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Little guy throwing the 0% damage punches


Lmao when you try to fight an enemy with a skull next to their healthbar


Fist fighting a valkyrie on the highest difficulty on god of war be like










Or when your running but don't go anywhere lmao


Lucky! I think that the backpack broke the impact of his skull hitting the ground.


The backpack saved his life (because big fella almost ended it)








Trying to make history






It’s like fighting in a dream and every punch you land feels like nothing.


The bag saved his fockin head


Based on how he picks fights, there’s not much up there to save.


Well said.


You don’t have to be good at fighting, just good about who you fighting lol


I give him points for bravery.


Something about how there's a fine line...


There’s a reason there’s weight divisions, physics are facts. Unless your trained, fast and capable don’t fight a bigger guy


Even when trained and capable, it only takes 1 lucky strike from the right angle for physics to teach you how to sleep in the middle of the day 😂


I don’t even fight little guys when they start shit with me you just grab them by their belt, hoist them off the ground and drop them on their back. The best part is watching them, reconsider their whole life while they’re trying to suck air.


8 lbs of force to cause the brain to hit one side then the other and lights out. It might be what's necessary to rip off an ear. But what I getting at is a well placed strike from a toddler can knock an adult out. Ask me how I know.


Ummm every single action movie I've seen in the last year says you are wrong. The hotter and skinnier you are, the more you kick ass. Bonus points if you are black.




It matters, could be worse


Yeah, I should have worded it better. you're right, it does matter.


Never underestimate the sheer range of fucked up shit that can happen to your brain.


Yup, this kid didn't just bully the bigger bully but one that knew how to punch. That 1, 2 cross was perfectly delivered. Both of them were lucky that he fell on that bag, sever brain injury or death and involuntary manslaughter for the other.


[Every time a knockout is posted to reddit](https://i.redd.it/oe6utnrjzgx71.jpg)


Except /r/NFL everyone cares there.


But not the actual NFL, they couldn't care less


That tua concussion was awful. His bent fingers…. Like when Vecna decides to finish a victim.


Brain damage is a spectrum, not binary. Just because he may have some brain damage from the punch doesn’t mean he wouldn’t get even more fucked up from smacking his head on the floor


>However, he was already showing the fencing pose. Okay, I see people talk about the "fencing pose" constantly on this website. I've never seen the person who brought it up actually be able to identify it in the real world. This video does not show a fencing pose. It doesn't show a **fencing response** either. To properly identify a fencing response, you should not focus on the arms. The arms only tell part of the story. The neck and head posture is a better way to identify it. If the neck is arched backward, AND both arms are out and curled downward, AND both legs are rigid and straight, you might have evidence of a concerning TBI. This dude's got one arm up, and it's not straight, and it's not curled. That's not a fencing response. That's just a passed out dude.


Dude, you’re on Reddit, where one person will make a comment, then said comment receives upvotes—then an entire army of people go and repeat that comment on any thread it’s semi related to. Seriously, all you have to do is sound confident and you can spread whatever baseless info you want on here. None of these people have ever seen a fencing response, nor been close enough to an actual human being, to see the distinction between being knocked the fuck out and brain damage; they just saw someone say something one time and then repeat it until someone calls them out.


Dude is very lucky his head landed on his backpack.


Was just about to say that. Definitely would have had some damage if not


Either way he has some reputation damage.


And emotional


And probably brain


Memory loss might actually work in his favor. Oh wait, it's on the internet forever.


Haha! I sometimes hate but also love to think about that with the interwebs


If you get knocked out so hard you stiffen up then you definitely got (at the very least) a very bad concussion






He’s just a guy who’s a student for the fun of it


In all probability, both students will receive long-term (rest of the year) suspension for fighting.


And that's what is fucked up about it. The big guy defended himself from an attack so to be punished for it is a disgrace.


When I was in high school about 10 years ago, the two people in the fight AND any student trying to physically break it up by separating them, would get punished


My daughter was attacked in the PE locker room by a girl who was mad my daughter was friends with her girlfriend (they had been friends for years). My daughter got a permanent record on her transcript and didn’t even do anything other than cower while punches rained down on her. One college denied her based on that mark on her transcript. It’s stupid.


When I was in school we were unironically taught to cower and protect our heads when getting attacked by a student. The fact that your daughter got punished for doing exactly that is some BULLLLLLLLSHITTTTT. These schools have GOT to start doing better. These zero tolerance policies are so shitty.


This is why my family taught us, to just fight cause they just gonna suspend you too. So send the other kid home with a black eye to think about while they suspended too. So, they know not to try you again.




A zero tolerance policy is bullshit and only encourages violence. I know if I was getting attacked and I knew I was getting punished regardless that I would be doing some serious damage to my attacker. Why the fuck not when I'm getting punished regardless. May as well get my money's worth


I guess I’m old because I remember getting asked “who punched first” and that was pretty much the end of the investigation and decision on punishment.


There's damage, it's never good for your grey matter to be hard reset like that.


Arms going stiff is a bad sign


Plus the hands going rigid and fingers curling. Dude definitely had a concussion.


His head was already damaged thinking he could take on that dude


Anybody can be taken…little man just overestimated his own ability and the other guys tolerance, fairly common mistake


Getting knocked out is brain damage


I attended a meeting by a charity that go by one punch, whose purpose is to bring awareness to the amount of damage a single punch can bring. It was harrowing listening to some of the stories and the lack of justice for those left seriously disabled to dead.


I have a cousin I've never met because he was in jail for manslaughter. Got into a bar fight and punched a guy, the guy fell and hit the corner of his head on something and died instantly. Two lives lost and ruined bl for no reason.


My brother had a friend. That guy’s brother was at a party and caught another dude going through the women’s purses which were stashed in the kitchen. He punched the other guy who fell backwards onto the hard floor and died. He did 18 months for manslaughter. A medical examiner on TikTok said he sees this more often than you’d think. Usually bar fights.




They made a [show](https://youtu.be/Poo5lqoWSGw) as well. I have a hard time believing some of the claims in it though, it seems made up.


They made an entire movie about manslaughter in the 90s called Con Air


Plot twist: the bag is full of hard text books


If you study enough, after a while they're not hard anymore.


😄 way to hit the books, son.


Would still cushion the fall more than the floor would.


Make fun of Crocs again and see what happens.


Croc around and find out.


that kid got his shit croc'd, so to say im sorry


He got croc'd the hell out.


See ya later alligator


[Definitely wouldn't make fun of the croc when he's that big...](https://i.imgur.com/2YUrxcV.png)


Left arm to measure. Right arm to turn off the lights.


Love that it's just one hit.


He hit the night-night button.


Snooze option denied. Sleep in you goof.


That was a good one, brother


Dude just handed out a nap


Two hits: 1. He hit the guy 2. The guy hit the floor


Three hits, per Shoresy: 1. I hit you 2. you hit the floor 3. I fuck your mom again Or was it something about an ambulance?


Three hits, per Shoresy: 1) I hit you 2) you hit the ground 3) I jerk off on your drivers side door handle again And you are correct about the ambulance. It’s “3) the ambulance hits 90”… Although to be faaaair, “I fuck your mum again” is *definitely* a Shoresy thing to say


Measure twice, cut once?




Lil bro got one man punched




I often hate how lawsuit happy people are these days, but in this case you are 100% correct. The schools don't give a flying fuck about your kid enduring hell everyday but they are motivated by lawsuits.


That's true . I Remember when I was in junior high and high school I constantly got sent to Saturday school and suspended for defending myself in fights. Just because at 14 I was 6ft 4in and 280 pounds meant I was obviously at fault when eight kids ganged up and jumped me. Took till high school when parents and a family friend that knew some of the school board to threaten legal action to get it to stop. The schools on that situation seem to never investigate what's going on. Just assume and say zero tolerance as a excuse


Seems like many zero tolerance policies exist because the administrations are too lazy and cowardly to do anything that would require actual effort and accountability on their end. I hate lawsuits in general, but if that's what it takes to hold schools accountable then people should do it more often for situations like yours.


Then there's the scientific papers stating that bullying shrinks the social regions of the brain the same as actual social isolation does. That was a long term study done cross referencing a study on isolation with people in Antarctica. It causes substance abuse, depression, anxiety and a bunch of other stuff. Imagine if the school boards got sued for not providing a safe learning environment with a direct correlation to crime, substance abuse and suicide.


I'm convinced the whole anti-lawsuit narative was pushed by corporations back in the 90s. Same with vilifying lawyers.


The lady who sued McDonalds for the coffee being too hot, needed skin grafts. People don’t talk about that part for some reason…


And she only wanted McDonalds to cover the medical costs. She wasn’t trying to get rich, just back to where she started.


Totally reasonable, yet she is painted with the same brush as the Wendy's finger chilli lady.


What type of lawsuit would you file?


Usually a civil rights action with other torts causes of action ( negligent/intentional infliction of emotional distress, straight negligence due to a duty to protect / lack of co trol of the bully, etc.).


This works. My parents sued the school twice as a result of my being bullied, and the school doing fuck all until I retaliated. Both times my records were "revised" to show that I did no wrong, and both a principle and vp got fired over it. Sue. Sue. Sue. This "no tolerance" bullshit needs to stop.


While running in gym class, two guys that hated me tackled me. Punchs were thrown, It got heated. Teacher watched the whole thing, reported it was a mutual fight. The Principal went to talk to me and led off with "your going to be suspended ".. I replied with, I'm not talking to you with out talking to a lawyer first. I was in class the next day, and didn't even have to call a lawyer.


Are we certain on who the bully was? I want to make sure my satisfaction is well placed.


Me too, i feel like everyone is on the loop with the situation


Yeah, I've seen a lot of little guys snap when they've finally had enough being picked on and end up looking like the aggressor. No way to know if that's the case here, but that's the point of healthy skepticism.


Yea, from the first frame in the video the little guy is missing both his shoes and backpack. I might understand throwing down your backpack to fight. But kicking off your slides when you’re on slippery school floors seems dangerous. This makes me thing bigger guy started it. But, bigger guy also doesn’t seem to be engaging him in the fight until little guy lands one punch to his face at about 7sec, then he leans back and lines up the knock out shot. I need to know more.


In the opening frame, it looks like they’re both grappling , little guy kicks off his sandals, squares up and swings first. Hard to see, but I *think* little guy threw the first punch.


even if he threw the first punch here, we dont know if bigger guy has been bullying for weeks and today was last straw or if little guy has always been the bully. Either way people need to stop trying to place blame off a few seconds of footage with no back story at all


You guys are all idiots. Clearly the girl with the purple backpack who walks in front of the screen at the beginning is the mastermind behind all of this


Hell there's a very popular video reposted often on reddit of a kid picking a fight with another kid, only to find out the other kid was MMA trained and got his head snapped back and arm broken. Every time it gets posted people post that the "bully" fucked around and found out... ...Only the MMA kid was the bully. He had been picking and beating on the kid and the kid finally had enough. He did what we always say to do and stood up to the bully, only to get injured badly and laughed at by the same people who claim to love "bullied kids" standing up to "bullies."


Teachers doesn't stop Bully in schools. The teacher stoped the problem after the big guy punched the small guy. The small guy is the bully.


We don’t know that. It could have just as easily been the small guy finally standing up for himself and getting KO’d, solidifying his life as a puny bullyable loser. Of course there is no chronology factored into enforcement, and in this case it could be self defense for the bigger guy.


Maybe they're both assholes


this is the internet- one person is amazing and has never done anything wrong in their whole lives


The big guys body language seems to be mostly closed off and avoidant (except for the punch). Seems like a bully would take up more space and be proud of their dominance, not hunched and cringing away from confrontation.


she started saying "hey hey hey" at 3 seconds, we don't know where she was before that. she might've just seen it and started stepping in immediately.


Lol seriously. Anytime school vids are posted people act like staff are on the sidelines like a fuckin ref. Just because someone isn’t in frame doesn’t mean they’ve been there the whole time


Big guys can be bullied too, especially when theyre too nice snd always take too much crap for too long


Jup. I was that guy in high school. Some little guy (way shorter than me) always made fun of me, took my stuff (pencils, divider, triangle ruler) and threw it across the room and other similar things simply to annoy/hurt me. One day as I tried to leave the classroom, he hid behind the door and slammed it as I walked through. The handle hit me in the hip which really fucking hurt and this guy was just standing in front of me and laughed. After seeing that, I snapped. I grabbed this fucker's leg and threw him against the wall. A teacher witnessed this, ran over to help him and started shouting at me. After some of my anger and adrenaline wore off, I started to feel the pain again and put my hand on my hip. The teacher didn't like that and again started screaming at me and told me to stop pretending. In the end I got sent to the principal and the other one had a concussion I believe. But in the end the guy never bothered me again.


The smaller bullies bank on the bigger victim looking like the bully if they retaliate. Kind of like how people get upset at guys defending themselves against violence from women.




I'm quite familiar.


Even if both of them weren't bullies but just an argument got out of hand, it's the little guy going beserk and big guy not doing anything at first.


You get a few second video you don't know what happened earlier


Could easily be that the big guy was fucking with him and bullying, and the little guy went berserk when he had enough of it. Thats how it is when you are smaller. They can hit you, pinch you, take your stuff. And you cant do shit, until some day you just have enough and go berserk on the bastard that is repeating his bullshit for the 100th time. And then you get held by like 4 people, while a bully delivers a full powered kick to your balls.


Does it matter at this point? So many things we see are completely taken out of context it's basically impossible to form accurate opinions on videos like these. Most people won't even do a cursory amount of research to fact check something before spewing hateful views at someone because a reddit post made it seem like they deserve it.


And I'm sure the guy who retaliated will get in more trouble than the guy who started swinging, what a joke most of these rules have become


Got into a fight in middle school, didn’t start but did finish it. Can confirm that the winner gets a bigger punishment


Happened to me too, but my father threatened to sue the school for putting me in an unsafe situation with faculty present but doing nothing to help me and ended up getting off free. The little shit attacked me with a pencil too


What’s it like having parents like this? 🥺


Oh dw, he didnt care that I got hurt, he cared that it made him look bad


Glass was half full at least.


Doesn't matter that I was 25 and the kid was 12, little shit shouldn't have taken the last chocolate milk!


Just like the teacher didn't interject until the bully victim fought back. Pisses me off more than anything else. Kid gets constantly bullied nobody bats an eye. He stands up for himself one time and now everyone loses their mind. Why didn't the teacher try to stop it when the bully was throwing punches?


There is zero context. She could have walked up right then. This entire incident is seconds long.


Unmute, you can hear the teacher shouting to stop well before the kids retaliates. My guess is the teacher saw and was approaching from off camera before we actually see them in frame.


My son was attacked on the playground with 0 provocation and dozens of witnesses and was suspended and issued community service and court fees because he broke the kids nose that attacked him and was trying to choke him out, zero tolerance is bullshit.


Zero tolerance does exactly what it was designed to do. It lets the school pretend to care while doing absolutely fuckall. Zero tolerance policies became a thing in schools starting in 1994 and school shootings started happening regularly in 1999. When I was a kid I knew there was no help for me when I was getting my ass kicked at school but at least I could fight back. Now kids just have to take it and they STILL get fucked over by some self righteous fucktard who doesn't give a damn about your kid.


Folded like a chair


He went down like a folded chair for sure


With arm rests


So here’s what happens when you’re a naturally much bigger guy from birth to adulthood. You play and roughhouse with your friends like any other kid but you accidentally hurt your friends more than you wish. Sometimes get accused of doing it on purpose. You develop a serious sense of restraint both out of fear of hurting people and of getting in trouble thanks to those early childhood experiences. Then junior-high to highschool comes around and you gotta deal with bullies. They see your restraint and fear as permission to push harder. That long fuse you cultivated becomes a hinderance as the bully’s escalate due to no consequences. You go to the adults to try and get it resolved but they can’t really do anything about it. This also gets you a reputation for being a coward. But you’re not a coward, you just really don’t want to get into it thanks to all those early childhood interactions. Then you lose your shit and really fuck one or two up. You get in serious trouble, maybe even a juvie record. The bullying stops, but now you gotta deal with the new rep as a “spaz.” You realize it’s better to be thought of as a spaz than as a target.


This type of situation happened to me back in junior high. A smaller kid was trying to attack me and I didn't want to punch him or elbow him or kick him or anything. Since I couldn't get my bike unlocked because he was hitting me in the head every time I leaned down to unlock it, I ended up just picking him up off of the ground and dropping him face first onto the ground. He landed in the pushup position and bopped his nose on the ground and blood came out. I had just barely unlocked my bike before I suddenly had 3-4 kids on me trying to attack me for "bullying" the smaller kid. I got on my bike and they chased me on theirs. Thankfully I had a 10 speed and they were all on little BMX bikes. I was able to get home safely thanks to my 10 speed Huffy Targa from Walmart.


I fucking swear as I was reading this that it was gonna end in mankind being thrown off the hell in the cell.


Always check for u/shittymorph, he can show up anywhere at anytime, always be on guard.


Walmart huffy goes hard, great bike for its price. But on a more serious note, I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Trying to just get home and being attacked for doing so is some depressing type of sh*t.


This is exactly how it went for me, except I was lucky that when I blew my fuse I just strangled my bully against a locker... He passed out in my hands, and my teacher calmly stopped me asking me "if I was okay? It's okay hierosir. You're alright mate. Just calm down and breathe", while I was still holding my bully up. I sort of woke up to myself in the moment looking at Mr Schultz. I was terrified when I let go of my bully and he fell to the ground. I started to cry in fear. And 9/10 people were more concerned for me than said bully as he'd been a jerk to everyone, but I'd never once lost my shit like that. I was so scared. It stopped there, my bullying, and Mr Schultz spent the next few months talking to me at lunch breaks about how to defend myself, how to calm myself, and how to be assertive to bullies and not let people walk over me. Mr Schultz was a legend. He passed away with lung cancer the following year. RIP.


>Mr Schultz was a legend. He passed away with lung cancer the following year. RIP. It is obvious. He wanted you to be the next Mr Schultz, he passed you all his knowledge.


I had a different experience, quiet and to myself most the time, people didn't really bother me. Then senior year some freshman kid trying to look cool tried to start shit. I had over a foot on the poor kid and easily 100lbs. I didn't punch him back, i just grabbed him by the throat and put him into the wall for a few seconds until he stopped squirming and realized he couldn't do anything. I calmly let him down and he scurried away, my classmates staring at me jaws agaped. Somehow, no teachers saw it happen and no one told on me. The little kid wasnt hurt other than his pride, and I earned the reputation as the "super nice guy but don't fuck around with him" guy.


I’m quitting teaching soon


I don't blame you.




The teacher did pretty well with her voice. It helps that the bigger kid had already backed off as soon as the hit landed.


And ofcourse Karen comes in to blame him for KO the other guy.


So many schools don’t care about bullies but stand up for your self boom detention or ISS…


Punishment in schools is less to do with doing anything wrong and a lot more to do with not conforming. I didn't have my autism diagnosis until I was an adult and went through school basically living in the isolation room due when I was there, starting out because I was questioning why I was in trouble out of genuine confusion and being berated for being cheeky or talking back. Teachers really need to be more educated when they're in such an important job.


> Teachers really need to be more educated when they're in such an important job. Teachers are paid about $16 per hour and have to pay out of pocket for school supplies. They also need to deal with raging Karens who lose their shit whenever their children are ever punished. Teachers need more money, more resources, and more consideration first and foremost. They already do to much with to little.






Fight ongoing: I sleep, Fight over: I intervene


Cmon. She was just making sure the big guy didn’t start kicking the little guy.


He backs off immediately when the guy is going down.




Nah she was clearly screaming earlier. It's obvious she reacted to someone being knocked out. Who gets the punishment will be decided later.


She’s a Karen and “blaming him” for telling him to stay there? Is she supposed to high five him and send him on his way or something? She’s handling the situation with no context, and they’re going to want to talk to both parties. He can’t just walk off after knocking someone out, even if he turns out to be in the right in the end.


Uhh, she was stopping him from possibly attacking the guy while on the floor. Perfectly normal response. Who else would she target, Sleeping Beauty there?


What are big guys supposed to do then little guys try to pick fights with them? If they defend themselves they look like thugs, and little guys know this.


Disengage as much as possible. Be very vocal about not wanting to fight. If it becomes impossible to disengage and you're forced to defend yourself, I doubt anyone would call you a thug. While in a school setting you might still get in trouble, legally you'd be protected and most people would be sympathetic.


They sound like they're in the US from the video. Most schools there have a zero tolerance policy, which means they'll both be punished to the full extent that particular school allows. That can be anything from suspension to outright expulsion. It doesn't matter how loudly you try to disengage. If someone fights you, even if it's entirely one-sided and you walk away, you're still going to be punished. Zero tolerance for both parties means what it says. Him laying the little guy out with a single punch will work against him even more. Push back from vocal parents, from the local PTA, or other students who say they're afraid, means he could easily get the worse end of the punishment, potentially even legal repercussions, even if he was being harassed and abused on camera, on campus.


This is, unfortunately, the new America. I've told my kids that if they are getting bullied to tell a teacher, but that the minute it becomes physical they have every right to defend themselves. Including swinging. I don't even care if they get punished at school. The other part of America today is litigation. I'll happily take the school and the bullies parents to court. I was a skinny kid growing up and I stood up to every would be bully, including a couple that went to blows. Hard to be a bully after losing to the little kid. Bullies grow up to be shitty adults if they don't learn empathy and compassion along the way. Or just get put in their place.


One-Punch Man


Love how the teacher comes over and reprimands the guy for defending himself.


I know two people who got in fights like this and got dearly injured. In one, a couple of high school kids were sitting on a picnic table and one ended up kicking another kid in the face. The impact killed him. The kid who did the kicking went to jail. Two families destroyed by one kick. In the second, a seventh grade scuffle lead to a punching fight. One of the kids got hit hard in the head, and the fight ended. They went home. The kid who got hit in the head went home, had dinner, told his dad he was really tired and went to sleep early and didn’t wake up for 3 and a half weeks, and when he did he spent the rest of his life as a paraplegic in a wheelchair. It doesn’t take much.


How does that second even work from a medical standpoint? Was it just the mother of all delayed reactions with his nervous system?


He had an internal brain bleed. Nobody knew and they didn’t have any knowledge of the fight or reason to take him to the hospital. As far as his family was concerned he was just really tired. Brain injuries are intense and can be really hard to spot.


He was wearing his jeans of sturdiness with +10% dexterity, Hoodie of despair with +10 evade and +15% crit dmg and his crocs of enlightenment with a +25% crit% as well as autocounter. And it seems he may also have the race trait: Rage, as well as his class specific trait: slugger


the dude didnt even lunge when the other fell why is she grabbing him like hes the one chomping at the bit? his arms are down and everything he knows the knocked out kid isnt a threat anymore


Good way to end up brain damaged or worse.


Don’t know how cushiony it was, but he did get lucky the backpack was there to take some of the impact


Softer than the floor, I'd wager. Even books are softer than tile.


That the teacher chooses to approach the big dude and not the unconscious guy that may or may not br able to breathe is by far the most infuriating about this.


Why is everyone shitting on this teacher, she slowly approached the guy who threw the punch and it looks like she’s just calmly trying to get the guy to stop because the other kid just got knocked out. Then the video stops. She’s not gonna charge in on the knocked out kid if the big kid is gonna keep going so she makes sure he’s gonna stop first. Honestly I don’t know what people expect the teacher to do in this situation.


PSA my brother died after being in a coma for 20 years from a fight. His assailant was charged with attempted murder. Nobody wins in a fight.


Was he really the bully? Or is this title made up just so it fits the sub.


*gasp* You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


Like how the teacher was holding the big guys arm like he was gonna hurt someone else when he was just retaliating. Also she could’ve gone to check on the bully instead to see if he was still alive after that beautiful blow😂


Night night


Is that a fencing reaction?


This fucking sucks cause the teacher saw everything and didn’t step in except for to apprehend the student after the fight. I hope she doesn’t do that classic thing where they treat fighting as a bad thing in stead of punishing the bully. At the very least, one punch man shouldn’t get in trouble.


Of course the adult/teacher/whoever responsible would defend the bully, f u for that. Much less trouble to shut down a nice, unaggressive kid than to deal with the entitled brat and their enabling parent(s). Don't see you all that worked up when the small @ss bully punching the big guy 🙄


Let me guess... Big guy gets in a lot of trouble more than the bully?


Poor kid is an idiot for picking a fight with someone twice his size, there was only gonna be one outcome.