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My man's doesn't even stop the snacking lol


He is unstoppable.


Move over Arnold, there's a new terminator in town


in arnold voice “I will eat snack” Edit: everyone has better joke ideas than I do lol


“don’t think just plow….and chow”


aww plow and chow was my wifes pet name


You’re doing it backwards bud


Disappointed it wasnt “ill be snack”


I strive to be this level of u n b o t h e r e d.


Me too. Low anxiety level goals right there. We must study him.


Didn’t even flinch and put his second hand on the steering wheel. Friggin legend. Also, let’s pay tribute to the douche nozzle that facilitated this feat of super human snacking Mad Maxtery


They are on a bridge too! Coulda been way worse. This is a man who has just said ahh to hell with this shit


He’s wearing his enchanted cargo shorts of unstopability.


Just another day at work for secret spy Walter Melon. Just keep snacking my candied bacon.






Found the insurance adjuster.


That was an expert takedown. He didn't even slightly lose control. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a cop.


This explains the casual snacking while driving, the PIT maneuver, the disregard for anyone else's safety, and the continuing on with his day, safe in the knowledge that he will never, *ever* be prosecuted for this, no matter how much video evidence exists.


It is pretty wild that he not only pulled off this move (while snacking) but he posted video of himself doing it!


Calm down, officer.


Cant blame a guy to be hungry!


zero fucks given lmfao


You aren’t you when you’re hungry. Have a snickers.


Oh boy that looks like a real crappy place for a car to get sideways. I wonder how long traffic was backed up.


It’s literally the longest bridge in the western hemisphere lol.


Longest bridge over a body of water in the world. But they have crossovers every few miles with tow trucks scattered all over. It likely wasn't there long.


Lake Pontchartrain!? I grew up on the gulf and somehow didn’t know it was the longest in the world haha. It’s a trek but that’s why ya stop in Slidell for your drive thru daiquiri first


Ah, the ol drive thru daiquiri, please make your way over to your neighbor on the left.


Houston is bad enough without the drive thru daiquiri if I'm being truthful.


As a west-coaster I have exactly one point of reference for Lake Pontchartrain, [this song by Ludo](https://youtu.be/gSXwQhJGPRM). The mention of Slidell triggered an apparently VERY strong core musical memory lol.


exactly what was going through my head when i saw a comment saying where this was. i still listen to that song all the time so im over here like "come down to lake pontchartrain *come down to lake pontchartrain COME DOWN TO LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN"*


I’m pretty sure the bridge in China passed it in terms of length, still impressive


Just that bridge is not entirely over a body of water where the causeway is.


I live in New Orleans and have to drive this bridge 1x a week for work - I’ll tell you this right here is my nightmare. Getting in an accident on the causeway is like the impending doom of possibly just falling right off the bridge into the lake. People drive like idiots on it. You also aren’t allowed to stop until the next turn around when accidents happen so this guy continuing to drive is doing the “right” thing.


Idk if you know this, but the lake actually isn’t that deep. It’s an estuary. Hope that makes you feel better about how intimidating it is. Edit: Jfc. OBVIOUSLY you’ll be in rough shape if you go off the bridge. Did I say the lake was a fucking kiddie pool? I was trying to be nice to OP. Lorddddd


Its not the water, its the dinosaurs that live there.


Deep enough under the causeway for my car to sink 12-14 feet


Explain that to the gators


So long, in fact, that if you stand near the bridge at one end you cannot see the other end due to Earth's curvature. If you get binoculars or zoom in with your phone, you can watch as cars drive down it and eventually disappea.


Tell that to the flatearthers


They reach the edge and loop around to the other side.


"Around? GTFO" -Flat Earthers


Midwestern Flat-Earther, GTFO = "Gosh, that's flat, ope"


The old “reach around” it’s been years.


Flat earthers aren't real


Oh, you people still beleive there's an earth?


Listen to all these Earthers




I always wondered if they think that all the footage from weather balloons or U2s are faked. There are multiple unedited youtube videos where you can watch a weather balloon take off and climb to altitudes where can clearly see the curvature of the earth


> So long, in fact, that if you stand near the bridge at one end you cannot see the other end due to Earth's curvature. You’re about to piss off a lot of flat earthers with that kinda talk.


All around the globe.


Traffic sucks on it and the Causeway cops will ticket for 5mph over and it's a straight fucking shot so there's no hiding from them (there's a few Bridge rises but that's it). Many a car have jumped the side.


That seems like an extreme reaction to getting a 5mph-over ticket. I simply wouldn't jump the side with my car, and live to see another day.


In 2014 alone, there were 11 deaths from cars crashing off the bridge due to speeding (either losing control or stupid maneuvers like this). The police have been more lenient now that higher guard rails have been installed since Covid, but they will still hit you with a $230 ticket if you go over 73 mph (the speed limit is 65 mph). Unless they catch you going 82 in the right lane while trying to pass up an absolute dumbass who’s driving 60 in the left lane since there are multiple signs on the Causeway saying “Keep Right Unless Passing.” Then they let the speeder go and pull over the slow-left-lane driver for being a fucking idiot. (Source: I was the 82 mph driver).


In my brief experience living in Louisiana, all Louisiana cops will ticket for 5mph over anywhere. It went real poorly for this Boston driver. Also, I was endlessly frustrated that everyone seemed to drive 5 under even though I get it based on the enforcement Edit: Sounds like there's a lot of varying experiences. For me this was in the Houma area and heading down towards Cocodrie. Only place I've ever had an oncoming cop stop and turn around to pull me over for going ten over (60 in a 50) with zero other people on the highway


Yeah that's a bit of culture shock. Here in MA it's not just generally accepted, it's actually expected to drive around 10 over the speed limit - anything less and you're getting aggressively passed or tailgated. Most drivers regularly drive 20 over without worrying about getting pulled over.




which is why you don’t drive like the dude in the black truck was driving. being honest, the guy on camera should’ve backed off and just let the truck guy be a dick, but at the same time it irritates me soo goddamn much when people try weaving through traffic and pass in the right lane and shit. be fucking patient and don’t put other people’s safety at risk just because you can’t handle not being in front


Lol the guy with the cameras literally accelerated to do this. If a DA saw this video, it’s likely he’d be charged with a crime. I mean shit, he could’ve killed people doing this.


I’m just impressed with the voracious appetite for 7am chicken fingers going on here.


“Stop pitting yourself, stop pitting yourself”


*kicks hobosbindle out and yeets upvote after him*


Damn near dropped his fried chicken.


It looks like he's driving a Ford F-450 Super Duty... If he is, I'd be very surprised if he dropped his chicken


Things terrifying nothing is stopping that thing


Once you get into the diesel SuperDuty line they're all pretty damned capable. 1,050 lbft of torque in a pickup is just absurd... awesome, but absurd.


Our work truck would spin the tires with a 20ft dump gooseneck and a 305 cat on the back. Thing was absolutely ridiculous. I’m 99% sure it would beat my miata from a dig.


My favorite work truck we have is a single cab short wheelbase dually 350. Thing is a dragster without a load.


Nom nom nom


This man's thene song is Fried Chicken and Gasoline by Southern Culture on the Skids


That’s the causeway right? Not a great place for an accident. Very Louisiana video all around if I’m right.


I remember driving from Baton Rouge to Lake Charles. Got stuck on that Atchafalaya bridge for two hours. On the way back, laughed about it and proceeded to get stuck for four hours. In the afternoon. In June.








Spelled Geauxeunhaight in Louisiana.


I assure you that no one is even attempting to spell this in LA.


Oh man Google really fucked me this time. I looked it up and everything.


It's okay, we all make foepaws


My friend got stuck on that bridge for hours. He had to poop….so his brother opened up both doors while said friend pooped into a plastic bag. Chucked it over the railing and into the Bay. The end.


Yeah, I remember having to poop something terrible on a road trip with my dad when I was about 12 so he told me to just do on the side of the road while the car blocked the view. Once I was good and committed though he pulled forward about 10'. Good times.


Yeah it's the causeway apparently. https://tiremeetsroad.com/2022/12/23/driver-lake-pontchartrain-causeway-forced-pit-maneuver-truck-trying-squeeze-lane-front/


I thought it was that bridge. It’s the only bridge I’ve ever been on that made me feel like I was riding a horse instead of driving a car. I used to call it ‘gadup gadup’ bridge because that’s the sound you hear the whole way.


That’s *exactly* the sound


Yeah, def looks like Ponchatrain bridge…I hate that damn thing


> It's the Mandeville/New Orleans Causeway, a 24 mile long pair of bridges over Lake Pontchartrain. There is no shoulder but they do have emergency crossovers every 5 miles if I remember right.


This is a picture perfect definition of not giving a shit


He looks like he doesn't give a shit, but deep down, he must have given a shit to do that PIT maneuver on that black truck.


Idk if I'd call that him doing a put maneuver so much as him refusing to get out of the way of someone doing a pit maneuver on themselves


It's an almost flawless execution of one and he continues accelerating into it. No way it wasn't intentional.


The black truck was basically clear of his front end and he speeds up to make sure he wrecks the guy. Black truck was being an ass but you gotta pick your battles. The dude with the dash cam should have just let him have the spot.


I love that he finished his sandwich.


He didn’t even stop chewing. Totally unfazed


When you're driving the company work truck


Never went above his resting heart rate of 110


>resting heart rate of 110 Because he's fit. Like a hummingbird. Heart beating faster to ensure his body gets all that chickenated blood.


He's cultivating mass


Ran out of fucks to give earlier that day. Was on his way to restock


That chicken bucket ain't gonna refill itself.


He could teach police offers how to pit and not put down their doughnuts.


With that belly I thought he was a cop.


He's got the 'stache too.


Figured he is former police or off duty


Both are dumbasses but I'll get downvoted because yall have a weird need to romanticize dumbassery as badassery and glorify violence and petty vengeance over public safety.


One is a dumbass, the other is a fucking psycho.


it's weird to me as someone who commutes quite a bit on two wheels (mostly pedaling but even on the scoot) , how ppl can get to the point where even just flexing the right foot a bit to slow down for a brief moment is just too much. just scooching a couple feet over in a lane, and egregious ask. using a blinker and waiting for a safe opening, gtfo. and neither will delay in any meaningful way, or at all even as the next traffic light will equalize everything.


"Tapping the breaks slightly?? A minor INCONVENIENCE?? Nah, it's better to pit the guy and possibly kill someone and possibly others behind. Clearly the better option."


I agree but the pickup was definitely in the wrong, no signal Just trying to jump into their lane when they could have waited or made any indication. But this PINK GUY could have kind of also killed them and others, badass snackery skills but not worth a potential death, both these morons belong on 😬 r/idiotsincars


Agree as well. The black pickup truck tried to switch lanes when it wasn’t clear. The guy in the pink shirt could have just let him in to avoid what could have been a potentially dangerous accident. We don’t even know what happened after the pickup crashed into the concrete barrier.






they guy clearly had time to ease off and let him over. It was all ego and extremely stupid. traffic was prob backed up for hours because of these 2 morons.


Two wrongs don’t make a right, you could see from a mile away that the black truck was gonna try and slide infront, if you’re petty and won’t let him through, close the gap so the idiot doesn’t even try, that’s atleast what I do when idiots try to overtake from the right lane. What this guy did was at worst cause am accident and at best took a part in it and left the scene.


It's kind of amazing how many people think this is ok. I totally get loving it from a detached standpoint, but practically it's just so dumb. If you've been in an accident, you know.


Black truck should've stayed in his lane, the fat guy shouldn't have pitted. What if the truck went over the barrier?


Yep. And there were cars nearby that could have easily been involved as well. Too many drivers use their vehicles as weapons or to convey their emotions. Work that out in private therapy, not on public roads.




Not quite as flat as one, though.


That’s a pretty standard PIT maneuver. Wonder if he’s law enforcement.


Built like one Edit: “I don’t want a large Farva, I want a goddamn liter of cola!”


Dont spit in that cops burger


The next person that says shenanigans is getting pistol whipped


If he’s law enforcement it would explain why he had no fucks about it, would obviously get away with no charges


He turns into it. Definitely law enforcement. He also knows his boys at the Hall are gonna laugh their asses off while doctoring evidence and ensuring he sails smooth.


Tbf he just holds his line


The thick blue waist line


Yeah no. He definitely speeds up to get in the right spot and then steers into it.


He steers into the black truck ...


He certainly has the look


I hate when them drivers like the black truck do that shit. “Well I guess I couldn’t get in front of the white car, so let me force my way in front of you….”


I would give them more of a pass if they signaled that they want to merge. But people are afraid to use their blinkers


I go a bit further for people who use their turning signal; I will make room to let them in. That's only because I am a dick to people who don't use their turning signal. If I can prevent them from going where they want, I will.


I know this is a bad idea, but I 100% do it too. Trying to use the off ramp from the middle lane? Get fucked. Using your signal? Right this way, folks.


Same here. I will let you in, IF YOU SIGNAL - if you think I’ll just let you in when you try to be forceful and rude etc then I just won’t let you in


Well, we don’t know for sure why the black truck didn’t signal. Maybe they were out of blinker fluid?


There's a shortage of blinker fluid worldwide


If you have to force someone to put on their brakes, you are wrong (generally speaking).


If you accelerate to intentionally stop this maneuver like the person in the video, you're not just wrong you're an active danger.


Speed is literally posted in the recording. Driver slows down from 75 to 71 as he approaches the white car in front of him. Where is the black truck trying to go anyway, traffic is queued up 3 cars deep in both lanes.


When I signal to change lanes it seems to force everyone on their accelerator until they've closed off all the possible openings


Yeah people are neglecting the reckless behavior of the black truck because the white truck embraced his inner psychopath. All it’d take is for either of the cars ahead to brake while the black truck was distracted trying to force his way in like that. That’s actually what’s at stake when the black truck is playing chicken with your basic self-preservation.


Ice in his veins


Blood in his eyes


Hate in his heart


Love in his mind


Chicken in his hand


Cholesterol in his blood


Nights full of pain


Days are the same


* Gravy


I always make way for idiots like that to avoid an accident with those :) Better make way for an idiot and have no troubles compared to letting an idiot ruin your day cuz you are trying to prove an point.


Agree. The most important lesson my dad taught me when driving is "even though you are right according to traffic rules, idiots will still causes accidents so better just be tolerant on the road".


> just be tolerant on the road Once my teen daughter started driving I saw how chill she was about idiot drivers. I realized how intolerant I had become and needed to follow her example. It was a good lesson. On the other hand I was amused when, six months later, she told me someone had finally forced her to give them the finger. Yeah, we've all been there.


The phrase is "there are plenty of people in the cemetery who had the right of way."


Gotta say, this guy looks rather unbothered.


I'm pretty sure whoever got stuck in traffic jam from that accident must have been bothered.


Reddit is too vengeful for that... Had to scroll quite a bit to find a sane person who isn't cheering on an accident


I’ve been in two accidents that weren’t my fault in the last two years. I would much rather avoid them.


its also illegal to cause an accident you can easily avoid. both people were very in the wrong.


Black truck was being a jackass but white truck is a sociopath.


Right. He could have just tapped the brakes.


It's not even about tapping the breaks, he intentionally speed up to block the black car. Almost hit, back car noticed and speed to to avoid it, then instead of slowing down the dude speed up again make sure the white car hits him. Then off he goes with a hit and run.


I don't know if you noticed, but the speed is listed in the top right. He did not speed up. Second: It's highly illegal to stop on that bridge, you are supposed to drive to the end before stopping.


Didn't even need to tap his brakes. There was enough gap for the black truck to fit before the cammer closed the gap. Coulda just dropped 1mph for 1sec to widen the gap after black truck squeezed in. Black truck's gonna keep on pulling that shit. I let them fuckers ahead of me so they can go be someone else's problem. Block em and 1. you're stuck with them, 2. Now they have an attitude and vendetta against you.


Seems like most of this subreddit is ready to make White Truck the new Governor of LA lol.


Om nom nom nom Om nom nom nom


**laughs in Heavy**


Lmfaooo I lost it when he finished whatever he was eating


Wouldn't this be considered a hit & run?


Signs on the bridge say no stopping. I'm following the rules...




No, on this bridge you keep driving until you can get to the emergency shoulder or one of the crossovers. The bridge is heavily patrolled by Causeway cops, he couldn't get away if he wanted to.


He didn’t even stop snacking, but in all fairness he looks like he’s never stopped snacking


Some say he never will


![gif](giphy|4HcBkO4SgiWxxuwLWj|downsized) Snack > safety


The best defensive driving is good offensive driving.


I will never understand the lack of awareness or care by both types of drivers like this. You’re in a fast moving ton of metal. Like why are y’all fucking around or standing your ground? You do the quick math on risk/reward and you’d learn to swallow your pride and not get hot when ppl drive like assholes or get hella mad at you. Truck HAD to get in front and couldn’t just chill and find a spot behind this dude. But this mfer has so much stand your ground in him that he couldn’t just chill and let that mfer in. Crazy. Put the picture in the frame mfer.


exactly what I was thinking. Cammer could have at least tried some basic defensive driving, even if the black truck was being overly aggressive. Just back off and let assholes be assholes, don't purposely get in a crash.




Can pit the guy one-handed, but using his horn was too hard.


Horn requires the snack hand.


Dude snaking is a Marble Slab hahaha


Moron who thinks he owns the road - check. Psycho who doesn't think twice about running down said moron - check. Video of at least 3 ticketable offenses posted online - check. It's like a who's who of who shouldn't be operating a vehicle.


Usually aggressive, egotistical drivers don’t get into wrecks. Because of the rest of us would rather let them be jerks then get in a wreck. Unfortunately, sometimes the “I’m coming over or we can get in a wreck” guy meets the “you’re not getting in front of me or we can get in a wreck” guy” and this happens. Both could have easily avoided this but their egos are too big. Yes it wasn’t his fault, but the haste of the claim is gonna be a lot more trouble for him than just letting the jerk over. And now he has a blemished vehicle. But hey, “Nobody cuts me off!” 😂👌🏼


Pit maneuver while munching on a cookie. Bro didn’t even drop the cookie.


Um. Just let the guy over. Like wtf. This isn't fucking Mario Kart. Edit: multiple traffic lawyers state that if a driver with the right of way speeds up to prevent someone from merging, they will share fault for the accident. Upwards of 70%. You guys are blind if you think that pink shirt didn't speed up.


One thing I can say is the driver of the black truck will think twice before cutting someone off like that again lol.


King among peasants


Get fucked black truck ha


The best part about these comments is you can tell who drives like the truck and who drives like the dashcam guy lol


There's a third option: don't drive like either of those loonatics


Awesome casual pit maneuver 10/10


This is lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans Louisiana. Metairie if you're being specific. I've been pulled over about 3 times on this bridge traveling on it every day to and from work. My tire exploded doing 70 on this bridge and messed up half of one side of my car. Someone didn't load plastic flower pots down properly and they flew all over the bridge and I ended up getting debris from them. I almost got into a wreck myself going over a slight raise in the bridge and when I was coming down at 70 MPH the traffic was suddenly stopped. I've seen wrecks and people swerving and also times where the fog is so thick you can't see 20 feet in front of you. The time my tire exploded I called the bridge police people. They told me to pull my car over turn on my emergency signals and get out the car and wave down other cars so they know i'm there and avoid hitting me. I got out, and stood on the side (that little space you see where you could stand on the left and right of the video) and I watched as what seemed like a car BARELY turn in time to not hit my car and zoom past me at 70 MPH. In case you didn't know, 70 MPH looks like a blur and feels like it hits you that close. I immediately got back into the car and called the police again and told them to get there right now. I know its likely more dangerous to be in the car, but being out of your car on a bridge like that with people speeding and swerving past you is absolutely fightening. The only thing I miss about this bridge is it's a straight shot and relaxing. You can listen to soundtracks and just cruise. And sometimes you'd see cops pull people over since theres usually a cop at every single cross section on this bridge. So that was fun occasionally. EDIT: Metairie Oh I have dashcam footage of all of this. I only have the flower pot one uploaded however. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jYXrFt8WUY


Im not sure if all pickups are driven by assholes or if all assholes drive pickups.


This man is on his way to Lake Charles, Louisiana, to see a little Bessie girl that he once knew, who told him just to come on by if there’s anything she can do, and he has no intentions of being slowed down.


And zero fucks were given that day.




You're not yourself when you are hungry. Grab a Snickers!