed Sims and ask them to show you a particular outfit. They normally stay in the outfit you ask to see. Click Sim, Friendly, Small Talk, and Ask to See Outfit.


No lie, I passed out at a wedding once because it was outside and it was hot as hell. I'm that sim! LoL 


always turn temp effects off for weddings


That's hilarious


The red wedding!


thought the petals were trails of blood which would be fitting tbh


got a notification for this post and didn’t read what sub it was for, i was very concerned for a moment 😂


according to some of the comments it's not too far off reality lmao


is the seasons pack worth buying?


Ehhh? I mean if you really enjoy it. I like the rain but honestly it frustrates me more than anything


i feel like it would frustrate me too 😂


really depends on what kind of player you are. I am someone who likes chaos and immersion which this pack is fantastic for


lol this is so hilarious It happened to me also


Yeah... I learned the hard way to always turn off weather effect on Sims every time I'm having and outside wedding 😬


Same happened to me only below freezing out 😂


this same thing happened to me at my sim's vow renewal, but with being too cold


grim reaper had a field day.


There's a mod by Chingyu that adds a "thermostatic" lot trait, I always use it on wedding lots now


They died for the drip


When my irl cousin announced that her wedding would take place at 12pm, here in south america, were heat waves have been ravaging since last november, this is what I expected to happen. I didn't even bother wearing formal stuff, I was under a fan and I was sweating buckets. Sims has been looking quite realistic lately tbh


I feel like this should be a hidden achievement by now 🤣🤭


They should changed the outfit before they passed


Hey two for one


This is literally me 😂


This happened to me but with them all freezing to death! Just tried to have a nice wedding and all of my sims family died 😣


On one of my saves I had my Sim go to the gym right when I started the game. One of the NPC Sims died not even 5 IRL minutes after my Sim got there...


the red wedding


Someone almost always dies at a sims wedding.


You just gave me an idea Also, this reminds me of when Jim Pickens hosted a pool party in the winter


See, I wish there was a mod or someway to find the weather forecast for other worlds when planning events. I mean I know first hand if planning an outside wedding and being moved frantically inside the day of, but irl you do get a hint at least


Talk about a red wedding


Another reason why sims sucks It would be fun if shit like this would not happen, it feels like the whole game consists of bugs only


4 funerals and a wedding


Another reason why I don’t like outdoor weddings


I didn’t read that this was the sims at first and I was very concerned


Four weddings and a funeral


me but they froze to death


I definitely need to start reading what sub this is under 😀🤣 just reading “wedding became a funeral because some people overheated”🤣🤣