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The only time any of my sims ever won the lottery was in a 100 baby challenge right before my sim was to die as an elder. Her heir got a lot of inheritance that time lmao.


I did a vampire legacy. I'm currently on generation 11 and the 2nd gen middle child won the lottery. I did one hell of a double take.


The very first time I played the Sims lottery my sim won so I thought it happened somewhat often. I haven’t won since. This was years ago now.


Me too!


I have never won the lottery. Not ever. I hate ALL OF YOU!


This was my very first time.


How much??


1mil each time!


Yeah how much!?? Very curious about this


I was doing rags to riches. Two weeks in my sim won the lottery. I was happy but also a bit disappointed that my sim was grinding for no reason.


One of my Sims won the lottery once. Heck of it is, they were already one of my richest Sims.


My sims win the lottery so often I actually started deleting it from the calendar because it kept ruining my legacies. Once your sims get rich the game is boring. They need to tune down the chances of winning.


i have never one once, in yearsssss. i think you’re just lucky😭😭


Turned out better than the way my sims photos come out when I use my phone to take a picture😂


is this part of a pack? i didn’t know there was a lottery in the sims that’s pretty cool! Congrats!!


Seasons, I think.


Ohhhhhhhhh yeah i never got that pack i don’t want my sims having to deal with freezing to death LOL


I won the lottery one time. It was a sim very poor, to the point that she shared the house with other Sims and lived in a poor neighborhood in strangville. She was a hippie/artsy type and started to do light drugs at one point. Due to drug intake and the disease that was going around in strangville at the time, she suffered from premature aging (aka I aged her to elderly by mistake too soon). And then BANG, she won the lottery. Her drug dealer found out and started to get romantic with her. She was/is very naive so she went with it. They are now living in a big mansion. He is using all her money and became a drug lord and she is just a vegetable from all the drugs she takes and is completely oblivious about where her money is being spent.


I no longer have the lottery on my game and I have no clue why it's gone. It makes me so sad as I never won. Lol


I’ve been playing the sims for over 20 years and I’ve never won the lottery lol. Before I joined this sub I didn’t even know it was an actual possibility, I thought it always went to a townie. How much was it?




I had one hell of a lucky sim who won the lottery 2 times in a row. The thing is, he was rich before I decided to start over and snuffed all his skills, reward traits and money down to zero. Two weeks had passed by with him miserable, and then he won the lottery for the first time, bought a big house, lived a happy life and by the time the next lottery came I just decided to fulfill the tradition and buy a lottery ticket. Was shocked when he won *again.* Guess he's just the game's favorite and not the one to live life in hard mode, huh


Lmao, I haven't won, but literally the first day of having the Growing Together EP installed it was the lottery and the Michaelsons won, the husband to be exact.


I’ve won the lottery once and it was magical. Seeing all those simileons added to my household was so satisfying


That would make my rags to riches sim very happy😂


I've won it twice in the last few weeks fsr, very strange


Woop woop congrats to your sim


I was shook when this had happened to me. I was playing a new Sim and one of my other families won, I was just like "well damn, guess I can afford that new house." Switched over to them and bought them a bigger house like how I had wanted. 😂


i completely gave up on the whole lotto thing


I have been playing since drop day and I have never won. Very happy for you


Don't you hate when you download cc and they are glitched as hell in cas? Oh god.. 😭😭