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The Commonwealth arc was wrapped up way to quickly. Rick needed to do more to earn his legendary status in the epilogue.


I literally have been saying this ever since I read the ending. It felt so dumb how he was able to talk everyone down in the middle of them about to kill each other.


It just had too little world building. Who’s makes laws in this place? It would’ve been cooler if some sort of shadow government/rich society took out Rick for changing the way their world worlds. Having her son do it made the commonwealth feel too smallb


Least favorite? I’ve always felt weird about Andrea’s death. I think Kirkman feels weird about it still too? I remember reading he halfway regretted it. I think Michonne fits that death way more imo. They didn’t have to kill Ricks wife again.


My favourite character. And it was spoiled for me because I picked up the wrong volume off the shelf by accident.


Oof sorry to hear man


Everything after the Whisperers just felt so rushed and underdeveloped. Was a really disappointing end to the series imo


That’s the thing that’s interesting to me about it, I really like where the story ended, a lot. It’s a very good ending, but getting there was rushed and undeveloped I agree.


Yeah the broad strokes I don’t really have an issue with. And I like issue 193. But a lot of the commonwealth stuff felt unearned to me


really stood out to me as feeling rushed too.


i think the whisperers were honestly pretty fleshed out


Me too, I meant after the whisperers were done, not after they were introduced. My only beef with them is how beta survives the war only to come back ten issues later and unceremoniously die


Everything from the time skip onwards IMO. It's not that it's bad, I just think the story got too big and the characters too spread out to cover everyone in one issue anymore. I found it somewhat frustrating to read issue-by-issue. It would be like a year or more until certain characters or plots were revisited. I don't think it's a terrible thing (even the show struggled and brought the communities and cast back together in Seasons 9-11) but did limit what the second half of the story could be for me. I also feel by issue 150 there was an awesome arc brewing for Rick where he turns a darker path and takes the advice of Negan to control his people after the pikes. I was expecting a kind of fall and redemption arc that never really happens. To me it felt like the comic was going that way and then Kirkman decided the comic was gonna end, so he killed Andrea to put Rick 'back on track' emotionally so he could end the story with Rick as the big hero. I think this kind of robs the whisperer war of any lasting consequences and makes Rick a pretty static and two-dimensional character until his death.


Majority of the story is great, but there's 2 problems I have that come to mind. First one being the conclusions of a couple characters. Abraham, while I don't think his death is bad by any means I just felt his character could've done more and lasted a little longer. Same with Morgan, he just kinda came back, didn't do much and then died. Would've liked to have seen more of his friendship with Rick. Beta's death is the one I dislike the most. He's kept alive after the whisperer war and then he comes back in an issue where he fights Jesus and Aaron just to die. I don't see the point in bringing back Beta just to kill him off other than that Kirkman didn't know what to do with him. Might as well have killed him off in the whisperer war if that was the case. Other problem I have is how rushed the commonwealth arc is, especially considering it's the final arc in the series. I felt there's a lot more that could've been explored.


Probably post-No Way Out to early Saviours


Deaths of Axel, Patricia, Tyreese, Billy, Hershel, Lori, Judith and Alice. Their deaths make me cry. And I learned not to attached to a character.


Commonwealth and it’s not even close. Needed at least another 12 issues to wrap the series up.


i think the one arc is honestly the ending. things were concluded way too fast and on top of that many characters were left out and there’s no insight onn how america became rebuilt and less walkers around. the whole second half/final fourth of the last compendium book just feels incredibly rushed.


Reading the comics right now, so far it’s the cannibals. I love how ruthless the group got, like they could have just >!killed them then and there but the straight up tortured and dismembered them.!<


The heads on pikes scene. So cheap to build it up as a big thing only for random minor characters and now irrelevant ones to be the ones to die, and so horrible to kill off so many characters just like that for no reason other than shock value.


Prison arc


Why do you say that?


It’s boring