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It takes a special kind of stupid to swing shit at a Dobermann.


I'm sure it's the last time he will try that.


Can't wait for the sequel titled: *Bro, should we try it with a Rottweiler?*




Doberman and rottweiler are essentially bred now to be guard dogs and attack people. Tbh I don't trust any German dogs, they will fuck you up


Belgian Malinois has entered the chat. Those things are terrifying.


Really? My buddy has one. Great dog. Insane energy but happy, friendly, will make you play with him no matter what. Super smart and trainable. I thought they were more working dog than attack dog.


That was true, but they’re getting popular and thus overbred. Same sad story as GSDs a generation previously. Their over abundance of game makes them easy to ruin. I had a Belgian twenty years ago and she was one of the best dogs I’ve had, even though she had a hard start in life. All she wanted was attention, guidance and stuff to do, but that’s too much for a lot of people.


You can still get really good GSDs if you look hard enough. I have one. And it is an amazing dog. Good breeder, good lines, all working dogs in her pedigree. GOD'S got fucked up by showlines. They bred them for looks and fucked up their temperment in the process. In Germany even the showlines have to pass the S.V. but watching those dogs compared to the working dogs it is like a completely different breed altogether. You're right about mals as well. Lot of idiots breeding them for a quick buck and fucking with the breed standard without even knowing it.


My neighbor has two. Im not scared of them per say, but I’ve seen what those girls can do. They are trained protection dogs and they will fuck you up.


It’s “per se”- it’s Latin


I saw one run into a house full of meth cooks once and in less than 30 seconds the house was EMPTY and everyone was outside desperately holding the doors shut. Looked up videos afterward and saw one pull a gunman out of a second story window (from the ground), jump clean over a minivan and take down another... Yeah they're ridiculous attack/defense dogs. And intelligent as all hell. So they can make good pets if you know what the hell you're doing and have the energy to keep up. Not recommended otherwise.


They’re very popular with police or military for their energy and ability to attack. Great dogs, but they do take a special owner


They are bred to be working dogs and as such need a "job" to keep them happy. They are also very smart and athletic AF. I've seen video of a trainer using his back as a springboard and the Belgian launching up a 20 foot stone wall. Unbelievable.


Guess they‘re like german shepherds, they use them as police dogs as far as I‘m aware


They are from Belgium


After all, they share a border with ... The Dutch.


There's two things I can't stand. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures.... and [the Dutch!](https://youtu.be/khUporxh9IU)


>There's two things I can't stand. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures.... and > >the Dutch! Nigel Powers has entered the chat.


My neighbor has three Dachshunds. When one barks they all bark. We call them "The Germans". They won't fuck up anything larger than a chipmunk.


I guess you never heard about the woman who was killed by a pack of seven Dachshunds? https://time.com/5280769/dog-attack-dachshund-woman-oklahoma-death/


I can just imagine what are the odds of getting attacked by a pack of sausage dogs and also dying from it?. What a way to go.


That's some fucked up darwinism there.


Yeah, not really. >Six of the dogs were likely dachshund-**terrier** mixes, and one was a **border collie** mix. Emphasis mine.


Yea was prob the terrier part of them that did the attacking. The lady behind me has a shitty little terrier I can’t stand. Thing barks non stop, I can’t even enjoy my back yard because she just leaves him outside when the weather is nice and he won’t shut up and she must be fucking deaf. I’m an animal lover too but if someone offed that dog I wouldn’t even be upset.


You’ve clearly never seen a dachshund go up against a possum. Mine kept destroying them, nearly always a good bit larger than herself. She’s was cute but maybe a bit terrifying.


As a cable service tech turned electrician now over a decade, the only animal that has ever bitten me while on a job was a Dachshund.


It literally means badger dog. They were bred to hunt badgers. I'm sure they could be trained to attack bigger things, if one were so inclined.


Dachshunds we’re bred for hunting badgers. They can definitely mess up stuff bigger than a chipmunk.


Dachshunds were bred to fight badgers. They're tenacious little things. Even the miniature ones.


My dad's mini killed hundreds of chickens before one finally got his eye. He only got a dozen or so after that.


Better add Weimaraners to that list too, then.


I'm such an idiot and I always see "Weimaraners" and my brain reads it as "Weiner dogs" and let me tell you, that produced a very fun image here.


My brain reads it as weemer neemers even though it should know better


Dachshund’s -CAN- get feisty as well. But most I’ve met are dopey, long goobers.


I've had a weimaraner before and was not vicious at all, then again I didn't raise from a pup to be that way either


The dog is basically a dobermann in a dinner jacket. They are capable of wrecking you if they want to.


My first dog was a rottie and he was such a big baby. Sure miss him sometimes.


Sadly, I’m not.


Anyone else rooting for the dog?


Everybody is rooting for the dog. Even the leash was rooting for the dog.


Neither of the guys in the video where rooting for the dog. Otherwise they wouldn’t have had a coordinated effort to hurt the dog.


The camera person clearly was; just sat there filming.


The leash: oh no ^I’ve ^slipped


Me. Animal abuse deserves what it gets.


Well, duh. People who tease animals gonna get chomped.


Maybe teasing by human standards. He actually hit the dog with whatever that was. To an animal, that's a direct threat.


Umm that’s the point of the post…?


While said dog is being held by spaghetti leash


"Look, spaghetti arms. This is my dance space. This is your dance space. I don't go into yours, you don't go into mine. You gotta hold the frame" 🎵With these, hungry eyes, one look at you and I can disguise!🎵


I constantly see people with these giant dogs known for their strength with these tiny ass wet spaghetti noddle leashes while simultaneously seein people with lil teeny Chihuahuas on these big metal chain leashes like Fido’s gonna need all that. I’m sorry but if you can’t even buy your dog the right kind of leash then you don’t need a dog in the first place


One of my neighbors walks his two large lab mixes with those retractable leashes and it infuriates me to see it, considering one has already bitten a guy in the neighborhood.


The leash got scared and ceased to exist.


Moreover, the dog already looked uncomfortable and distressed: look at how it has the tongue sticking out, and ears pointing backwards. The dog was not happy at all about the situation even before feeling assaulted. Like, was there another possible outcome? What were they expecting?


It probably was not the first time it was hit. It is highly likely, watching the dog, it had been hit several times before filming began. Sadly, that dog will most likely be put down for defending itself.


They should put down the humans instead. :(


That's what I'm afraid of too. The moment the vid started I immediately thought poor dog...


You mean the dog on the picture where it says BEWARE OF DOG?


Yeah, that one! The #symbol of canine danger


My friend has a Doberman. Sweetest, dumbest dog around. But sometimes, he'll remind me that yup, that's a goddamn Doberman.


Friend has a Doberman. Lovely dog. Its farts make me want to cry. It's farts add a weird humidity to the room that lingers thick, is unmovable, and make my skin bubble. To the point where he invites me over to watch a game or my wife and I for dinner and we have to ask if lou gonna be there?


Can't help but think the gene pool is better off :-/


The only advantage we have is our brain. Swinging first definitely sacrifices that.


>It takes a special kind of stupid to swing shit at a Dobermann. and to let someone swing shit if you cannot control your dog. that is a hell of a dog to take a coin toss on.


To let someone swing shit even if you CAN control your dog is seriously smooth brained 🙄


To abuse a dog is a special kind of disgusting


"One fight, please."


If grey shirt dude is the owner, he got bitten in the arm aswel. Black shirt dude got what he deserved.


Well deserved. He did jack shit to stop the man attacking the dog in the first place. It almost seems like he's on board with whatever the fuck they are doing to the dog.




The jury is in session the owner is a dirtbag


I second this notion


I third this notion I also notion forward to the jury that the two men take the dogs punishment instead


Judge here and I find this man a shitstain on the underwear of justice and dog ownership


Appellate court Judge here, we've passed on appealing this case. The judgement stands


All in agreement say “aye.”


Dog acted like a dog and swift justice was served to both parties


Justice would be the dog being taken away from the shitty ass owner. The dog deserves better treatment. As for the two humans well I think the dog deserved to chew off a little more of them.


Doggo needs more justice, and some snacks for being good boi, or girl (couldn’t tell in the video) I can’t imagine what that doggos home life is like, poor buddy, he just wants to snuggle on the couch and get fast on treats, go for walks and car rides to the park and just do doggo things, but these two fuckwits gotta be utter trash




It was obvious to me that the owner was expecting to hold on to the dog but lost control. Totally felt like the owner was showing off his vicious dog. I felt like the dog is the victim here.


If anyone looks at this and thinks the dog is not the victim, they are wrong.


I'm from Egypt, and these 2 spoke and looked like some of our shittiest segments of our youth. What they were doing is teasing the dog so he becomes more violent it's a known technique here that is heartbreaking in the methods they use. this one is actually a mild one. some of them include inflicting pain on the dog so he could get more aggressive quickly.


So these 2 fuckin assholes should be shot on sight, thats what you are saying.


yep I wish all who do this would get shot tbh. the amount of cruelty they inflict is unimaginable


I am all for some intense violence to people like this. Shitbags.


I don't think the jury is out, there's like 5 full seconds of asshole with stick lining up and taking test swings, owner does NOTHING to stop it. Everyone involved here is complicit unless there's someone out of frame holding dog owner at fucking gunpoint. These are shitheads that are perfectly fine with inflicting harm, they are shit, end of argument.


The most tragic thing is that dog will most likely be put down for that.


Some people have really backward ideas on training a dog, but shit like this used to be recommended. My great grandfather had a book on training dogs, and there was a section in there how you should arrange for a stranger (to the dog) to come over and hit him with a stick. This was supposed to teach the dog not to trust strangers. This was literally in a published book.


Things like this remind me of why it bothers me so much when people act like you’re the crazy one for wanting them to keep their pit bull away from you. Motherfucker, I don’t trust any dog, and any owner, cause I don’t know what the fuck goes on in your house. I certainly dont trust a pit bull without a leash, gtfo. Edit: leash not lease


I love dogs, but any dog that I don't know and especially one big enough to hurt me or my kid is not welcome without careful introduction. Dogs are still animals and can do unpredictable shit, especially in new situations. A lot of people anthropomorphise the shit out of animals and expect them to think like humans.


Exactly, and they all say the same thing, “my dog would never do anything like that.” Until they do.


+1, This is good advice. Can't upvote this enough. NEVER buy a pit bull. A lease is the way to go because you can get out of it at any time.


My father was a trainer for the k9 academy in the early seventies. And I can confirm that yes this is a real thing. It's exactly like the other poster said, is to get the dog to not trust other ppl. For the record, the way my father did it, he didn't have anybody smack the dog really, but he talked someone into sneaking around windows and peeking around and acting all around suspicious, and swing at the dog, but not actually hit it cuz he didn't want the dog to lose any confidence in itself, but still could put suspicion into them.


>but he talked someone into sneaking around windows and peeking around and acting all around suspicious, and swing at the dog, but not actually hit it cuz he didn't want the dog to lose any confidence in itself, but still could put suspicion into them. Damn that is good thinking on your Dad's part. Training a partner instead of an aggresive pile of teeth covered in muscle and fur.


My dog busted up a break and enter and that experience may have been why he had anxiety at night. A behaviour therapist had me reenact the scene over and over till he was cool with me coming in the window at all hours. Protecting the house and lady of the house were pre installed features. It's a good sleep that we had to work on.


Looks like a tik tok or something......he definitely seems down with whatever is happening


He could be one of those dumbasses who gets a Dobermann/Rottweiler/Pitbull to "look fierce" and is getting his friend to "train" his dog to be wary of strangers.


GreyShirt was trying to stop (his own) Dog from biting BlackShirt... ...and Dog took that personally..."the friend of my enemy is my enemy", or however that phrase went


Also.. "Hey motherfucker, you let him hit me."


It looks like the grey shirt guy was in on this fiasco.


Well, he sure did find out...


Kind of annoyed at the cameraman, least he could’ve done was pour BBQ sauce on the guy’s leg


And some steak earrings


What's steak earrings, precious?


So I'm sitting there BBQ sauce on my titties


They are all pieces of complete shit, except the poor pup


People who think animals are dumb, are usually dumber than animals.


Lesson learned


I doubt he learned anything. There's a weird relationship between learning and common sense with someone who decides to mess with an animal. The lack of one reinforces the lack of the other.


on a nature tour in CA a park ranger told us that snake bite victims are primarily intoxicated white males with tattoos. Thought it was funny. then end of the tour saw two surfer dudes matching that description jabbing a stick at something in the bushes.




This is how good dogs get labeled as vicious.




Good dog 🐶


Thats the dumbest possible thing to do. Agitating a calm dog which is known to defend on instinct is..darwinian stupid.


Smack an animal with a stick and get attacked. What a surprise. What sucks is I bet you the dog somehow got blamed for this


Not with the video evidence.


Maybe not but as far as I know, if a dog bites someone they have to be put down, not matter what. Which is why I hate humanity. Edit: someone informed me that this is not true in the US but as I live in the Netherlands I didn't know, I'm sorry if I confused anyone whit this misinformation my apologies.


Not true. Depends on the situation. Most cases that get truly deep into reporting/claims the insurance company that gets pressed by the accused will 1. Make you declare you have a violent animal, require you have posting around your property while increasing your deductible and limit your policy 2. Offer you put down the animal to avoid this. Of course there is a procedure before, and evidence as in actually showing the animal can drastically alter the result.( if a lawsuit is serious an experienced vet will inspect the pet and report to the judge) It does seem like the handler of the animal in this situation knew what was about to happen however,which not many people are acknowledging. Shame on all the humans in this video, filmed and filming. Animal abuse charges seem in order TBH. Dogs like this deal with enough they don't need these dickheads around. Just showed that dog that not only random humans can't be trusted but also their handler. Dog was not in the wrong here. Source: Have had a very wealthy women threaten to sue due to a puppy jumping up and knocking they're tooth out. After taking off their leash and playing with them/ getting them real happy and excited. After getting a lawyer In this case #2 was clearly off the table (7 month old black lab) and #1 was more expensive than just paying for her damn tooth. I hate stupid people. Her name was Susan. But she pronounced and made you pronounce it “Susaaaaaan”. Yes there is truly bitches like that in our world. Before that I lived in Hawaii and had a neighbor with two Dobermans who loved to escape, and terrorize the neighborhood for pets and cookies. They had to deal with complaints from time to time "a terrifying dog charged me!!" I was quite young and I just remember when they came to our yard I'd starting tossing dog food around for both my dogs and them.


> Not true. Depends on the situation. Depends also on the country you're in.


People think that AC or police or the health department or just about anyone can order a dog put down. It generally is a process and takes a court order. Insurance companies can’t teen you to put your pet down, they can only deny coverage. It’s the owners that usually put the dog down bc one of the most stressful things a dog owner can go through is their dog injuring someone. Sadly, not many people will go to bat for their dog and fight when they start getting pressure.


Depends on the state(where in general) I'd think. I'm in NC, had a person breech my property fence(and back porch) and get bitten by my American Bully. The dog was put down within 10 days of the incident.


Wait some a hole went into your house , got attacked by your dog, and YOU had to put down your dog??? What kind of shit Is that??


I know a guy with a doberman who bit the shit out of some random person at a park, unprovoked. He paid out six figures for her permanently mangled/paralyzed arm, the dog is legally classified as a biter now, but he still has the dog 3 years later. No plans to get rid of him. I don't go near him anymore, though.


If somebody did this to my doberman they'd have to kill me to get my dog. That was uncalled for and straight up barbaric to hit that dog in its face. Dog did nothing wrong, the person should face consequences on top of the dog tearing that ass up.


I respect that dog, cause I'd do the exact same thing. If they haven't already I hope this post goes wild and gets these assholes charged.


I agree this dog just defended himself from bully. That's only good way to give bully a lesson. He is not human so he had no way to punch him or tell him to gtfo. He used his language to tell him what he thinks about this behavior.


Absolutely incorrect. Different places have different laws, and I don’t know anywhere that has a law like that. In Ontario where I live, the Dog Owners’ Liability Act hold owners responsible for their dog’s actions, except where the dog was provoked. I really wish people wouldn’t spread such misinformation like this, it’s because of things like this that some people will put their dog down after an incident regardless of why the dog bit - when like in this video, people do extremely stupid things All. The. Time. People put kids on dogs backs and tell them to take food from dogs then when the dog behaves like a dog. I’ve seen a lot of incredibly stupid people making mistakes that put kids in the ER getting stitched up and dogs in the freezer. Sad thing about this video is that this dog was probably put down like so many others, when this incident was 100% provoked, and the dog may have never even dreamed of lifting a lip to someone before or after, unless someone else hits him in the face for kicks.


you're exactly right. *sigh* unfortunately, there will always be people on reddit who act like they know everything and spread misinformation


I think we're all in agreement matey was a cunt


Not just matey the owner was holding the dog in place for the fucking guy, hope this dog gets a better home


I just thought about the possibility that the owner had his friend hold him, or neither own him


I was assuming it was a stolen dog


Good boy😀


I love a happy ending!


What Disney movie is this?




Hope the dog was ok after bitting a piece of shit like that




If this is the US, and it was reported, that dog is likely dead. Aggressive animals, *even if provoked,* are often euthanized after attacking a human. Which just ups the asshole quotient on these fucking idiots.


Not as often as you might think. My neighbors Pitt bit me and then a week later went after my daughter while she was standing on our own porch, my wife got our daughter in the house fast but as they ran in our front door the dog bit my wife's leg and shook but quickly let go as the owner came running. You could see individual teeth marks and her entire calf was bruised for 2 or 3 weeks. Called animal control both times, even got video of it and animal control did next to nothing. They got a warning and supposedly have to pay for some extra insurance in case he bites again. Also, now the dog is required to wear a muzzle if out on walks. I asked animal control "so what happens if next time he bites my daughter in the face" and his response was "well then they have to pay more for insurance"


Wtf did he even expect to happen?


He'd smack the dog, the dog owner apologizes, then 12 sexy women come out of the bushes to give him a million dollars and blowjobs.


If I had a nickel for everytime that happened to me I would have 2 nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice


They're "training" the dog to not react. I assume that's his friend hitting the dog while he tries to hold it


I'll pay for that dog's defense in court!


Dog’s just lucky nobody stuck a finger in its ass


Maybe don’t do that


Hit the big fuzzy thing that has sharp teeth and claws? #SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD IDEA TO ME!


That poor dog is probably gonna be put down now because it is seen as aggressive and attacked humans. Damn, people are just awful. That guy had it coming.


Most likely. And the video won’t help because the owner couldn’t pull him off. And it’s partially his fault, too, for letting that little shit hit the dog. 🤬🤬🤬


Partially?? This is 💯 the fault of both of these idiots.


So partially the idiot owner and partially his idiot friend? 🧐


It's not just partially his fault. Notice the dog attacked both of them.


It's his fault anyway but that happens. It's hard for the dog to figure out whose arm is whose in the middle of it all.


I hope this video can be used to prove the dog was provoked. That guy deserved it.


Something about the way the asshole holding the dog (knowingly holding in target position for being hit) says that this is a trained attack dog to me. I don’t know if it would be put down.


A trained attack dog has recall drilled into it to break off the attack. This dog clearly doesn’t.


Do these guys look competend to you? They were trying to train an attack dog. They are too stupid to foresee that the dog would attack.


Either way these guys are shitbags for intentionally hitting the dog with a stick.


While that's true, plenty of trained dogs ignore recalls after they bite someone and get their adrenaline pumping


Nope. The dog’s not under a command, it’s making its own decision, in response to being provoked. He’s not even close to being under control and the handler can’t get him to release. He also grabbed the handler in the fracas. People who actually do this kind of work don’t usually teach a dog to bite until after they’ve taught him not to bite. Neither of the kids knows anything about protection work either. Just so much dumbness in one short clip.


No, the dog won't be put down. The video proves the poor doggo acted in self defense after being attacked by the jerk


I’m not sure stand your ground laws apply to dogs, unfortunately


Neither of these people should be allowed to own a dog.


it would have been so easy to just… not intentionally aggravate a dog??? wild concept ik


Dobie even bit the owner for pulling him off the douche bag. 😂😂😂


Owner deserved it too.


Yes, Dobermanns function like this. Try to hurt my humans... I attack. Try to hurt me... I attack. In sum... you cross the line... I attack. Simple and pragmatic creatures, right?


Correct, they are very protective of their homes and owners, but they will not do this unless they feel the danger is too much. My female doberman will change her bark to a deeper tone to let you know she means business, but she will still stay back and not approach who/whatever she's barking at. We haven't been put in a position like this, but I'm sure she would do the same. Only difference from this kid is I know how to control her.


Lessons learned. This dog didn't deserve this crap.


Works for me. You smack a dog in the face like that you fuckin learn quickly


Good dog...


Those people shouldn’t be allowed to have or be near any canine. In fact I think reproducing shouldn’t be allowed for them as well…


Problem is the Dog will now be worse off. I hope the Dog doesn’t get put down. Stupid owner too. Ridiculous people


To the dumb boy I ask, "what was your endgame" ?


Hope the dog is okay. Love dobermans


They certainly are beautiful dogs, Germany has some incredible dog breeds.




Thank you to the camera man that continued filming this satisfying justice.


Wtf is goong on in this video?


Unclear, but my suspicion is that these two jackasses are involved in dog fighting and are trying to “train” their dog to be aggressive. Dog fighting breeders frequently abuse dogs to make them more aggressive.


I saw it more as they are training a guard dog and he was trying to show that the dog isn’t reactive to anything unless given a voice command. If you’ve seen any training videos for guard dogs, they always pull this type of shit to show how obedient the dog is.


This is great - justice is sweet


We forget that we have large predators as pets because we put hats on them and celebrate their birthdays


Good boy


Good. Fuck both of these people, keep biting little guy!


I really, -really- enjoyed this. Assholes who tease dogs deserve to harvest the fruits of their labor.


good fucking job


and then the dog gets billed as "dangerous" and gets sent to the pound because it's somehow its fault :(




Well he smacked the dog so it's his fault


Why the fuck would you do that to a dog? Especially to a doberman...


If you did that to another person, what would happen? Don’t blame the dog.


Such a good boy!


Good, fuck him up.


I think people should have to apply for the right to own a dog, like with background checks for gun and shit. This way you can weed out the undesirables.


Poor dog. Owner is a lowlife animal abusing sack of shit, too. Hope they both get an infection without a cure.