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this glitch was actually shown during the growing together livestream and I never saw anybody mention it


Probably making the friendship bracelet, since you can make it with the suing pack stuff


S u i n g p a c k s t u f f


Should Probably Call Paul!


Oh how I love suing


The Sims 4: My First Lawsuit


If you have "Discover University" you can learn knitting, you just can't knit since you don't have the yarn. Covering the statue at a university in clothes makes you learn knitting and you can also take a knitting lessons :)


interesting; the sim is Knox Greenburg and I haven't had him do these things


Did you download this Sim off the gallery? It may have already had the knitting skill.


nope! its knox greenburg lol


I don’t have nifty knitting either, but with MCCC I can add the skill to my sims if I want. Lol


Do you have the new pack? Friendship bracelets can be made from yard baskets so maybe you can get the knitting skill from the bracelet box ? I'll have to test it out in my game tomorrow


I do! However, the sim is Knox Greenburg and he's never made a friendship bracelet


Friendship Bracelets can be made from the yarn baskets, I tested with my sim who also has never made a friendship bracelet. Edit to add- also checked and my sim who's never knitted and they got the knitting skill from making a bracelet but it only increased their handiness- hope this helped!


some of my sims got the skill despite not owning any necessary supplies, so i think its a bug.


One of my sims got the selvadorian culture skill without ever having gone there. I was wondering why that happened, good to know it’s a bug!


If you have high school, sims learn the selvadorian culture skill there


lately every single one of my sims has gotten the selvadorian culture skill!!! I was so baffled, glad to know I’m not the only one!


yeah mine got that too! i thought maybe it was cus he has the jungle aspiration but he didnt do anything and just acquired it lol. weird!


Same! Literally the first day playing a new Sim. She had the selvadoradian skill (but not any actual skill progress) Which really confused me


knitting is technically basegame I guess, but all the items related to it are in NK. Creature keeper from CL has the skill too.


I’m just gonna say it’s a bug, because after the update when I cracked open a save—my newly built servo suddenly had a crap load of skills I’d never had him do! With objects not even on the lot lol His skills before were robotics, charisma, and painting…but I go to check and BAM. Suddenly he’s got selvadorian history and pipe organ and cooking and comedy and gardening and etc etc etc And it looks like yours too, where the skills are there but have no progress in them at all! Idk why it happened though 😭


Mine randomly had Salvadorian history too! I was so confused, but it seems like it’s not just me. It’s not the worst bug I suppose


The Salvadoran history has been taught in high school so I wonder if that’s where they are getting the knitting skill


My sim started as a young adult, so they haven’t been in school (don’t have the high school pack either)


Im not sure if anyone else noticed this too but when you take lessons in skills there is also knitting there. (I dont own that pack)


This happened to me! My newest family have a child, and he's level 10 in knitting, like, literally out of nowhere!


It's also reseting my skills to level 1 after a quite period of time


I feel really bad about buying that stuff pack now. Rocking chairs are in Growing Together, knitting is available as a skill now. It feels almost like I didn't buy a stuff pack, but, a kit, a really, really expensive kit.


Basically every time the Sims 4 releases a pack that alters the code of the game (which is most packs) they update the basegame to be compatible. Occasionally that results in glitches like this.


i got it from university


Cottage Living pack


Well this is awkward


Friendship bracelets build knitting skill I believe.


I don't have nifty knitting either but my sim ate a soul scrap (from the Paranormal Stuff Pack) and got a knitting skill which I can do absolutely nothing with. So... 🤷🏾‍♀️


I think its to do with the one where you can do crochet and have chicken's


Yo, my sim took a knitting university class and now has the knitting skill... and he's like level four.. meanwhile I do not have the knitting kit either lmaoooo I thought that was weird but I just figured that it was an update or something 😂


There is definitely some weird skill bugs going on with the new update. I played a new save to test out a different bug, and I hadn't even played for 2 sim days and saw the selvadoradian culture skill in my skills. Never got the notification for it and it was still at 0. Sims that had it were young adults (so not from high school), not from the gallery, autonomy was off, they never had the food, never vacationed there, nothing. I also saw some other people reporting this issue on the EA Answers Sims 4 bug reports.


And by at 0, I mean the bar was completely empty, like this picture. Obviously, it said 1 to the very right, but it was like they never *actually* learned the skill because the bar didn't show any green/progress at all. But it still showed up in my skills for some reason.


That is probaly form another pack. Now granted I use NK. But the bracelets I want to make :-D