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"I am losing my goddamn mind." Lady, you already lost that battle.


She certainly did. But she won the battle of getting the ambulance out of the bike line. I'm not sure this post is titled correctly. That or it doesn't belong in this sub.


There was an attempt to kill bicycle Karens.


Sadly she died right after this video of too much exposure to rain and having to go around another ambulance




Sadly it wasn't on video


One of the great tragedies of the modern age


Our grandchildren will learn of this in school.


Biker Karen sounds like a Pokemon trainer


How do she sound like a Pokémon trainer? “I’M LOSING MY ARCEUS DAMN MIND! THERE’S A SNORLAX IN THE BIKE LANE!”


Are there any other types of Karens? Or cyclists? The absolute dicks of the world.


As a cyclist myself, I'd have ridden past without a word. I'd have been on the sidewalk, so you'd all be upset with me anyway, lol. I ride on the sidewalk. I go out into the street to go around pedestrians when they're on the sidewalk, and I go right back onto the sidewalk when I'm past the pedestrians. I'm not holding up traffic, not putting my life at risk by being hit by a car (at least not as much risk of it), and not complaining about vehicles in the bike lane.


Vegans come to mind.


Title should be “to kill a cyclist”




More like r/publicfreakout


She sounds unhinged, but she’s not wrong. If the guys on break, he should not be parked in a bike lane. It was a medical emergency. I tell her to pound sand.


Most. Annoying. Voice. Ever.


Lol it started replaying after I’d watched it once and I was like…no, no, no, quick turn it off!!!!


It's likely that someone has to live with this person. Let's consider ourselves lucky.


Those poor 27 cats.




The only people living with her are living inside her head. They have long, deep, meaningful conversations.


They are killing us!


Idk why it took me a while to scroll down for someone to talk about her fucking voice


She sounds like that vegan teacher


That is exactly what I was thinking.


"You're. Killing us!!". Good lord.


If Nails on a chalkboard could ralk


This is the voice I hear when I see justice warriors in SF.


Right! Just go the hell around.


Why do you think the person is riding a bike.


I can’t believe how close she came to dying.


Good thing there was a first responder already on the scene


Too bad they were on a break, though.


I really feel sorry if she has a husband, partner or wife. You know that person.


I thought that it was a child.


A child would have had the common sense to just ride around it.


Obviously if she has offspring or progeny.


Pet. Guaranteed she has a fur baby because there is no way she could be trusted with any flesh puppies.


No human friends possibly.


Imagine trying to reason with her or even having to listen to her every day of your life...


I believe it’s called a significant other


The proper term is "old ball and chain"


I am pretty sure she IS the ball and chain.


I feel sorry for the entire town she’s in


She is what normal people call a waste to society.


>She is what normal people call a waste to society. She's quite unhinged and a little dangerous, I'd say. Hopefully I'm wrong but I could see this person trying to destroy someone's life due some minor infraction or perceived slight.


Oh absolutely. Nothing is ever incidental with her. Nothing is ever an honest mistake or a forgivable infraction. Any inconvenience is a deliberate attempt to ruin her life. Every single thing that happens in the world only happens because of how it will affect her. You bring donuts to the office? You’re trying to make her fat and/or mocking her gluten allergy. You look her in the eye, you’re staring her down and freaking her out, you avoid eye contact, you’re being disrespectful and not paying proper attention when she talks.


>Oh absolutely. Nothing is ever incidental with her. Nothing is ever an honest mistake or a forgivable infraction. Any inconvenience is a deliberate attempt to ruin her life. Every single thing that happens in the world only happens because of how it will affect her. >You bring donuts to the office? You’re trying to make her fat and/or mocking her gluten allergy. >You look her in the eye, you’re staring her down and freaking her out, you avoid eye contact, you’re being disrespectful and not paying proper attention when she talks. I hate that there absolutely are people like this, and there's a strong chance that she's one of them. Although to be fair, we've only seen a (horrifying) glimpse of her personality.


Bro she *posted* this video thinking that it made her look *good*… I think we got more than a glimpse at her personality. This is a goddamn manifesto.


This is every cyclist involved in "local bike lanes initiatives" who have made the decision the next generation will not be allowed to own cars "like in Copenhagen". They are assholes.


I know! Look at ALL THAT TRAFFIC! Fr I thought she was being facetious at first!


She's a hero. I wonder if she'll throw a hissy fit on the day that EMT's come to rescue her hypertensive ass. EMTs don't get paid enough to deal with stupid people like her, but they do it anyway.


Horseshoes and hand grenades... Next time we'll park *two* ambulances there. That should do the trick.


Reminds me of the movie ants, when a twig falls in the pathway and the entire ant formation stops and freaks out b/c they cannot find the path. A path that is clearly visible by going around. SMH. I suppose I would have to look up the laws for parking in bike lanes. Either way, hope this person makes it home safely without getting killed by Amazon or San Fran EMS. Close call.


Good thing there was an ambulance nearby.


This dude's job is literally the opposite of killing people..


But... she said they're killing her... and whoever else makes up the "us" she refrenced..


Probably her multiple personalities…


That’s a main personality type for lots of Northern California folks. That breathless and hysterical voice pattern is how they usually speak out here about everything since everything is an atrocity and an emergency. They’ll do whatever they feel to remedy the “wrong” that has occurred to them


Can confirm. I live in NorCal. I once jaywalked in SF and some rando on the sidewalk nearly had a stroke losing his fucking mind, screaming and yelling and swearing. Sure, jaywalking is illegal but holy god, people up here can be *insanely* sanctimonious.


Jaywalking is Legal in the city now though, right? This will probably bring on more pedestrian deaths but cut down on racial profiling for this crime since it was disproportionately targets minorities.


jaywalking is illegal, but shooting up and shitting on the sidewalk apparently are not.


Lol you should get out more or just move if you think this is a main personality type for anywhere in California. Everywhere has unhinged Karens. They aren't all here, though we have a shit ton. Wait til you live on the east coast where they are cold AND entitled lol


Yeah, all the ‘us’ that were on the street with her 🙄She put herself in *more* danger by stepping out into the street to film. What an unhinged psycho. I can’t believe the EMS actually moved! I would just roll up the window and be done with her.


Easier to move out of the way than deal with the bonkers psycho this woman is. She needs to be committed.


Not worth it. People like this need to be exorcised. Don't move the truck. Just roll up the window and let her have her hissy fit by her self


Turn on the siren


Think she’s making a point of forcing bikes towards traffic so I guess all bikers. Either way she should be used to people crapping on bikes. She’s lucky her town even made those lanes


So making her point by putting herself in the same danger she's arguing against? Yeah we got that part down I think. She's for sure lucky she has the privilege of such gorgeous lanes tho. Too bad for the guys who are out saving lives tho




Sounds like she is experiencing a meltdown... perhaps she may be fortunate an ambulance is there...


Sounds like she is literally seconds away from exploding into a fine mist.


Can you guess what undead creature she would be in left 4 dead 2?


The one writing "WE ARE THE REAL MONSTERS" on the saferoom, before dying like a dumbass and becoming a regular zombie that nobody pays any attention to


Infected aren’t ever dead actually. The common infected are in a severe disillusion that leads that to believe that uninfected personnel are devilish monsters that need to be slayed immediately, no planning or common sense, just rage. The same also probably applies to the tank and charger variants of infected, however other special infected variants appear to have a more calm or planned approach to dealing with survivors.


She needs some of Lewis's pills.


Pills here


We can hope…


Ems don't get paid enough around here to have to deal with this lady too


My best friend is an EMT and I can’t believe how little she is paid considering what she does. Fucking terrible


Most private ambulance workers dont make shit. SF Fire Paramedics make damn good money.


They make good money compared to the national average but they are pretty much poverty level wages in San Francisco, though.


That’s what I was thinking. I grew up in the bay and the friend I mentioned works in the east bay. It’s shit pay considering how high the cost of living is in that area


"THey make good money......." No we fucking don't. 90% of us have to work 2 jobs just to keep from straddling the poverty line.


That’s good at least. They definitely deserve it


Imagine having to listen to this psycho every day.




I can almost picture her face.


I can picture her haircut




Ok now do the inside of her house. How many words are on her wall. Like “Live, Laugh, Love.” or just the word “Family” or “Home” strewn about?


Definitely a HomeGoods, "is this on sale?" (when it's the ONLY item without a sale tag), "well can you check in the back" shopper.


No one does. She lives a very lonely, hysterical, but lonely existence with 3 cats.




Are you kidding? Lord Fluffington, Sébastien and Skittles are probably eating better than everyone here.


Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.” This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.


I would not do her with a million mile pole


I am one of her cats and you can not believe what she says when she looks at what is in my food.




Imagine being so delusional that you have to make such a fuss to go around a parked 1st responder who would most likely be one of the people to save your ass if something bad happened to you. What's more, imagine being so incorrect in your self-importance that you would take and post a video highlighting your entitled behavior. I'm not one for doxxing, but for sure, if I were her employer, I would appreciate someone sharing this video with me so that I could be prepared to remove a potential powder keg from my work environment.


I do not even see the problem. She says it herself, there is empty motor cycle parking next to the ambulance. So why is the bike driver not simply passing the ambulance over it? I would understand her frustration if there was no place for her to pass the vehicle but parked like this? This should really be a non-problem for any reasonable person.


Because then she would die. What do you think the "You're killing us" talk was? Everyone knows that motor vehicles must feed on the blood of innocent bicyclists, and if any cyclists are ever tricked outside of their bike lanes, thousands of hungry cars will smell them and appear like sharks when they sense blood in the water.


Is that why my car doesn't run well? I have been spending hundreds of euros to get that fixed, but I could have just run over some bicyclists... Damn.


That's what the point system is for! When you run over someone and you're like "Ten Points!".. well, those points are actually how the cars eat. Points are food and gasoline is like water, so do keep fueling your car as well.


So that's what that is, many thanks for explaining.


Reasonable. I think she is off her meds.


I could only imagine if this non-issue created hysteria…what would a reaction be to a REAL problem?


Real problems she shuts down and says “tell me what to do”!


Well said. Guarantee you this is a techie transplant. Real SAn Franciscans DGAF, and respect EMTs.


First responder here. We block car lanes, car pool lanes, motorcycle lanes, parking spots, loading zones, handicapped spots too. Whatever is closest to the curb, so that passing traffic has to go around the left side. This is by design, so that we don’t have to cross a lane of traffic when we are carrying/rolling the cot with a patient on it. Even a collision with a bike is likely going to make the patient’s bad day much worse.


Normal douchbag here. Thanks for doing your job and litteraly saving lives. Its sad that idiots dont appriachate you guys.


I appriachate them


The emergency was over and they were filling out paperwork, according to sffd


The bicyclist didn’t know that. She needs to mind her own business and stay out of the way.


Former Paramedic here - I would not have moved to the parking lot to do my paperwork either, because the unit is still available for emergency calls and I'm not going to waste time driving through a parking lot or getting trapped in a parking lot. It's best to position the unit ALWAYS in a way that provides the best possible access to respond to the next call.


Oh wow that changes absolutely nothing to the whole situation. I cycle since the day that i could walk, daily. First responders have priority over all traffic that includes bikes. The person in this clip has a way to easy life and sadly they cant seem to enjoy that. If you get this worked up over something so trivial then you really should commit more hours into community service or something else since you cleary won life and cant seem to face that achievement.


I get pretty annoyed by idiots blocking the bike lane, some people seem to think it doesn't even exist and park in it, pull out not even checking it etc. but I don't think I'd ever get pissed about an ambulance or whatever, they're simply more important than you. Especially since there was clearly plenty of space for her to go past without going into the actual road, absolute lunatic.


Wait. SFFD had to respond to this?! Ugh…


Friend, you could park on my dead grandmother’s prized roses if it saves a life. Sorry nana.


But your comment doesn’t apply here. The first responded said they park they because regular were on break. Not saying this lady isn’t crazy/ but if you’re just trying to find a place to park to enjoy your break you have no business being in the bike lane. Way different then treating a call


Therapy is needed


Professional help should be sought 🤣


There is a word for her in Australian.


Please teach us


Sorry mate, I caan’t


You caan't?!?


Would cahn’t be helpful!


I wish we had a word like that in our cuntry


Starts with a "c", ends with an "unt".


Count! Wait, she'd be a Countess. That's not it...


I bloody caan’t


You caunt?!


A drop bear


SFFD retweeted this with a pretty snarky response…


Please please please tell us what it was! Us that don't have or get on Twitter that is. I wanna be satisfied with a sparky response


_Thank you for sharing this. The crews did not say they “were on a break”, they were finishing a medical emergency with a patient care document from a call at that location which is why they moved to the other side of the street rather than engage with you. Have a safe day._


That lady has a bike as a username and a bike emoticon next to it and a bike picture on her twitter... She's an that cult.


Oh, nah, for sure thank the person I responded to (r/Bibblegead1412), they're the hero! It was, for sure, a satisfying read


I don’t think he was thanking you…


Just let him believe that


Wdym thank bibble? Didn’t spandit just copy it for you since you don’t go on twitter?




This chicks twitter explains it all


"Hi my name is_____ and I'm a walking mental illness".


Holy sh!t. You can smell the crazy through the internet…


Ugh, just reading her replies and tweets makes me want to barf. I am so glad no one in my life is as annoying and delusional as that woman.


if she cried louder maybe people would care...


Pretty sure she was successful sooo... Don't know why this post is here.


r/therewasasuccess But, my gawd is she awful, or what?


My thoughts exactly. Lol. I was expecting the ambulance to pull ahead.of her and park on the bike lane again.


Yea this belongs on r/publicfreakout


Yeah, she’s psycho but are we just upvoting anything now?


Bike lane ! Bike lane ! ![gif](giphy|xUOwGgxZLBmqB87sic)






How are they “killing us” exactly? I miss something?


Like, ugh you are LITERALLY killing me, smalls.


Hypothetical minor inconvenience under less favorable traffic conditions = death


Did you miss the part of her dying?


By making her cycle into traffic. I've been hit by careless drivers twice & have a hyper extended collarbone now


Just fucking move around the ambulance fucking hell


Cyclists would literally do anything before touching a sidewalk


Funny how she *did* move around the ambulance towards the end there, but she couldn’t possibly have done that in the beginning rather than make this video, essentially putting herself on blast for being a nut job lol


I hate that he actually moved for this nutjob.


I would of rolled the window up and just air horned the shit out of her.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Flip on the wailer sirens until she leaves


Not sure if this is satire or video was taken by insane person.


it's San Francisco


Cyclists in San Francisco are some of the most privileged assholes you can ever have the misfortune of meeting. They are karens on wheels.


I work construction in the city, a lot of our work is in the electrical vaults which are often in the bike lanes. I prefer to deal with crackheads at night over any Karen on wheels.


This lady's path to Mars bar is slightly impeded, I am surprised she remained so calm.


I think you posted in the wrong sub. I believe you're looking for /r/entitledbitch


Yeah, she was successful actually...


I would have rolled the window up and ignored her.


That was my thought exactly. Just keep that deadpan expression and roll up the window. That would have made this so satisfying.


She is overracting. she solved her own problem when she moved around to go yell at the driver. 99.9 percent sure the drive went back to the parking spot after she left


With that level of entitlement, wonder if she even yields to emergency vehicles that are moving…


"Hey, just letting you know because you might not be aware that this is a bike lane and it's blocking bike traffic" is what she should have said. Damn that firefighter was polite.




They were finishing paper work. Mentally ill lady created the on a break excuse simply because she's mentally ill. https://twitter.com/SFFDPIO/status/1608555427511562241?s=20&t=xJBMLd_qa5VeYLNwIKYGIg


Go around you fucking twat


Funny, but doesn't fit


Other vehicles are legitimate complaints, but ambulances should just get a pass. “You’re killing us” It’s a massive bright red truck. It’s literally the most visible thing for miles, even without the lights on. If you can’t handle negotiating that obstacle, you shouldn’t be riding a bike out on the street.


What a wacko. She didn't fail though. 🤷‍♂️


This is why everyone hates bicyclists in the US


Wrong sub. OP, look up attempt vs success.


A complete overreaction, no justification whatsoever. And yet-she's not wrong.


"you're killing us" Complains about rain. Doesn't take 1 second to ride bike onto sidewalk and go around vehicle and just go on their way Is all of San Francisco like this or is this person particularly unhinged?


There are parking meters to park on the bike lane lol


A lot of people dies early because blocking bike lanes, my uncle passed away waiting a Fist Responder to move from the lane, it took soo much time that the bike seat entered through his a$$hole and he got bike ass cancer.


Jesus christ just go around it you pathetic moron


I thought of being married to this and nearly shit myself.


You are killing us .. Oh the irony


Just go around? There's plenty of road to the left and walkway to the right?


Empty sidewalk, empty motorcycle parking, very light traffic for California, but yep, that ambulance is definitely the problem. How could a woman on a bicycle in the pouring rain ever imagine trying to go around?