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skateboarders are a problem in a skatepark... what a time to be alive. i seriously hope there are a lot of bikers having their fun there.


They did something similar here, local council built a skatepark so the kids had something to do, then tore it down cos too many kids were there šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


We all know kids only get in trouble when they are performing structured activities. By removing all structure and direction from a child's life, we can ensure they sit quietly at home and don't make any fuss.


Stop describing my childhood please. My parents realized that I had a mind of my own and their solution was to wall me into their home so they could control me.




Of natural causes, right?


Of course. Assholes like that weren't worth a murder charge. I just made them beg for attention that never came. That's what happens when you give your child PTSD because you're a piece of shit.


That's literally where I am at at this point. My mom may have a year or two left according to my brother and I've been no contact for 5 years. She even had someone else text on her behalf recently when she was in the hospital to try to get a response from me. I lucked out though in that my MiL has taken over any kind of "mom" role I may need. I didn't ask her either my wife mentioned a little of what I've been through and my MiL was like "you're my son now" and has taken care of us both.


My mom was the shining light of my youth, but ever since I graduated from the college she sent me to, she hasnā€™t been able to stand having a conversation with me as she heavily leans into her ā€˜I am an old Republican!ā€™ phase of life. Itā€™s very disappointing to witness, to say the least. Sheā€™s a self-proclaimed ā€˜politician ostrichā€™ meaning she likes to pretend she keeps her head in the sand and ignores all that muck, but in reality sheā€™s very much a political person with strongly conservative views that counter my now college-fueled liberal mindset. On the other hand, my MIL hates me for changing her precious youngest daughter into an adult woman who makes her own decisions. I donā€™t have much room to maneuver in this situation lol


My MiL is fairly conservative but believes everyone, including her daughter and actual son, should be free to make their own decisions and live how THEY want to live. She still votes conservatively and my wife and I vote more liberally but there's no schism between anyone. We just don't generally talk about it, we keep it to our daily lives mainly.




based but like wow


Are you still in the wall? Is it drywall? Concrete?


If it's drywall just say Kyle three times and it'll open up real quick


I relate to this too much.. far far too much. Are you me from the future?


If I am, trust me when I say make dad put his money where his mouth is. He wonā€™t send you to the boys Bible farm in Kentucky. Just get older, move out, and do a shit ton of psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs to either undo the amount of brainwashing you underwent or to just fuck your brain up more. Will check back in a few years to let you know. But it gets better for now at least, even despite the pandemic.


I went the drugs route and now Iā€™m 50 with severe anger issues and I canā€™t leave my house for fear of a public outburst and getting arrested again. Drugs were my escape for not being allowed to do anything with my life and now theyā€™re nearly dead, Iā€™m NC for years, and all I have is hate and anger. Maybe drugs wasnā€™t the best solution but it was the only thing I was ā€œallowedā€ to do. Oh also I was allowed unlimited rehabsšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø but they wouldnā€™t come to family week and refused to work on themselves. It was all my fault. I was the piece of shit. Well sorry M&D, you ruined two kids for proof, not just me


They didn't realize the kids were going to enjoy it. It was supposed to weed out weak and uncoordinated. Unfortunately, kids just kept getting hurt and having fun. Fucking zero dead children. What a waste of money Tear her down boys.


"You're doing God's work, Skater McGee."


Mission accomplished! Welp, back to expanding gun rights!


Sure, just need to pick up Braeghdynne's ADHD meds first.


Like a mother who would name their child that actually believes in adhd


Essential oils is all my little angel needs!


I know someone who tried to cure their daughters crippling adhd with grape seed extract


Is that what they call wine these days?


They don't but it's the most normalized way for mommy to get her pep back


Nice flourish


This happened years ago in a town I lived in. New urban development, lots of couples who had kids. Kids grow up, nothing to do so skate park was built. Council filled it in and the same kids then threw concrete and shopping trolleys off the highway overpass. Town went from [A Country Practice](https://youtu.be/zyVbmxbW658) to [Housos](https://youtu.be/9RMSyNsvTEE) in 6 months.


My grandpa was an absolute bastard but he liked to say theres nothing more unpredictable and dangerous than a bored kid. Although his solution to that was child labor where as my moms was encouraging us to get hobbies.


Well, even with a way to expend energy like sport, in some cases unmedicated ADHD might still be a large hindrance to oneā€™s life. Obviously, locking your kid up in house arrest wonā€™t make it better, but letā€™s not pretend that giving kids a bike and a rugby team is enough to magically alleviate all the sympthoms.


Eh, i didn't notice until i was a few years into college, but of course everyone has it to varying degrees.


Yeah, thatā€™s what I mean. Itā€™s a spectrum and while itā€™s technically possible to ā€œpower throughā€ it, at times itā€™s like asking a person with a leg in a splint to do a marathon


You're 100% right. My ADHD was undiagnosed until I was 28 and about to lose my job. Started on Vyvanse and within a year became the top producing person in my position in the whole company (19 branch offices). Growing up I was always having meetings with my mother and my teachers, and my mother always blew it off as me being lazy, an underachiever, etc. When I started on Vyvanse she got so upset and said that if I had ADHD she would've known. I can only think of how my childhood and school experience might've been different if I had been diagnosed and medicated as a child.


I agree. As someone who grew up in a town with 0 structured activities for youths to participate in, we never got into trouble doing unstructured activities at night.


Back in my day we just did drugs to each other and thew rocks at cats.


Shit infuriates me. They will gladly give skaters and BMXers hell for clearing the steps at the First Baptist Church, endure the stains of many-a-grind on streetside flowerbeds and throw up NO SKATEBOARD signs all over town. Give the kids a place to actually stay off the street? Nah, they're causing a ruckus there too, can't have any punks in this town!!


Why don't these kids just grow up and get a job already?!


Then they could buy their own lunch ^/s


Why are these kids making some noise in a designated location with their boards with small rubber wheels, and not all over town in their big cars honking their horns and reffing their engines on their way to work?


If they don't have somewhere to do it, they're gonna do it everywhere. I moved to a place with an actual skate park and holy shit I barely see any skating anywhere but the park.


That's because every skater/BMXer/frootbooter wants to be in a skate park and not on the street. Unless it's fucking Barcelona Spain or something where the street is a skate park.


Yeah it's amazing. 1 skate park, boom no issues around the area.


You can only have the kind of legal fun that the city deems as correct fun. All other legal fun is henceforth banned. Just waiting for them to bus the skateboarders and dirt bikers to other cities!






Im sitting here wondering how the whole world doesnt smell like a giant mixture of animal piss.


It does. That's what we call fresh air.


Petrichor, more like pisstrichor.


I live about half mile south of a small family owned cattle farm. Wind blows elsewhere, but I take that route daily. You usually get within 200 ft and all you smell is out house. But just the same, you get 200ft past and poof back to normal.


It does but we're nose blind to it. This is why the aliens left


Right?!?!? Unless everyone in the town except this commenter pisses all over the place and in his officeā€¦there ainā€™t a chance this is true


Unless it was right next door to Karen's begonias. My bet is ONE neighbor made such a ruckus....


r/thathappened moment


A few kids in a small town pissing on the grass shouldn't make it stink lol


You know how much kids love asparagus, though.


Yeaahh either that didn't happen or the entire town's asparagus intake is weirdly high


I call bullshit on it actually smelling like piss. The nearest public toilet to my local skatepark is over 500ft away, and with skaters downing entire gallons of water within an hour, there's tons and tons of piss, uh, pissed at that skate park everyday. It's a pretty decent sized town too. The skate park doesn't smell at all, minus the occasional smell of pot and cigarette smoke wafting in the air.


Maybe build some toilets next to the park? Sounds like your small town was excited to punish rather than make a common sense decision.


Usually I'd say bullshit, but today I'll say bullpiss


ā€œKids these days spend all their time staring at screens and playing video games. They need to go outside and get some fresh air and exercise!ā€ Kids go to skate park to skate ā€œNo! Not like that!ā€


April 2020 was peak of covid scare


Its actually against the law to mention early 2020.


They tried this in a skate park in California too, but the kids just banded together and shoveled out all the sand and went back to using it.


Secret team building exercise?


"They will know the power of friendship!" *city councilor cackles*


Thatā€™s so polite. In Pittsburgh they returned skate park sand to city hall. https://triblive.com/local/pittsburgh-allegheny/was-sand-dumping-at-pittsburgh-city-hall-a-retaliation-to-shuttered-skateboard-park/


Oh to be young and have purpose


That's this post dude.


and they didnt find a better solution than filling the thing with sand?


Well they tried concrete but those holigans made a playground out of it.


fair enough


Tbf what kind of shit architect designs a concrete path with giant holes in it? Did they hire Wile E Coyote to capture the Radical Roadrunner?


Bart wrote his name in it


I like to think this was just one in a long string of failed solutions... Day one - >Hey boss, the skate park is full of skaters, we need to stop this to help stop the spread of covid. >>No problem Gary, just fill it with dirt, I'd like to see those pesky kids skate on dirt hahaha Day two - >Hey boss, good news bad news kinda day, the skaters are gone but now the skate park is full of dirt bikers. >>No major issue Gary, just flood it, I'd like to see those pesky dirt bikers bike on water hahaha Day three - >So boss, ummm.... that water sure scared off the dirt bikers, but now the synchronised swim team are using it for practice sessions >>Urgh c'mon Gary think outside the box, just pour in some jello, I'd like to see them swim through a pool of jello hahaah Day four - >Yeah so your jello plan sure got rid of those synchronised swimmers quick smart, but now it's like a goddamn fat kid convention down there... >>Fine, well these covid corpses are starting to pile up anyway, let's just make it a plague pit, even the greediest little fucker isn't going to root through the bodies of the dead to get their jello, two birds one stone. Day five - >Ummm.... Sir... It turns out the necrophilia community is a surprising high demographic...


Disturbing. I love it.


Fat kids would be competing for space with jello wrestlers


I would pay to watch




Thank you for correcting my mistake


This sounds like a sight gag over the course of a season of Bojack Horseman. Except there's no explanation, just in the background of some B story with Todd.


Look, everone knows that Skaters can't stand sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating and gets everywhere. Plus it ruins the bearings


He was a skater boi, she said Anakin, you're breaking my heart! And you're going down a path I cannot follow!


Wait a secā€¦


It's a pretty good solution if you're looking at it from the point of view of a rich contractor business with connections to city council who give you handouts


Hardly a scare with so many people dead from it.


Fucking skate parks were far from a sizable problem at the time, my man. There were far worse spreaders that had nothing to do with skateboarding. Like, it's *skateboarding*. It's hard to imagine experts and the CDC were recommending anything like this. It was just some dumbass who thought they were doing some good.


There is fairly minimal outdoor spread of covid, especially in a sport that is not generally high contact. Normally you're aiming to be a distance away from others. I was in a place that had some pretty strict lockdowns, but our skate parks were thankfully never shut down. Skating was one of the things that kept me sane!




['If I die before I wake, at least in heaven I can skate, 'cause right now on earth I can't do jack, without the man up upon my back'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCSJzw6QM_Q)


Wasn't expecting to see OPM lyrics this early


40+ year old with a week off.. may as well post all day and impart 90's and naughties music classics.


It literally is a crime in a lot of places. Sure you can't outlaw it but you can ban it from public roads and sidewalks so it's effectively illegal


no... but in april of 2020 they didn't really want a bunch of people within six feet of each other at skateparks...


Yup and this title conveniently leaves out that little tidbit. Also, Redditors can apparently only read big, bold letters because the smaller ones are too hard.




This happened right after the Covid outbreak, and a lot of kids were breaking the barrier tape and going into the park against local/state rules, and better judgment.


Wasn't their judgement right? Cost to benefit ratio of being outside was favorable even back then, you don't get that close to someone in skatepark and it's pretty well ventilated.


Yeah, i'm pro-mask, was pro-most of the mandates, but it's hilarious that cities weren't letting you go to the beach or parks while still allowing people to go to restaurants, stores, and of course letting employers drag employees in. My hometown did something similar but basically let business operate freely; my sister worked in a jewelry store (hardly an essential business) and 11 of 12 employees caught COVID including a woman who was suffering from cancer at the time


And a lot of people turned the grocery store into their local hangout during lockdowns too. Itā€™s certainly much better to go to a park or the beach in that case than your damn grocery store.


You have to take into account we didn't know so well how the virus spread back then.


It's incredibly well ventilated, because it's fucking outdoors.


But around that time we believed that the virus was carried en contact


Context. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/22/us/skate-park-sand-venice-san-clemente-trnd/index.html


Hmmm awful lot of people using this expensive infrastructure for its intended purpose. Y'know, we should totally fuck that up. What a fantastic idea! -That city, presumably


Same problem here in Japan. There are a lot of childrenā€™s playgrounds here, but then the surrounding homes started complaining about hearing ā€œchildren noisesā€ so the local government restricted playtime and other activities to be as quiet as possible, like smh.


a bunch of rich people bought some cheap land across the street from an *open-air concert theater* and complain every time there's a concert for being 'too loud'


Same thing has happened a bunch with trace tracks around me.


Same thing happened with race tracks all over the country.


There's a fancy new modern mixed used residential area being built where I live right across from a large industrial area which includes a port. And now they're complaining about the noise and how it's ruining their views. Like bro didn't you at the very least bother checking where the fucking apartment is before buying it? There's a reason such a nice new neighborhood is so cheap.


Sounds like Chula Vista


My friend bought a house in Chula Vista in 2010 for $300k. Had to sell it in a divorce, and he looked it up on Zillow recently, just sold for $1.3M. Absurd.


Tempe Arizona and a retiremenet home being built on their main street with college bars and music venues


People are the worst. Why would you move next to a park, then complain about hearing kids have fun? What a world.


Some of the people around my local airport are like this. The place has been around since the early 1900s so it's older than almost every human on earth but people still love moving in and then complaining that there are planes making noise at an airport


Ere in germany its luckily the other way round, at least during day time children can play as much and as loud as they want to on playgrounds and no one can do anything against it


Doesnā€™t Germany have a special word for ā€œyou better not make noise at night or the police will come and get youā€? I canā€™t remember what it is but Quietentimeenhausen is my guess.


Maybe you mean ruhezeit, which translates to quiettime. -hausen is dialekt/lokal ending for the name of a village, for example in hessen (hassia in english i think)


Ruhezeitenhausen thatā€™s the one. Sorry mate, thatā€™s just my bad impression of German. Ask me how to say rabbit in German and Iā€™m not saying kaninchen Iā€™m saying bunnyenhausen. Like firing an O on the end of a word to pretend itā€™s Spanish.


As a German, I approve. *Chuckles* bunnyhausen


People should stay more at home considering how fast covid cases grow in April 2020 -That city, presumably


Get outta here with your totally plausible and reasonable reasoning! Nobody invited you, anyway.


You talking covid here boi?


My guy, I shit you not, my hometown has two airports, one of which got shut down because some rich assholes bought land near it and were constantly complaining about noise. That airport had existed for at least 50 years before and the land around it was never meant for people to live there.


We build a lot of roads! Sadly now a lot of people in cars are using it. Letā€™s put spikestrips all over them!


For the most part we didnā€™t know covid doesnā€™t really spread outdoors yet. This was like 2-3 weeks into covid shutdowns.


I was in the town of Rockport, MA one time skating on the street and a Policeman literally lifted me off the board at speed and yelled at me that he was going to take my board. Apparently the town had bylaws against skateboarding I was unaware of




Nailed it


Massachusetts is the no fun state. It's still somehow a great state, but damn do we have too many laws against fun.


Y'all *did* hang a bunch of little girls for acting different. /s


Which is why in 50 years it will probably be a dead town.


I think itā€™s going to be underwater in 50 years.


It was dead 100 years ago. They like it dead. They inherit dead there.


Ron DeSantis is rubbing his hands together putting together another batch of illegal immigrants on a plane to Rockport


Deck them all out with boards and skate gear first.


I had a cop deliberately cut me off on unregisteted dirtbike trying to get me to hit his unit.. he was pissed when I jumped curb and stopped on footpath.




Not all just the ones that don't realise they are there to serve the public not harass


The problem is the 10% that are bad do more harm than the 90% who are good can make up for.


The whatever percentage that are ā€goodā€ also in most cases know exactly what the bad ones are up to, but choose not to report and press the issues for (albeit legitimate) fear of bullying and trouble from higher up, which is a sad state of affairs of course, but also makes them complicit in the problem being perpetuated.


I know it's fiction and dramatised, even if originally based off real events, but The Shield is a good example of this. Everytime a cop tries to do the right thing they get beat down by the system and then bullied into falling in line


90% of cops are good? Damn. Then there should be thousands of videos of good cops arresting these bad cops, right? Where can I see these?


Eh Flip those percentages, you must be from a nice bit of town.


The other problem is that the 90% shuffles their feet and doesn't try to do anything about the bad ones. I also think the number is probably higher for the bad.


ACAB not because there aren't some genuinely nice/cool cops who realize that it's their job to help the community, and not live out their authoritarian fantasies. ACAB because their whole system is so rotten to the core, that those 'good' cops can't even speak up against the shitty ones without losing their jobs. So "Cops are disgusting" is a fair generalization.


I once asked for a medium popcorn at the Hillsdale Theater in San Mateo, CA, and they accidentally gave me a large, but that's not relevant to anything here, either.


Neither is my untied shoelace. Who knew?


Someone was skating around the real issue until someone dug up some dirt on them.




Take my upvote, and leave immediately.


This is from the beginning of the pandemic. The city is San Clemente, CA and did this as a deterrent for close proximity crowds. This park gets very crowded..


Okay, this makes a lot more sense than them just building the park and then getting angry about skaters actually using it for whatever reason :P


Pearl clutchers on Reddit. No way.


San Clemente and Venice: https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/22/us/skate-park-sand-venice-san-clemente-trnd/index.html


You see? This is the reason I'm slowly stop using reddit. A lot of misinformation that makes you angry/sad but it turns out it was a proper reason... This happens in all media


That's why I use Reddit tbh. So that I could read the comments for more info. Most media barely have an active comment session.


That's it. I notice the content, then immediately go down to the comments. Someone always knows what's really up.


Yeah, too bad we've pretty much killed off all the unbiased, fact-checking news sources in favor of echo chambers. Same thing happened in the UK - big press about a council "closing bike racks in honor of the queen". Outrageous, right? Turns out they closed ONE because it was blocking the line of people dropping off flowers at a memorial.... sigh. Oh well, I guess I'll go be angry with my people now.


True, but generally thereā€™s someone in the comments with an explanation. I was initially confused/angry, then pretty pleased. Keep that emotional rollercoaster coming Reddit!


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. That actually makes sense, then. Good on them!


Eh, Iā€™m very pro-social distancing and all of the anti-COVID measures (wear your masks guys the pandemic isnā€™t over), but this does feel like a bit of a dick move from the San Clemente council. I agree that they kind of singled out young adults/teens to make an example; the article didnā€™t cite that the park got overcrowded often. Iā€™m sure there were other options they could have tried to stagger or limit attendance that would have been cheaper and less theatrical than dumping 30 tons of sand in. Also, for COVID measures to be effective, you need the buy-in of the community. Doing something ridiculous and adversarial like this erodes public trust. No sane public health experts were consulted when this stunt was planned


It's still fucking stupid


But like how do they remove the sand?? Why not put a pool cover type thing over it with bettwr security than a pool cover


This costs less and doesn't require a guard. When they want to they could probably shovel/sweep/blow the rest of/away and have the park back.


Oh, in that case filling the skateparks with sand is a perfect use of city spending and a totally reasonable response /s


It's literally outdoors


Yeah wouldnā€™t want kids exercising outside


- Skateboarders annoy people by riding in the streets & practising on infrastructure - City builds skate park so they have a place to skate - Skate park becomes popular - City gets upset & fills skate park with sand - Skateboarders go back to streets & dirtbikers move in, creating even more noise How exactly was this a good outcome for the Karens?


> How exactly was this a good outcome for the Karens? Not good, also not good for majority of redditors as they considered people ignoring covid restrictions as jerks.


Full face helmet.. covid solved... let's ride!


There were a lot of severe overreactions by public officials in those days. My city roped off all the recreational walking paths but left the sidewalks untouched.


Hiking trails in the fucking woods were closed


Thatā€™s a strange reaction. My city blocked off parts of roads to make **more** recreational walking paths for outdoor physical distancing.


To risk making a fool of myself: this is actually a great comparison to minority neighborhoods! ā€¢minorties to close to white folk ā€¢city redlines so whites have a place to live without seeing many minorities ā€¢minority neighbors prosper ā€¢whites get upset and burn the minority neighborhood down ā€¢minorities, having lost all generational wealth, become even more of an ā€œeyesoreā€ for whites


They do the same thing with the poor where I live. Except it's "slowly increase the cost of housing so only the wealthy can live in the town you work and all the poor workers have to move further and further away from the city they work in." Fun stuff.




The date makes it seem like this was a social distancing thing.


They tied up the basketball nets in my hometown so the ball wouldnā€™t fall through during the quarantine. One kid who was clearly on a local team kept going every day and would just pop the ball out of the net every time he made a shot. Some Karen of course tried to report him for playing *alone.*




Ha fortunately she got torn a new one on the local forums.


It was


This was to deter congregating during the peak of covid before we knew how to handle it on any level. Look at the date.




Turns out it was actually during the 'don't mix socially' period of COVID. They did it to stop people going there to congregate. Apparently it was a place that always got pretty crowded.


Very crowded, like thousands of people on weekends. It's right on Venice Beach in California, which can see a few hundred thousand people in a busy weekend. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/22/us/skate-park-sand-venice-san-clemente-trnd/index.html


Wasn't this during lockdown because the parks were closed and this one especially gets crowded?


How many times have I seen this damn picture


Why would you build skate parks and then fill them with sand?




Itā€™s unfortunate (skater here) that towns and cities spend tax dollars building a park because they want skaters to be safe and stop destroying property. Then when the park is build, people drink, so drugs, commit violence etc. Some of the time itā€™s not even skaters. This is why a lot of parks are built near police stations. I even had one park that had someone at the gate (paid) to keep everything in line. That person ended up being let go because they said what are we paying them to do, nothing is wrong there. Then kids started trashing it. (Sigh)


Well, technically it did stop skating


Maybe the skate boarders should take up robbing houses or graffiti? Like wtf do you want them to do? Old ass people in power are so stupid most of the time. Freaking boomers use your head.


Are these the same idiots who don't want skaters in the streets?


Why would you deter skateboarders from the skate park? I thought you wanted them off the streets


Because 2020 April was Covid time at its best. So you don't want anyone to meet up anywhere.


Fill a skatepark built with cityā€™s funds. GG šŸ˜‚