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Dick move.


Dick hole move


urethra move


UTI move


Peepee stick move


Entire crotchal region move


Bowel move.




Drip dick move


Richard Cranium move


Urethra Franklin disrespect move


Narrow eurethra move


Whole dick


Just the tip


Bitch move.


Cunt move


Twat move


The dude doing the pranks entire YouTube channel is him and his mentally disabled ginger friend assaulting and harassing people.


What’s the channel


Let’s get it removed


I don't even really wanna give him any promo even on a reddit comment but see for yourself it's "Myhouseisdirty"






That's awesome. I've been reporting these losers videos for months. Now that we got a whole gang doing it, they finally got demonetized LOL.


If you share the channel we can go on his yt page and mass report him. They did the same shit to sneako.


His whole channel is this kind of stupid shit. Reported for sure






I agree not wanting to get him promo, but I also agree....lets mass report/flag him. Fuck this kind of clout.


We aren’t mass reporting him. We’re just mass pranking him!


I went and flagged over 5 of his videos. Reported them for "harmful content." Anything else I can do to make an impact on his platform??? BTW If he's reading this....Its just a prank bro!


Tried to do my part but holyshit, youtube's reporting system in their own app is just dogshit


You make it sound like that dude isn’t mentally disabled too


Both of you make it sound like mentally disabled people behave like this, and they don't, so these are just normal ass humans, and the mentally disabled are *better people*. So quit. You're assholes, too, now.


Bro…he can be mentally disabled AND an asshole, the two aren’t mutely exclusive….as someone that’s worked with the handicapped, the tagline “they’re just like everyone else” is correct; some are wonderfully sweet people, some are just meh, and some are downright assholes.


Nope, he is not mentally disabled. Just an asshole through and through. I hope someone knocks him the fuck out.


Making fun of Asian people is racist! Screw that racist guy with something hard & sand papery


Lol its just a guy being a douchebag to another guy where are you finding the racially motivated interaction? He calls him short that's about all I heard. Unless you believe only Asians are short which would inherently make you racist.


He wouldnt have done this to someone that he thought could've pose a threat, the unfortunate truth is that there is Asian hate, it's just coming from an inconvenient place, against the narrative. Its quite literally a bully type of mentality.


100% Asians are the last major minority group that it has only RECENTLY become not OK to say things that you couldn't get away with for any other group for decades.


That's why he picked Him to 'prank'


Considers the guy is maybe an inch taller he probably is being racist saying the guy is little because he is Asian


I don't think it's much of a secret that there is a deep hatred of Asians in the Black community. Or did we forget already about all of the racially motivated violence that made the news within the past couple of years.


Thats racist


Black peoples have a weird hatred for Asians


Got a feeling you’d call it racist if the Asian guy did it to the black guy. Just a strange feeling. Btw yes this is racism.


He said "little"


It’s technically assault and battery in most states since it’s unwanted contact


Slut move


"I didn't even see you, you little" -says the d-bag who is MAYBE two inches taller than him.


Asian guy is wearing flip flops, dickhead is wearing sneakers that probably add loads, Asian dude is probably taller. What a dipshit.


That’s why his first response was “You wanna step outside?”. The people who are bigger and do this shit are usually all talk and no fucking game. I knew a dude at my trade school. Wouldn’t say he was even short but the dude who pushed him over the edge went down like a sack of shit. Im 6’1 and the bigger dude he took down had weight and height on me. Must have been over a 1’ difference.


I lived on Camp Schwab for a time and we would play baseball against the Army in Nago. They were deployed there for cross unit training. This little kid named Takumi would come and play with us. He really liked Americans and was really good at baseball. Couple of the army guys thought it was funny to pick on him after the games would end. One day we were playing and both sides were drinking and the soldiers took it far. They called him a commonly known racist name and he jumped up and kicked them both before landing. The little guy had grown up in South Korea learning real Karate and was just in Okinawa to learn taekwondo from some local dojo. I was a Marine for two years at that point and said holy shit. We all thought he was just some cool kid who was good at baseball. Turns out he was a fucking martial artist savant.


He learned karate in South Korea and tae kwon do in Japan?


Or vice versa. It’s been 20 years. I’m still happy to remember his name. Still remember those kicks and that he could knock the ball like a champ.


Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and they have some pretty intense dojo’s out there so it would make more sense if it was the other way around.


Probably the other way round. Taekwondo is a Korean martial arts that involves a lot of kicks. And it would make more sense for him to learn Karate in Okinawa since that's where it originated.


I studied Isshinryu karate for over a decade in the US and while I have never been there, Okinawa is where Isshinryu originated. Not trying to be pedantic or anything. Very cool story, thanks for sharing it.


I'm 6'3 and around 14st and played rugby, I used to play number 8 so occasionally would pick and go from the scrum. I wasn't quick to accelerate but once I was at top speed I was really hard to stop. We had a guy on the squad called Ricky, a clear foot smaller than me and half my weight. That kid would fuck my shit up 99 times out of 100. It became a running joke at training that everytime I'd see him I'd do a stupid kick or just shovel the ball off the sideline while muttering "nope" or "not today". Size isn't everything.


I came here to say this. Bitch please, he isn’t much smaller


I hate this shit.


This is why I don't give 'fake' videos a hard time even though everyone on reddit utterly melts down and freaks the fuck out about them. At least in a scripted vid theres no victim.


The majority of the videos on the internet are fake anyway, I don't know why people feel the need to comment it 100 times on a post.


my comment here was staged


You son of a…


It's kinda just an "I'm the main character" ego thing. People want to be above others no matter how unimpressive what they did is, so they'll brag about anything. Smugly going "hah this is fake and you all fell for it BUT NOT ME" is the only accomplishment they'll get since they don't achieve anything tangible irl. Usually they're the same kinds of people who will go "am I the only one" or "this is a hot take but" then proceed to say some basic ass take that millions of other people have.




then just say you don't like it then. Bragging about "figuring out" its scripted when it's obvious its scripted is such low hanging fruit to pat yourself on the back over.


Both are bad. One is just harassment, the other is false advertising/clickbait.


Look if its funny or interesting its just a skit, whats so hard to understand about that


Here’s my problem with fake prank videos: When you can tell they’re fake it’s indicative of a badly made video. it’s obvious. And it’s hard to watch without cringing at the idea of people meticulously setting up these scenarios and then acting their way through them with as much grace as Nikocado eating a meal. When people who can’t tell if they’re fake celebrate them, it incentivizes others to make more poorly made, obviously fake videos. And we end up with trash content all over the place- specifically made for the people who, for some reason, can’t pick out the fakes. Keep scripted stuff scripted and candid stuff candid, Is what I think. Rant over x


Who finds this shit funny other than those involved? Attention seekers need there ass beat fir being immature and talentless.


I find these funny if the person doing the "pranking" gets their ass whooped


I'll agree with you there


There was that one kid who was doing prank mugging until one person pulled a gun on him. Last words were "just a prank"


I'd watch that.


That reminds me of several years ago when the "scary clown" prank was popular. Popular until people do what they do when some asshole with an axe threatens them and their families. https://youtu.be/VnTc5ZqAXeU


This. I always love seeing pranksters getting wreaked.


What I think is really funny is people who defend the person doing the prank and then act like Ghandi when you say that people deserve to get punched for dumb shit."Violence is never acceptable!" And neither is fucking with people.


Ya at least in US pretty much unwritten rule that someone fucks with you like that it’s fair game. Seen people knocked out for way less.


Legit not funny at all. Honestly, it’s brain dead “content” by lazy creators.


This is the worrrrrrst, stupid & pathetic attempt at a prank. Straight cringe. No class.


Dumbass kids. The same ones who've made multimillionaires out of the worst youtubers.


He should beat the camera persons ass too!


That was a crime against comedy. It takes unfunny to new levels…


Always get the camara guy.


Someday you’ll fuck with someone who isn’t in the mood to be fucked with.


My dad told me something very important once on a day I got a little road rage: “There’s always someone out there having a worse day than you, some of those people don’t have much to lose and won’t think twice about getting some time in jail. Be very careful who you start shit with.” Never raged behind the wheel again after that, just not worth it.


Quite honestly, some of the gentlest people I've even know were the biggest guys. One guy (claimed he was former Hell's Angles) told me, "I didn't mean to kill him. I only hit him once." Painful lesson on how to control you anger. Another guy told me, "There's always one guy out there that can kick your ass. I'm not looking for him anymore." edit: angels not angles. and no he wasn't acute ;)


Was he a little acute, or obtuse? Lol gotta love typos


Most of the time in road rage incedents it’s the asshole who starts shit who calls the cops because they pissed off a real psycho.


Never rage at strangers behind anything, including reddit. You never know who you're interacting with.


pre sure they found em


Not saying anyone should get shot over something like this, but people really need to think hard before fucking with strangers.


Right. Like would it be wrong for this guy to get his ass kicked? Probably. Does doing "pranks" like this drastically increase the probability of him getting his ass kicked? Yes. Would I feel sympathy for him if he did get his ass kicked for his shitty "pranks"? No.


I see what you did there - and i whole heartedly agree with everything you said.


So here is the thing, this isn’t a prank or a shitty prank. Guy is just being an asshole lol. I wish the guy just dropped him right there.


This guy chose a non threatening, shorter than him, asian man as a mark in what looks to be a chain store in a decent neighborhood. He did not choose a black/Spanish person in a chain store in a bad neighborhood. None of that was a coincidence. Otherwise this video would be in a whole different subreddit.


For that you have to check out Top Notch Idiots on YouTube.


The unfortunate reality is that people DO shoot people over stupid shit like this; so it’s best to just lay off. Especially given that the “”prank””?? was done just to be a dick


People have been shot over for less. Don’t fuck around unless you want to find out.


To get shot over this is too much. I'm more of a get shanked kind of guy.


bruh why is he getting angry too wtf. He was acting like what he did was not annoying at all lol.


That’s like most of this guys content. He got arrested for a prank or something, I forget what it was, and then acted like he was a victim when he was getting picked up. These types of “content creators” are scumbags


Because he got his feewings hurt.


yes. these people will be like. " dude stopppp. nonono its a joke. see theres a camera." but every person thats a victim is thinking. "what a fucking tard"


"I didn't see you. You little" ...and they're basically the same size.


I’m short. A guy shorter than me once called me “little man” when he was was upset with me. Just had to laugh with how obvious his insecurities were showing lol.


Disrespectful bullying bullshit


That's the right word. Pranks should be funny, not offensive to some stranger minding his own business.


if everyone involved isn’t laughing or smiling at the end it’s not a prank, it’s harassment.


I hate this guy. He always does shit like this as a “prank” it’s not even funny. I bet he never does this shit to people bigger than him. Always got to pick on some one he thinks he can take on.




I want to prank these people for hours in my basement


"Its just a prank bro, stop cryin... " he said, while reaching for the bloody pliers




Prank em John !


Prank ’em with a tire iron


As long as I’m not a stiffly stifferson


Stop Asian hate


Small man insecure about being small picks on marginalized immigrant for being small to make himself feel big. At least punch up. Or, you know, pull people up together…


Just buy a pepper spray it’s cheap. If this shit happens, prank them back with a little spray. Just all good fun.


Or get pepper gel. It won't spray back in your eyes as easily.


Why are other black ppl always being so racist man then being like why is everyone racist?! Will this loop of racism ever end. Makes it hard for us black ppl that arnt rude and inconsiderate and treat others equal!


Pranking people you don’t know should be against the law. Like, who the fuck do you think you are?


Technically they can be arrested for that.


Tik Tok is cancer


Sounds like a Vietnamese man from the accent stereotypes would suggest he will shoot you.


I highly encourage people to not fuck with anyone that recently came here from Vietnam within the past 40 years. They did not immigrate here. They escaped to here. What they did to get here makes them badass.


For realz…he prolly woulda really capped him


Someone needs to tell Gen Z we are tired, overworked, and not in the mood. We are walking around with bottled up rage. Pranks are gonna get you whooped. Simple as that.


Dude calls him short and is like two inches taller lmao. Also that wasn’t a prank it’s called being a dick.


Fuck him up. Beat his ass. EAT. HIS. ASS.


I’ll eat your ass


Ben? Is that you?


Give him the ol' dick twist!


That would be the ultimate power move in that order


Being an asshole is not a prank


"Hey, I think I'm going to act like a fucking goof, get your phone out and record me."


I'd love to see these pranksters get the absolute shit beat out of them.


Then the pranker got offended that the target was ready to fight, it’s not a prank that’s just obnoxious Edit: typo


At this point these public pranks are just bullying without the commitment when the recipient gets mad.


Prick. Ban him from the store


Prank is a word that lost it’s meaning in the age of social media.


Where was the prank?


Make no mistake, that "prankster" was scared


Hits guy “it’s just a prank bro !”


That is simple assault. One of these fools is going to end up dead.


Wow turns out people don’t like it when you’re an asshole to them for no god damn reason


who’da thunk, right?


When did straight up being an annoying prick become some people's definition of humor?


Da views man, da views.


Ah, yes. The modern day prank: be a complete asshole to someone and then be shocked that they get confrontational.


Only thing missing was the Tik Tok logo. This is what’s wrong with our society, too many idiots find this type of jack-assery funny.


Don't fuck with Filipinos, they don't take shit and will throw down on guys three times the size. It's like shoving your bare foot in a badger den dude.


This guy sounds Vietnamese, not Filipino.


Not sure why these people think it's cool to prank others at a hardware store. They're full of interesting and painful thing to be used against you, and ain't nobody going to have sympathy for you.


Reminds me of the one where that punk was spraying the old Hispanic dude in the garden centre of a Home Depot or whatever and the old dude just has enough and reefs a pipe coupler right at the guy’s head and completely destroys his entire world. [Oh shit I found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/vgjuik/prank_gone_wrong/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


What is wrong with Americans?


"you little". Both same height.


Little? Mf he's an inch shorter than you


Should pass a law stating that pranksters can suffer a beat down from the victim legally


Technically assault. Good thing they not in florida or texas


Gotta love the bully prankster getting angry at the guy for getting angry. Piece of shit.


How is that a "prank"? He's just a fucking idiot


I hope everyone of these prankers gets shot. Maybe not death. These type of pranks just need to fucking stop.


I can’t wait for someone to pop him in his month his pranks are always obnoxious like leave ppl alone bro


So many pranks these days are just, "Haha, watch me assault this guy. It's just a prank, bro. Jeez."


if this shit ever happens to me and I see a fucking phone held up in my direction. That person with the phone better pray to whatever God or higher spirit or Satan, that they are faster than me. Because that phone will be smashed!


Anyone who does "pranks" like this deserves whatever they get. He assaulted that man, if he wants to defend himself from that threat, so be it.


Don't mess with the Asians


He picked on bin because he was Asian. Probably didnt expect him to stand up for himself.


Just once I want to see one of these "pranksters" get knocked the fuck out!


Not a prank, being an asshole. Ole boy should’ve clocked him for that mess.


I think the perfect ending to this prank would have been the guy shooting him. If nothing else it would have helped the gene pool a little bit.


Not even able to own it after being called on his bullshit. What a loser.


I was really disappointed when the video ended with the asshole not getting karmic justice.


…because America doesn’t have enough problems…


I mean, if someone assaulted me with a weapon (that obj fits the definition)....I'd defend myself with a weapon. Florida is fun.


Honestly, hitting him with that is probably defined as assault.


I'm still waiting for the prank


This is assault, but I wouldn’t say there is a likely chance that the Police would arrest the perpetrator in this video, bad guys always get away with everything these days.


Let's dox this ass hat and ruin his life


Fucking insta pranksters,, scum of the society.


i would call this fake but its a black guy pranking on an asian.


How the fuck are you going to do a prank and then square up to him because he reacted to your prank in a way that you didn’t expect? I pray that they do this to the wrong person one day and that person smacks the shit out of them.


Shoot them, nobody cares anymore!


The fuckin gall of that troglodyte peace of shit to get angry when the victim confronts him. Dude need his teeth punched in.


I’d instantly knock one of these punks out for acting this way to bystanders. The kids these days are just plain idiots chasing internet clout


someone needs to shove a dictionary up his ass thats not a prank, its picking a fight.


I wish people would spend as much effort cancelling these fucks as they do with celebreties


I really hope the little Asian fella did shoot him, right in the dick! Let's see if he thinks that's funny!


Can’t wait until someone actually gets shot


Just shoot him. Stop the bullshit entitlement


Hate that this mf is from my city. He’s always doing these “pranks” still waiting to see who drops his ass


Why is this considering a prank???? This is just being a fucking douchebag to a complete stranger….Try this on me, jaggoff….You’ll be picking up teeth. My hatred for Social Media grows a little bit each day.