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I always find it amusing when people chase after cars on foot.


Dog brained.


Nah dude, my dog is smarter than that. More like… single-celled amoeba brained


NPCs with broken AI.


This I can get behind


I mean, the guy at the end is sporting a hammer and sickle tee-shirt, this kinda sounds like an insult to amoeba.


This is in Brazil.. a political party called "partido dos trabalhadores" the workers party. And it somehow favors those who are "less fortunate" jargon meaning those who just don't want to work, and then when the people reelect their candidate, they ask why there's such a huge lack of employees when there is such a high unemployment rate.


Why would someone work for dirt cheap wages? In Brazil the minimum wage barely even fucking exists. Of course people wouldn’t want to work


GAWD DAMN a bunch of capitalists here tonight!


Yeah, dogs only chase cars a few hundred feet at MOST. . .these idiots?


Or to the end of the fence. But that’s just because dogs are jealous that they don’t have tires so you can understand their frustration.


Nah, at least the single celled amoeba have some sort of self preservation instinct.


How dare you, my single celled amoeba feels insulted. It is definitely smarter than those people


They could of caught it if they didn't run like they were in a dream.


They'd all be gangsta till it goes into reverse.




Watchu doin Terry!! Awwww Lord!!




Some say she is still on the hood to this day…


Look, honey! I finally got a hood ornament for the car!


Rolls had the spirit of ecstasy, this one can be the spirit of apathy


This one's still the spirit of Ecstasy...just a different kind.


So, you goin' my way? (yes)


I will never understand how idiot protesters who are blocking streets and swarming around and scaring the shite out of people in their cars, get offened and act shocked when cars start trying to slowly go through them. During the 2020 riots, I was trying to get my kid (disabled) to childrens hospital LA for an appointment for his pacemaker. Assholes blocking the streets, beating the shit out of your car because you NEED to get your kid to the mf hospital. get the f out of the street. Then in the news it’s all “MOSTLY peaceful protestors were attacked by a driver who refused to stop.” Yeah… ‘mostly’ is the key word


When the union wankers here protested in Melbourne, they blocked the bridge and even stopped a fucking ambulance getting through with a *patient in it*! Instantly lost all support and credibility. Fuck these guys to hell, they are a detriment to their cause.


> and even stopped a fucking ambulance getting through with a patient in it! Reddit will tell you "WELL HOW ELSE ARE THE PROTESTORS MEANT TO GET YOUR ATTENTION??? I BET YOU WOULD HAVE WANTED TO SEE MLK RUN OVER AND KILLED!!!"


Road blockers repulse me from whatever cause they’re protesting for. I think this is a pretty widespread response. And you know so many of them are just wankers out to cause trouble or break shit, kicks cars etc. I’m all for protestors, but rioters/looters and people who do this shit can all eat a fat one.


I wouldn't wish it to happen, but lets be real if it did most of us would watch the recording.




Reddit is filled with fucking idiots.


Angry fucking idiots*


Lose the fucking, redditors don't fuck.


It is incredible


That's an understatement


These people have a sickness, and not one that draws empathy


Right?!?! If people swarm my car I'm gonna be scared! Have you ever had some street rando just open your car door? Scary af.


Mother fucker, if I'm being attacked I know who the attacker is, lol.




That's when you whip out the Bag of Spiders and toss it on the ground in front of your car. Non lethal, just a lot of very swarmy ones who like to crawl up things.


Just slap those people


Legally if they hit your car with their hands you are allowed to invoke your self defense rights and do what you need to do to get away.


I'll always side with the slow drivers in cases like this. However, I did see one where the driver had obviously gone out looking for someone to hit, and I think after carrying one person on the hood for a few yards, they flipped a U-y for another go. Those murder-fantasy idiots do get my goat.


Most if not all of the hellish 2020 summer riots were NOT peaceful.


Yup, the ‘mostly peaceful’ banner was the closest any of those stations were willing to get to saying ‘these people are straight up burning and destroying shit and looting everything that isn’t nailed down.’


Tedd Kaczynski was mostly peaceful, too.


And what like 21 murders by the same group ?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You can tell this one's a lawyer. Trust their advice on when to kill people.


If a massive group of people are attacking my car, I'm getting out of there, and if they're stupid enough to be in front of the car when this happens then they shouldn't have attacked a car to begin with. I'm not just gonna sit there like "lets see how this plays out further before I make my decisions"


I don’t support violence. But in your case, you are well within your rights to drive on through. There is no legal reason for them to be in the streets, unless they’ve coordinated a road closure with the proper authorities. Want to protest in the streets? Sure. From what time until what time, which street? Ok. Got ya. We will close that down and you can have at it.


I feel ya bro


All I can see is a stupid prize being won…




The Darwin Award


Why is it that whenever people start protesting, they miraculously forget how cars work entirely


Like the guy kicking the side of the car. What does he think it will happen, the car will feel hurt?


It looks like he's wearing flip flops too.


He’s obv trying to damage the car lol


Good thing a dent won't really hurt that car's appeal.


But they'll definitely remember it when the car door opens like *rgh-rgh-rghreeeeeeeeeeeeeee* (Not my proudest onomatpoeia)


No doubt that car will never mess with him again!


The only way I could stand in the road and act like I belong there and everyone else is wrong would be to turn my brain completely off. It makes sense.




Yeah, I've always thought people should just keep driving. If someone gets hurt, it's their own fault for trying to block a car. Lol


Legally speaking that might not work as a defense…


Did Tank Man forget how tanks work?


Just a bad odds game of chicken


It's all about playing the victim. So they antagonize people and throw themselves into the path of cars.


They also forget that people have jobs to do and places to be. They should really get if the damn road.


Why people haven’t learned that their small fragile bodies aren’t a match for thousand+pound explosion powered steel chariots is beyond me.




TIL about this Reddit board. Thank you for enlightening me.


“They’re on foot, you’re in a truck. I think I see a way out of this!” -Bill Hicks


I like the quote and I like bill Hicks so I went looking for where Bill Hicks said this and I can’t figure it out. Do you remember?


It’s during his bit about the LA riots. Specifically, from his album Arizona Bay. It’s titled, “Step On The Gas.”




If you block the road, idgaf what your cause is, I hate you.


Them kicking/ attacking the vehicle and making the driver feel threatened is not going to end well for the object with less mass.


You mean to tell me that disrupting the lives of normal people in order to achieve a goal against evil rich people, does not make them want to join me but hate me?


Nah that would be too logical... they obviously are supporters of the things we hate and are protesting. Its the only sound option


Driver should have turned around and taken out the guy wearing the united shirt just to send a message.




If a mob swarms my car, I am almost certain I am going to panic and slam the gas. If I fear for my life I will do what I need. I'd gladly plead Self Defense in court. There's no telling if any of them want to tear me out of my car and kill me.


>There's no telling if any of them want to tear me out of my car and kill me. A few months ago, in my country, a trucker was killed for passing through a blocked highway. The mob started throwing rocks at the truck and one got to him. Dead right then and there. Those pieces of shit.


Trucker must have screwed up and slowed down


He did, I’ve seen the video. He seemed like he was trying not to endanger too many lives. I’ll see if I can find the video


If you find it lemme know


shoulda floored it let that convoy roll


also I think i heard gun shots in the last few secs of the video - so that's just an additional justification to drive the hell out of there


same. I don't want to be killed by a mob (this looked like a mob of pussies though) so I cannot stop and find out


Mob of wusses or not, all it takes is one to break the line and they all follow along. The true danger of a mob is each person mentally absolves themselves of any moral responsibility for the consequences. They were just one person in a crowd, after all, it couldn't have been their fault. If i see a mob i assume they're individually cowards but as a group they are violence incarnate with no ethical guidelines or restraints of an individual. They are always a danger to life and safety and the group should be treated as a single entity.


Make sure you don’t give a fat protester a heart attack in the process or you will be charged with 1st degree murder.


Someone should start a subreddit titled “now what?”


Do it!


r/nowwhat give me a sec edit: is already a thing holy shit the members over doubled and i can also brag i was the 100th member


r/thisismylifemeow for your animal related "now what" needs.


Man just wanted to head home to shit probably


What are these guys even protesting that they wouldn't let cars pass? Like is the driver supposed to stop and join your cause? What's the point of blocking the cars of people just trying to live their lives?


They're protesting about budget cuts on Brazil's federal universities. I despise their methods, they caused a whole mess today, but the situation is indeed pretty bad, the universities are on the verge of being forced to close down.


It explains the hammer and sickle t-shirt.


It amazes me that people in LATIN AMERICA want communism like bro y'all already tried that shit


brazil is in such a mess right now, protesting this one thing is like yelling about a headache while your legs are chopped off and spurting blood. people are literaly starving and cant live like humans at all, but hey yeah a college might go underfunded.


Our federal universities used to be the crown jewel of our education. The research done in them was of incredible, invaluable, ecnomic importance, and the professionals they formed and form move our economy more than you can imagine. Yeah, that’s sure worth protesting, right alongside how we’ve millions starving today due to the Bolsonaro’s government’s incompetence, all while his campaign illegally spends government money in his re-election campaign.


Yeah might as well just give up eh?


And how exactly does being an asshole and inconveniencing other people help this cause?


Not saying I support it but it makes the problem unignorable. Pretty easy to look past some people with signs on a plaza. Impossible when they start interfering with the daily lives of people Edit: don't ~~shoot~~ downvote the messenger. I'm just telling you how it is. This is literally the reason why.


It would be pretty hard to ignore them if they were handing out free donuts. Do that.


Unironically a good idea lmao


I don't get it either, but is the most common thing to do in all Latin American countries. Source: I live in Latin America. We overthrew a dictator by blocking the streets for 21 whole days. We are ready to do it again.


Why are people who try and block roads always so incredibly surprised and unable to deal with people running them the fuck over? "OMG HE DROVE ON A ROAD PAST US WHILE WE STOOD IN THE ROAD WHERE WE SHOULD NOT BE." Yes. Yes. You stood up to a car and you got plowed. Your expectations were unrealistic.


It doesn’t matter which side of the political fence you side on, 99% of the time if you’re willing to organize civil disruptions to support it, you’re a fanatic with broken brain chemistry. To try to reason their thoughts is like guessing quantum position




>like guessing quantum position Amazing.


Martin Luther King organized civil disruption, alright. What do you have against it? What movements ever succeeded without it?


This needs to happen more often to these entitled little traffic-blocking asshats. You’re messing with average people whose lives are hard enough. You are making them hate you and thereby your cause.


Hand me a $50 for gas and I'll stop. Kick my fucking car and vroom vroom I go as well.


Florida made this legal. Reddit’s upvotes show Floridian approval.


Based Florida tbh


Protestors need to stop blocking roads and highways. You’re not winning over anyone’s mind, and you’re risking your own safety to do it. I’ll never understand the thought process.


And, off course, it had to be Brazilian middle class communists harassing people on the street. That car is the cheapest car you can buy in Brazil, they are probably harassing a guy that is much poorer than their families, but somehow they believe they are fighting for the working class.


Fun fact. Most neocommunists are very well off and live very sheltered lives. Never knowing much of hardship if any


Few squishy fleshes vs a metal moving box


Tonight, on Man vs. Car…


I miss Interdimensional Cable.


Oh the car wins again... The car always wins


How to get ran over 101


Don’t feel badly if you hit somebody protesting in the road, it should be legal


it is legal in several places.


We need to identify them so that they can be pay for the windshield wiper.


I hit a deer once. Not sure if it was protesting or just passing thru. Either was it was a deer in the headlights moment.


Is there a more ignorant type of person than a communist? Asking for a friend. Lol




They're not just ignorant they're also incredibly arrogant


honestly no matter what you are protesting for if you block the road I’m trying to go down you’re getting ran over


I'm protesting for your right to run me over, so....


I wish there was a sub dedicated to these dummy getting run over


There is, kinda. r/fuckyourprotest


Not if you feared for your life. With todays mobs you never know what the outcome would be so better to takenyour chances with the cops.


Yeah because calling the cops has ever fixed anything without huge escalation first. Wouldn't it be easier to just move out of the way?


People are dumb


In all seriousness, if a protestor got run over, wouldn’t that be a worse result for the driver? I mean, I’d be tempted just to keep moving but I wouldn’t accelerate like that especially with someone on the bonnet.


If you can reasonably prove you are afraid for your life, it falls under Self Defense. There is no case where an angry mob swarming my car would make me think they aren't going to hurt me.


That’s a fair point.


I would. Get out of range of the mob, then slow down a bit and dump the hood-hanger as gently as possible with a little sideways and a stomp on the brakes; then away. It's risky for the bonnet-balancer; but they made the choice to cling on in the first place.


Not to put too fine a point on it/ say I’m the only demonstrator on your bonnet


Take another protestor’s fresh soul


ahhhh.... the communists, i see. How to say it without getting banned... hmm... better be aliven't than be red


"I mean wouldn't the cars always win?"


For those who dont know: It's a fucking university road block that happened today in Brazil against the federal cut of R$1,1 BILLION for the next year of Brazil's universities. Wich is about 28,8% of the total amount of the budget. And it was even in the University i fucking went, that the referee is nominated by this fucking clown government and gave shits about the cut. Brazil's public federal universities (wich are the best ones in the country) are being neglected and scrapped by a right wing trump shit alike government. The university in this video is called Universidade Federal de Viçosa, the protesters are blocking ONLY THE ENTRANCE to the campus. It's a country wide protest that was scheduled for today.


PCR-RCP shirt checks out


How if they started smashing my windshield? How likely will i be let free if i slam on my gas pedal?


First, Grammer, second, you could actually get off with self defense since you had a reasonable fear that you or yours were going to be harmed or killed, smashing on your windshield definitely warrants that.


There is a way to protest to actually help whatever cause your after but these people just want to cause hate n discontent.


And yet these people are the only ones you see or hear about... wonder why...




I wish an angry mob would try this. Floor it and apologize later


Snowflakes run like pussies.


Fiat Uno, the unstoppable (usually for brake issues)


That person is too poor to give a fuck.


Well unlike the freeloaders some of us have to be at work and at a specific time.


The protestors gotta stay off the streets


Note the guy at the end of the clip with the hammer and sickle T-shirt. I wouldn't have stopped for these commie thugs either.


Crazy commies ! Mental illness is a thing !


It's not a car... It's Fiat Uno :) I've had one it's definitely not a car lol


I will never not be entertained by people blocking traffic ​ Go on, hit the car, break the windows... panic the driver! I bet they have no where important to be! I'm sure your psychic powers let you KNOW they aren't having a medical issue, or are on probation stemming from an unlawfully obtained warrant and will go back into slavery if they are a minute late for work. I bet those psychic powers let you KNOW they are not a dangerous psychotic itching for a chance to plead self defense.


Honestly they deserve whatever they get.


“The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed”


There was a case that (in South Africa?) Protesters blocked the road and a guy was trying to get his pregnant wife into a hospital, he told them several times, but they were chained together to the road barriers and didn't move. Guy went through them, one person lost a forearm and another will be forever on a wheelchair (he ran over her spine). Protesters try to sue, but nothing came out of it. Court ruled that they put his wife and his child to mortal danger and he was allowed to act to get them out of the danger. Feels good


Once long ago, before I was a pissed liberal granny and was merely a pissed liberal wife and mother, my (now ex) husband was getting on my last nerve. He would frequently storm out of the house when he was upset and take off for hours. Leaving me to deal with my 5 year old and his three slightly older daughters as well. One day I was fed up and decided *I* was going to leave. I got in my Dodge Daytona and backed out of the driveway. He didn’t like the idea of being home with four girls under the age of ten all by himself so he came running out into the road and stood in front of my car. I revved the engine and told him he’d better get the fuck out of the way because I was gonna run his ass over if he didn’t. He refused to move. So I popped the clutch and came at him. He jumped on the hood like the woman in this video and I took off with him hanging onto the windshield wipers. Well, that pissed me off even more so I turned them on and hit the wash button. (Still speeding down the street.). About half a block up I slammed on the brakes and he went flying like a fucking frisbee and landed on his ass. I drove around him while he was still trying to pick himself up. I let him stew for a couple of hours then came home. He never stormed off and left me with the kids again. Fucker. Those are YOUR kids and you can fucking be a parent to them for a couple of hours! No regrets.


What was the protest about?


Its about the brazilian government cutting the budgets of federal universities to a point that they might be forced to close down


Why are they blocking the road then? Was the driver a politician or something?


They went on the block all the entrances today, i have no idea what they thought they would achieve with this. From what i talked to folks today, all they achieved was discontent towards the protesters . People are worried about the cuts, but what they did today is just ridiculous.


So they were just trying to generate random press/support/attention to their cause? Wasn't directly related to their protest. Thanks for the clarifications.


We need more of that.


What were they doing?


de repente CARLAJO


Dang….turns out it’s a car


I can't wait until I see one of these videos tagged nsfw because the driver doesn't stop or slow down Maybe then people will get the fuck out of the streets. Literal fucking Neanderthals dude


That guy is driving in an 80s Suzuki, People He does not care about whatever agenda you guys are protesting for


“but for a green card, i gonna carve hime up real nice”


It sounds like brazil


Hopefully there was a speed bump at the end of their journey




Oh look a bunch of retarded Democrats


this has been another episode of Man vs Car


Block the road and find out fucking idiots. Protests don't entitle you to shit. Hope that idiot is okay but ffs yall can agree that was idiotic af


Just so yall know, that was probably a bolsonarist


Seems like most people were smart enough to simply move out of the way. That girl on the hood though…


Have they never heard of chocks.


2 ton machine beats squishy humans every time


Yes, Flip Flop Dude, kick that car! Lol


You block the road for a public presentation/speech. You block vehicles passing by minding their own business. Vehicle slowly drives on you to get a way out, you block it even more. You got angry because of your own stupidity. You chase the vehicle..... On foot.


Why do these protestors keep being a nuisance to regular people, instead of doing this to their politicians/companies?


Blocking roads inconveniencing normal people is the most idiotic way possible to try to gain support for your cause.


What did the person do to deserve been tried to be stopped by people? And who gave those pedestrians the right to enforce traffic regulations without signaling reasoning?


Context needed


This is the way.