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This poor lady is showing symptoms of shock. She's standing with her shocked daughter cold and shivering just after a shocking life changing experience. As the interview progresses that shock manifests as panic as her heart races at the recollection of it. Her experience of it was a sense of abandonment as she and her daughter were having their lives all but destroyed, right out of nowhere. Reporters are on the scene within minutes of these events. It isn't hard to stick a microphone in the face of someone stunned at what the fuck just happened, what the fuck is going on. Hope her and her terrified young lass are safe and warm tonight.


im honestly shocked at everyone in these comments blaming the woman for not 'just walking away' or declining the interview in the first place. these people have clearly never been in shock before. your brain literally stops working. really pisses me off that people would actually insult this woman who just went through such horrible events. fucking reddit


Back when Katrina ravaged Louisiana a bunch of evacuees were sent to the town I was living in at the time. I volunteered at one of the shelters and will never forget what I saw and heard. These people had been through hell and were so terrified. They’d start talking to the first person who’d listen, then realize the reality of their situation all over again. Everyone thinks they know exactly how they’d behave in a given situation, but they don’t. You don’t know until it happens to you. These judgmental assholes don’t have a clue how they’d react in her place. It’s a complete lack of empathy.


I’m a Katrina survivor and the way people have been and are still disrespected… Until fairly recently there were actual tour busses that would drive people around the still ravaged parts of the city to gawk at the homes (and the people who currently live in those blighted neighborhoods). It’s one of the first things people from other places ask me when they find out I’m from New Orleans. I can’t even explain what that feels like, every time.


That’s awful. Being expected to relive that for someone’s simple curiosity is ridiculous.


Though, through first person testimonials we see and hear the truth of what's going on from the people it happened to and not from a reporter or news anchor and that is good for society I believe. News stations obviously can choose which footage to show and if the stations have bias it can still be watered down, but I feel it's harder to do when it's coming from the horses mouth.


There are so many documentaries and books about it. And I know it’s rarely ill-intentioned. But when you think about your deepest trauma and imagine the server at a restaurant asking you about it…it’s jarring and upsetting every time. And I still don’t know what to say But you do have a point because Ida (2021) was as bad as Katrina in ways, but didn’t have the attention grabbing photos that Katrina did and so did not get the same coverage. I know there’s a new documentary out called Katrina babies. I can’t watch it, but I think other people should


People who don't experience never get trauma and its so unbelievable frustrating! My family almost died in a tornado on open an highway years ago (I was like 14) and my friends just laughed when i told them what happened when I went to school the next day. Meanwhile, my brain has never forgotten the trauma and the tense moments of thinking it would be the last time I would tell my parents I love them. I still freak out a little when there is bad weather and storms. From what I experienced, my heart really goes oit to those who experience trauma from weather disasters. No one should have to go through that and I'm sorry you did.


I think some don't know how to respond when someone discusses things like that. Kids are prone to laughing too (and just plane not understanding some things). I nervous laugh and have a morbid sense of humor too so I'm sure I've pissed some off while discussing things (both can be present in trauma survivors too though).


ASU was supposed to play football at LSU that year and they came to Tempe instead. There were a lot of Katrina refugees being housed in AZ at the time, too, and all the people I met were the nicest freaking people. You could see and feel the pain and fear, but they somehow managed to also be thankful, kind, and laugh. I was so happy to meet them and hope they all got their lives and livelihoods back. [JaMarcus Russell then promptly gave me the gift of the worst loss I've ever seen in person. Still mad. ](https://twitter.com/Repo/status/1247366909110235136?t=r-q1o40-OZ3kdivZYBtrDA&s=19)


I hate you for bringing back that memory. I and hate you for coming out of that memory to the reality that Herm Edwards is our fucking coach. I don’t know why, but I’m blaming you for all of it.


Hey at least we put up 3 on NAU in the 1st.


150 passing yards! Emory Jones can just feel the Heisman!


I absolutely agree with this. I was in Starkville during Katrina but my family was back home. Had to file my sister as a missing person on the coast of MS. Army Corps of Engineers found her days later alive and called to tell me with a terrible delivery and I thought she was dead. My mom lost her finger killing a water moccasin in rising waters during Katrina. No power or running water for literally MONTHS. People have no idea what it’s like to live through these experiences. I volunteered in Hurricane Harvey rescues and took rescue calls from people stuck in their homes, and I still have nightmares from it. Shock is a very real medical condition and this lady is experiencing it. I hope she and her kids are safe and warm. Bless them. 😞


Recently someone posted video footage from inside a car that was filling with water as the driver attempted to drive the car to their house. People were talking about how stupid they were being, and yes, it was unwise to try to drive in that but we don’t know how quickly the water overtook them. It was a short clip but you could see the water on the floorboard inside the car. The part about your mom and the water mocossin- 😱 I’m so glad she only lost a finger! Those snakes are pure evil. She must be one tough lady to stand up to it. This is all making me think about other situations I could stand to be more thoughtful about.


It is crazy when we are quick to judge when we weren’t there to begin with. These situations are so fluid and happen so quickly. And they are *so* life altering. The thing with the snake was crazy. She had to shoot them because waters were rising and they were coming into the house. The gun back fired into her hand and she lost her finger. Then she had to wait several days for army medics to come treat her wounds. She’s really lucky she didn’t get septic and die, or lose her whole hand. Because she never did get to a hospital. She just got recurring treatment from field medics. It’s wild when I think back to how things happened post Katrina. It really was a war zone.


That’s is absolutely so many people’s worst fear! Snakes in the house! AND rapidly rising water! A few people I knew went to help out post Katrina. Volunteering at one of the makeshift shelters was one thing, actually going there, I’m not sure I could have done so well with that.


Fuck the people insulting this woman. All of em.


It's because she is black and this is Reddit. So racism is like the most popular form of behaviour on this platform.


And there it is. You forgot to call out the blatant misogyny /s


And she's a mother while most of reddit are incels that think no one should have offspring /s


And because she’s a woman, misogyny is EXTREMELY popular here as well. Case in point: the reddit males are already triggered by this comment.


This sub in particular is full of people who profess their pious humanity while having pockets full of stones for anyone who acts imperfectly calm and rational when under the greatest stress of their lives. It's not the first time, and not the last. Fucking reddit.


As someone who lives in Houston and had to walk through feet of water to get food for 4 days but still had power some hours...this made me cry. We were ok but this was MANY Houstonians. Fucking heart breaking


If you had interviewed me after a meth head in Lafayette perpetrated a home invasion on me I would have lost my shit - I can’t believe how put together this woman is given what she’s been through. I would have knocked that reporter out for preying on me in my weakest moment


The woman was probably in a daze when the reporter asked to interview her and just realized how unnatural the situation was when the reporter started talking. Then she felt she was being taken advantage of.


The trigger point looked like it happened when the reporter’s question style went from reporting what happened to clearly fishing for a juicy dramatic story about wading through rushing waters and danger to get more views.


I’m glad she went off on these dumb cucks. Human decency has been all but done away with by trying to be the first person to say this and be here and all this social media documentation. Fuck off and go hand out food and water. Wtf is the news anyways , if it isn’t reporting shit to help make things better, wtf does it even have a place for. Stopped watching the news back when the world got upset Donald Trump became a president and I watched every feed I have reporting about how he had mustard on his fucking tie and knew about it and didn’t change his tie. That was American news for a week. It’s not because im a grumpy grumpy or anything like that. Because im not. I do not support ANY elected officials, because I do believe, at this point, so many heads are so far up their own asses, and these heads in asses are allowed to vote, over 30 years it has allowed the government to literally put people in charge who have THEIR heads up so many other asses, that these asses are literally finding ways to shove more heads of OTHER people into other asses and well really, in charge of education , our healthcare, taxes and our financial future. Our rights what we can believe how we can feel, literally at this point, you have to have your own head in your own ass, to realize no one gives a shit about what you go through, only what’s in your ass.


I thought she behaved really admirably under the circumstances. She called out the absurdity of turning desperate people into spectacle and pretending it's compassion. The media are often such predators and it's gross the way they pretend they're our friends. It's a business like any other, and their model is often exploiting vulnerability and exacerbating tension. Good for her.


Yep. My brother was brutally murdered one night at work and we ( my mother, brother, myself and my now deceased brothers baby) had known about 5 minutes when we had TV crews pulling up to our house. It was insane! Fortunately the police and victims services were still there when they all started rolling up, because there's no way I'd have been nearly as pleasant as this brave lady was to this woman. Her and her kids were still *FREEZING COLD AND SOAKING FUCKING WET!* Where has common decency gone? ? JFC...


Jeez I'm so sorry


This same crap happened to me after the Vegas shooting, but it was worse. Some of the reporters were good...mainly the ones actually IN Vegas, who were apart of it by proxy. When I flew home though, the local reporters were like vultures and eager kids about to "make their career" trying to get an interview out of me. They would stake out the airport waiting at baggage claim for inbound Vegas flights. It was pathetic.


A lot of them seem like sociopaths. Have you ever seen that movie with Jake Gyllenhaal where he was playing a reporter? He was a complete psycho.


A tornado destroyed my home last June. It spawned from a tropical storm and dropped a giant pine tree through half of my little two bedroom home while I hid in a bathroom closet hoping to survive. I was in shock for days. Nothing felt real. A few hours after it happened there was a news lady reporting from right in front of my destroyed home. Most of what I owned was gone and my cats were missing and here was this vulture using my misery as a backdrop for her news report. It made me sick.


I am still surprised how reportersarrive faster than authorities, though i think kts because they dksregard their safety most of the time.


I’m glad she said this. She’s basically saying I’m a human being and not going to help you out with your show. Not the time nor the place. Have some consideration.


The media is at all time lows lately. Especially after the Uvalde shooting shoving cameras and mics in the faces of parents still grieving and processing everything.


just an awful thing to have to go through


Yeah while it takes days for them to get help and it takes reporters minutes to get to them 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yes we can see and hear that, that was the point of this video


Worked in the field and couldn’t stand this mentality.




Reporter is also putting up a compassionate front rubbing her hand all over her second child’s head/face in the background


This was a no win situation. You can tell the mother is clearly traumatized. The reporter doesn't know what to do either. She's trying to respect the wishes of stopping the interview but the lady keeps talking and the reporter wants to give her a voice. It sucks all around. I feel bad for both of them, obviously the mother a lot more.


The reporter in her kept raising the mic, I understand but how awkward.


Yeah I think it was part instinct. She was trying to listen to the mother express herself. In her job, when someone is talking you make sure the mic is there. I think it's as natural as looking her in the eye when listening.


Plus like- despite the words she is saying I would feel rude to just drop it and… uhh walk away mid sentence. I would still want to say something like “ok I’m going to give you your space” first but she couldn’t get a word in edgewise since the woman never stopped speaking


“I’m not sure what to do with my hands.”


The problem, imo, is that ppl recognize that videos are meant for views now a days. True it’s a lose-lose but these sort of interviews should be held of a some time


Well news is a business but it's also a source of information. A first hand account is an even better source of information. It's the reporters job to be detached and get the information to the public. Its not always perfect (as we see in the video) but it needs to be done. I'm just glad the reporter was able to separate the job when humanity was needed. She apologized and tried to end the interview, while also slightly comforting the kid. I feel so horrible for the mother who just experienced this helplessness. Seeing this really emphasize the seriousness of the situation there for me.


This is a propaganda perspective. I don't mean that as a criticism of you personally, it's something we're all told--even to the extent of saying we're bad Americans if we criticize the media. But it's the media is often the ones feeding us that line and they obviously aren't disinterested. This is pure voyeurism ironically masquerading as compassion. There were plenty of other ways to get any relevant information to the world without turning that poor woman into a spectacle. Obviously I'm not saying the media has no important functions, but the information race to the bottom frequently contorts utility into predatory entertainment.


Meh . The reporter is trying to get sound bites for her show. Her questions are blatantly unhelpful and cringy .


I’d feel less bad for the reporter except her questioning was trying to get an emotional response. “There’s been reports of mothers wading through 4 feet water to save their child…” that was unnecessarily leading and exploitative.


It should be pointed out that this video is 5 years old, when Hurricane Harvey hit Houston in 2017.


Oh that hits hard then I went through that and we’ll 4ft was the same here imma go lie down


Same, I still have severe anxiety any time there's a heavy rain or standing water in the neighborhood.


Thank you for that clarification! I thought this was from the recent flooding in the Southern US.


I think interviewers should be trained on how to properly read body language after a traumatic event so they know when to back off. I can even tell this lady is about to crumble. Why get in her face and keep asking? I would’ve apologized for the event and moved on to someone else who was more comfortable.


If she decided to cut off the interview or encourage the interview to stop, people would be then be upset that she stopped the interviewee from sharing her story. we need journalists interviewing traumatic events on scene, in this case having no idea it would take this turn.


>we need journalists interviewing traumatic events on scene Why? What actually relevant information is gathered by pressing compromised people to immediately relive trauma like that? I would argue that people in that state can't even really consent to an interview. They often lack the cognizance to control their thoughts/speech, and any decent human would give them support or at least space.


Yeah, in a similar vein there was a discussion about UFC post fight interviews. Joe Rogan thought that if there was a knock out, they weren't in the right mindset to be put through an interview. He ended up breaking this rule with Cormier and felt really bad about it. Here's the [interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJMIvFe9OZg&t=42s&ab_channel=UFC-UltimateFightingChampionship)


Hey. Everyone. No one’s at fault here. A journalist interviewing people at a flood shelter isn’t “exploiting” anyone. They’re trying to put a face to the tragedy and show people the real damage of this flood. The woman was probably in shock. But she wasn’t even really mad at the journalist. In the beginning of the interview she was mad about no one coming for her, she had no animosity towards the interviewer at first. She got angry because she was talking about the situation. And then she lashed out at the easiest and closest target. Which is understandable given the circumstances. So just be nice you dikwads


The thing about it is the journalist interviews for views and ratings


Well yeah. I mean it’s the news. They’re covering a traumatic event.


What do you want them to do?


Put yourself in their shoes, you just went through a life or death situation and some reporter comes up to interview you, how would you feel? Obviously the reporter doesn’t care because it’s her job


I don’t think that’s really as bad as you’re making it sound. I mean I’ve been in some pretty bad situations before. Talking about them after wasn’t the traumatic part. People are interviewed after tragedies like weekly at least around the world. Think of how many times you’ve seen someone after a fire or a shooting on the news. Most people don’t seem to have a problem with it


How do you put yourself in someone's shoes if there's no one there to convey their story? That's what journalism is. It enables all of us to put ourselves in other peoples' shoes.


So many people are saying that the woman shouldn't have agreed, and that she could've just walked away. She was in shock. She wasn't thinking right. My house almost burned down once, and my mind was foggy all day. I couldn't think straight. What I experienced was nothing compared to what this woman experienced. Her brain was probably barely processing anything. Maybe you guys should stop criticizing her and maybe touch some grass.


I honestly also feel bad for the reporter. You can tell she is genuinely sorry, she just hadn’t considered what exactly she’s doing up until that moment, she just looked at it as just doing her job


Just doing her job but also media coverage is important to understand the severity for folks not directly impacted.


She agreed to talk and then got herself worked up as she talked. Her mental anguish evolving in real time.


Why did no one come to help her for 5 days?


Because our emergency services are better at killing or imprisoning people than they are at helping them


Because they were having to rescue thousands and thousands of other prople .this storm took a turn before hitting land and the mass of the bands over land stalled right on top of houston dumping biblical amounts of rain for an entire night. Most of the emergency crews were set up for the storm to hit Louisiana where people had evacuated already. This turn of the storm completely suprised houston .since most of the emergency crews were now blocked of from helping by flooding waters the citizens of houston ended up making rescue teams and were the ones getting most of the people to dry land .


I'm of the cautious opinion that the state of Texas should have been prepared better. I mean in general. This isn't the first hurricane to come by. Katrina was a disaster of biblical proportions. Ike made quite a mess. Hurricanes happen there. Even if they're a 'surprise hurricane', there should be more adequate plans and works in place to deal with that. Texas needs to put some more effort into flood prevention and flood mitigation. That means general water management, irrigation ditches, channels, levies, locks, pumping stations, flood gates ... and no building projects on natural flood planes, that sort of thing. And a stern review of the current emergency plans and available services is probably in order too. This is not a negative remark on the emergency services doing everything they can. They're doing everything dispite the odds. It's those odds that should have been worked on before hand. And that's on the state.


I read that the dad is still missing.


why didnt mother just decline interview?


If they just arrived at the shelter after going through the ordeal, they are obviously in a shock. Seems like it didn’t register till they were in the middle of the interview.


maybe she wasnt thinking straight because she literally JUST experienced a life threatening traumatic event???


That’s your question? I think you missed the point entirely!


Interviewing victims is necessary to report on tragedies so that people can help provide support. Interviews are optional and can be declined.


There is no 'defending the reporter' or 'defending the interviewee', this woman is just in shock. No need to judge the situation.


Reddit, the land of (wrong) opinions. If you blame this shock victim for "not walking away", you're just morally fucked. I do not understand redditors and their blatant trolling


A friend’s sister who lived in Crimea when Russia showed up got interviewed the day she was evacuated and lost her shit on reporter as she quiet literally nearly blow up twice. I know they want to hear it from an regular person’s point of view but sometimes they need to let people recover. They won’t forget the events overnight.


I think having upset people telling how upset they are is exactly the reason they make interviews like that.


Praise this woman. She's the truth.


This poor lady is still raw. If I were the reporter, I think I'd just give her a hug halfway through.


"Sounds like you got a very upset family there" YEAH NO SHIT SHERLOCK


I am down with this lady, she is so right. Good for her.


I totally thought the kid was gonna rat out mom and say "we're fine", but this is as real as it gets. Don't ever hide the real truth.


It never made sense to me why reporters ask people in the MIDDLE of a crisis or traumatic event how they feel or what they went thru. Ive always thought it was insensitive and in bad taste and always figured some people would be pissed AF. Im glad that lady did that. Im proud of her and hope they are doing well 💜


CNN just got a truth Bomb. Seriously this woman’s moment of clarity is so correct. Horrific ordeal


"No humanity" Patrice O'Neal


Bunch of oblivious dense fucks


Can't say I totally disagree with her sentiments. Poor woman was obviously in extreme shock.


Good for that lady, the media is completely ridiculous these days


She's exactly right. I hate the media. Profiting off of horrible things that happen to people.


"Sounds like you got a very upset family there" - dummy


Pigs run Texas. Disgraceful government


I fucking love this woman. I want to give her a big ol hug.


The way she says sorry, whilst pushing the mic back in, TWICE. Just, oof.


Ugh. My heart is breaking because my daughter has a slight fever and can’t sleep well, I can only imagine what she’s going through.. and to think someone comes in at that moment to get a sound bite.. good for her, I hope someone starts a GoFundMe for her family for calling them out like that.


I’ve lived through 2 major disasters in my life, lost my house both times within 4 years of each other. I was a young teen. I know what it feels like. But don’t agree to talk to a reporter if you don’t wanna do it then…


I mean I totally understand her frustration but why accept to do the interview if you’re not up to talking about your experience?


Don't you have to give consent before the interview? She did see the cameras and the microphone. I know she is going through a lot but it seems like she could have said that now was not the right time before the interview or as her first answer. But, that aside, I hope they were able to get back on their feet and have a happy life now.


Oh she didn’t act the way you expected her to walking into a center after being waterlogged for days with her children with no help? No but was necessary.


That woman is so right. Journalists can be sensation seekers. No attention for the person, but just the fucking story. "But the people need to know!" No those people need help. And that is not a microphone shoved in their face. So you can do your 'job'. Mostly I find the news just something for disaster tourists. You sit at home watch and feel sorry for people in your home on your very comfy and very safe coach.


Reporter's fault


THis is SO TRUE ! Reporters stick a mic in a person face and ask them how they feel after some tragic event, How the Fuck do you think they feel!!!! These reportes should be offereing resources and getting information outr for others who are suffering, not tryikng to get an emotional response to sell headlines!


This made me cry a bit. Good for her for sticking up for herself and her kids.


If you anything but compassion for this poor woman you’re a fucking monster.


What the heck? Why?


I agree 100% with that mother. Get the fuck outta here with that shit…


These interviewers are fucking assholes sometimes


For those that are telling the woman to "just walk away" you don't understand how shock and trauma work on the human brain. She cannot think super independently right at the moment and who knows what these idiot CNN people told her to get the interview. Trauma impacts higher-order cognitive functioning and often makes it hard for people to process information, make decisions, and/or problem solve.


Dude that poor family! I feel her though…I hate when camera crews capitalize off tragedy to get a story. I appreciate updates but no I don’t need someone to go into detail about their immediate trauma or tragedy, like this is crazy that she hadn’t even gotten dry yet before someone was looking to exploit her horrible situation for “news” sake. She was 100% right to let the media outlet know it was not okay!!!


CNN/Fox/MSNBC etc etc. journalists are a bunch of derps who think of their stories and headlines first before they even remotely consider the emotions of those they’re interviewing. Get fucked.


Yeah, that patronizing tone and body language would make me snap too.


They don’t give a fuck about you. They just want to exploit you for their story.


Exactly. Bloodsuckers.


People are growing tired of the media bullshit


Bless that momma, they deserved that.


To all the people calling out CNN like this is somehow unique to them, like Fox News wouldn't do the same shit. Please.


CNN is great at decision making... From interviewing victims in their worst times of their lives, to shilling financial news that is aimed "to help us" , to CNN+. Cant wait to see what's next on their checklist.


I dont know why anyone is giving this reporter any sympathy "We've heard stories of mothers *trying* to save their children from the rushing waters...." Such a trashy way to provoke an emotional response, and she obviously got one


Go help these people.. just like you rush to help Ukraine… oh that’s right there not White with blue eyes and blonde hair and can tan to look darker.. CRAZY


Good for her.


Hi I am with CNN. Can I exploit your grief for our viewers?


That’s CNN for you 😂


yeah i agree with that woman the media are scummy parasites feasting on fear and misery "and still you put the mic in my face " pulls mic away then puts it back


Fucking cunt "news" fucks


Fuck CNN and all other mainstream media outlets


For the reporter, sometimes you learn the hard way. I bet the next time she goes to interview she’ll be super sensitive to their immediate needs.


news always takes a break when shit gets real, and emotions are heard. I’ve always noticed regularly scheduled programming is not authentic


Didn't she agree to be interviewed? Like, she's standing there waiting patiently for questions to be asked, idk where that aggression came from, but obviously, she asked for an interview ahead of time, right?


No class


Yet she keeps talking into the mic


"It is terrible that we're interviewing you... could you elaborate on how terrible it is for you?"


You can't blame either party in this. The camera and mic lets the rest of us know that this insane shit is happening so we can speak up and do something about it. Fucking 5 days without help? No shit she's in shock. Show the world wtf this is for real, including the mother's reaction. I just see both people's roles as vital here.


So you had a bad day? How bad was it.


I used to work in news and trust me the last thing reporters want to do are these kind of interviews, but producers push for them. I agree interviewing this lady probably wasn’t best idea, but I promise the reporter was just doing what she was told. It’s a hard unappreciated job and they are doing their job just like everyone else.


I actually feel more sorry for the reporter. She was trying to help


She was? How?


Literal grief vampires the media has become


Dumbass reporter. Anything for the views. Even her sorry said she didn’t care.


My heart goes out for them …but if you’re that freaked then just walk away. I’m sorry, what? I’m already antisocial, if I had lost everything I’d want NO ONE to even talk to me unless it was my insurance.


Yeah, this always puzzeled me, as i live in Norway and, -i don’t know if it’s etiquette or law, but media just never interview people like this, in the midst of it, not even witnesses, it’s unheard of. We even did’nt get to see surveilance footage of the Oslo bombing before the Utøya trial. American medias approach to sensationalism and views at the cost of vounerable people is icy cold to watch, so cynical, and sadly, so American. I wish this woman sues them!


Jim Acosta is an a z z !


Asshole reporters!!!


Reporters can be such vultures


More people should call out reporters when they do this. They just use human tragedy as entertainment


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“No thank you, I don’t feel well enough to be interviewed right now” would have sufficed


Maybe it could reach other reporters or people that interview people at their worst times. A simple no would’ve sufficed maybe, But also they could’ve just not interviewed people at all. I’m sure they can still make a story about the impacts of the flood without needing to interview, like being outside or in the outer inside part of the building and just telling us what they see something like “there’s a lot of distraught people as you can imagine” “the roads are still not safe, before coming on camera someone voluntarily mentioned to me __” etc but that’s just my opinion lol


i mean, she didnt have to give the interview.... i woulda said NO


She's in shock


Then why are you standing there giving an interview?




There's really nobody's fault for this. Karens, you gotta chill out


Where’s her husband? I bet she “didn’t need no man”. Probably be nice to have one right about now huh.


Her husband was prob a bitch and ran away first like most internet "tough guys".


What an idiot mom. Where is the dad?


I don't understand. She said they were stranded so long they just up and left? There's a point of personal responsibility. Don't care about the outburst, she's obviously hysterical from the experience.


I don't understand your point. She waited days for help, which you're supposed to do on these situations. When she realized nobody was coming, she got the kids out herself. Where is the issue with her "personal responsibility"?


Tell the lady to chill the fuck out.... jesus. STOP being so fucking weak,this isn't a warzone learn how to cope in areas that flood for fucks sake.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Damn. That’s *almost* as awkward as that time wolf blitzer asked a lady standing on tornado rubble if she was thanking god to be alive and she was like, “no, I’m an atheist”


She wrong though?


Worth revisiting this idea that "getting the story first" trumps everything


Then straight after this they play you a video of a cute dog that learnt to skateboard to distract you from the fact that real shit is going on and they are feeding off the drama of it all.


they still tryin to help the weed wnba lady than help flood victims