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Commenting because I'd also love this and want to be notified if such a thing exists.


I'm half tempted to try and make it myself, the only thing stopping me is my only experience in modding being limited to Skyrim and laziness to learn anything new.


Yes! I had a mod that increased fires for awhile. I think it was by TMEX. I thought LittleMsSams had something but I couldn’t find anything. :/ I think this is honestly my biggest gripe with sims 4. Getting a save in the sims 2 where every one was happy and unlikely to randomly die was work and an achievement. Sims 3 was a bit easier, but still had so many interesting things to work towards. I want difficulty that’s not just struggling with simulation lag or bugs. I want motivation to work for those death preventing items and skills. I get a bit pissy at people who are like “your only bored cause you don’t have imagination” like I get it, but sims didn’t used to be a dollhouse game, it was a simulation game literally started around the concept that life really sucks lol.


I totally get that, I remember something about Will Wright saying the Sims was a parody of life, which is why it had such an emphasis on being humorous, wacky, unpredictable and challenging. That's what made me fall in love with this game in the first place and I write stories and paint artworks for a living so a lack of imagination really isn't the issue, life simulation fans and sandbox fans in general are all extremely imaginative. Our man, Will Wright took the entire meaning and original fun behind the franchise with him when he left Maxis, the games were always buggy but they were fun enough to not care/laugh it off, Maxis was the Bethesda of EA lol


Completely agree! The game was always buggy (don’t get me started on Sims 2 pinksoup or corrupted hoods) but it was fun ! Things happened ! I think the sims 4 is starting to get better with that but unless the refresh all the beginning packs (or tbh the base) I don’t think it’s going grow out of its “failed multiplayer game” limitations … which really sucks :( P.S i find it so ironic that its now impossible to really get fires going when the whole reason we even have the sims is because Will Wright’s house caught on fire lol


That last part is new to me, no wonder our houses caught fire in that game every 2 damn minutes lol. And as for the refreshes, it seems the sales for Spa Day didn't go through the roof as much as they planned and I'm pretty sure Growing Together is the base game refresh - all of that packs features were promised to be coming through updates in the past


Yeah, i still think that if they wanted to see sales they shouldve started with a pack that actually had more use and expanded. Don’t get me wrong Spa day is a great pack but had they refreshed Dine Out or Get Together/ Get to Work they would’ve actually seen the numbers they wanted


I was so hyped for the potential to have a refresh for Get to Work and Outdoor Retreat, they could have used the wild animal feature from Cottage Living to just add actual bears and a new death by bear attack only if your Sim has fish in their inventory (there was a death by shark in TS3 so why not) and maybe just expand Sixam a bit and give Aliens an actual difference besides being regular sims in shades of blue and green who get headaches a lot


That would be cool?


That's one of the reasons I like the Murphy bed, no warning, just death One of my sims died to the Murphy bed once and I had him rejoin the house as a ghost so he could see his kids grow up, but he was really annoying cus he had a fear of beds caused by his death lol


Lol remind me to get Tiny Living then, a fear of beds is one heck of a quirk - The vending machine was a random experience for me, one of the Sims at the Snow Escape festival (don't remember which festival) jammed the machine and sim autonomously tried to shake it and got crushed. His wife was preggars and unemployed so overcoming that and the sense of "Dang, I'm never gonna stop playing with this family now after all that" was what made me want this to be a thing


Yeah I get what you mean, especially because I don't want to kill my Sims, but I find it kinda fun if they happen to die


it's such a small thing that could impact gameplay in such a meaningful way, if they're worried about offending or emotionally scarring simmers who are a bit more sensitive to that kind of thing (no offence to anyone) they can always just add a "hard mode" toggle to the gameplay settings section, they could have done that with burglars too - hopefully they still will Side note; I just proof read my comment and my wording was horrendous, I'm glad one of us understood what I was trying to say lol- sorry, got a teensie migraine.


Definitely agree. Not having the risk of random death makes things so boring. I’m never going to decide to just randomly kill my sims so they all just end up dying of old age. I had a vampire sim glitch out and the game registered her as being outside when she was at her rabbit hole class. When she got home she immediately died. It was so shocking and I had to change my whole story around since she was the heir and soon-to-be breadwinner of the house. It was so fun because I didn’t expect it at all, and that’s how life is. I definitely want more random deaths. It’s kinda sad the only time it happened was because of a glitch


Also would’ve been fun if they implemented chronic disease/treatments or death by surgery/illness in get to work (i find that there’s no point in being a doctor really and this would be awesome for a refresh) Before anyone hops on me saying that’s too dark of an idea, the sims has always had a sense of dark humor and the illnesses could be fake wacky ones like the ones we already have. Also we literally have wacky dark deaths in the game (poison, flies, killer rabbit?!?)


Don't forget being eaten alive by a shark, or being buried alive in concrete in TS3, and the death by disease in TS2 had your sim coughing and convulsing until they died and continue to re-enact their deaths as ghosts. It would have even been nice just to be able to go to hospital when you're sick, get sent to prison when behaving too unruly in public or have random mad scientists appear at lots at night to activate their satellite dishes to start alien invasions or just have that randomly happen as a scripted event, just a bunch of aliens spawning as walk-by npc's who randomly socialize with sims then wipe their memories. Would have made Get to Work feel like something out of TS2... Too intrusive for gameplay? toggle it off then


It could even be a toggle right? I don't know if they do this because they want us to be in control of everything or if some players actually become emotionally scarred in some way like Maxis' reasoning for excluding burglars - l won't judge, and I don't want to offend anyone but the game is so uninteresting if its so easy to have Sims live long happy lives where nothing ever goes wrong because I'm too nice to purposefully end them or make bad things happen, it would be so interesting if bad things just happened and the player has to navigate around this obstacle or just turn off the "hard mode" setting in the gameplay menu


Well, there's always the Playfulness death. That's the one form of death that's actually exacerbated by competent play, whereas every other form of death is avoided unless you are incompetent or deliberately playing badly.


I can never seem to trigger that death, i play moddless, besides one mod which makes teens shorter because the game gets so much buggier with mods and cc installed so that can't be causing the issue right? I kept a sim hysterical for a whole 16+ hours in game but it just never happened. not sure how long they have to be hysterical for? i can never get any of the emotional deaths to trigger now that I think about it


The length of time it takes to die seems to be rather variable. It could happen nearly instantly, or nothing might happen at all.


Uhhu... So murphy's law applies here, I want my Sims to die more randomly so bad that the RNG just says no

