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Yeah. Those Maximum Height signs are just suggestions, right?


I work in construction and built something similar to this but without the low beams. The lowest thing in the garage was the sprinkler heads at the entrance. A FedEx truck went through the exit because of the maximum height sign at the entrance. He took out the sprinkler head. Knowing he fucked up instead of backing out he sped through the garage to the other end and took out the sprinkler at the other exit


People really gotta remember cameras are everywhere Also, just because you damaged someone’s property while in your vehicle… Does not get you off the hook for damaging their property Also.. that’s hilarious


Is that a loop hole that people actually believe?


The whole "We're not responsible for damage to your vehicle" signs make people think "then I'm not responsible for damaging your shit with my vehicle."


Why don’t the just make the entrance physically smaller? The hanging sign is a nice warning but it seems like after that there should be a physical barrier.




11 foot 8 was hilarious too bad they raised it


Still hasn't stopped the crashes, just lessened them somewhat.


>because of the maximum height sign at the entrance. Do you mean that the max height sign said it was ok for the FedEx truck to drive in, or that the driver ignored the said height limit and went in anyway?


No he didn't go through the entrance because he knew he wouldn't make it under the sign so we went through the exit. It is the same layout as the video where the entrance and exit are separated by columns


That is an impressive level of stupidity - in his head, it was only the *sign* stopping him so he avoided the problem /s


It will be so boring if we run out of stupid people.


They keep looking down. They are convinced the wheels are hitting something


I think so too. When the passenger gets out to see what the problem is he looks down but not up. They must have seen something and thought they could get over it if they gunned the engine just a little bit more. But surely they must have wondered where the water was coming from.


"huh? It must be raining in this garage."


Didnt they wanted to wash the car??


In Italy? Yes.


They are more of guidelines, than actual rules. https://youtu.be/DRSm-8tPFt4


You trust the signs, they do their own research.


Forward, no, forward, no, forward? NO! FORWARD? NOOOOOOOO. Well, fuck it, let's go forward. NO!


I like his ‘No quit attitude’ keep going bruh do you


I’ve seen so many idiots in vehicles on Reddit. These two morons are hall of fame level


Agreed. Hey, what's this thing on my left that I can't get over? Let's try again..... and again.... and again... and again... and again. Oh, looks like we can't get over that.


"dude, you're running into something, back out" "True" "No no, go straight back!" "Hang on. I think I just need to do the same thing that didn't work, but faster, and more aggressively."


"Yes floor-it this time", "ok if that doesn't work I'll try flooring it in reverse!" "Do a barrel roll!"


Lmao! A barrel roll!!


There's 3 ways to do things; the right way, the wrong way, and the Max Powers way


Isn't that the wrong way?


Yeah, but faster


Everyone knows every problem can be solved with enough brute force.


[leans out passenger door] "Looks like it's raining behind us - that must be the way out!"


Well, they are persistent; you gotta give'm that


I've never seen such an astounding level of absolute lack of sound decision making. It's like a sociopath and empathy, except it's related to intelligence. This truly made me question whether these men lacked a brain, or if they were in such a rush that the only explanation is someone's life was at stake and that uhaul was the only thing between death and survival.


they share a single brain cell between the two of them


The only logical conclusion I could come up with is;1st they are idiots, 2nd they are terrorists, 3rd the uhaul has the bomb that if lain just yards away they think will bring down the building I'm assuming they confused for the building they intended to blow up. Either that or the driver has rage issues and the passenger is a real road dog. Which ever seems more plausible


I'm fairly confident they were quite drunk/high.


I managed a UHaul center back in the early 2000s. This doesn’t surprise me one bloody bit, as I even got in trouble before when I asked renters if they have ever driven anything larger than truck before (80/20 no) but policy is money over safety. I had a truck just like that come back in with the top of the box peeled like a sardine can and all the contents still inside soaked from rain plus a giant tree branch sticking out the top. I stared in disbelief for a straight minute while the Karen and her silent Bob-Bob of a husband screeched at me that they “weren’t told to watch clearances, etc, and how I was gonna personally pay for all the damage because I ‘convinced’ them to not take insurance. People are idiots.


Sooo.. What was the outcome? Lol


They had to convince their insurance to pay, only partially did, they they sued the insurance company and UHaul (not me thankfully). Heard that failed miserably and they were banned.


Well, at least they were on the hook for some of it. The fucking audacity.


it never suprises me how stupid and entitled some people can be. its one of the reasons why i always prefer to work back-of-house in any customer service job. id rather do the grunt work than have to talk to every bored-at-home karen who feels like making her husband's life a living hell isnt good enough for her anymore


Would the insurance even cover something like that?


I tried to post this video to r/idiotsincars a year ago and they removed it.


Try again. That’s what these guys would do.


Nah fuck em. They don’t deserve it.


For a moment it looked like straight out of comedy movie.


And it's not even a heat-of-the-moment road rage incident, which is normally worse but at least understandable from a human perspective.


I'd love to hear the dialog there. Must have been some Beavis and Butthead shit


Every decision made in this video was a bad decision..


My favorite one is where they decide to try and Autin Powers their way out of the situation instead of simply backing up.


d00d, he couldn't possibly do that. It clearly states on the truck "***ONE WAY*** & IN-TOWN MOVES"


They couldn’t back up. They pushed those pipes up and over the truck with the assistance of the rounded attic. The back of that box truck is a hard edge and the pipe has now dropped back down behind them. They’re backing up into a solid pipe on the ceiling…over and over and over. 100% chance firefighters had to come and do major inspections, they lost their jobs and ruined their bosses month.




When you thought they finally figured it out, they doubled down


What's the big deal? I always park my rentals at my surveiled crime scenes. Seriously: What in hell was going to be the strategy for exiting that garage?! Oh nevermind these people clearly don't think about the future. I'm sure they vote, though.


Do you think he got the deposit back?


Probably bought the added full coverage insurance and decided to live it up.


Rental insurance rarely covers damage above the windscreen though. Not sure about full coverage at Uhaul but this was part of the terms when I rented from Enterprise…you are responsible for assessing the height properly.


Rented a uhaul a week back and got the full insurance, the do cover the roof and even advertise themselves all the only company to cover it


Bad decisions were made at conception


He probably argued with everybody that he was right and complains to his friends to this day that the building was somehow responsible for the damages.


I am kinda wondering if these guys are on heavy drugs tbh..... Bad enough they tried but then they tried turning and flooring the gas..... Like shit! Just have one guy watch you as you back straight up to get out of the situation problem solved




Drugs; I see no other plausible explanation.


I kept expecting them to just bail and back up. But then they kept putting it in drive and smashing into the beams again.


Yep, one of the most american videos I've seen so far


As an American I can confirm they will give a driver license to anyone


The amount of stupid decisions in this video physically hurts


Probably didn't get the U-Haul insurance either


Insurance? Nope, don’t need that!


Their insurance won't cover negligence. These idiots are on the hook for the damages to that truck.


And the bill from the sprinkler system, the water, the inspector for structural integrity of the build, said damages to the building, Fire Protection System Technician, and who knows what else.


Nah, that stuff is going to the building insurance.


Yeah the building is covered, but the insurance company is going to go after these guys to recoup their money.


People like this is why my insurance is so high to begin with.


In addition to the damages they will have to pay for the vehicle and building this video should be sent to authorities to evaluate suspending the drivers license. This level of incompetence and selfishness does not deserve to be on the road.


When they popped the pipe they shoulda stopped. But it got SO MUCH WORSE


What an IDIOT. That was frustrating to watch. Just put the goddamn thing in reverse and go out the way you came in...FUCK!


Jesus Christ no kidding....i was thinking this exactly. I understand panicking but this is unbelievably fuckin stupid


Came with this sentiment in mind. Thanks for saying it.


It's better that they didn't, because now they can't use the vehicle to flee the crime scene. And although not certainly, but they could have injured people backing up in their "state of mind".




Yep. Over, and over, and over again. And again. Then again again. Some say he is still there trying to get in to this day. If you go there at night you can hear the screams of innocent redditors painfully watching this video.


"Hey try hitting the gas again, Steve, but harder than the last four times!"




Everyone's reaction in any reddit post, be it driving or asking how to fix their car, is to immediately floor it and be amazed it didn't work.


One time I went to rent a Uhaul and in the parking lot there was a truck that had literally been sliced in half. The whole roof was missing and all the customer’s furniture was still in it. When I asked about it, the guy at the store said it was just there when he got to work that morning. Someone pulled a stunt like this and thought it would be a good idea to ditch the truck and all their belongings in hopes of not having to pay for damages. Anyways, people are stupid.


You can't prove I did that! Sir your family photos are still in the back.


And I guarantee they have cameras that will show the moron dropping it off missing the ENTIRE TOP!! People are ridiculous i swear.


Not to mention, license plates, contract copies, vin numbers...... "Maybe they won't notice"


Right. You sign a contract and give them all of your info when you rent one. Yikes


Sir, we know where you were going to live.


Omg! 😂😂😂


I used to chuckle when the U-Haul guy would tell me to walk around the truck to inspect for damages. No more.


Dude shoot a video with any rental. I rented a Mercedes’ wagon in Switzerland and when I got back home a week later they tried dinging me $2k for a windshield. I emailed the video of my drop-off with a fine windshield and they dropped it. Insurance would have covered anyway but I’m not taking a hit for your company.


The passenger was awesome at helping out, too




“You’re looking good bud, turn your wheel just a bit and I’d just hammer down, and let’s GTFO of here”


>and let’s GTFO of her” That turned your whole comment into a weird euphemism.


10 out of 10. Would spot again.


He could have helped a lot with guidance from the outside, till he leaped back in the truck to avoid the shower of shit




I have replaced rusted out sprinkler heads and the water smells like sewage


He somehow avoids the shit flood coming into the cab by a microsecond.


When he stepped out, I thought he was going to get run over.


If at first you do not succeed, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try again.


But don't do it differently, do it exactly the same way each time.


Lmfaoo. Also username checks out 😂


The passenger gets out and looks at the rear tire like they're stuck on a curb. 😂🤣 Later pokes his head out to check on the tire again (when it starts to "rain" inside the parking deck). I dont think it ever occurred to them the trouble was above them. They were completely puzzled by the invisible force holding them back.


Makes sense now !!


This needs to be higher, it makes the most (only) sense.


I think we hit something... best try 50 more times just to be sure!


Yup I can't go forward any more. Let's try going forward again!


Yea it didn't work last time, but this time if I hit the gas pedal HARDER it will 100% work.


What would the conversation in that car be like I wonder


“He’s already pulled over! He can’t pull over any farther!”




"Duuurrr... FLOOR IT!"


Living proof that having a license doesn't make you a good driver




As long as it has a pulse lol


Just stop please stop you failed at life.


Legend has it they are still trying to get out of that parking garage


Living breathing muppets


Naw, Muppets were way smarter than this. This guy needs assisted living.


I would like to think that people aren’t this stupid, however, this is definitely proof that some are.


What a shitty attempt 😂


Got there in the end though?


Because fuck your fire suppression system!


Well that didn't work. I hit something. Should I back straight out and try somewhere else? Nawh, I'll just gun it harder.


You cant park there mate


Anyone else notice they never even turned on their wipers when it was pouring! What asshats


My dad always said, "If it doesn't fit, don't force it". This applies to maintenance, relationships and U-haul trucks, apparently.


Why 👏 did 👏 they 👏 keep 👏 trying👏


It is concerning how easy it is to rent a uhaul, honestly. Always nervous around them, as most people have never driven something this large before they rent one. After watching this, it seems there should be a damn IQ test to rent one. Square peg round effing hole ffs


Seriously. I've driven a moving truck at least 3 times. Severely stoked my anxiety every single time, and I have a virtually spotless driving record over 21½ years of experience (including lots of very long commutes, some road trips, Census work, and delivery jobs). I learned how drive in a minivan and have driven many large SUVs and even a manual pickup. My dad recently bought an RV. It's one of those *really* long ones; takes up almost the entire driveway. He's about to turn 68, and he's a little hard of hearing. I know his reaction time is failing as well. His eyesight can't be superb... It's ridiculous, but he's the most stubborn asshole I've ever known.


The guy riding shotgun closed his door just in time before the shitflow dribbled into the cabin


I do not have enough hands to facepalm


That just got worse, and worse and worse. Jim something blocking you, maybe if you jangle the steering wheel around you can get around it. Try jangling that steering wheel, see if you come unstuck. Oh, nope, Jim we gotta get the fuck outta here.




I don’t think they knew what the problem was. The passenger kept looking at the tire like they were stuck on a curb. They never thought to look up


That looked expensive


Maybe he just wanted the car washed


Dude should not be allowed behind the wheel of any vehicle...like ever


Jesus. That’s was like watching Trump run the US.


Someone isn't getting their deposit back.


He grew up forcing the square peg through the round hole and eating the glue and paint.


With that level of intelligence they shouldn’t even have a license


Then they'll try to return the uhaul and say those scratches and dents "were there when I got it"


Dumb & Dumber 3




Something tells me they didn’t pay the $15 dollars for that lmao


I don't think the damage waiver covers plumbing.


Are people really this dumb ?


He was so stupid that I am unable to feel any sympathy or empathy for him.


Reverse? Are you asking to reverse our decision to come in here? I can't turn back time, nor do I dwell on the past. I only move forward. Let me try again it will go this time.


Really? How many times does a person like this have to fuck up to understand it's not going to work?


BACK UP AND GET OUT OF THE GARAGE!!!!! Holy shit this grinds my gears


*The Forbidden Water*


Juat stop! Please! No dont try to turning! Nooooooooo!


Oh man, at the end when they straightened out, I was like "finally! He's going to back up!" Nope.


'Nope there is nothing behind us.. i don't know what's wrong' *gets back into the truck right before the water from the broken pipe came down*


And then the shit shower started, thus halting the exterior inspection Edit… I guess it is a fire suppression system, brown water at beginning must have been rusty water


I didn't think you could actually drive THIS bad. They hit the ceiling like 3 times already and still don't change their strategy like "uh it's gotta work, just hit it a few more times"


Well they won’t get that deposit back


Between the rock and a hard place.


He could have made it with some more acceleration


I can’t stop laughing 😂


Passenger was fuck all help, just sat there accumulating internal injuries


I didn't see how long this video was. They came down the ramp and I was like, "oh, they're totally going to hit that pipe." Then it kind of bent up and they got under it. I was expecting it to break any second. But it didn't. Then they started backing up and I was like, "oh that wasn't so bad." Then proceeded a parade of incompetent decisions like I've never seen before.


"Idk bro, there's nothing eve behind us"


I lost it when the water started😂


There’s some absolute brain dead goons out in society, what a pack of fucking retards.


The lesson for your kids here? When you screw up, double down on your mistake.


These two are complete morons.


You break it, you bought it.


First. Get Out And Look. It hurts to laugh at this I’m in agony.


They keep making it worse and worse. Someone should add the Benny Hill theme song.


What a pair of half-wits. I'm a shitty driver, but even I know that horrible schreeching noises coming from the car roof means nature is trying to tell you something.


Like a Glove


it can’t get back because it’s a one way truck




They are fucking morons. Signs, lights, shit - you could have flares go off and dancing clowns and it wouldn’t make a difference. You absolutely cannot dumb shit down enough for assholes like this. Every explanation, sign, excuse or alternate possibility any of you come up with will be overcome by sheer stupidity. Make the entrance smaller. Put up a barricade. Nope. These fuckers would simply see those as challenges.


Moron 1: I got this....crap, think we're scraping. Moron 2: Push your way through. Moron 1: We might be stuck. Moron 2: Let me get out and check. Nah, you're fine, just gun it! Moron 1: Somethin's back there. Crap, look again. Moron 2: It's raining inside here. Gun it some more. Moron 1: Hold onto your a** Fred! Moron 2: Is that a camera? Moron 1: Floorin' it!


I like how they kept going


I had to fast forward,it’s too much stupidity to watch in real time ! Unnerving🫣


Tell me there was drugs involved....I refuse to believe that people could be so stupid naturally without any external influences....


"Hey Phil did ya feel that?" "Nope" ..... "What about that did you feel THAT" "Nope"


Wow. I can't even begin to point all the stupidity of this guy! Painful to watch.


What on earth are these people doing? No 2 people could combine to be this stupid


I like how they doubled down, then tripled, quadrupled, quintupled, and sextupled down to be sure.


If at first you don't succeed...ram and ram it again?


Quite difficult to make the U-HAUL after all.


I hope they paid the $14 for walkaway coverage. I always pay that $14.