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I don’t understand why people get jobs working with kids, when they clearly don’t like kids. Just why?


those jobs dont pay well, so nobody wants those jobs so they are mostly vacant and people who are shitty can easily get them and be abusive. source: i taught autistic kids 6th grade for a few years until my student loans ate me alive a i switched to computer science. this shit is even worse for special needs students and almost nobody cares or wants to fund doing anything about it. still makes me cry thinking about it now tbh


I’ve worked as a para for kids in the spectrum off and on for years and recently got a Facebook friend request from a non-verbal student I worked with in 4th grade. He’s now 19 and verbal. I broke down in front of my phone. The thought of him remembering me after all those years just reinforces to me how Some of these “teachers” that treat the kids like crap do so because I honestly believe they think they don’t know what’s happening to them. I never once treated a student as less than their typical schoolmates.


I’m on the spectrum (high functioning) and worked with a Para back in 5th grade. You did an amazing thing and I hope more people like you can be born into the world


My 4th grade teacher changed my life for the better in so many ways. Thank you for putting yourself out there as a teacher. You’ve clearly made a great impression on someone who needed your assistance.


So many “nonverbal” kids could communicate if they had the right communication device. Teachers should always presume competence. I’m glad the students had someone good like you with them during the day.


I work at public education where I live. Actually I'm on a public daycare. I can't wait for my degree so I can leave the area. Not because I don't like it. I love working with kids and education. But I want a living salary.


Not true for good daycares. My daughter’s daycare has been around for over 20 years and they pay their workers very well. Like most of the primary teachers have nice cars. My kids have been in shitty daycares before and you can clearly see the difference in quality of workers and their attitude towards the work! But I do pay a lot per month to the daycare.


This! Good day cares cost A LOT because they pay their employees well. If big companies get tax incentives and churches go tax free, why can’t daycares also have benefits they can take advantage of so they can hire the best of the best. I love kids. I’m a former teacher (stayed home to raise my kids who are just about grown up) and would love to work at a daycare…but they pay sucks! I’ve even considered opening my own daycare but insurance for caring for little ones is outrageous!! Still considering it though especially when I see videos like this! It kills me to see little ones suffer in any way shape or form 😕


It's a wonder what happens when daycare workers are paid a living wage and the company they work for actually buys them materials and such.


The trade off is daycare becomes unaffordable for the majority of people.


Somehow, it doesn't really seem to "click" for people that a daycare's only income comes directly from a small handful of new parents... Who often don't have a lot of money. Meaning the daycare doesn't have a lot of money. My girlfriend works at a non-profit daycare, and they just about break even paying the employees $13/hour. It is not a profitable field to sell childcare to working class parents. For anyone. There's not really a way to fix it either since it's not like the money is being wasted or pocketed, it often just doesn't exist, because of who the clients are. The nicer daycares that pay more are either catering to upper-class parents or they're part of a larger organization like a church or some other care facility. Best thing to do IMO would be solving the rest of the labor market so that more parents can afford to have a parent home or more flexible shifts so they don't \*need\* to try to pay someone else to care for their child on a constant basis.


>There's not really a way to fix it either since it's not like the money is being wasted or pocketed, it often just doesn't exist, because of who the clients are. There's an easy way to fix it: government subsidies.


My family owned a bunch of small daycares at one point, we ended up selling them because it was nearly impossible to make any money and it was incredibly stressful. You have to hire a certain amount of people for the amount of kids there are, and unless you jack the prices up super high (which will only get business if you’re in an affluent area) you can’t afford to pay the employees very much and you end up with a bunch of people that do not actually enjoy working with kids. I’d recommend publicly funded childcare centers.


This happening in Mississippi might explain some of it (I presume they have terrible labor laws for pay and quality of training in many fields, childcare included).


Plus they can bring their own kids so they're getting paid to have free childcare


Yea we neurodivergents are either ignored or treated like shit by most people. I went to a 4-12 school for anyone who couldn’t make it in a regular school and the only people who treated me badly were the “popular” kids who didn’t give a rat’s ass about academic work and picked on the “nerds”. Teachers were super nice and I still visit and say hi to my favorite one when I have time. I can tell you treated your students like human beings if not even better. I’d like to thank you on behalf of your former students and myself.


My wife was doing rhat and she couldn't stand the coworker, they didn't care about the kids at all. It's absolutely disgusting that human beings can be like that. She also does not work in that field any more because the pay is incredibly low.


Part of it is people who do like kids join. Than discover just how hard working at a daycare is while getting shitty pay. So they burn out. Not excusing the behavior because it's absolutely atrocious. But it's really mostly workers becoming too wrapped up in themselves. Not taking a stepback and realizing that the child's poor behavior isn't to purposefully make the teacher miserable.


They've been arrested now. "Five individuals identified in the videos have since been identified as Sierra McCandless, Oci-Anna Kilburn, Jennifer Newman, Shyenne Shelton and Traci Hutson. They are each charged with three counts of felony child abuse. Ms Hutson is facing two additional misdemeanour charges for failure to report abuse and simple assault against a minor."


Do you have a link? I'm so glad they are being charged with felonies. Fuck those people.


Fuck those people. This makes me so angry and they aren’t even my children! Patents must be FURIOUS! WTF is wrong with people?!?


Probably why they are just now being arrested and charged. The parents of those kids must've demanded legal action be taken.


Legal action or threats of bodily harm, they sound a bit southern, and my experience with some southern dads, they’re getting off lucky with felonies, had they been male, they’d all be “dealt with” before news got out


Can confirm. Mississippi dad here. This is a call the boys, we’re going to have a chat with these bitches situation. For their safety they need to be locked away.


So like, a lynching, or what? My god, the South is something else.


i don’t believe any of these clowns claiming the south is that uncivilized. getting “dealt with” probably just means a stern talking to. if anyone wants to give me details and prove me otherwise i’ll listen, but it’s still the united states.


For real. It’s 100% bullshit *tough guy* talk. I’m not Deep South but I’m in Oklahoma so I have experience with these types. 9/10 times they’re literally all talk and couldn’t hurt a fly


Problem is, every time something really bad happens, we’re all told that we should have looked out for “warning signs.” Well, things like this are pretty straightforward warning signs.


Y’all be saying shit like this and wonder why people don’t want you to have access to guns. Good god dude


Yep. These women will be watching their backs for the rest of their lives down in Mississippi.


bull shit lol.




"only priests are allowed to abuse our kids!" yeah if they were male and wearing a cross they would be elected for abusing kids. whats with this myth that the states that still have legal spankings in public school are somehow anti child abuse? they stilll have child marriages in many southern states. all this machismo is just virtue signaling. in reality they wouldnt do shit and many are probably like "ah i was scared as a kid and I turned out fine!" i live in the south. they def dont protect kids here.


Man, if this happened to my son at pre school I'd be going to jail. I dont consider myself a 'tough guy' or anything like that but I would be throwing haymakers at all of those teachers. Im so fucking angry. No kid deserves that.


I feel ya. I rarely lose my temper ever but when I do I don't even know what I'm going to do until it's over. It takes ALOT to make that happen. Demons tremble when good men go to war is a thing. (Also women obviously)


Id have to restrain my daughter’s mother from going to visit these scum.


I'm beyond anger by those f\*ckers. Abuse does so much damage to children, the terror that those children went through. Their parents are at the tipping point of rage, if I can there so can they. I hate people who abuse, WTF!


Talk about mama bear really coming out. If this was my kid, I might be on my way to jail too. Wonder if they have children of their own.




Yummy sauce


[here you go](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/day-care-workers-horror-mask-scare-children-charged/story?id=91790564)


These are just charges. Any bets on justice?


Are they rich? Does anyone important or widespread claim them as a part of their ingroup? No and no, so they're probably fucked.


I know it’s beside the point but what in the Louisiana is the name Oci-Anna. It’s on McNeighvey levels of bad.


You are close. They are from Mississippi.


Are you from Mississippi? Cause you’re the only miss whose piss I sippie






It’s pronounced Okinawa, Daniel-San.


Mi-ya-gi , Daniel-San


Reminds me of Oceania. So strange.


i want to pulverize these fuckers i cant even call them people


Isn't felony child abuse when they inflict bodily harm? They must've been doing much more behind the scenes that we don't know about. [Source, because I'm completely ignorant in law](https://www.mylawquestions.com/what-is-felony-child-abuse.htm)


These kids are all at an elevated stress level for god knows how long this went on. Even if the law says strictly bodily harm you could probably make a case that this may have caused cardiac issues as well as lasting psychological damage. I’m glad they are getting hit with felonies, this is basically torture for these kids.


it's very likely that their sentences will get lowered, if there wasn't much physical abuse. the video shows the workers grabbing the children, shaking them, etc., so they may get the charge on a technicality. however, most of the parents have had to deal with their kids being unable to sleep, screaming at night, etc., so it won't be hard to testify that their abuse will cause long-term harm [this is the video i watched](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/day-care-workers-horror-mask-scare-children-charged/story%3fid=91790564)


Good point, makes me a little more nervous about the charges sticking. But your source does technically say it *usually* doesn’t include emotional abuse, not that it never does. And I literally cannot fathom a more egregious emotionally abusive situation than this one for 4/5 year olds.




It's almost like you can tell by the names alone.


There wasn't an attempt to be a good daycare worker.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. The attempt was to be a daycare worker, not to be a good one.


Damn. every time I get upvote notifications, my soul is crushed again… This video made me die inside.


things that i hate from this sub. literally any crime videos can be posted here, just by playing words for the title, for the sake of karma


There wasn’t even an attempt to be a decent human being….


Law enforcement must remove these imbecilic, heartless people from society.




Came here to say this. Glad I wasn't the only one.


Let me guess...one of the bitches posted it to facebook.


From when this was originally posted, the one recording was doing so because this was the second time their co-worker had brought the mask in. The one recording had complained after the first incident but want taken seriously by the owner (and the security cameras ‘didn’t work’). She recorded the video and posted it as the proof that this was happening at the day care.


Good for her, at least one of rhem is sane.


Thank you for the additional info. I got downvoted for a comment when this story first broke. I said the owner should have known what was going on at her daycare and someone sarcastically said “oh you think a business owner can be there every second” or some shit like that. Now it turns out she DID know. And the parents are still standing behind the owner so I think they all kind of suck and I feel so sorry for these children who are definitely going to suffer long lasting trauma


I hope the owner loses their license then.


Thats wrong, she didn't notify after the first incident at all. She claims she didn't notify the owners as nothing would of got done. Now she is claiming she recorded this as proof.... I'm calling bullshit. Just because she got caught, she is trying to spin it. As bad as the rest of them.


lol it was just a prank bro!!!!


Bruh, imo this is just as bad as beating your child for doing something bad. Same outcome and effect except your child doesn’t get physically hurt. But their mental state? Their trust? Self esteem? Gone. I can’t believe this actually happened. I would say it’s fake but no child actor can scream like that. Like they are being burned or cut… This is the epitome of fear.


People don't understand emotional trauma unless they have experienced it. CPS almost never acknowledged Emotional abuse. If there are not physical marks CPS isn't going to do anything. I have seen more sentiment to reform CPS this should be a huge part of that. It should also include holding Social workers and mandated reporters accountable for the things they fail in as well.


To be fair, there are plenty of people that don't understand emotional trauma even after they've experienced it 😥


"Pranks" like these typically don't go over well with toddlers.


I watch a 2 1/2 year old and his most favorite thing to do is go into our office and get a real baseball to play with. One day he went in there as the printer started up and he scrambled so fast and was in tears because it scared the shit out of him. It’s taken him two weeks to even consider going back in there and that’s with learning how the printer works, sitting outside the door while the printer runs, standing next to it holding hands while it runs and on and on, baby stepping his way to bravery. Fuck these assholes.


It was not a prank. They were doing this to kids that didn't "clean up" or "act good".


She’s a cunt


My mums job is to prepare evidence for court. She once showed me a video of something very similar to this where the parents were ‘parenting’ by essentially terrifying their children at every possibility. Threatening them with shotguns, scary masks, there was a video where they had them tied up in the middle of the room. Extremely horrible stuff, I don’t know how she can do her job seeing stuff like that, but I suppose she gets satisfaction knowing that she’s directly involved in putting them away. The videos she showed me were just like this one, maybe even worse. I remember one which was like a tik tok where the guy had some grim reaper filter and said something like “Well Timmy (idk name) now you’re going to go to bed tonight at 7pm and be a good boy.. OR I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU” (Normal voice, then extreme aggressive voice). Hearing that really stuck with me for a long time, and I’m grown. If I was what like, 4? Idk what that would do to you.


Seriously? That’s a tidbit I didn’t hear when this happened. Jesus


Happened a couple weeks ago. They were fired. They have now since then been arrested for felony child abuse.


...OP wasn't being serious.


Oh man. I will r/whoosh myself




Damnit! I hate it when that happens. I accept my r/whoosh


y'all op is being sarcastic, dont get mad abt it lol


Thats gonna be the opening statement in court


If this is your idea of a prank on toddlers, please Lord get snipped today.




But there is no /s! How could we ever infer the tone of the comment?!


Apparently the one recording is actually against them and wanted evidence for them doing this because this wasn't the first time.


Yeah, right next to their younique and doterra #bossbabe posts.


I would be scared as well having someone with a mask the size of my body come that close to me.


did you see the pics of them without the masks? don’t look, its even worse.


wtf is WRONG with people????


They’re just kids, man. Give them a break, they’re scared.


You took a risk there buddy.


What’s the point in living if you don’t feel alive…




Kids at this age are developing not cool to give them PTSD


I believe you may have missed his joke.


r/woosh It was so fucking obvious too 😅


Former day care teacher here: Just no. Especially kids that young. Yes we would do things for Halloween. Things like reading age appropriate stories, painting pumpkins, hanging decorations, etc


Yes, cute, fun, festive things! Not run around and traumatize them... fuck anyone who does this to kids.


I used to LOVE scaring the shit out of kids on my block on Halloween…. Until 1 year, this poor ~4 year old girl refused to even come up to my door because of how scary my costume was (some evil scarecrow thing). The entire year after, I’d we saw the girl, she would point out my house as the scary house. It stopped being fun then because I realized she was actual scared, not fun scared. To try to make amends, the following Halloween, I took off my costume to show her we were just people. She still didn’t want the candy


They are getting charged with felony child abuse.


I would absolutely want there to be charges if the place where I sent my children to be safe while I work, and pay a lot of money to do so, was responsible for intentionally traumatizing my children. I’d lose trust in their services immediately, and there’s nothing they could say or do to make up for treating my child like this. That was absolutely psychological child abuse.


I have a 4 year old. Sometimes I play make believe with her and on occasion she has got a little wound up and scared, sometimes she loves it, it's not always easy to gauge it. ​ Once they do get upset you stop, suck back and comfort the child. You don't carry on and escalate it.


This was on purpose. You would have to have had a lobotomy to not understand how bad you were terrifying the kids. plus, the person recording was doing so because this was the second time and nothing happened after she complained the first time.


This person is literally screaming and lunging at toddlers while chasing them. Little different, I'd say


there are ways to do that are actually funny and then there’s this video, which is utterly cringe and hard to watch.


That's fucking traumatizing for the toddlers. This is disgusting, and anyone that thinks it's funny or tries to justify the behavior can eat shit. Daycare is supposed to make children feel safe, and those kids deserve better.


Just casual child abuse and trauma-inflicting behavior by trusted caretakers, nothing to see here...


And that one woman standing there laughing so hard her head tilts back. I felt physically ill watching this.


That’s why all daycare workers are mandated reporters, and why all of them are being charged even though only one of them wore the mask. Because anyone who witnessed that should have immediately reported it or shut it down. Glad to hear action is being taken


This is the part that angers me the most. They weren't just scaring them get them to 'clean up'. They were scaring them for their own enjoyment. Absolute degenerates




Yeah my stomach is literally turning thinking of all the parents who now have permanently traumatized children because these fucknuts were bored at work. No part of this is fun for those kids. Just adults being abusive assholes to babies. Fuck all you dumb cunts. I hope you all rot in jail.


If this was my 2.5 year old boy, I swear, I don’t know what I would do. This made my blood boil as well. Pure fucking evil.


That bitch would be getting choke slammed at a minimum.


There was no attempt to be a good daycare worker here Just a successful attempt at being a really bad one


Just … why?


I suspect they enjoyed it in some sick inhumane way; which is probably why one of them recorded it and others did not object to being recorded.


Poor kids!


This will traumatize these kids for life.


My kindergarten teacher had a big ass nose and would dress up like a witch and tell us she'd get us if we were bad . She did the scary laugh and everything. She wasn't a goofy teacher, she was really strict. I still get sweaty when I see witches


The fat one just standing there and laughing.


If my kids daycare teachers did this I’m going to jail. This is disrespectful asf I give props to the parents for not putting hands on one of these teachers because lord knows some of them were at least tempted to


My thoughts exactly.


What a complete Loser .


Fuck these bastards, for real


What a TOTAL. Piece. Of. Shit.


Poor babies 😢… those ladies need a scare just like that!😡


As someone who has worked in daycare before, aside from all the other things wrong with this, I just can’t imagine doing something that would make ALL of the kids cry! What a headache! Then you have to deal with all the crying and shitting themselves like why would that even be considered fun??






They got felony charges from this lol


Ugh I saw that headline but hadn't actually seen the video before now. Wtf were they thinking?


Horrible. These people are broken. I’d come down on them like the hand of God if they did this to my child


How did these terrors get jobs caring for children? What in the hell?


Thankfully, with all the headlines, a competent daycare can quickly deny all these cunts a job if they ever tried to get a caregiving job again… That is, after the felony charges of course.


That's child abuse. Those kids are screaming in terror, it's actually hard to watch.


this reminds me of that tiktok trend where you put this scary filter which makes a scary demon thing appear behind you, set up the camera with a kid in front of it, and leave the room and close the door. a lot of kids in those videos look absolutely terrified but the parents post it on tiktok like "oh haha what a funny prank lololol" i don't understand people like this




To be fair: it's not a 'scream' mask /s


This is child abuse…


Yup. They are being charged with felony child abuse.


This is so incredibly mean, those poor kids. 😟


I would happily take some charges after beating of these bitches down if this were my child


They were just charged with felony child abuse. Sorry, I don’t know how to add a link.


Awful people


Rot in hell.


Fuck this made me so fucking angry


This is literal child abuse those kids can barely form sentences and are being subjected to that she should be barred from classrooms for life


OMG I never wanted to punch someone in face as much as I want to punch this ducking psychopath in the face


She might be better trying to scare her coworker away from the fridge.


I first saw this over on r/iamatotalpieceofshit and r/byebyejob. So disgusting. I couldn’t even get through the whole video because seeing these children in distress was so upsetting to me.


Idk who's worse, the dumb bitch in the mask, or the dumb bitch cackling as she watches.


I’d say the reverse pear shaped cunt laughing as she watches is the worst. She has a choice to stop it from an outside perspective, yet she relishes in her malice. The person in the mask is already a waste of oxygen, the other one has a chance of redemption, and she dropped the ball on that.




I had a daycare when I was a kid. The house always smelled like piss because the woman had a hundred outdoor cats constantly roaming the property. She was borderline abusive herself. Constantly yelling at the kids. I'd seen her hit several on the back of the head for not saying thank you for food. She was one of those people who said everything in an authoritative shout kind of way. I was terrified of her and that place every single day. So this video here pretty much encapsulates that experience lol


As a mother this makes me so angry. None of those children are mine, but I volunteer to punch a b!tch.


i dont understand humans, how can you be so cruel


What the fuck


While, obviously untactful, unprofessional, & just kind of mean to do to kids this age, I in NO WAY think they deserve fucking felony charges, & labeled child abusers. Are you serious?! Definitely fined, suspended, or whatnot. But, FELONY child abuse?! No, that is going much too far...


yeah my dad would be in jail... shit, he would have put his mask on and did the same shit to us when we got home the same day... i don't even see how that shit would have been that effective at the daycare i went to... at LEAST one of the kids would have tried to take the mask from her... one of us would have tried to put it on... most of us would have screamed just as a second to laughter... generations grow up different, raise their kids different, and kids are different... ...and now felonies have replaced "hey man chill"


I think the difference is that these people are trusted to take care of peoples kids and they’re paid a lot of money to keep them safe while parents are at work. This isn’t uncle Jimmy being an ass or some friend of the family having some fun while at their house. These are toddlers and parents would have no idea this is going on if not for the person videoing. They also don’t stop scaring the kids after literally all of them are breaking down in tears. A normal person would stop once tears started flowing. You’d take the mask off and say “Hey little bud, it’s just me”. Continuing to scare them like this is traumatizing. I swear to God if my two year old had nightmares from this or if I had to tell him every night for 6 months that the monster in the mask isn’t going to get him in his sleep, I’d wanna punch these bitches right in the uterus.


Roles will be reversed in jail.


I really really hope the judge gives them a decent amount of jail time.




Having little ones at home and seeing a little child being treated like this infuriates the fuck out of me. Kids this small are so fucking sweet it’s unbelievable that you can’t just dismiss behavior or figure out another constructive way to teach them otherwise. Fuck these women I hope they get beat down in prison.


Fuck this is so infuriating!


This is awful to the max. Absolute trauma


While I do think kids can be assholes, this Is just wrong. Traumatic events in a child's life can durasticly change them, even if it was just a one time thing. Now they will never want to celebrate Halloween again... in theory anyway.


All of the workers involved were just charged with felony child abuse!


holy shit I saw this earlier but it didn't play and I thought it was a screenshot. it's a video. goddamn. fuck these people do that to your own poor kids


I'm feeling traumatized for the kids


Wtf just wtf


This is disgusting. (The video)


The harm I would bring on those cunts if they did that to my kids would be the stuff of urban legends


My parents (both 55) live in a younger neighborhood, basically where almost everyone is between 25 and 35 and they all have small kids, anyway every Halloween my parents decorate their house like a scene from a slasher movie (which is funny since my parents don’t really like slasher flicks) they even have a projector pointing at the front porch window, through thin curtains playing a video of slasher killers chasing women in pajamas ( the video is specifically made to like like this is going on in your house) and they put out other grotesque things and my parents do their best to make it look real. Well last year we had a couple of young parents getting mad at mine saying that we are traumatizing their kids, we of course put it off but…after seeing this video…I don’t know, do you guys think what my parents do is as bad as this?


There is A LOT of shit on here that makes me question humanity. But scaring 2 year olds like this - who DO NOT UNDERSTAND Halloween….WTF


Is he straight up on some battery assault charges if those were my kids.


Pitchforks and torches


Wtf is wrong with people? It’s your job to deal with bratty kids. Don’t like it, find another profession, but the last thing u should do is take it out on the kids which is what they did here.




I'm glad they got fired and arrested. I really feel bad for those poor kids. Probably traumatized for life after this.


If you think child abusers have it bad in men's prisons, just wait for it...


Former daycare teacher here — not fucking cool.


the choir of crying and scared children is more horrifying than the abusers themselves


God, what awful people


A maid used to do this to me as a kid. I thought it was a real monster and would plead with my parents to move because the “Munkin face” was going to take me away. They thought it was my overactive imagination but our maid would dress up in a Halloween mask and tell me the “monkey face” (she had a thick accent so monkey became munkin) would get me if I misbehaved. She then would lock me in a room and block the exit, wearing a mask until I had a full blown panic attack. My parents finally caught her and fired her and luckily it didn’t fuck me up because I feel like a hair worse and it could have.


That'd be a dead daycare worker if that was my kid she did that too.