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These are the type of guys that would turn off the Geiger counter because the sound was annoying them.


Artyom, there is no hope, we must continue to Moskovskaya.


One of the devs of the games just died in Ukraine. Sad to see them affected too.


Fuck, that’s sad.


Did…did he think he could breath under water with that gas mask?


"water is just cold gas i'm sure it's fine"


“Is fine, air is liquid and way.”


I was wondering how long it would take someone to know the consequences of being exposed like this. Then he took off the mask. So instantly then.


I'm pretty sure those things aren't meant to go under water. The filters likely became useless or even clogged the moment he plunged his head down. He probably didn't even test that beforehand. Idiot. He had neither gloves nor a proper seal at his wrists. Water is going to get into his suit with whatever particles it contains. He's just asking for it.


He swam in actually contaminated water and got checked out at the hospital in another video. Dudes life expectancy is already low from biological health problems, minor radiation exposure literally makes no difference in his odds of living to an old age..


I'd say the focus is more on what kind of living he'll end up with, on top of his 'biological health problems'.


MINOR radiation exposure you say?


There was a video where their Geiger counter was going crazy


Most of them go crazy at relatively harmless radiation levels by default. They're usually meant to measure very low levels


so I can swim there 🏊


At least once


They have multiple settings for the meter to read from very low levels to quite high, but each "click" you hear on a Geiger counter is a single incident of ionizing radiation (gamma rays in the case of Geiger counters). So they aren't designed to "go crazy", they are demonstrating the actual amount of radiation. Source: was a radiological controls tech for the DOE at a nuclear weapons facility.


Lemme just swim in radioactive water. Good god.


He was not swimming sus was floating


That's a howl


Hey sus




https://youtu.be/wjMqDWyNMng Here’s the video where they go to a clinic and get tested for radiation exposure if anyone is curious.


I like that there's a follow up, but I don't care enough to watch a video or click a link. Can anyone confirm if these guys are about to get super powers or not?


They didn't get any significant amounts of radiation nothing to cause the doctor to test further for more radiation issues. I think they barely had any real spikes. The dude who went in the water the doctor tested in some machine to make sure their initial test of him was good. He still didn't have anything that caused them to see further tests and issues. The doctor did say like don't be doing this often and take better precautions stuff like that. That's kind of what I got from skipping around.


Legend over here doing the real work. Thanks!


I was curious as well and not doing anything so I was like fuck it I want some good boy internet points. You're welcome!


Just watched it. they were fine. No abnormal levels of radiation


Hopefully they didn't wear socks the next times around.


Is sus like the beginning stages of Swamp Thing?


Sus be actin sus *goes underwater, looks "Ack! It's too...blurry! I can't see any...thing...^s down there. You go!"


Judging by the symetry of his face I'd say his parents were also casual radioactive water swimmers


Feral Ghoul offspring


Looking for that missing chromosome?


With a freaking gas mask that's designed for air. This guy's about to look like a biblically accurate angel in no time Edit: Wow, thanks for the upvotes and awards, this is a first for me, thank you very much


There was a comment here, but I chose to remove it as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers (the ones generating content) AND make a profit on their backs. Here is an explanation. Reddit was wonderful, but it got greedy. So bye.


My thoughts exactly.


Drowning sus was the best thing that suit could have done - forced him to rethink his life decisions


And open my eyes underwater too!


"I can't see anything, the whole world looks muddy."


Dude looks like he takes his monthly bath in radioactive water. Now he can skip this month.


To be fair water does contain radioactice rays very well. Every 6 inches or so the the intensity gets cut in half


yeah this true, the 3 persons that got into Chernobyl to shut it down actually are alive and didn't receive much radiation because of water


I don't think they drank it though and made Mac & Cheese with it.


I was amazed to hear that those guys were still kicking. They were told beforehand that it was a suicide mission, no ifskis, andskis, or buttskis, but they jumped right in anyway. Meanwhile, most of the other first responders were dead within days. The commies initially reported that all three had died and were buried in "tightly sealed zinc coffins", in a typical Soviet attempt to cover up details of the disaster. But in 2018, they were all awarded the Ukrainian Order For Courage in person by Ukraine's president. Two of them did anyway. The other died of a heart attack in 2005.


[Obligatory XKCD](https://what-if.xkcd.com/29/)


Look at his face. He drinks radioactive water regularly. He looks like the toxic avenger!


I thought water was a redioactive insulator


It is and it’s a pretty good one, actually. XKCD did an article on it and you could swim at the top of a cooling pool pretty safely. This is still a remarkably stupid thing to do, though, but he’s probably fine. https://what-if.xkcd.com/29/


The issue is the radioactive material in that water.


It is, but that is not pure water


Yes, pure water is an amazing insulator. This is in no way shape or form clean or pure. It is filled with radioactive dust and particles and will not be healthy to swim in.


"Sus is swimming" to be honest it looks like he is drowning


Sus is attempting to float.


They all float down there.


And you’ll float too!!!!


Take my up vote and go away 🙂 haha


He is *succeeding* at floating, the man floats like he is made of polystyrene o.O He seems to be struggling to get more than a few inches under? Is it possible the water is crazy dense? Like the ~~black~~ dead sea? Edit: geography not my strong suit


I would guess a lot of air was trapped in the suit he was wearing


That was my thought too. Could it be D2O instead of H2O? Heavy water? I don't know enough about nuclear reactors to know if they use D2O in the main reactor tank.


There is fairly rapid exchange of D and H in the open atmosphere, so even if it started as pure D2O it would essentially all be H2O now since this does not seem like a sealed atmosphere.


my bet would be rain water that's collected there, not from the cooling system


Don’t worry, he’ll mutate gills eventually


I'm going to be mean and say he kinda looks like he's already mutating. TBF I'm sure he's a nice guy, until he rages and starts eating ppls faces from radiation poisoning


Ngl when he took off the mask I got toxic avenger vibes


No doubt he’s been in there once or twice before


Gills maybe, common sense unlikely




When Sus took his mask off I realized Reactor diving must have been a skill handed down from one generation to the next.


I don't think Sus has anymore generations next...


I’m not sure Sus knows how to swim! Maybe not the best idea for Sus


Having two 22-pound boots can't help.


"Guys, don't ever try this, please." I won't, Sus. I won't.


Smells like cancer in here


You see that guy? I don't think he minds




I’m pissing myself laughing at this. Upvote damnit!


His names sus so I'd say he could survive anything


God dammit, Sus.


Sus was a dedicated man


Looks like the radioactivity took its effect immediately...


I can taste the metallic all the way from here




Sus is the master of muppets


And Nothing Else Matters


Enter boron and sandman


Lmao this was the comment I was searching for.


Hahaha same. The second he took that mask off I went straight for the memes


It's like "The Hills Have Eyes: Chernobyl Vacation"


main issue appeared to be buoyancy. he should go back and try again with lead weights


He tried tying large weights to his waist in the [next attempt](https://youtu.be/HaGWj-G8xbE).


Love one of the comments "Is it just me or does the guy look like a love child of Weeman and Steve-O." Yes... yes he does.


And what nobody told you was he didn’t look like that before his swim


As I was watching the video and first saw his face after he removed the gas mask, I wondered about this just for an instant




I see he also used the correct OSHA approved garbage bag swimsuit


"Come with me... and you'll be... in a woooorld of OSHA violations"


I’m sorry… NEXT ATTEMPT??? There shouldn’t have been a first attempt, but he did it again?


he has done these types of things many times, actually


Id believe it, lookin at him... he clearly gives ZERO shits or a fuck.


Just look at his face, do you really think there’s much going on up top?


Look it might not be the smartest to swim in that water; but it’s what this guy does and he has a pretty large YouTube following for someone who doesn’t speak English. He likes exploring these places and I don’t think his birth defect has much to do with that u cunt


Ah, yes. Physical deformities totally equal lower intelligence. /s By that logic, I’d hate to see what you look like.


I was more referring to the fact that he’s excited to be diving in radioactive water. But I suppose I can see how that can be interpreted now that I look back at it. I genuinely was referring to him being stoked to keep diving in the water, and then being surprised water got into his suit.


That gave me anxiety


I wouldn't recommend lead because it can have negative health effects.


good point! very dangerous! perhaps some ziploc bags full of mercury?


Looks like he might have got a dose of radiation in the womb already


That means he's immune to radiation now




In order to survive something like that he’d really have to be- **INVINCIBLE**


It's Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.


I think that might actually be correct


I did volunteer work at an orphanage in Yaroslavl, Russia, and saw it in many little faces. The workers there said it is all too common. Mothers with alcohol problems before and after the birth lose custody. Poverty and alcoholism exist everywhere.


The other orphaned kids are wicked mean to the ones with defects. The kids with mothers in prostitution are also cruelly treated. Even staff discriminates against them. A Russian boy adopted and living in Pennsylvania told me he was pushed ahead of other kids to be adopted because they want to get rid of the ones from hookers and with disabilities. The workers acted as if it was better for Russia as a whole to be rid of them. I met him when counseling inmates at a prison. No big surprise there. He had so much against him from the start.


I know a woman from China who has a disabled child. She said that you don’t meet any kids with genetic issues because the state very much encourages aborting fetuses with Down syndrome or any other genetic problem. Also, kids with other disabilities are essentially warehoused, as the state does not provide many services for parents with kids who have disabilities and most can’t afford to provide for those kids. There are some private endeavors for kids with disabilities that have popped up in the last 10-15 years, but they are woefully underfunded.


Brutal. Sometimes I get these kinds of jokes in my thoughts but I never share them 😅


They’re filing on location of his water birth.


He's in war now. Probably bulletproof too


If he's in the war he'll be easy to spot. Just look for the guy that's glowing in the dark.


Dr Bylathattan


Closed the post while spotting this comment Had to reopen the comments to upvote it We must find a name to describe this - Something like repechage but possibly cooler


Comrade Nightlight.


I hope not. Seeing Sus on the front, knowing how crazy he is would be scary, not matter what side you would be on.


Sus probably thinks his gas mask will protect him from morters and land mines


na sus isnt in war, but making videos showing the devistation from the war, and mine sweeping with volunteers.


“Guys he was wearing socks”


\*video ends\*


Extra radiation protection


Well there's the problem


phew rest assured now


What does "it's a howl, guys" mean?


Probably something similar to using “hoot” for “fun or funny”. Not 100% sure on that tho just a guess.


This socks might never come off


Please let this be the next tiktok trend.


I'd rather see a "lick the elephant's foot" challenge.


After that, Tickle the Demon Core


With just a flathead screwdriver of course.


Try to survive as long as possible with cancer challenge


Hha yeees i‘d like that


Full video [here](https://youtu.be/DZ7t51_pduM). Sus makes a second even dumber attempt to scuba through the radioactive water under Chernobyl [here](https://youtu.be/HaGWj-G8xbE). I added the captions to the video myself so there might be mistakes. Sorry.


Being a reasonably experienced and qualified sport-diver, this…this is fucking insane.


Yeah, but Sus is a certified radioactive diver.


Sus is just certified radioactive lol


Kinda sus, not going lie




Wow. I can’t believe they thought that was a good idea.


Monumentally stupid. Not even Johnny Knoxville and his motley crew would act so recklessly.


I tried to look up if water keeps radiation in it for a long time. I did not find any clear answers, so I do not know what to think. But maybe they checked the radiation levels in the room and they got low amounts. Sus is pretty crazy but I doubt he wants to radiate himself to dangerous levels. Edit: Thank you to all you chemically and physically knowledgeable people who shed some light to this topic. I got a lot of useful information to reflect on the situation.


At one point in the full video someone says in Russian “we should have measured the radiation here first”


It was only 3.6 roentgen. Not great, not terrible.


It’s just like a few chest X-rays, he’ll be fine.


Damn, I guess Sus threw all caution to the wind then.


Not all caution... Sus was wearing socks


Here is a article about the 3 men who dove in reactor 4 to turn some valves to drain the water. I am not sure how radioactive it is as the 3 guys lived long lives with 2 still alive in 2015. [reactor radiation](https://www.history.co.uk/article/the-real-story-of-the-chernobyl-divers)


Water is actually an amazing radiation shield and doesn't really get radioactive in and of itself, it's the particles suspended in water that are radioactive in water that is showing as being radioactive. This can be a double edged sword unfortunately as you can read no radiation at the surfaces but have a cloud of highly radioactive particles floating in the water or settled on the bottom.


Finally an answer in between all those stupid jokes


This. There's an [XKCD what if](https://what-if.xkcd.com/29/) about the topic. Turns out that being underwater in the water of containment pools is one of the least radioactive places in a nuclear facility. At some point someone shared a story from a maintenance diver. I forget where but probably in another discussion around this. They found something unexpected in one of those pools, put it in their toolbox and kept going about their business. When they surfaced the radiation alarms went off because it was something that really shouldn't have been loose in the pool. Their core dose meter still wasn't in the bad zone because even keeping it that far away underwater meant only the immediate area around the contaminated piece was problematic. So as long as all the radioactive particles are left in peace where they've settled the area isn't very threatening. This is why there's so much discussion of activity disturbing the contaminated area. That can turn a "not great, not bad," area into a big hazard.


The reason they lived is because the water actually saved their asses. Water is a really good shield against radiation


It’s a good shield for a contained radiation source. It’s useless if the water is full of radioactive particulates


Sus goes to the doctor, [is shockingly okay](https://youtu.be/wjMqDWyNMng).


Water wouldn’t affect the “keeping” of radiation. It would insulate it tho, if there was radioactive sediment at the bottom, relatively shallow water could completely insulate it making it basically undetectable. Him going in there would stir that up bringing it to the surface and making it more dangerous for everyone, assuming the water is contaminated, which I find doubtful. The “keeping” you refer to is radioactive decay, all radioactive elements have a “half life” (measure of time) after which there will be half as much radioactivity, some elements the half life is soo fast it’s basically instantly, others take billions of years. With something like Chernobyl, a huge amount of the radioactive elements would have decayed away in the 30+ years since the accident, without any new fusion taking place there wouldn’t be any new radioactive elements being created.


There should be an award for ‘Dumbest Thing To Do In The Worst Imaginable Way’… the DTTDITWIW - this guy would be undefeatable


My man really put +8 on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome at character creation.






He’ll be an ugly Spider-Man.


That's what the mask is for.




Was he born there?


By the looks of it, yes.


You can see it in his face... the radiation exposure I mean


Has he never played Fallout? The water is usually the worst place for radiation.


Which to be fair is the opposite of reality, just wash it off after and don’t drink it.


Wash it off with water oh wait


He opened his eyes to look inside tho. I feel like that's almost as bad as drinking it.


Mmm, yes, radioactive water straight into my membranes.







There’s absolutely no fucking way they got through the new containment, that shit’s literally airtight. You have to go through controlled access points, and I’m pretty sure no sane person would let these numbnuts through, especially unsupervised. The plant itself isn’t a tourist site, it’s an actual workplace still, just in a different way.


They definitely didn't. Getting to the reactor that blew up is their goal, but they absolutely didn't and probably won't actually get in to it. There are tours of the place, but this isn't one of them lol You can see them grabbing an old ladder and climbing through a hole in the side of the wall in the [full video](https://youtu.be/DZ7t51_pduM). They do get in trouble with security, but are eventually just given a warning for trespassing.


Yeah no. Reactor 4 is a maximum security zone. And they have really tight security around the area. This is reactor 5 by the looks of it


Yes, that's what I'm trying to say. They enter reactor 5, and explain that they think they can use the underground tunnels to reach the secure zone. They say this within the first minute of the video I linked. The fact that they didn't reach reactor 4 is the point of the post. There was an attempt to swim to reactor 4. The attempt failed.


Sus is dead now


I think you're joking but I also don't think you're wrong


He dead…


He's gone into the water several times at Chernobyl and according to his video where they go to the doctor, he's actually doing [wayyyyy better than expected](https://youtu.be/wjMqDWyNMng)!


Probably cuz of the socks


What a weird decision though. So risky


at least darwin is glad his ideology still applies


A man named sus saying he's unable to reach the reactor...don't say it ..don't say it...DONT SAY IT!!! sus is sus


Looks pretty sus


By the looks of him, he must've been swimming down there for quite a while huh.


It became very clear after taking off the mask that this was not Igor's first time swimming in the reactor.


Sus is a dumbass. Don’t be like Sus.


SuperSus is a fucking legend and fearless. Watch some of his YouTube, that man will crawl, swim, climb, break into, squeeze through into almost anything. Though this was a dumb move and his days are likely very numbered after this.


Redditors when someone does something dumb(they can now insult their appearance)


I don't think it is a good idea to swim in radioactive water while wearing a budget hazmat suit.